Why don't you have a girlfriend Yea Forums ?

Why don't you have a girlfriend Yea Forums ?

Attached: IMG_20190907_210535_942.jpg (960x960, 64K)

My wife won’t let me

Waste of time and money.

I collect watches instead of fornicating.

Attached: mywatchplebs.jpg (640x640, 43K)

I'm asexual and can't imagine why people devote so much time to one specific person who probably provides them with no value

is that your g/f? lucky fucker.

Every dumb bitch I talk to acts like a self absorbed cunt


Yeah man.

sick of drama.

>Apparently never been attractive enough (physically or otherwise) for a girl to approach me
>Self-Esteem way too low for me to make the first move, especially without some single from the girl that she's interested
>Work, school, alcoholic father, and other responsibilities kept me too distracted to be able to recognize and deal with my self-esteem issues

Too many women in my life are stupid, mean or drunken sluts. Not dating stuff.

Because this site is filled with stupid kids and socially awkward losers?

White women are especially bad. Always looking for the next best thing, good luck if you aren't taller than them, with a good job and a nice car. Not to mention they cheat on you if they don't think you're giving them enough attention.

This is why I need a petite Asian girl who wants to be submissive

Definition of 'incel' responses.

"Women aren't good enough"

"I'm not good enough"

Both really stupid gay shit, and this is why we have issues, we have losers like this who pretend to have standards when in fact, they are just losers.

Fat fuck retard.

I'm to poor and old.

Best thing you could do for the world is take 10 steps back.. Whilst streaming obviously... Just want to watch you two sink to the depths! It'll ease gettin to sleep tonight, that's for sure!

Why do you care?

I see you're also collecting chins.

No idea how to flirt or read signs that a woman might be interested in me.


I wish people wouldn't ask stupid questions like this.