How much beer is to many?

How much beer is to many?

I drink around 5-6 beers per day. (500ml, 5% alcohol)

Not to get drunk, I just like to drink beer. Is it to much?

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Of course it is, I can’t talk but yeah it’s way too much. I’m looking to stop drinking so much but I also need life to not suck enough to not wanna drink everyday

How are your shits doing? I drink that much and end up shitting like a leaky faucet the whole next day.

Pretty much the same here. Life dull and boring...

I work in a pub. I have clients like you. It's not much if you bear it but still you have a troubled relationship with alcohol imo

May want to keep an eye on your liver bud.

depends how well I eat that day.

How old are you user?

Yea, starting to think the same.

Youre gonna end up killing yourself if you keep drinking that much daily

Why do u hate living in reality?

It's not that I hate living in reality, it just becomes a lot easier. And plus, I ain't hurting no one, well.. except me. But fuck me

Where do you get the cash to engage in this expensive hobby?

Well I have a job, just a lot of free time.
And a beer is like 1,50$ so it ain't that expensive.

If you don't care about your looks go for it. Beer increases estrogen levels and you get man boobs and a beer belly.

This is what happens when eurofags try to understand freedom bux

>Is it to much?

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Yeah that’s too much. Your liver is probably swollen. When you get older you will get gout and a pot belly like a cartoon

I see most of you agree here I have a problem.
Well then. I will drink only today now, and from tomorrow I will cut it to 2-3 beers every other day.

It is the best I can do right now.

Thanks for the responses and have a nice day.

that is too many. i do that too

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>Am I an alcoholic?

You should have some rest days

really bad for liver to drink every day, even if it's 1 or 2 a day.

Also going to Yea Forums for heath advice. Even google is better

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You will be alright with two beers a day.

>believing this

Where the fuck do you live that 6 beers a day is expensive ?

Sure, why not?

Yea Forums, sometimes, it can really surprise you.

Even doctors say you can have 1-2 drinks a day. Where are you getting your information?

Yes... yes it really can.

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that is true though.. on that note

the brother of my friend is a doctor

Me & my friend binge one day almost every weekend in the pub

About 17 - 20 beers I think, we both almost never remember the end of the night, but drink nothing on the other 6 days of the week

Dokter friend is convinced we're gonna have problems at around 60 years of age if we keep up

The doctor brother drinks something like 4-5 only when he gets out, say also once a week. Nothing on other days.

He is convinced even he is drinking to much

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The bartender


OP just got himself 6 beers and is going to enjoj the rest of the day. plus some weed is incoming also

Typical alcoholic retarded response.

Tomorrow im turning the page.

>to many
>to many where or what
>TOO FUCKING TOO. IT'S TOO NOT FUCKING TO. Jesus you Milenials are all fucked.
>Why has 'to' replaced too? What the fuck

I have been in the habit of drinking at least 20 oz of beer per night. I'm going to drastically cut this down to only 24 oz per week.

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Im European, English is my second language so I could miss a word or two.

I drink beer when i have it around, like 1 or 2 cans a day tops. Most of the time im too lazy to go out and get more though, so when i run out ill go a month without.

I just like to have something to drink, usually i can replace it with carbonated water, sodastreams are pretty dope.

sodastreams are the bomb, I prefer noncarbonated water but anything that encourages people to drink lots of water and stay hydrated is good in my opinion.

You're a fag if soda replaces beer. Fucking gay millenials.

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>thinking sodastream means you drink soda

>justifying being a faggot

>unable to comprehend the idea of carbonated water
>calls someone else a faggot

>getting this mad over carbonated water

2-3 a day max. Those beverages have an insane amount of carbs and calories. You're okay drinking if it's not to get drunk, but you're going to get fat or even fatter if you don't moderate.