Do you shoplift? Did you ever shoplift? Ever been caught?

Do you shoplift? Did you ever shoplift? Ever been caught?
any tips?

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I did back in high school. tip. dont steal from Walmart. they will see you. they will catch you.

shop lifting is easier than ever these days, today i walked out with a cart full of groceries by using the self checkout and simply not scanning items. best tip i can give you is don't look suspicious and move quickly


Used to do it all the time, back before I could be tried as an adult. Only grabbed stupid shit though.

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I have stolen countless items from many stores, but let's not talk about that. Let's talk about you. What have you stolen? Where? When? Average dollar value of items?

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Do not worry. There are no "Glow Niggers" on this site. Please, talk freely about your illegal deeds. With documentation so all of the other anonymous users may revel in your actions

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This guy is shit posting.

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Have done when I was younger. It's really easy. Just don't look suspicious. Act like you're browsing.

Checking for cameras or if someone is watching you is just asking to get caught.

Sometimes i just steal a candy bar or something if im at the store cause of bad habits
Back in highschool there was this shitty grocery store that also had video games just sitting on shelves. When i wanted a new game id just go there, grab one and walk out. I had bigger balls back then but nothing ever happened.

I've never shoplifted anything because I'm not a nigger.

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i work at walmart and every time i buy supplements i take a sticker off a coffee mug and scan it at the self checkout and just hit the don't weigh option

Stole a candy bar once. Never stole anything else tho

Never shoplifted, however my scumbag cousin used to. He was s little shit.
One trick he did was buy some Lego sets, then empty the box contents and fill the thing with cereal and return the Lego cereal box for a refund.


you know the kiosk have camera's? they are waiting for you to steal a certain amount so they can hit you with a heavier charge. you will be caught.

Don't get caught

I shoplifted all the time when I was a kid. There was this store that had no cameras. It was in a shitty mall that was run down and just not taken care of. I just stole snickers and suckers. Then I'd go back home and play some fallout and eat snickers and suckers. Still gives me memories everytime I eat that. Now everytime I walk in a store I'm nervous as fuck even though I'm not shoplifting. My advice is dont fucking do it unless you're a kid

Except the cameras face you and not what your scanning. Easy peasy.

No you fuck stick. Family owned Small businesses can’t afford that, you’re literally robbing them of their livelihood

Lmao. Stay brainwashed dipshit

Go fuck yourself you edgy 14 year old

look up next time retard lol. they have been watching you since you walked in.

> 17 yr old me
> work at Kmart for $8 p/h
> see cool giant Mag Flashlight
> it's like $25 bucks, eff that
> know no cameras work in the store
> cut it out of package, tuck flashlight down the front of my pants and hook on belt
> pretty obvious, unless I've got a 10" cock
> walk out the front door in full confidence

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thats what they want you to think

No you’re the dipshit lol

Never did it but i always try to get tips on something just in case, if you are trying to, make ur moves smooth and never leave without buying anything cuz it wud be suspicious if you are all of sudden stressed and leave with "nothing" also if you are trying to get smth on camera then turn your back to it and pretend you are checking it, then pretend you are putting it back while you just hide it behind you palm and continue shopping to avoid suspicions

Also why would you want to, is it that expencive in yer country

I don't shoplift but at walmart I buy the really expensive apples and weigh them as the cheapest

Used to steal CDs at KMart all the time before digitally stealing music came out. Did it for months before I was eventually caught. The trick was bringing a razor blade into the store to open them up and take the security tab out. Doing it in the era of gigantic pocket jeans made it extra easy.

Stealing shit was the only thing that made me feel exhilarated enough to forget my depression. Getting caught stealing was a fucking rush. My friend was actually taken by the police and I was let go. We were both banned for life, but the store closed a year later.

But yeah. Look confident, appear to be browsing, make sure you can beat the alarms.

No because I'm not a piece of shit.


Incorrect. I’ve stolen a bunch of shit from them.

Back when I was maybe 18ish a friend of ours just got his own place and went to buy a vacuum. He needed other shit too but was a broke 18 year old. So we filled the cart up and carried the vacuum in the cart and grabbed some clear packing tape. We went into the lawn and garden center and found a spot where there were no cameras and cut the box open and packed it full of everything we could. We paid for or put back what wouldn’t fit. We crammed like $300 worth of stuff in there and when the sensor went off at the door the guy checked our receipt and just let us go.

I feel like I’d you get smaller shit like BCAAs or preworkout or something that small tub would probably weigh about the same as a coffee cup?

No I'm not white OP.

I used to press a random button on the cigarette dispenser and quickly pocket the pack whenever I was in HS and buying something from the store, one time the clerk noticed and fucking sprinted outta that place faster than I've ever ran. Still shop there since I look so different these days.

One time my mini fridge went up so I put mine in my trunk, went to Walmart, bought a slightly bigger size, took it to the parking lot, put the old one into the new box and returned.

Kek top lad

don't need to.

Thief here. Pro tips for shopliting:
>While entering look for cameras. Memorize the angles.
>Use the shopping basket, put two of each item you are going to steal.
>You should always wear a jacket and a back warmer
>pic related
>Find a "sanwidch" aisle with no camera coverage
>check the items for hidden aluminium strips, that shit triggers the sensors on the exits
>stuff the items inside the back warmer
>calmly return the double of each of the items on the aisles from which u took them from.
>Buy a can of coke.
>leave while enjoying a soft drink.

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thanks for all the common knowledge idiot.

Bullshit. I used to steal food from Walmart every week when I was broke and homeless.

Protip: at most retailers it’s actually a terminator offense for employees if they ask you if you stole an item. The most they can do is ask for a receipt then suggest buying the item instead. I used to work at a Lowe’s and saw an old guy legit get fired from Tool World for stopping a thief.

>stolen bump

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Not all people steal u degenerate

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