I decided to write my thesis on Hebephilia and would love some help from Yea Forums!

I decided to write my thesis on Hebephilia and would love some help from Yea Forums!

I'll be opening the site hebephile.com on October 1, 2019 for discussion on the forums.

Recently, Hebephilia was denied as an entry in Paraphelias under the pedophilia construct.

So my thesis focuses on the question, "Is Hebephilia: a sexual orientation or choice"

What does Yea Forums think? Choice? Orientation?

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Its in a mans human nature to go for the young ones to get a lot of babies.

The goverment put laws on it because they want to keep the young ones to themselfs. So the law following retards take only the old ones and get less babies.

one of the similarities between pedophilia and already accepted sexual orientations are that individuals become aware of it during early adolescence.

with hebephilia that wouldn't make sense, the earliest a person could become aware is late adolescence.

it does however appear to be an unchosen attraction, and differs from a fetish (a sexual fixation on a nonliving object or nongenital body part). furthermore there is some evidence that it may have a genetic component... although you will have to do some digging to find it yourself.

It was actually older women who made bad choices and didn't have kids when they were younger who spearheaded those laws cause they couldn't compete with younger girls otherwise.

is it wrong to find a sexually matured girl sexually attractive.

im against it being legal but i have to point out women are only against hebephilia because of jealousy and because they cant compete with younger and more attractive girls

"Sexual attraction to pubescent youngsters is common and has never been considered a mental disorder. It is not now, and never has been, a sign of psychiatric illness." Allen J Frances M.D. psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dsm5-in-distress/201106/dsm-5-needs-reject-hebephilia-now

I made a twitter account and was instantly assaulted by females who think I am some guy named Oinions or something, telling me they are contacting the FTC (no joke) about my thesis subject... See here: twitter.com/HebephileCom

Acting on it would lead to serious criminal charges. Teenagers cannot consent and are traumatized by sex with someone who is more than a few years older than them. Thus it meets the criteria for a disorder, as a mental predisposition that if acted upon would negatively impact themselves and others.

Yeah that's normal. Watch them screech from behind your keyboard and laugh basically. The only thing is they could get your account banned, so don't be disrespectful or abusive, and don't encourage for the laws as they currently exist to be disobeyed.

Instead of trying to justify breaking the law and order of modern society why don't you other anons sit down and really put the truth down. Looking at hebefilia or whatever the fuck, my spelling is shit, we can make a quick and easy reasoning why it's both morally wrong, and legally wrong to accept this concept.

>Mental maturity
Now really sit down and look at what you were probably like at 13-14.
I was watching Minecraft tutorials and stealing tortillas out of the fridge at 12 at night.
Kids, are, retarded. No if ands or buts about it. Now, you have a young child, without the full understanding of sexuality, or rational decision making, and allow some grimey old bastard who can't get women his age free reign to prey on someone still in middle school.

The reason being expressive about being sexually attracted to younger types, especially acting on that preference is wrong is the same why enjoying and engaging in rape is wrong.
Rape is illegal because lack of consent, and harm.
Diddling a preteen is illegal, because of lack of consent, and harm.

How easy would it be for some 30 year old beta fag to walk up and look at a teen and go
"Hey, suck my dick and I'll get you a new fortnite skin"
If it requires predatory tactics, and is illegal, or morally wrong, keep it that way.
We aren't fucking animals anymore, the laws are in place for a reason, and that reason is understandable to the majority 99% of the population.
1% of creepo fucks does not dictate the law because they can't get their dick wet from anyone who is old enough to actually know what a dick is.

Shit like this is the same as people who try to make it legal to fuck dogs. Can the dog be tricked into licking the Skippy off your nuts? Yes.
Can a 12 year old learning algebra basics lick your chest pubes because you'll buy them a new xbone? Yes.

Both of which are manipulating weak minds or underdeveloped minds in order to satisfy your sick, twisted desires.

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These are all terrible arguments.

I imagine your counter argument is
"Well we did it 1500 years ago, it's genetics"

Mental illness or not, it doesnt give you any more right than you do now. If I had children and it was legal, and it never will be, I would kill any ficker who tried to touch my little boy/girl.

it's not because you're a retard that every kid is a retard

these days ,teens (12-14) are sucking cock grandpa
calling you grandpa is wrong too ,since back in the days ,teens were still sucking cock (albeit through marriage)

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jesus fuck

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Back in the day, we also lead military expeditions into the holy land to reclaim it from the ottoman savages in the name of god. What's your point.

its a choice. everything is a choice.you choose not to do that shit my guy.

Older women have higher rates of having autistic children.

i may be wrong

>Diddling a preteen is illegal, because of lack of consent, and harm.
There is no harm if the child wasn't forced or coerced into it against their will, and partook in it willingly.

Once I finish my thesis and provide it online, how many of you will actually read through the 30+ pages of it complete with validated studies that have been subjected to scrutiny from several world health organizations and accept the thesis answer for what it is, either positive or negative?

>inb4 nice try FBI

....nice try fbi

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>rational decision making, and allow some grimey old bastard who can't get women his age free reign to prey on someone still in middle school.

As an older bsstard, I'd never date an older women. I date women in their early 20's.

I'd fuck a teen if it were legal though.

This doesnt mean "I cant get someone my own age".

The question is, who the fuck would want an older woman?

Appreciate it, almost 9 months of in depth analysis.
bookmark hebephile.com

>assume OP means highschool girls, like a normal person
>read twitter
>9-13 years old

What the fuck OP?

As a subset of pedophiles, who fucking cares. Don't have sex with kids you weird fuckers.

I would because I'm attracted to peers like a healthy man, not children like a stunted child.

Go fuck off.

Not a subset you retard pedo is prepubescent only hebe is 11-14 teens not kids

No. Pedophiles are attracted to children aka minors.

Not gonna bookmark that. Not with tor. Not with the best vpn. Not even on someone else's computer.

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