God-tier metal albums: true batushka edition

god-tier metal albums: true batushka edition

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trve and kvlt

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are you just an ignorant retard?



eyehategod is fucking sick

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nice but lugal ki en is better


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overrated newfagbait

Post something you like so i can call it garbage, bitch

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pathetic non-responses, at least provide an argument, otherwise you're just as good as a nigger

artificial brain is true god-tier

Attached: Heretoir.jpg (224x224, 8K)

>doesnt post pic of metal album.
Reply discarded

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how can you like something as refined as artificial brain and as generic as prostitute disfigurement?

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Because i like both, simple less technical stuff sounds better anyways in my opinion

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prostitution disfigurement is just aggrorock death metal with terrible average use of pig vocals, and weak ideas throughout. Cattle Decapitation kicks ass.

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Whatever you say faggot

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at least you posted a better album this time don’t be a shitter

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more generic shitchrist music this time in paradigm repeating tech death form, empty production value edition

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Aaaand youre an idiot


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derogatory remarks are non-arguments and don’t make bad tech death good or deep which it is not. let’s keep this shit god-tier.

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Doesnt matter, i posted a god-tier album

behemoth are masters of production value and aesthetics but not so much technicality or even songwriting

no you literally keep posting newfagbait

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No i literally posted god-tier, newfag

you'll grow out of tech death, like we all did. it almost took me until i was 20 to move away from it

you are unable to articulate any intelligent defense of your shitty newfag bands
get the fuck out of my thread, retard

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Lol i havent even posted any tech death unless artificial brain counts

Hope I don't hurt your feelings, enjoying music you don't like!
Feel free to judge tho. You are the vip in this thread...

>says the newfag

there’s progressive and groundbreaking tech death being made, he just isn’t posting any, other than artificial brain.

surely you may find something here better than bad behemoth. here’s some good behemoth.

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this, only a fucking loser tries so hard to be edgy

you’re just mad that what you posted isn’t god-tier, but rather pathetic newfag tourist b8

yawn, go suck your brothers asshole, wannabe

nigger repulsive dissection is tech death, soulless linear tech death

when you wanna talk informatively about metal, I’m here

Attached: The Decaying Light.jpg (1200x1200, 291K)

this classic

Attached: Suffocation - Effigy Of The Forgotten.jpg (1000x966, 140K)

unrivaled pioneers

>says a person who considers 'you’re just mad that what you posted isn’t god-tier, but rather pathetic newfag tourist b8' being informative talk about metal
sure m8

you’re the nigger who can’t post god-tier metal, nor can he defend his own choices, not I

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oh lawd

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oh no

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I tried, guys. I don’t know if my taste is shit out here

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at least you posted early disturbed and not anything after 10,000 fists

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this is awesome

Tops the rest of their shit IMO. Advaitic Songs comes close, but Conference is the shit.

And another submission.

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A little hidden gem


Any of you checked out the new Vitriol album? its ruthless.

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Why has this thread been filled only with shitty death metal albums that try too hard to be dark and disgusting so far

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You're on Yea Forums. This is edge lords with incel taste central.

nigga there are literally 3 albums in a row above your post that are not death and do not try to be overtly disgusting

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I really like Pilgrimage

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Definitely a sick one too. Just wish there'd be some new shit though, I'd love to hear more of Öm.

Also this.
>inb4 normie
Stfu, it's still good.

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gojira is true god-tier