It's very simple. Here, I'll make it as clear as possible so that your tiny little brain can understand

It's very simple. Here, I'll make it as clear as possible so that your tiny little brain can understand.


I'm tired of seeing all the fatass alt-right, anime watching, vidya playing NEETs LARPing as nazis. Come out and face us headon, bitchmades.

Can't wait until you Alt-right fascists all get punched in the face and beaten back into your cave. You're all a bunch of neanderthals who wouldn't have a chance against us ands you know it.

Attached: 234324.jpg (472x474, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:;art735,8252820,B::pic16658,6088475?wt_ref=

Says the dumbass who can't use correct grammer

as that why antifa get rekd in every single fight? lol

kys anti american scum

People think you are cringy. Nazi's were cool. A 300lb tranny with blue armpit hair and a dildo bat isn't cool.

Attached: 1457903538112.jpg (699x637, 41K)

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Why do fascists get their butt kicked and have way more protestors against them?

saw the same exact thing yesterday
dont take the bait you dumb faggots


Attached: IMG_1486.jpg (300x300, 65K)

Anybody who presents this mentality is the enemy and shall be met with unimaginable force. You pussies will be stomped out. Your pathetic actually fascist movement is on a time limit. Tick tock faggot times running out.

Nazis are the opposite of cool.

They're retrotarded.

this same user is probably posting all the holocaust denial bullshit

everyone who replies to this lazy bait without saging is a braindead fag

Well thats a pretty fascistic view you have there. It's as if you were a fascist pretending to be an antifa to make them look bad.

Attached: 1456862553107.gif (356x200, 1.52M)

Then why are people so afraid of them? And the uniforms looked badass.

all these retards replying to this bait kill yourselves

Whats wrong with being a facist?



OP is being a giant faggot. Again.

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You know Napoleon wore a red shirt so his peers wouldn't get demotivated when he's injured in battle. Now you know why the nazis wore brown pants.

False dilemma

I raped your shoes...

>people talking about fascism and anti-fascism

is being cringy the moment's trend?

Fixed it for you OP.

Posting in this to keep the bread living no sage to you nazi scums

Anybody notice how Antifa groups all seem to be made up of spoiled white kids? Oh, and there is nobody out there more fascist than Antifa. Everything they do is exactly the tactics used by fascist groups. Pretty fucking pathetic.



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Faggot, this is why no one likes you and yours. You've become the new moralfags. In the mid-2000's, the christfags always had their panties in a twist, and they were mocked off the internet. Now you faggots have taken their place.

Attached: CA1076E8-AC9D-4602-89D8-7A2E16336CB5.jpg (960x960, 208K)


Says the faggot posting on an anonymous image board.

Rare W thread. Fight on antifa. Crush racism one cell at a time. The deep rooted hateful fascist regime has went on too long. We are ready to stop it.





Attached: Thor-2.jpg (2000x1333, 289K)

I would actually disagree, m8. I am antifa, but there are many people who are either mistaken, unaware, or mislead as to the definition of antifa. You've got to consider who you're preaching too, comreade. Fascism is one of those "idiots only, please apply" belief systems, certainly, but people who are not up to snuff on what political identities mean find it really insulting when they see people telling them that they are fascist. Man, you're not helping the movement.

>have way more protestors against them?

Because you faggots get paid and shipped on mass via bus by soros.

You wouldnt do a single flying shit if you couldnt earn some extra money you can spend on camsluts or fortnite

Says the faggot posting on an anonymous image board.


Antifa is literally the definition of fascism

Attached: ZomboMeme 17092019132445.jpg (802x453, 67K)

OK, 1v1 me antifafag

You can say that as soon as organized antifa starts voting in that direction.

Attached: 6A698DD1-3A21-4B7E-93A8-9297782C1263.gif (400x171, 305K)

Fucking "antifag" was staring you right in the face and I shouldn't even be surprised that you missed it. Nonetheless, I am disappoint.

Attached: hqdefault (6).jpg (480x360, 25K)

I wish they would hang everyone of your anarchistic shit movement. Destroying war memorials, using violence as and argument and disrespecting police and military alike.

They should reopen the death camps for scum like you or forcing you into service

Attached: Grennis.jpg (1024x768, 163K)

accurate xD

too far hans

Antifa is 'almost' the definition of facism

WAIT, wait, wait. Verify. Who's destroying war memorials?

>4 Antifas protest by threatening to die in front of a local business. Local business charged with improper disposal of a whale corpse

Attached: antifat.jpg (1417x911, 145K)

Nah man. Both sides are retarded but atleast in some cases you can have atleast have a normal converstation with the far right. The left spits on values and is mostly the first to use violence

U are useless go die

Attached: churchill.jpg (1024x628, 66K)

Fascism is an identity-focused movement that centers an idea of something, usually "German" or "Italian" or "White" above any other, and then gets really into sending anyone who's not in that group to somewhere else. You might have a certain perception of left-leaning people, but you tell me who's actually bordering one fascism from the left, from any rational perspective, derived from what people actually believe and act upon.

yeah but you posted a picture of some germans. Those guys have a tendency to take things way too far.

ANTIFA is an anarcho fascist terrorist org

communists aren't people

Attached: petmd-puppy-weight.jpg (473x355, 163K)

>but you tell me who's actually bordering one fascism from the left,

antifa for sure

In my town the anti facistic organisation destroyed an memorial from WW1. In Germany countless war graves and memorials have been vandalized.

Neck yourself

ah that sucks. sorry hans. do you have images of german antifa? its fun to point out how all pictures of them are black masked incels

lol snopes

Look at them. Hiding behind their masks, too afraid to show their faces

Attached: scum.jpg (940x600, 212K)

Verify means sources and what town

At least Spider-Man is a member. Can fasc say the saymme????

lol imagine the smell.

it reminds me of this;art735,8252820,B::pic16658,6088475?wt_ref=

one example.. I will not leak my adress lmao. But google a bit there are countless examples of vandalism

Every fucking day and people just take the bait.
Yeah Yeah people on Yea Forums are so fucking clever fucking idiot faggots god it pisses me off to see this shit every day fuck you OP and fuck everyone else who replies to this bullshit thread

Attached: 1568719742829.jpg (600x611, 40K)

/pol/tards aren't going anywhere for a multitude of reasons.

Most of the /pol/ shitposters on Yea Forums are banned from /pol/ for being faggots.

Others avoid going to /pol/ because it moves slower than Yea Forums.

others avoid the flag and ID's because it makes it harder to shitpost.

/pol/ is apparently full of the dregs from (4+4) chan which booted the normal users out.

they aren't going anywhere unless gookmoot bans people avoiding the /pol/ quarantine

If you see a /pol/ thread you'll note that the majority of the time they will be talking to themselves.

This thread is literally made of fail and AIDS.

Oh, you're German. I can't hold a position on your local politic, but it's undeniable that WW1 was cause by nationalism on a multitude of sides. And anyways the conversation there is much more complicated than here in the states. btw it's 4:55

/pol/ is a fucking shit show.
>hur dur the jewewedsfdkjfskljfahsdfü
äöd gfhu dfhnlgw

Attached: 1567475221754.png (500x563, 151K)

not complicated at all. Antifa is a terrorist group

Spider-Man with the All Cops are Bastards shirt. Hell yea.

Attached: 1566827266072.jpg (1080x1170, 76K)

and then here it's a group that shows up at far-right groups as "counter protesters" which I will admit are just excuses to fight in the streets. Point is that in the USA antifa shows up when prompted by racists

Well its not complicated at all.
The Far-Right makes a wich often is peacfull at the start and there is always some kind of counter protest. The provblem is that the antifa is starting the violence. Thats why there is no conversation and the politcal fronts just get worse

nah antifa just antagonizes and cries foul when things don't go their way

The thing you're doing right now? That's called projecting.


hey right back at ya

>when you can't beat up someones trash can online

Lots of generalizing itt but here's one that's accurate. You're all autistic as fuck and should have sex at least once in your life.

pretty sure this is either poorly made irony or bait

antifa is a pro-fascism terrorist organization

Attached: proud.jpg (800x450, 125K)

thats all you got?

>Antifascism is pro fascism.
Ok then fascism is good so we're on the same side.

yes comrade

>desperate for human interaction
Have sex.

>butt kicked

You're 12. Go back to class, faggot.

Ok Kyle chill out

Attached: Frosted.jpg (636x599, 91K)

Probably you guys should have sex so you don't get completely left behind by your peers. They're already outpacing you hard.

Only one regiment wore brown uniforms on a regular basis and that was the SA. They were gay anyways. Quite literally. You'd have fit right in with them.

I can't tell who's on what side of which issue.

Ideas, guys.


the guys burning down shops and destroying peoples lives waving black and red flags wearing masks are the bad guys

tbf all soldiers are pretty gay and they get into it so they can sleep with a bunch of faggots and get paid for it

bad troll :)

Actually they had a great idea society does way better when you segregate each individual race when you start mixing them that’s when it starts to go downhill fast look in the mirror if you don’t believe me

Right. The fascist republican guard aka oath keepers or proud boys.

Man, it's just a matter of "everyone who fights should end up in a jail cell." and "the people with fascistic beliefs and fantasies are morally wrong, notwithstanding.

Stop commenting on American antifa you fag Brit. Mind your own brexit.

nah those guys don't wear masks. the guys that look like fascists waving a flag that looks like this

Attached: 1568564044701.jpg (585x580, 101K)

It goes downhill because all Nazis are autistic and can't take personal responsibility for literally anything. If we got rid of you things would be fine.

almost there. "the people with communistic beliefs should be thrown from a helicopter"

Good, I am a racist fascist. Better than being a soyboy communist.

Yeah the proud boys. The guys that wear armor and go stir up problems, attack people on video, and then claim they were attacked first.

Attached: Screenshot_20190817-173827~2.png (1407x1657, 950K)

>I am a racist fascist. Better than being a soyboy communist.

why are you repeating yourself?

Hey boys. Have sex.

no no a plate carrier is just common sense. the fat kids that wear all black with face masks and destroy shops and garbage cans (for some reason)

I have been to several rallies and have yet to see the pussy Antifa show up.

Yeah the proud boys. The trump supporters.

Attached: 1a-15.jpg (1200x700, 258K)

well no those guys aren't wearing all black and red. The fat "males" and fat females with bright colored hair or dreads shouting "all cops are bastards"

Sooo you fags condone fascism? Do you even know what it

I feel like your being intentionally difficult. Heres an image of the average antifa

Attached: 17a.jpg (789x767, 163K)

Agreed. And? Can't someone be ANTICOM and ANTIFA?

That's how I consider myself. IDEOLOGY IS the PROBLEM. Ideology makes people ignore all scientific and practical sense, so they ignore truths that are plainly in front of them, and

"There's suddenly not enough food to feed everyone!" and

"Our enemies have access to the next level of weaponry, which was discovered by the people we were 'antagonizing'."

Oh so you mean the antifa 'threat' is hugely exaggerated? You don't say.

Nobody really knows. Scholars maintain you're the only one. So please tell us, Noam Chomsky.

That's what you're terrified of? Wow.

its actually pretty simple. ANTIFA the people ruined the term "ANTIFA" by being ridiculously fascistic in their actions. You can be an anti-fascist but saying you support ANTIFA itself is just wrong

do you know how hard it is to get rid of an obese human body after they die of a heart attack while burning your trashcan?

Boy I wonder if his accent went back to normal after dying and spending thirty days in hell because he got hit with a pretend concrete (coconut) milkshake.

Attached: ngo.jpg (1024x512, 46K)

Don't you guys have better things to do than run around in masks, pretending to fight bad guys that don't exist?

Son you need to calm down...or I will turn the protest around and we will go home..but remember will get a participation trophy

Here your trophy

Attached: Darwin Award.jpg (440x440, 32K)

Pigs are known to consume a human body within minutes if you accidentally fall into their pen. I'm not terrified of them but I'm pretty certain they've run over many animals on accident

Have sex.

I mean, the only reason the right wing people come out and fight you is because you're there, if you weren't then there'd literally be no trouble at all

yeah you used that one already up there


Hey dude have you had sex? No? You should have sex.

Attached: 1566139172080.jpg (638x800, 74K)

damn we broke antifa

So the left aren't communists? Stalin wouldn't approve? Wow you're learning!

Answer the question lol. Have you had sex with another human being?

Whaaa! You are keeping one of my faggot trap threads of the board.

is that what you took from that picture?

Damn, now I know what it's like to be a feminist, capital F.

have you guys ever thought about having sex instead of being autistic on the internet or is it just not really an option



Attached: 1567939236489.jpg (401x401, 31K)

>of the board

overweight, unloved, dyed hair?

I wonder if fash is fash because they don't have sex.

No one cares. Keep your shithole communes. No one wants you or your dirty t shirts.

>when you lose the argument so completely

brought to you by the alt-right.

Do you have literally any other joke? Seems like you guys only have one joke.


Attached: thisisbait.jpg (625x626, 24K)

being anti facist is the same as anti american?
does that mean being american is the same as being facist?

i don´t think so, cletus.

Have sex.

Attached: kjdz7vq0x5v11.jpg (1895x2016, 294K)


Have you considered having sex?

I truly had not realized that antifaggots were legit retarded children until I read this. They really don't know that the word fascism has a definition and that it describes something. They seem to think they made the fuckin word up and get to tell the rest of the literate world what it means. Illiteracy is a bitch, hey?

a v e

e x


The blatant marriage of state, corporation, and private central bank in the US is the furthest thing from fascism i can possibly think of.


You're back at this retarded shit? I thought we showed you yesterday that you're a fascist using doublespeak to pass as a heroic, loosely organized movement when you're really a bunch of copycat trannies who want to beat up people they don't like with impunity

Attached: autistaktion.jpg (683x683, 47K)

nah they just follow the adage of. "If you repeat a lie enough times then you make it the truth"

Try having sex. You will be less angry.

At least here in the Klanhandle of Texas.


lol i live in the panhandle. If you think thats as racist as it gets then you need to avoid going anywhere else.

Isn't being cringy always the moment's trend?

>Anyone who isn't part of my group deserves violence
>I know for a fact that deserve violence because I am humanities paragon of logic
>Thinking I'm inherently smarter than "little brained" people who might be on my side is in no way indicative of how much I enjoy powertripping

Attached: pro2nd.png (872x886, 220K)

>a sign of autism is obsessing over small details like individual words in sentence

Mothra is an ally you fucking knob. Go suck King Gidorah's dick you fucking commie scum.

I get it now! The soap says anti-pimple formula and you think that means it will give you MORE pimples! No guys see 'anti' is a negative prefix. Anti fascist means 'against' fascism so it would be impossible for them to be fascist because if they were fascist they would just be fascist, not 'anti' fascist.


Slogra 2020

"These giant monsters don't know how it is for the little guy"

Are you for fucking real? *sigh*

Has anyone posting itt ever had sex? I have. So that's one. Anybody else?

nope its more like a section of the Nazi SS calling themselve ANTIZI for Anti-Nazi

>I have

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x341, 20K)

>a sign of autism is robotically replying to obvious bait


lol all you idiots talking shit on antifa still don't realize that antifa will be the reason dems can't get elected for the next 20 years

Oh, I know better. Raised in deep South. I have seen true racism.

Triggered Level: Maximum

So like the communist Nazis that were killed on the night of the long knives? When any leftists were removed leaving only fascists?

killed by other leftists right your getting it

Attached: good-point-meme (6).jpg (520x383, 43K)

ITT retarded white nationalists get triggered by a white nationalist posing as an anti-fascist extremist.

10 antifa = 1 normal man

Americans are so dumb. Antifa has existed for like 80 years and everyone on the planet knows exactly what it is. It's not a fascist movement. Then Americans pretend they invented the shit in 2016 and just make up all kinds of stuff. The whole world laughs at you. You're indoctrinated worse than North Korea.

As a black man, i now understand what anti-Fascist is however, now that i know rich white men are behind this power grab garbage how do i know you won't turn on us like so many white men have done to us in the past?

We are painfully aware of your mind set.

Antifa has been exalted by media across the board. They are portrayed as the vanguard of liberty against the tyrannical oppression of trump and the kkk. A Democrat will be elected in 2024 without a doubt.

Correct Grammer is for the white racist to id each other. so fuck off GRAmmA NAZi


Heather Heyer was WHITE!


lol too much bro bring it back a bit

We dont laugh at the rest of the world because you never even cross our minds. We do love haters though.
Enjoy thinking about us, you will never occupy a second of our time.

Attached: 10FD7EB2-1797-4B32-AE48-1B060B1F66AC.jpg (305x358, 34K)

>ITT retarded white nationalists get triggered by their retarded authoritarian-marxist competition posing as an anti-fascist extremist


Attached: 1446110596916.gif (490x367, 916K)

Because they will turn on you, see brown shirts, they were gay in uniform. White men always turn on their own eventually

This is actually epic lmao I'm a trans communist so ty for the rad image¯\ _(ツ)_/¯

to be fair when you destroy an enemy so hard his future ideology is completely insane is a pretty good victory.

its akin to beating a guys ass so hard his great grand kids end up mentally retarded

Your praising the man who killed small children?? What the fuck is wrong with you child?


>when you think youre the only person not trolling in a troll thread


yw xyr

Have they not been? Same as BLM. These little "grassroots organizations" are media pets. They're about as independently operated as the bolsheviks


lol this

as opposed to big children? pic related

Attached: srJR19euSL1H9M2I1dRNm32eEJZ0b9-jQm5tBbiilJw.jpg (2059x1697, 523K)

It's super creepy how you copy my posting style. Imagine being that beta.

Attached: 745-1.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Fascist eat their own baby's, kill brown people, become an infection on the earth, White people are the illness.


Attached: 1429368391560.jpg (658x525, 56K)


>false flag post literally has a flag in it



Antifa people are the biggest fascistic people atm

no pick a side. We need a historical party to make an appearance in this thread outside of the rep dem dynamic.

The us does give a fuck about perception now? No
The us puts other nations wants before it's own? No
Yeah... the us is pompous as fuck because it can be.


This.... where have you been most of my life. We the FB society have been working to cure this but its not easy since they are the police.

ha ha wrong.

atm machine indeed

>The us puts other nations wants before it's own? No

Attached: 1568029653049.jpg (894x894, 368K)

Get off the computer. Dont get medical treatment for the rest of your life. Dont enjoy any of your modern conveniences.
Your entire existence is HEAVILY subsidized by whites. You're welcome.

white people are a myth like sasquatch

tu share mo fuka


Attached: 672490517_mirror.jpg (2048x1774, 498K)

I did not know Antifa was a gender

mostly nu-male

Don't all special forces cover their faces too? Also helmets don't show a lot of your face because of protection dur

well military special forces do. antifa is more "special" forces in the same way special education is filled with the mentally retarded

Lmao. almost 250 replies?
You fags deepthroated the hook

You know it's true, your entire existence relies on free labor, that's called slavery, exploitation, you don't own anything so we are taking it back then cutting your head off to make sure the disease does not affect anyone else.

what could this possibly even mean, boomer

look in the mirror

Yea Forums rises to every bait, like your post

Everyone itt should try having sex. It's really great if they let you do it.

like your roast

BLM made you nervous so your media operation "tried" to kill it but it only made it stronger see you soon white man baby eater.

Slavery is legal again? Damn, what else have I missed? Will Bernie give me a free slave if I vote for him?

That was kind of the point, user

BLM got tired of working and wandered off in search of menthol trash cans to burn

Okay, so you're a false flag operator, gotya. Maybe you shouldn't be this fucking obvious.

like your toast

oh you're confused, the mirror is only you when YOU look in it

Not even close, the greatness of being user lives deep and runs wide. see you soon white man, you can't lock up all of us.

Attached: brilliant-32924228.png (500x560, 148K)

ok jaden smith


ayyyy lmao free food stamps if you mow your lawn

Lol that this is an anons personal neet disinformation campaign and also lol that this is how he's going about it. As if anyone on the planet is that stupid.

I like my toast black and buttered, just like I like my

what are you trying to say? who is that?

heh heh autoposted

boomer spotted

Your teeth.

i like my whiskey like i like my women. 12 years aged and mixed with coke

have sex virgins




Lol the ol antifa are the real fascists bit huh


Dude. I've been shot at by kids more intimidating than any of these lots who cut their dicks off to prove they are mentally fine

We can't, we're Antifa!

boomer spotted
it has a name

I voted for Trump and plan on voting for him again.


Attached: kindergarten-arnold.jpg (640x326, 29K)


Toilet is gay


It's a novel by Yevgeny Zamyatin

I’m pretty sure that people who are politically associating themselves with either left, right or in between are the issue. Whatever I’m just talking to myself anyway, solipsism sucks.

Ok you can suck my dick I guess. Stop trying to impress me faggot

Kill Niggers, Gas commies.

Antifa like toilet!


Attached: (you).gif (480x238, 415K)

You are all chimps with literally nothing to say. Entirely autistic.


Attached: 1567736739663.gif (262x198, 372K)


Gremlins are antifa

Harambe 2020


Attached: 91636019f868fa0aee4c7114daea1f0d.jpg (390x590, 56K)

Santa Claus is the leader of antifa and he's a nazi


Towels can read.

>>Can't wait until you Alt-right fascists all get punched in the face and beaten back into your cave

Can't wait until we can hunt ANTIFA in & out of season (year round).

Why so hostile? Can't you recognize that our rulers want the people fighting each other. Just let the white man have his ethnostates and go live in your own multicultural hellhole. There are peaceful solutions we need to work on. Threatening others accomplishes nothing. You'll never change our views by smashing in our heads. War doesn't have to be our destiny. Stop being a useful idiot for our jew overlord.

How long do you leave your dick in your butt

thats karl marx you oaf

Why tho?

Guaranteed replies from autists the thread

Based Santa KKKlaus

The Easter Bunny is Hitler reincarnated and is coming to gas the Keebler elves

because communists aren't people. The black people thing is worth discussing


Four to five hours, then take a break

So you autistics still jump on tables and pretend to be a dinosaur or did you outgrow that when you found out nice touches make your pepe happy?

Imagine posting this


Attached: BqLhAoUIQAAv8Fb.jpg (599x616, 31K)

Attached: 39jdjm.jpg (622x401, 29K)

nonsense I've had sex before

Imagine not posting this

Attached: ap,550x550,16x12,1,transparent,t.u3.png (549x413, 350K)

Can’t we all just get along and smoke crack?

>pcps in rodney king

Attached: AP9103060829.jpg (1280x960, 1.69M)

Commies are mentally ill. They really just need treatment, but there’s too many of them, so for efficient change we need a large amount of deaths.

Also blacks are fine if they are aware of the Democrat planation and race lie

even black people knew what to do with antifa

4chans of truth

Nice quads, D'Souza

bernie sanders owns 5 homes

I own 2, what's your point?

Based curry nigger D’Souza

thats not ok user. You got those 2 houses through racism. When bernie becomes president you'll be forced to give them up for the people.


best treatment for communism is long drop from a helicopter

If the bait is conducive to a spirited debate I see no issue with replying.


If you say so, I actually inherited my parents house when they passed away. I'm nowhere close to millionaire or a racist.