Hey Yea Forums, how are you when drunk...

Hey Yea Forums, how are you when drunk? I personally feel like my head's heavy and lose my coordination but I'm still of sound mind. Also, what's your alchohol beverage of choice?

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Big dick nigger

Im happy when drunk.
Drink of choice is Evan Williams or any kind of beer.

I completely lose my inhibitions but I'm told I'm confident, funny and alot of fun when I don't puke. I also have a terrible habit of spending way too much money when I'm drunk and completely regretting it in the morning.

Drunk rn, 6 beers in, on my third glass of my Opa's red wine. I'm loose, calm, little sassy and social. My roomates are all asleep but I'm wanting to talk, so snapchat friends are the closest thing.
Physically I feel slow and slightly sluggish. I feel heavy and uncoordinated. I've had to retype certain letters in this message several times. however I still feel like I can drive so who should I kill tonight user's??

Op here, I definitely feel the sluggish shit and the driving part but I force myself to not drive by any means necessary. Also drunk atm, slammed way too much vodka I got from my roommate.

i Have to put up with Wiggers who wanna fight for no apparent reason or issue or argument but yet it has only existed in the wonky place Most likely MKULTRA Targeting

Op here, big brother is coming for you user, Alex jones style drunkard

They already did EMF RNM

Don't drive. Not worth losing your licence over.

I'm currently suspended from driving for 12 months. All up about $10k in fines and legal fees etc. as well. Also getting Ubers and Uber Eats more than normal.

Luckily I've got money so that doesn't matter, it's more feeling like I'm on house arrest for fucking 12 months.