butthurt phaggot brags about ruining his ex's wedding because she cheated

> butthurt phaggot brags about ruining his ex's wedding because she cheated
>He posts many pictures including Facebook screenshots
>Need help in finding Rachel's FB to teach this fucker a lesson
>No doxxes. We're just trying to embarrass him IRL when she finds out about all this

Let's go boys

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Even posts a video. Link forthcoming.

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Not his personal army, not your personal army

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based. Post video link

Could be in Bensenville, IL but that's speculating.

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10-4 lmao

He posted lots of nudes. Someone said she looks 14. Not sure as of age but she looks different now.

Rachel's last or middle name ends with an A OR begins with an M.
The names Aaron and Justin keep cropping up

30 seconds of my life I will never have back

The YouTube video was tagged as happening at A&A Equipment and Supply Co in Bensenville, IL.

OP, did you just come from reddit or what? This bitch cheated on the dude, fuck the whore. White knighting will never grant you pussy OP. Very cringe and bluepilled fam.

Same. Not sure why he's trying to do. He said he's gonna make a fake fb and send something to all her family and friends.
Not sure what he was on about.

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He’s a fag leave him alone also this story is fucking 5 years late it’s a copypasta but these fucking retards don’t know that

It's not about white knighting. IDGAF about the politics. He's trying to ruin someone's life. That's it
Cheat or no cheat. You don't hold a grudge for 7 years and then try to ruin the bitch's life.
I don't like the fact she's a nigger lover whore than you do. But the fact remains. He is a beta and phaggot.

Show me where it's 5 years old and I'll stop.
They ALWAYS say it's a copypasta. Always.

Do your own research faggot

No you’re a beta faggot for giving a fuck


Lmao. Never said she was pretty.

A comb down balding fuck

Le description of said video

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Newfag leave

Dubs don't lie. Plebbit faggot wants to save the world with his incredibly respectful morals! God I just wish OP would fuck me stupid he's such a good guy!!

why are you whiteknighting this so hard op

Newfag leave

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Yes newfag leave

I stand behind the guy doing his revenge. Ruin her life and that's it. And you OP, coming here asking for help, what a fucking cuck. Can't handle a real life situation without help. Pathetic little shit.

Stay mad redshit

Whiteknight leave

Newfag leave poor favor

Samefag leave

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This all seems to be a little autistic.

>Jumps to protect random cheating bitch he doesn't know
>Gets called a retard

You're aware this girl will never touch you're dick, yeah?
Lad shared a story and pics to wank to if you're lonely

Probably because OP recently migrated over from plebbit

Newfags don't understand pasta, let them keep going it's fun to watch

But but but but but but it's a pasta newfag. She deserves it newfag.

look at this would be capt. save-a-hoe

No shit retard

Nice try newfag leave

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But it's a copypasta, remember?

>that phone
Good job OP you're 9 years late on the scoop but I'll leave you to run with it

Lmaoo. Don't roast me damn it. Not my fucking phone. It's Rachel's. Damn it Rachel.

not your personal army

This is definitely pasta y’all are wasting your time. I’m pretty sure I have moar of this bitch

It's copypasta.
Who needs an army for copypasta, right.

Prove it's copypasta. Show me.

Just keep saying newfag boys, that'll convince them you're not new yourselves, a pro move
It clearly is, unless you think that 7 - 10 year old phone is just her special nude taking phone, and everyone whose been here longer than you recognizing it is just false memories
In short, baaaaack to reddit!

It's copypasta bro. It's copypasta.

fuck the fuck fucking off fucking fuck face

im masturbating and dont have time for your pa request

request denied and reported

How my guy, other than common sense? Look at the quality of the photos, the phone, and the fact that old OP said this was only 3 years ago...? One of these things is not like the other onessss

Be careful.
You'll get banned for false reporting.
Keep reporting faggot. I'll report muhself

So in other words you can't prove it's a copypasta.
Muh copypasta.

You know I always forget there's a report feature, imma hit that too. Hopefully this plebbit gets banned for his failure to recognize pasta and his flagrant newfaggotry

OK starting to make sense now

>be careful reporting me or u will get banned
go fucking fuck yourself with a barbwire baseball bat faggot

nobody gives a fuck about being banned here your shit thread just gets slid

learn how to Yea Forums you piece of shit

Lurk more newfag durhurhurhurhur

You hurt my feelings. Well. Time to KMS now.

Oh well, keep wasting you time then, self important newfag, I tried but you're too retarded for common sense so I'm off to a more interesting thread. This one is dead other than you and people pointing out that you got pasta'd anyway, sage

ahahaha, staying mad for this many years. oh man. kill yourself already.

I'm not that guy lol. He was with her for 7 years. Wasn't me. I'm just an Incel!

If I'm wasting time, why are you putting so much effort into this?


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God this place is populated by 12 and 13 year olds lol

What's wrong with Reddit? Oh right.
It's bad because everyone else says it's bad. That's right.

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Copypasta confirmed

Newfag leave

Newfag leave

Newfag leave


its objectively bad because free speech isnt allowed and unless youre a progressive pushing pc culture you arent welcomed

Yea Forums is objectively better because nothing gets you banned here except for posting cp and thats AFTER the mods are done jerking off to it like everybody else

not sure what the overall objective is here, or how do you plan to achieve it. It reads like how a woman would try to complain about shit, assuming everyone else knows what she's talking about and thinking about so only says half the shit that needs to be said in order to transmit a complete idea.

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Awww jeeez don't get maaad

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And Yea Forums is objectively good? I agree actually. Reddit is too damn liberal but Yea Forums isn't even too far right.
It's outside the realm of normalcy and maturity to depraving levels
Memes 247. Everyone says the same buzzwords.

But Reddit is bad. Then why does reddit have more visits and is more popular? That's fake news, Google social engineering etc right?

Last post OP updated the video


Karma plz !!1!

>Thinking Yea Forums has ever been anyones personal army.
Fucking newfag

Newfag leave

>more users = better!
Oh so Instagram > Reddit, understood

Well yeah lol.
Not as many angry angsty teen edgelords over there at least.

Stayyy maaad

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well i mean Yea Forums literally interfered with the 2016 election and a little green frog used by 4chans white supremacists elected the worlds most power being...what did reddit do?

we've bombed isis targets by tweeting pakistan, stopped terrorist bombing at the superbowl, uncovered massive government fraud, caught rapists and murderers, caught animal abusers and even helped spread aids/hiv in canadian bath houses

the list can go on and on...reddits doesn't even exist

Well only ones still posting are me, OP and one other guy, posters isn't going up and we're on page 3, looking pretty dead so I'm out of this dumpster fire, sage grows in all fields

We also expose pedophiles to the public like nobody's business

And meanwhile you let child molesters run wild here, piece of shit people like the above describes,
How many mass shooters posted here before killing people? Yea Forums is known for being the place killers come to post shit and so on
But oh no plebbit. Yea Forums good. This place corrupts people after awhile.
Human decency is lost after some time it seems. Lots of just. Angry people who hate hate HATE everything.

Not your personal army dickcheese

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Sure you do. The other guy just said the mods here jerk off to the CP.
Yea Forums good. Reddit bad!

You guys did a horrible job of finding my ex. Pix was oldnews xXZyclonCrawXx out.

yada yada sage and abandon thread

absolutely 0

terrants was posted to a totally site called infinity and el paso was posted to instagram

weve had murderers post here strangling prostitutes and bashing their parents skulls in with fire extinguishers etc etc etc but no mass shooters ever posted here YET

the pedophiles here get reported and vanned...4chans feds used us to catch a real life pedophile posting nude pics of his own daughter several years ago....they get reported but everybody jerks off to the images because this place has no limits

If Yea Forums is so great, then why is there a pedophile NOW that apparently can say his life purpose is to fuck little girls.
Says he's already at 4 and that just gets swept under the rug.

Tell me. Tell me user. Tell me about how great this place is. Shit happens. People laugh. Few report. The rest of the time it's forgotten about.

OP of the post in this OP's pic here - old set of nudes, old Facebook posts, all I saved from a mega that was posted here like days ago. Feel free to reverse search or track down whoever, idk any of them lol

Already at 4 meaning he's already molested 4 girls. But because they're girls. I must be a white knight captain save a hoe plebbit normie and so on.

Wait wait wait.
Old pics. WDYM? Any pics I didn't get by any chance?