This is me, I look like this when I'm going to get borger

This is me, I look like this when I'm going to get borger

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meat in buns...

This is me, this is what I look like when I want to get borgor.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Damn, I feel like I should come clean. The guilt of lying is too much to bear. I.. I actually went and got burrito... This is me now when burrito, damn

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pls respond

hi bby



thank you for bumping this le gem

i want a hote gf

Mfw this

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(nice dubsies)
are you OP

please respond

why are you not responding :(

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Yes hi I am black, pls respond

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so r u a griller

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Show me a god damn fortune

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Ripa in a Japanese school gym uniform. Can you even imagine the bliss?

What about ripa in her nighty's GOD just... Just imagine that for a second.

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ripa...................................................... ................................

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lole, LOLE, the CADE is disguise as DOGE, LPLE LOLE LOLE LOEL LOLE

lol cades r so based amirite?

me on the right

base ket
and some muzik from the cuneiforms
and set those toons going

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