Poorfag wtf is wrong with my hand

Poorfag wtf is wrong with my hand

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Dunno, better just cut it off to be safe.

Looks like either the beginning of aids or a form of herpes. Best action would be to go to the doctor for meds/

Could be allergy.
Could be fungus.
Could be hives.
There's no way to know other than getting to a doctor.

Looks like you're going to have to cut it off dude.

Probably just eczema or something, my hands looked like that before, just use lotion and after a month or two it's gone.

excessive masturbation. or exposure to mustard gas, i always get those two mixed up.

Not really, it could be secondary syphilis though.

Congrats! You've managed to grow your own fungus.

What will you name it?

Exposure to nerve gas

Looks like fungus that is commonly found on feet

Athlete's hand?

probably eczema or contact dermatitis.


Go see a GP faggot

Use a belt sander.


Mycota for athlete's foot should set you back 3 bucks.
It will be worth it.

that would be my guess. OP, do you wear gloves a lot for work?


Try aloe or vaseline. Apply 2-4 times a day. You could also try hydrocortisone ointment - that'll definitely keep it sealed. If symptoms don't start to improve within 2 weeks, see a doctor.

All of these faggots in this thread are slaves to the nanny-state and can't comprehend a life outside of a 1st world country. Sometimes there are no doctors, so we should all know the basics

This will definitely make any fungal infection worse.
OP needs to keep it DRY not WET

Contact Dermatitis.

avoid using soap, use a soap substitute such as Dermol lotion, use a corticosteroid such as hydrocortisone on the affected areas. if it doesn't improve in two weeks see a GP

Aloe has antifungal properties. But at least where I live a cure for athletes ... hand with Aloe Vera would require so much of it that it would end up being the more expensive option. An actual cheap antifungal cream would be cheaper.
But I don't live in a big, rich industrial hotspot like the US either. I live in Norway.

Aloe has antifungal properties, meaning it will in high concentrations and doses actually kill the yeast responsible for the skin damage.
Vaseline removes all contact with air, and will if applied well kill almost anything that requires air. Quite a few fungal infections do.

And although vaseline is wet, it isn't water which is the actual thing you want to keep away from the fungus.

Apply anti fungal powder. Or clotremizol. Athletes foot cream works. If it doesn't get clearer within a few days.
Then Try hydrocortizone. If that does nothing. Go to public free health clinic

Wonder if OP is still here.

Maybe he died from his horrible illness :O

(was looking for my reaction-folders but couldn't find it. So here's a random from my random folder)

Attached: lol1475829649583.jpg (640x598, 51K)