How do I prove over the internet that I have actual telekinesis? Any pictures or video can be fakes nowadays...

How do I prove over the internet that I have actual telekinesis? Any pictures or video can be fakes nowadays. I'm really fucked up over this because I'm sure you all think I'm a liar and it's really unfair.

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thats cool you can see the cables they used to crumple the car

do it in public and have the media prove it for you. or fuck off and get new shitposts

Well. Maybe if you do have telekinesis, then you should do some crazy shit instead of trying to prove yourself to Yea Forums fags

move my cursor in a circle

What can you do? How much mass can you lift? How far away from it can you be? What are the basic limitations?

a youtube live video where you do what the viewers demand and prove there's no strings or bamboozling

how much telekinesis, lifting a car up?, lifting a human?, lifting a small needle?

Op ??

why are u people replying to this

mindlessly fulfilling OP's intention to manifest a thread full of shitposting. He's demonstrating his telekinetic abilities right now

muh dick

Extraordinary clams require extraordinary evidence to be reasonably be believed.

>How do I prove over the internet that I have actual telekinesis?
It's pretty easy. someone hires a neutral third party in your city to observe you do it while the viewers at home also watch.

You could probably get some amateur magician or something to observe in person for like $50 while you do your livestream.

James Randi foundation will award you a million if you're real.

James Randi won't actually pay out. It's a honeypot to paint anyone that attempts to prove anything to him as a fraud regardless of evidence. Seeing that the reward is false, I'd go another route.

OP, honestly, fuck the normies, they'll learn one day.

randi is an asshat, and would do anything to avoid payout. if you have telek, dont worry about proving it, we all shape our own reality n e way.

You did hear about those disappearances of the people that tried to get the prize, right? Some guy from Tanzania claimed he had telekenisis, and they flew him down to the US. But he actually wasn't on the plane when they landed?

And that mom from Kentucky that said she could forecast the fall of dice, the next card in the deck, things like that.

She "withdrew her request to participate in the Randi challenge" - I think that's how they phrased it. Then she committed suicide during Xmas of that year?

Anyway, some people now think that this prize is just to lure the truly gifted out and do who-knows-what to them.

Telekinetically deport AOC

Damn, I didn't hear about that, but I suspected it.

Deport her to where, idiot? She was born here.

I'd suggest deporting her to my bed.

>Any pictures or video can be fakes nowadays

Do it anyway, entertain us. Let's see how fake it looks.

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you can't fake a live stream proving your powers. oh but i'm sure setting up something like that would be beyond your skill set to prove your abilities. sage your stupidity.