Shit Yea Forums I've fucked up

Shit Yea Forums I've fucked up.

So long story short I see these roodypoos on my street causing trouble in my neighbourhood verbally assaulting people who pass by so I decide to play hero.

I leave my property and call them filthy niggers they are and to fuck off back to Africa. I am literally armed in case they come for me, and they walk off because they're just a pack of apes looking for self validation as I tell them I have CCTV.

My property has had bricks thrown through the window and the cops can't do fuck all about it because the roodypoos covered their faces with hoods at night and they all have alibis saying they weren't there.

How do I resolve this?

Attached: ape-group.jpg (512x384, 34K)

Honestly there is no coming back from that.

>... causing trouble in my neighbourhood
I was honestly expecting this story to turn into the fresh prince of bel air intro

That depends on where you live. If you live in a stand your ground state, you could probably get away with killing them in the act so long as you legitimately believe that your life is in peril.

thats why you dont act tough when u a bitch

you sound like a nigger

The only way is to shoot them to death. Do it user, you'll feel better and you'll save thousands of dollars.

rape, you must rape each and every one of them. show your dominance over them

cleanse them from your neighborhood. be a real man.

You didn't play the hero. The hero would call them out for their actions. Not their race

capture one. Tie him up, fuck him in the butt. Brutally. Then release him to his homies to explain the horror he’s endured. They won’t b back

OP has to deliver, kek wills it

Attached: check those digits.jpg (500x627, 31K)

Hope you get shot. Racist piece of shit.


At least you won't have to kill yourself now user. The nigs will be doing you a favor for being an hero who thought it was a good idea to call niggers as niggers in their face

>le establish dominance by doing something gay meme

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Theres flaws on that law that prosecutors can easily see an advantage towards a guilty find.

but you would be unable to hump/fuck/rape them if you aren't in the dominate position
ergo, it shows dominance

I mean OP already showed he's a retarded faggot by calling a group of jackholes nigger in public, so why not take a literal faggot act to resolve his situation?

Well, George Zimmerman walked. Just saying.

By calling them niggers they are free to do whatever they want and the "justice" system will back them up. They must be from the neighborhood so you should know where they come from. Houses full of niggers get wiped out all the time by other niggers because of disputes over drugs and turf. Where do you thing 95% of the "mass shootings" numbers come from?