She's got a point

she's got a point.

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except the moment she walks away that dog will eat that food, just like rapists do when they're outside the view of others or authority

So sex and a free steak? Win : Win.


Why is the person who put the steak on the table not responsible at all for it getting eaten?

Now put a baby on the table.

Correct. The problem is, this will only be read by men who already understand the concept. Men that should read and learn this (or rather, be taught) will disregard this information or simply never even encounter it.

Dogs are usually incredibly obedient so that's not surprising

I read it and think rape is good tho

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well, don't tell that to me, tell that to the subhuman shitskins that rape

Edgy teen detected

You just described every situation possible.
>Man reads and agrees with it
>Man reads and does not agree with it
>Man does not read.
Really hedging your bets.

So feminists want men to submit to them?

Ok I’ll take the bait. Retarded post. Nobody said rape is ok. She’s implying all men have rape urges which isn’t true. It’s not like rapists are the men who just can’t resist the urge. They know it’s not ok and they don’t care because they’re scum. Also dogs aren’t people.

But what if the dog humps your leg...?

Then all men are rapists.

only retarded feminists think women get raped because of what they wear. mostly because they hate other women

Because that person shouldn't need to be careful. Get it? We still live in an awful world.

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Isn't that the kind of dog who wants its food to be alive and screaming and human baby though?

I shouldn't need to be careful of tigers in the jungle either, you're right. Fucking moron. You can't shame a rapist into not raping, they're inhuman.

You mean the nanny dog that lulls babies to sleep and then rips them to shreds?

i guess, bad as it may.


I shouldn’t have to worry about getting robbed or hit by a car, but I do. The world is a shitty place full of shitty people and you should do your best to avoid putting yourself in dangerous situations. Like being shitfaced and dressed like a ho.

You should be careful of tigers, because they nature is to kill. All of them. People on the other hand don't tend to rape, that's the direction. We also don't live in a jungle, or at least we are trying not to.

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i specifically only rape women who dress sexually non-provocative just to teach them a lesson.

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Put a female dog in heat beside that steak and see if that little nigger bull stays sitting like a good boy.

No she doesnt have a point, the steak is presented because she is about to eat it. Also its her dog and he understands that he is realted to her and its benefitial for him to be a good dog.
Her ass in yoga pants is presented for no other purpose then geting atention.

Its like puting steaks on yourself and going to the dog playground and geting the dogs atention. Then complain because you get dogs atention or get bit.

She has a point? To reevaluate your life?
The female with red hair, virtue signaling over the internet? Damn the bar sure is low these days.

>It's not natural for people to rape
I understand trying to discourage a natural tendency which is negative, but we still have to acknowledge it's existence, and dressing slutty is going to increase your chances of being raped and knowing this makes the victim culpable in a small way.
If you walk around Chicago at night and get shot, because you're a reasonable person and could have been reasonably expected to be aware of the danger before hand, you're also partly to blame.

They dont want you questioning their issues/habits; just be a good pet and do what they want.

except she is probably holding a piece of steak in her hand

no, they want to get raped

that attention tho :^)

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Dog niggers gonna dog nigg.

Dog will fucking eat HER if she falls over dead, at what point does this analogy fall apart?

Yes, you shouldn't worry about these things, that's modern society's goal. My dad has been killed (literally), when taking a shortcut through the woods while shitfaced. Should I blame him? I'm trying not to. But maybe he was a loser. I'm a loser's boy, and a loser boy as well. Feels bad.

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False analogy. As mere property the dog has no inherent rights.

You're comparing that to men who have inherent rights.

Women, like dogs, have no inherent rights and can be used like the dog and the piece of steak as desired by any man.

what is your point?

Later that night, the dog raped her.


the attention, tho.
feels good man.

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Men are dogs, women are steak, eating is rape, and the command you give to your dog is an interaction between two adults in which a man respects the fact that a woman does not want to have sex? Friggin drumphy dumpy Trumpettes btfoed

Should call her out as a bigot for suggesting women are like a piece of meat.

You should really read threads before posting in them

>You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!

Million bucks says this bitch is a pig that no one wants to rape

Give this man his million bucks

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Lol. I knew it

Pretty sure she's getting some from the dog though.

But you can't train a rapist

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Fuck off

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Who says this anyway? I've literally never heard anyone say that women get raped because of the way they dress, unless it was some frat boy trying to be edgy. This is a total strawman.

Holy shit, I'd rape her

>favorite food is steak
i dont think she knows her dog that well.
put a toddler on the table and that dog will go wild tearing that kid apart.

>shitty half shaved haircut
>didndu dog

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she exclusively fucks niggers.

>unless it was some frat boy trying to be edgy.
Religious nutjobs also say the same thing, and they're retarded as well.

There is a reason why you LEGALLY have to have anti-theft devices on your car, or why you can't walk around with a wad of cash sticking out of your pocket.
Sure you should be allowed to walk around with all that cash in the open, or not have to worry about making your car anti-theft; but people are dicks. Plan accordingly.

No, shes retarded and so are you. This is implying that all humans are equal which we arent. The person could be chemically imbalanced, mentally defective, naturally evil, or some other of many forms of fuckery and not able to resist or think clearly or he could just be a nigger.

>my dog behaves better than literal rapists
good for you. what does this mean for slutty looking women?

>I've literally never heard anyone say that women get raped because of the way they dress
I say this.
If you look like you want to fuck right here right now, you'll probably attract someone who wants that too.
Not rocket science.


The dog knows if it obeys it will get what it wants as a reward. Does your logic provide for this?



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but your father told you not to look like a slut, this means women are even more stupid than dogs

Then you're a retard. Just because someone wants to tease and show off doesn't mean they want to fuck.

I didn't claim they want to fuck.
I claimed if you [look like] you want to fuck right here right now, you'll probably attract someone who wants that too.
Again, not rocket science. Just two sentences to read.

Yep, /thread


I like to dress like a police man, but Im obviously not a cop

The way a woman dressed can be a factor in why she got raped. Men are predators. Would heads turn more for hot women modelling in bikini outfits or business suits?


Feminists (and women in general) want men who are weak enough that they can be convinced to capitulate to women to reveal themselves quickly and readily, so that women will not have to run the risk of having sex with them.

Feminism is nothing more than mating strategy. A society-wide passive aggressive shit test to identify weak men.
As it has always been, women love strong, hard-headed men, and absolutely abhor weak, reactive, and obsequious men.
Beginning of story. Middle of story. End of story.

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Why do womens even dress slutty. teh only answer i get is 2 " i can wear what i want" and " i think im beautiful in it ". bitch you dont have to look at yourself all day and dont act like you dont wear joggers and a t when at home so what do you really prefere wearing.

Her dog is just as awkward and mentally disabled as her. No wonder he would rather listen to her than to eat, which is a much more useful instinct. Also pic related.

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But anyone that sees you in the copper uniform is going to absolutely believe that you are.

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bet that room smells like a fish market



If your dog isn't fixed, and you take him in the presence of a female dog (bitch) in heat; I bet he won't listen to the word "No!".

but all dogs do that, and not all men won't, because she is beaming a hateful stereotype online.

>Dog doesn't eat the food
>mutilates child and the other smaller dog instead

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But she's not asking for it, right?

Male dogs will hump anything including other male dogs.

That guy is a pussy master.

I don't know but I wouldn't mind finding out



i liked your post

Good luck being lonely. Glad you have a dog to eat your steak for you.

Lol thanks.