Breaking up with my girlfriend today because she's polyamorous. YLYL bread

Breaking up with my girlfriend today because she's polyamorous. YLYL bread.

I spent like 3 months basically cucking myself by trying out this lifestyle, genuinely facing my insecurities and trying to overcome jealousy, trying to figure out if my tendency toward monogamy was just social indoctrination like religion.

Turns out, nah, I just like when I'm in a relationship and I don't have to worry about them fucking and dating other people.

Help wash away the greasy film of cuckery that coats my heart, Yea Forums.

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She could get laid regularly but you couldnt huh?


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good for you OP

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That was definitely what I attributed it to at first, because, duh. But then I started spite fucking a girl I used to talk to, and it wasn't helping. Full retard love mode, bro

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Pic related could have been OP

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Polyamoury is legitimately just the 2019 womans way of being a whore and still being accepted socially "because she told him beforehand!". OP im glad you realized this earlier, the notion that wanting a girl to be with you and only you is ween as toxic and controlling these days and its fucked.


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Imagine agreeing to date a literal whore just because they call their whoring something other than what it is.

And we wonder why the west is in decline.

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I know there's no way either of us will ever know for sure, but I bet a picture of you next to this comment would look ironic and hilarious

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1,000 IQ play.

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Well, it came from the same notion that probably made a lot of us the people we are today: "Am I being lied to about this social construct?" That's the question that made me lose my religion, and question the government. So I applied the same concept to love, wanted to see for myself what it was like to try complete freedom. I know some dudes who seem happy with it.

But, it really seems like I really need that "it's us against the world" feeling in a relationship.

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Can someone explain this to a brainlet?

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Classic, never fails

Help me populate this thread

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That meme is bullshit. Just get your self some right-winged friends and it will work out.

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>orange pussy

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Taking a break to make some food and get gay lung disease via faggy vape pen

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In my experience, making right-wing friends is like making friends who watch anime. I'm SURE there are some out there that aren't autistic or insane, but...

The final frame should be her holding the letter to her heart and looking wistfully in his direction, and him looking off in the distance wondering if the caterers have put out any food yet.

Yeah when people preach that monogamy is a social construction etc, it’s pretty damn odd that nearly every society decided to follow it. You’d think we’d have a lot more variety in our societies.

It’s almost as if it its actually innate to us as a specifies or at the very least all our ancestors found it pretty damn useful to establish it independently from one another.

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But you’re deluded. That is not how it is at all. It’s just politics with extreme or non-extreme opinions.

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So, in other words, your stupid.

Regardless of what edge-lord atheists try to tell the world religion is necessary to create and sustain productive and purposeful society. Many if not most rules in religions are there as pillars to build a worthwhile life on. Sure, some rules are out-dated, but most speak directly to the part of you that wants a transcendent experience in this life. By shutting yourself off to them you're only damning yourself to nihilism and unhappiness.

I pity your lot. The grass is always greener, sure, some people may have enough mental disorders to be ok with that kind of fucked up arrangement. The fact that you thought you'd like to date a literal whore and to live life as a whore yourself shows how shallow and unfulfilling your life must be.

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Stop using words like polyamorous. She's a whore, nothing sophisticated in that.

>So, in other words, your stupid.
>your stupid.
> your

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>in my experience
>you're deluded

I... what? If I say I don't like apples, you can't dispute me lmao. That is what has happened in my experience. Don't blame me for being observant, blame all the NEETs and incels and mall ninjas that are giving conservatives a bad name.

This is OP here to say I love you. People will call us samefags. Or just fags. But we know.

We know.

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False, they just dont reveal their power level frequently so its hard to tell.

Im going to create a sort of fraternal society soon, if you are okay with giving up some level of anonymity and putting in member dues so we can buy shit itll be a good place for you

>"I pity your lot," he says, as he wipes the cheeto dust from his hands using the same, still-warm sock he just emptied his post-hentai nut into

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>being so stupid to take the bait

You tried, some chicks will be cool and keep you number one above all others. Most will value their family and themselves above you. Some will value other men above you.

If you chill around with a poly chick, don't fuck her. Don't discuss it. Poly can too often equate to mental illness. Just find someone else to be interested in when you encounter glaring red flags.

Nah, working a cushy job with downtime. After my work day ends at 4:00pm I'll drive in the car I own to the house I own and if the mood strikes I'll probably fuck my wife.

As I said, I pity you lot.

>Poly can too often equate to mental illness.

Replace often with always.

It's a construct of modern life so that people can fuck around.

I like you. You're confident in your views, but not an asshole. That's what I'm trying to achieve.

too often was slang for fuckin' run away lololol

Just bring it down to 70%. Shave a third off of what your response would normally be. Its akin to censorship, closer to matching frequency to communicate. Thanks for the compliment, you made my day. Lunch hour is over, enjoy your afternoon!

What about when it's your boyfriend who wants to do it?
My boyfriend of thirteen years who I have two children with left me last month because he was "polyamorous".

I initially dismissed this line of thought as puritanical, but I'm starting to see the truth in it. I knew walking into this I'd get judged hard for ever even trying it, but you can see how I thought it was a noble pursuit. Trying to overcome fear. I was a bit deluded, though. Where the ylyl at doe

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>Heh, good thing he used the wrong contraction in his argument. Now I can just point out that flaw and it'll negate his whole argument. Nothing personal kid.

It's funny how thin skinned you faggots are.

only retards let something as trivial as politics get between friendships anyways lmao

70%. Thanks, user.

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What is this? 2005?

>Two kids

You're a thot he didn't respect. Got what was coming to you.

Meh, I never hold the old college try against someone, you came away with new perspectives from your experience and have grown as a person. As long as you didn’t catch anything incurable, no harm no foul, but yes post more ylyl

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God I wish

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It sucks to hear this, and it was put too bluntly, but yeah girl get some self respect.

Lost, haha here you go
I forget/??

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Why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.

Marriage is a great tool, because it sucks to get a divorced, the time and money spent around it even if it’s a no fault divorce is a money/time sink.

Actually shows a guy is committed if he marries you

Thanks for sharing this user. I've wondered myself sometimes. From a very logical perspective: Given that 1) Mutually beneficial social relationships are essential to psychologically normal human life. and 2) Social relationships tend to grow in value over time. Investing your time in a social relationship which explicitly endorses and encourages diluting the value of your relationship is a fundamentally self-sabotaging activity. The more you value the relationship, the more devaluing the poly agreement becomes. So, entering into an agreed upon poly relationship is placing yourself into a catch-22.

So is that saying it's my fault?
I was a faithful stay at home mom and housewife after my chronic health issues made me need to stop working
So I can't help but think he just wants to find someone who can make money because he doesn't like working
(I agree I need to respect myself more, I should have left a decade ago)

The only way I can see a poly working is if it’s a fetish to be humiliated (thus both people are being fulfilled in a horrible way)

Or it’s two sociopath (void of any actually empathy and bonds) who just really enjoy each other’s company.

I knew there would be a few actual humans in this thread

Glad this was insightful for you. I was even reading books on polyamory, and for a time was convinced that this would be a good way to heal my insecurities, so I was fully invested.

On the upside, she recently went through a relationship with a very controlling guy who I think is the cause of her recent need for sexual freedom, so maybe she just needs some time and some therapy. I'll stay a friend in her life to find out.

you got som blue pill on your face there bruh


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You pretty much nailed it. It wasn't your fault he left you, it was your fault the situation got to the point where you had two kids and no marriage. Not to say you're completely retarded, OP is here to tell you that love does make us do stupid things. But from now on, don't be a doormat.

they exchange love letters on their wedding day then get photographed reading them for the photo collection so they can look all lovey-dovey while expressing their feels.

but the guy is just not reacting or she wrote something stupid as fuck, while she's super worked up and in love cause he wrote something amazing or she's acting.

just my guess.

>So is that saying it's my fault?

Well, you reap what you sow. You decided to rear children with a man who did not promise to be faithful with you. You say boyfriend, not fiance so I would put more blame on you than him.

A relationship outside of marriage is a standard contract of "we stay together until one of us no longer wants to be together." The whole point of marriage is a sacred vow that you will be together for as long as you both remain on this earth.

He never made such vow.

It sucks to hear I'm sure, but you got what was coming to you. You should have never agreed to have children with a man unwilling to make that vow.

Yes, and the whole point of this thread is wiping it off. Didn't read the post? lol

>Chronic health issues
Major red flag right there. Basic, fat bitch excuses. Kys please

At least post some funny pics if you’re going to circle jerk about op and shit

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Dont do this. I did this with this 6/10 long term girl i was with. Youll get dragged through the mud. Everytime a new fuck buddy ditches her shell come crawling back. She will tell you how much she loves you and misses you. Act like she appreciates you and values you over all those other guys just until another guy gives her some attention a week later.

Gather your resources, make yourself a better person amd advace your life goals. Dont put the pussy on a pedestal, and soon youll start pulling some new vag. I went from 6/10s to 9/10 and better, no looking back

Truth be told, he was probably nervous as fuck. I think a lot of guys get that "hyper vigilance" when they're super nervous. We get to a point where we are unable to process emotions so that we can be super focused on whats going on around us and keep a clear head.

Everyone else cried at my wedding but I didn't have any emotions except nervousness until I got drunk at the reception.

At least you figured it out, and stayed true to yourself. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes.

listen to user

Actually it's an insane allergy to cleaners and fragrances that keeps me from going basically everywhere but thanks bruh

Yeah, right fatty. Keep telling yourself that

Don’t enter a poly relationship unless you’re a chad who can get laid more than your partner or you’ll end up bitter and jealous. Or don’t enter one at all because they’re retarded.

Dubs speak truth

OP here just got off the phone with her, feelsbadman because you can't help who you love but feelsgoodman because it was all on my terms.

It would be cool if she grows out of this, because she's a great gal and she's gorgeous, but this poly shit is not worth the feeling of emasculation.


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