So I'm in general a pretty moral person, I find it hard to lie or manipulate (sometimes puts me in a disadvantage)...

So I'm in general a pretty moral person, I find it hard to lie or manipulate (sometimes puts me in a disadvantage). I wish to have a family and raise my children with ethics and in total I think I've done more good than bad. But I've never been religious, don't plan on becoming. I could follow the 10 commandments but I can't take God seriously. Do I get to go to heaven? Or is my place reserved for some criminal/rapist who converted later in his life and has been forgiven all his sins?

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you go to limbo

by the religious dogma, its mor important to believe than to be a good person.
Fortunately there isnt any afterlife to go to

OP has abandoned his thread

No I haven't :D you wanted a response to your reply or what?

People who say crap like you haven't seen enough of the world to see it as grey.
But to the point fuck religion, the first two or three commandments are irrelevant to being a good person, they are rules of worship. The majority of the text should be disregarded, and morality if real is only relative pending on time and local

Ok, so not the 10 commandments, but whatever parts of the Bible teach about everyday moral behavior with your fellow man. Also, I don't think some basic moral things like stealing, lying, greed have been accepted in any culture at any time. Some of the values are not subjective to the culture.

If you're not religious whey are you worried about heaven?

Also, moral person posting on Yea Forums.

*whey = why

You might be right unfortunately, but this means a good and moral person who is an unbeliever would go to hell according to Christianity?

I was only thinking that what if you die and then you do find out there is a Christian heaven and hell, what happens next.


probably wouldnt go to heaven, no. Yeah - that god was never a cunt and never deserving of worship

>am not religious
>still believes in heaven


Depends on what religion's rules you're basing your eligibility on.

you wont go to heaven because heaven doesnt exist.

if god did exist, and wouldnt let you into heaven because you werent his cheerleader, despite leading a good life, then he isnt a god worth worshipping anyway. and thats also disregarding all of the other reasons he wouldnt be worth worshipping.

Doesn't mean you wouldn't still be tortured in hell for eternity. So basically your opinion means absolutely nothing related to the outcome.


Fair enough

Everything you had to say was sociopathic, no one guves a shit wether your a pretty moral person or not

Nothing happens when you die, it‘s over.

Christianity based ruleset, belief and acceptance are the only conditions, actions cannot get you there. On the one hand it appears restrictive, on the other, it is the simplest way possible to get in.

You should test that out for us by becoming an hero.

I think many people can have thoughts like that without being a sociopath

>Do I get to go to heaven?
Absolutely no one knows.

You lose cunt

>what if you die and then you do find out there is a Christian heaven and hell, what happens next.
Then you must believe that they exist, want to appear edgy and atheist and are hedging your bets. Either that, or be honest and admit you don't know, are not particularly religious but the potential for an afterlife bothers you. Which is fine if it helps you deal with the finality and futility of life.

Morality is its own reward. Thinking there is a Christian afterlife discounts the real objective of religion, we are all one, and god doesn't discriminate. What kind of a god would discriminate among humans who are all created in his image? Its a logical fallacy. Religion is a creation of humans who had to put an overlying theme upon it for the masses to understand it. Kind of like professional wrestling. It wouldn't have the same impact if it was just a bunch of guys all dressed the same, talking about good sportsmanship. We need heroes and villains and champions and former champs and up-n-comers to keep it interesting.

Anyway, heaven is a construct of man. Nobody knows, and philosophers and theologians are speculating. But in the basics of morality being its own reward, every decision you make unfolds your path a little further. Where you are is a direct result of the decisions you've made, and some amount of good and bad luck. The more bad decisions you make, the more likely your later life will be shitty. You'll have shittier friends, a shittier job, a shittier wife, and shittier rewards. If you live a moral life, it's more likely you'll have better things because you won't be surrounded by as many negative results of past decisions. You'll still have some bad times, but probably not as many.

unfortunately, innocents goes often to jail because of justice's mistakes....

>Or is my place reserved for some criminal/rapist who converted later in his life and has been forgiven all his sins?

Luke 15 ( 1 -7 )

>Morality is its own reward.
Not always. man is fundamentally a social animal and we've evolved rules to help society along. Psychopaths and sociopaths like Putin and Trump aren't particularly moral and they do pretty well out of it because the only real way to deal with them is for a group of us to act immoral by taking them down a metophorical alley and beating the crap out of them

Stop quoting Bible you dipshit

Why would I kill myself if I think there is no afterlife? Did you lack oxygen during birth?

Pretty much every religion states something along the lines of "If you dont follow my religion and ONLY my religion, youre doomed to go to hell/purgatory/etc..." . So to an outsider I dont understand how we are supposed to be just take a leap of faith on what has essentially become an existential lottery of deciding which faith to believe, out of the hundreds on earth. Beyond that, how can we follow a god which punishes everyone who doesnt follow solely their own religion when there are dozens of other religions with only minor differences in the text?

For those too lazy to search it up:

"The Parable of the Lost Sheep
15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

More to the point, how can you take seriously any god that is all-powerful yet insecure enough to need worshipping and allows other religions to exist. One quick manifestation and the whole planet is aligned.

>For those too lazy to search it up
You mistake me for someone who gives a shit about what some people wrote down what they thought some other pre-medieval guy said several decades earlier

why only Jesus heaven and not any other heaven? I thought originally you were posting to provoke some real thought out of religiousfags, but this kind of playing dumb fence riding feels a bit trollish. "what if we're right?" has always been a really weak, unmoving argument to me

Jesus himself said Don't lie, steal, murder, commit adultery, and honor your Parents are the only basic elements you need for the Next Life.

The rest is just bonus for those who want a near perfect score.

Yeah limbo is for the well intentioned non-believers

You’ll have a more pleasing death if you did with your life though because as your brain melts down it floods your mind with all your actions and regrets and achievements, weighing your soul you could say

>Jesus himself said Don't lie, steal, murder, commit adultery, and honor your Parents are the only basic elements you need for the Next Life.
How do you know? All you have is some record written down on scrolls many years later by some guy who had been told what had been said, which had been handed down by word-of-mouth storytelling, embellished, modified and exaggerated. Or do you thinh the books were actually written by the disciples that bear their name?

as i recall some pope declared that moral non believers get into heaven now, and popes have jesus in their dms so i believe him

Morality being it's own reward means exactly that.. you can live with yourself and take pride in the results. It's not a formula whereby the more moral you are, the better you'll be rewarded by materialism. Lots of bad people get good shit. But wouldn't you rather have "Trumps fortune" (or anyones) through being a decent person rather than being an asshole? I think it would be a better reward and your friends would be better people.

The irony is that you rarely get Trump's fortune WITHOUT being an asshole. Some of the greatest philanthropists (like Carnegie, for example) got rich by being total bastards

Precisely, because it takes someone who doesnt give a fuck about other people to take their money as your own. Remember, money is a finite resource, the more one person has, the less everyone else will have.

Nah. If you looked at the Forbes list, probably more than half are "good". I don't dip too much into this topic about celebrity wealth, but I don't think Bezos, Buffet, Sam Walton, and a whole bunch of those types are considered "bad". Everyone makes some bad decisions, but most don't live a truly unethical life. The ones that do are outliers.

>Remember, money is a finite resource, the more one person has, the less everyone else will have.
Liberal detected. Pure capitalism is neither good nor bad.

You ought to look at your list again, and see just what Bezos's Amazon has done under his watch; starting with tax avoidance, data mining, not supporting the infrastructure their businesses rely on, and so on and so on.

Berkshire Hathaway used to be a manufacturing company, with employees before Buffet and Walton bought it, asset stripped it and turned it into an investment vehicle

Spoils of warfare were big in the early days of Greece is one example. Just so long as you killed the guy before taking the gear.
If we fallow a religion as a rule of thumb you are to be stoned for touching pigskin, and if you don't kill a wickin on sight you go to hell.
Don't be silly and cherry pick their teaching, learn your shit

Those things are all business. BH was bought and restructured because it was vulnerable and mismanaged. Amazon is foremost a business. It is not Amazons responsibility to be a good steward of other peoples companies, or take mercy upon them if they can't compete. If the tax laws allow Amazon to avoid taxes, it is in fact their corporate responsibility to take advantage of those laws because they are a publicly traded company. But look at what has been done in the wake of the emergence of Amazon; everyone is pushing hard to compete. You can order groceries online, have every single product in the world delivered, online books (think what you will) downloaded onto a $99 reader, they're using their own money to research drone delivery, they're basically the google of retail. In total, more good than bad. People that complain about their employment practices, they have to realize they employ 100k people, and are basically responsible for big profits in UPS and the USPS (despite what trump says, the USPS is making money and sets its own postal rates) who employs 100k's more. There aren't many companies that rain down their influence on other companies like that. A lot of people are employed because of Amazon. If it's impacting "main street" mom and pops businesses, thats capitalism, and those companies have to learn to change, just like they did in the face of other advancements. Car companies put a lot of horse and carriage types of business out, but look at all the businesses that rose up from the auto era. Probably 100x more. Again, more good than bad.

i wouldnt say its weighing my soul

If you really think about it, the only way someone can have morality is if they have faith in God.

You are just acting out a Christian morality that was taught to you.
You are an empty husk.
When a real hard complex moral dilemma comes in your life, you will have no idea what to do because you dont have the highest moral good,God, to guide you.

You'll make a wrong decision based on whatever false idol you happen to find the most pleasure in pleasing.
Empathy? Freedom? Or some other false idol constituency in your subconcious

Fuck off God-botherer.

Are you just going to samefag all the religious replies on this thread like a complete fucking loser?
You should try changing the format, wording and overall feel of your posts if you want someone retarded to believe they aren't all you.
I say retards because they are the only ones who might fall for this utter faggotry.

What if you die and find out that you should have been doing more fighting and now you don't get to go booze up with Óðinn in Valhöll?

What if you find out that you are destined for Xibalba and need to trick the underworld god's to get to heaven?

> Do I get to go to heaven?
no, you just go to a nicer part of hell

Or, maybe we're just not savages, and people know if you behave like a real nihilist your lifespan is about 25 years old.

Because I don't know that much about other heavens/hells. I'm glad my OP felt like that, I made the thread with no purpose. I don't think there are many religiousfags here.

Most insane reply in this thread.