Gosh user your sucha loser

gosh user your sucha loser

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don't remind me

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girls are so gross
i wish i was gay

u down bottom

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i hate it when they do that

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she's so cute with her big eyes

All the combat arts taught in Hogwarts were intended to be used against an army of spiders which were believed to be planning an attack where they would capture but not kill every single sorcerer

In the final battle the spiders indeed attack the castle where the sorcerers duel them endlessly with a vast array of techniques

It was every sorcerer's personal choice to kill their adversary without concequence, or not

beautiful eyelashes


she has four ears

and you are an ugly blue haired whore hehiheihie

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dubs! wooh!

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yes I want to talk more yap

yess I miss uu..
have you been busy?

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today I had to cashier yap
I miss you too

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there was a heatwave, crazy hot!!

is that hard?? aaa do you get nervous?

you should put on a summer dress yap yap

I'm more used to it now, tomorrow is my last work day and next week it is already school again

exams exams

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no moar riding your bike uphill...

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I am a winner

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*pats on head*

winners deserve headpats

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yes I get to take the BUS again!!

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hi papika

aaaa sometimes I look at the time and think yap Tragick must be taking the bus now..
UGHH I think about uu a lot!

I remembr when you failed a tiny lil exam and went ballistic on mee!!! what the heck

you're the longest I've been with anyone!!

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that's because I'm like super dreamy duh

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I am happe we are talking

me too, Tragick

there is something funny I wanted to tell you!!

a co worker was saying she ate TOMATO keki!!
I could not believe my ears!!
so of coursh I had to ask if she knew about carrot keki....

do you get jealous sometimes?

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yes she heard about it but never ate it!!!!
yes I do

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UGHHH it is such a common cake Tragick!!!! this is ridiculous aaaaa ok but tomato cake is weird
aaaa yap I noticed.. I don't wan to make you feel bad

can you speak french?

aaa rly? ? I want to eat one yap!!
it is not your job, I will take care of myself
un peu!! I can listen to it but not rly speak it

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it's not my job but my wish to make you happy

aaa european languages are so SEXY rlyyy and like triple sexy when they come from your mouth
I LOVE YOU Tragick

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carrot cake is justtt umm really sweet! it doesn't taste like carrots at all.. just bread and sweetness

yes you make me very happe, I am smiling!
et je t'aime tu Magick!!
ahh whaaat! that's interesting, I was just thinking a few minutes ago that it would taste like nothing but carrots!!!!

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I am smiling a lot too!
I love you lots and UGHHHH aAAAA I don't know how could you love me for so long without saying anything!!

say Magick, just how many carrot cakes have you eaten? ?

what IDK

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SAY Tragick, have you masturbated today?

idk IDK!!! It worked out!!
yes.. I said I love you first aaa it was scary.. but yap I rlly wanted to say it
aa.. perhaps next time you can eat one for me too!
omg, NO, I have not!!

SAY Magick, is this one of those times you get a... ahem... "random erection?"

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yap yap, why scary???? UHGGG why did you remain silent for so longgg??? AAAAAA
well it depends.. SAY Tragick are you touching your panties right now?

I was not sure if you were with someone else!
I am brushing my teeth!!

This reminds me of a fantasy I had

yap brush brush
I want to brush your hair! how long is it???

It is not long, shoulder height, I want to grow it longer again!
Aaaaa omg SO well... umm.. it was oral and also with a popsicles and your thingy got super messy yap!
And mayb it feels cold in my mouth for uu!! Idk!! /.\

lole my hair is longer than yours!!
hehe sex is very warm, the insides of another persons are very hot, literally.. I guess you are a virgin huh?

do you remember the first time when you said you loved me?

Omg what! We can comb eachother!!
Aaaa grow hair of mine growww!
Oh the popsicles wouldn't do much? Mayb if I touch your dick with it directly hehehehe!!
Yes I do..

takes one to know one

virgin girls don't know much about dick! you would probably hurt me! yap yap yap I should take CONTROL of the situation.....
tell me about that time..

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Mayb.. I guess so.. yapp!!
I think you went on a camping trip, I remember missing uu when u were gone!! Some anons asked me abt u
Also we just talked!! We had a good connection.. so it felt right! I told you abt wanting to be a nurse Yap yap

yes... that felt so natural.. so good. I want to make you feel good, I want to GET to know you.. I don't want to hurt you.... I haven't added Nuipostre in discorn because I don't want to disrespect you, Tragick...
I love you so much, you have had my attention for so long..
yap yap say something in Flemish

UGHH also the Flemish lion looks so cool... your entire country is so interesting!!!!!

oral huh?

aa omg I am flustered..
UGHh I just want to hug uu so badly..
ja! de leeuw.. die heb ik ook altijd cool gevonden!!
YES umm.. oral sounds a bit weird to say? how else could I say it? ?

it is getting late for me

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disgusting namefig thread saged

yes yap you should sleep!!!

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Good night Magick and yap! I love you so much too! I've never had feelings like this before

I love you Tragick I love U
good night princess

Princess feels rly good to hear!!
Dreamy prince..

I love you I love you so much..everyone was so jealous of you... they were right I love you so much

Guess what i am doingg

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aaaa monday my panties were damp all day because I would think abt our night

I don't get to feel sorry for myself :^)

People yell at me before I even try. 8^)

Your fortune: Good Luck

Embrace the power of the dark side or be swallowed by it

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I've been training with the Jedi!

seuss can repress his latent Sith...ness.

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Jedi = space jews = space thought control

It's so funny you should say that because I just finished my playlist

Wanna watch too??


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