I got my friend/roommate pregnant. Neither of us are stable enough to try to raise a kid...

I got my friend/roommate pregnant. Neither of us are stable enough to try to raise a kid, and I'm about to move to another state.

How do I convince her to get abortion Yea Forums?

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Just accept the consequences. Imagine how the little shit will feel knowing his dad was a coward.

Right, but if I can't provide financial stability, plus my emotional instability, the kid will be raised to be another criminal or drug user or some other bigger-ish typecast

give it up for adoption so people don't have to go to fucking 3rd world shitholes and bring back shit kids

play on her aspirations. children are nothing but time and money.

does she want to travel? well that's not possible if you have a child to raise.

think of all the shit soaked drippy diapers she'll have to change, imagine the kid pissing into your mouth while you're trying to do so. imagine it pukes all over your new dress.

hell or just tell her you're leaving her and that she should get an abortion for her own good because no man is going to want a woman that is raising another man's baby

sounds like you've already given up

She says she couldn't do adoption. It's either abort the little demon spawn or raise it

Why would you let that happen?

Haven't given up, I just know too many people and kids who grow up to be shit heads as a direct result of their parents instability.

I also not ready to be parent. I'm a fucking mess.

Great advice. I'll use this. She's not finished with college degree yet so I'm pushing that. Plus she only has part time job, struggles with bills as it is


It's your offspring, so it's going to be a suicidal faggot anyway.

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Honestly bro this relationship is fucked either way. You're better off dumping her now for a few reasons.

Firstly, if she keeps the child you guys will end up fighting over bills and living a shitty life.

Second, if she doesn't keep the child and you two stay together one or both of you will start to feel shitty about killing what could have potentially been your kid.

Both end with a breakup. But one ends with you two happy in the end.

I'm not sure how to force it without get knowing. If I could spike some of her drinks I would.

It also depends on how many weeks into pregnancy she is. After a certain point, it becomes illegal and very difficult.

At early stages of the pregnancy, a woman's hormones will start to go wild to make her feel attached to fetus as a mother, and she will go into protection mode. As in she will do anything to protect the baby.

So the earlier you convince her the better. I'd plant the idea in her mind that whatever's in her womb isn't a child, it's a mistake. If it grows, it becomes a bigger and bigger mistake, to the point that it makes both of you regret every choice you've ever made.

Then reassure her that one day she will have a child willingly when she is ready. You know the drill.

Stop being a weed of society and take care of what you created

Not if you raise him right

By the way... Are you100% sure the child is yours?

Let's just say there is a 60% chance Jamal did it.

Tell her that your seed is unviable and she will birth a downie retard with those weird fucked up little hands

Don't. Abortion will scar her for life and affect her fertility.
Be a dad, own it and be happy.

Lets edit this for facts shall we?
>replace friend/gf with pillow/sockreplace moving to another state with "going to school tomorrow"