Is she right, Yea Forums? Should we ban racist speech on the Internet?

Is she right, Yea Forums? Should we ban racist speech on the Internet?

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Who decides what's "racist"?

>citing the daily caller

The dictionary? It's not exactly vague but nice try.

>pretending she supports racist speech

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>The dictionary?
You're trolling now, aren't you?

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That's pretty much against free speech.

private companies can ban whatever they want.
that's how the world works.

sorry, no. you have poor reasoning skills.


It's a clearly defined word. Look it up. Trumptards cannot read? Seriously?

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Exactly what race is she?

I'm Canadian. I don't follow Trump because I don't live in America.

And if you seriously think the dictionary will uphold the tenets of what racist speech entirely is and how to control it, then yeah, you have poor reasoning skills.

No keep it out in the open. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. If you "ban it" people will just work around the ban and operate in deeper and deeper sections of the net. Pushing them out of the light will let them grow and fester in the dark corner until they explode possibly killing some people in the process. Good thing most targets like niggers, spics, kikes, and fags aren't people.

All jokes aside keep it in the light.

I love that any combination of words can be assembled and slapped next to a stock photo of someone making it look like a quote and dummies like you will cone out on droves and cry about it as if it were real.

It’s subjective to every individual. And the laws are going to be made by people with their own subjective view point. You dumb cunt.

So maybe we just all learn to scroll past something we don’t agree with on the internet and move the fuck on.

Jesus Christ fucking school shooter eyes

hurr durr hurr durr hurr durr lets implements a text filter on the whole internet!

youre a dumbass if you think this is technically fesible

also, banning words does not stop the ideas, it just makes them harder to stop

so if you want to make the job of fighting racism harder, then yes, ban words. dumb shits

once upon a time racist words were banned on Yea Forums

ah the days of the roody-poo

lol, eat sixty dicks

The more you push stuff into the corner the more straight up deadly and radical it becomes

>Pushing them out of the light will let them grow and fester in the dark corner until they explode possibly killing some people in the process.
well, you know, it's already in the light, and it's already killing people, so fat lot of good it's doing us so far...

yes but thats just the ones and twos who are already insane. If you push a ton of people into the corner the only ones they will talk to are themselves. In this corner the same ideas will be bounced around in circles inevitably. After hearing it over and over again they will go from fiction to reality eventually. In the light those ideas can be challenged by others and turned back to fiction stopping many from radicalization.


This person should be gassed. Please do not pro create

Let’s ban saying anything bad about blacks. That’s sure to make these damn racists finally love them.

Even if you wanted to stop racism, that's not how you do it.

The suppression of ethnic, political and religious groups throughout history has worked out so fucking poorly that it isn't even funny.

Education in regards to such topics, encouraging democratic and egalitarian ideals while desensitizing people to race so that it seems like the shit doesn't even matter is the way to go about it.