its that time of year again
what apples are you eating?
today i went to the nearest orchard and bought 40 lbs of mackintosh and gala
Its that time of year again
Aiden Phillips
Andrew Ramirez
Just finish pie I made from macs yesterday.
Asher Nelson
Point of contention in my familly
Wyatt Myers
Pink Lady's if my local market has them.
Aiden Mitchell
nice choice i gotta start making pies
Ryan Ward
red delicious is master race anything else is plebeian
Jaxson Carter
just get both. theyr so cheap this time of year
you should go to and buy directly from the orchard to help out the local farmers
Nolan Ortiz
red delicious is mealy
gala is just as sweet but isnt mealy you should try it
Hunter Ross
We usually have a massive bowl of both and look at each other with approval or disgust based on which bowl we pick from
Anthony Nelson
Red Delicious is nothing but decorative fruit bowl material