So, Yea Forumstards, put your brains together for this one. I have one question for you fags to argue over

So, Yea Forumstards, put your brains together for this one. I have one question for you fags to argue over...

Does freewill exist?

I think not, change my mind?

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the Heisenberg's uncertainty principal leaves the answer to that question as a maybe.

it does because just one minute ago i decided not to jerk off to trap porn even though i am biologically hard wired to seek sexual gratification


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No, you are a meat puppet controlled by your emotions, the only way to fix it is to completely ignore your emotions and do the exact opposite of what they say

This isn’t even debatable, you have the free will to do whatever you please

that justs make you a puppet to your emotions in a round about way

Yup so therefore no such as free will

You had the choice to post or not post that reply same as everyone had the choice to reply
Free will is inherent

Yes, that bastard William raped my daughter and made it out of the country before the law could catch him.

the argument is you are either a product of your environment, and have no control over your actions or fate as they are predetermined and innate whether interally or externally, and free will being.. well, the opposite.

i think the debate is a bit outdated. chop a guys head off and it doesn't phase you, then what? is that free will or are you just psychopathic and therefore free will does not apply as that was a genetic predisposition.

yeah but the whole point of the thread is the idea that was going to happen no matter what thus its all scripted by quantum clockwork

That's a very nice question
As far as I see it "Freewill" is a mirage
we are driven by ideologies we've chosen for whatever reason, They show us what to believe in, and how to behave
The moment you're born into a society you are deprived of your own freewill by your parents that will teach you their way of thinking and their morality. When(IF) you grow up you'll create your own way and then you shall repeat that circle on and on. Moreover All that put peer pressure on you forcing to follow a set of do's and don'ts the current society you're living in is propagating
True Freewill is an immoral and chaotic mess that leads to anarchy and is entirely selfish

True freewill is dangerous to such evolved apes like us

also on a sidenote niggers are animals with very heavy sensibilty about their supposed free will.
that's why they do what they do, while chimping out whenever the Law of the society is punishing for beign a threat

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I would have to say that everything you do is based on the firing of your neurons, which came into existance 13.8 billion years ago. ever since the expanse, the particles have interacted with many other particles of mass which have made you not fap to trap porn. You looking back on it is simply you trying to rationalize what has happened. You not beating your meat was going to happen 100%. You have this illusion of having the ability to change your mind, when in fact you dont. Remember the first law of thermodynamics, energy can not be created nor destroyed. All the energy from the initial expanse has been transferred into everything that already exists, thus every motion you make... everything you will do has already been set. that means you could, in theory, calculate what someone/thing might choose/ do.

Right gotcha, well I’m saying that though the argument is null because it’s impossible to tell if that is true or not so it’s not debatable anyway


not if a breakthrough in quantum science happens in our lifetimes

top kek

I dont know how you came to the conclusion thats its impossible, have you tried EVERYTHING?

I mean, the particles that make up your body came from the same place everything else did... so, the movement of a dust particle 10 billion years ago could have been the reason your dad didnt pull out.

yes but Heisenbergs uncertainty principal!!!!!

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but i controlled the firing of neurons in my brains though thinking

thats like saying a clock is controlling what time it is

its not because im only controlling my own thoughts and a clock isnt conscious

you ARE your thoughts dummy

what is consciousness then ?