Repeat after me: "No porn, no fap." Who's with me?

Repeat after me: "No porn, no fap." Who's with me?

Attached: 1597631057.jpg (625x625, 97K)

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Jewish bugman prime

Repeat after me: "No soy, no testosterone"

We must avoid becoming like him. Let's go.

nofap is literally the ultimate chad play.

How much more alpha is a man who doesn't need to jack off to women on the screen who will never desire them than one who does?

Attached: nofapfountain.jpg (838x1381, 530K)

whats your obsession with this israeli guy

His face might look like that after a period of time without gluggling Soylent, but I doubt that he would look like that without the tiniest introductions of testosterone, more like pic-related.

Attached: 15973420518.png (580x524, 353K)

Het stormt om mij heen, creërt een storm om mij heen

He is Soyboy #1, the very image that we should aspire to not be like.

Attached: 1566176301902m.jpg.jpg (1024x764, 164K)