Repeat after me: "No porn, no fap." Who's with me?
Repeat after me: "No porn, no fap." Who's with me?
Logan Brooks
Other urls found in this thread:
Ethan Jenkins
Jewish bugman prime
Christopher Reyes
Repeat after me: "No soy, no testosterone"
Lincoln Ramirez
We must avoid becoming like him. Let's go.
Nolan Bailey
nofap is literally the ultimate chad play.
How much more alpha is a man who doesn't need to jack off to women on the screen who will never desire them than one who does?
Angel Long
whats your obsession with this israeli guy
Gavin Flores
His face might look like that after a period of time without gluggling Soylent, but I doubt that he would look like that without the tiniest introductions of testosterone, more like pic-related.
Tyler Nelson
Het stormt om mij heen, creërt een storm om mij heen
John Moore
He is Soyboy #1, the very image that we should aspire to not be like.
Kayden Brown