What does she mean?

What does she mean?

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she means she had experience like pic related when she bent over and now can't get white cock out of her mind

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White people invented showers so of course she thinks about it.

soap suds are white

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Maybe this VICTIM shouldn't shower or bathe if it is too triggering.

Probably mental retardation

Its called obsession.
Hatred is not a powerful enough emotion for one to think about a person during random intervals throughout the day such as when washing ones legs. Hatred only comes up when directly reminded of said person. This woman is actually feeling emotions of deep infatuation, admiration, and obsession. Probably for a single individual white peer which she misinterprets as an emotion towards the race as a whole.

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I don’t even understand what she’s trying to say

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This, wtf was the 1st reaction

Jezus fucking christ i shat myself ylyl

jeez user, you just destroyed her

Maybe her tiles are white

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Source it op where'd you find this post

That's a fucking lie, their houses were made out of cow dung mixed with dirt and straw not just straw.

she is saying white people invented indoor plumbing and soap

I don't have the slightest fucking clue

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I wanna see the replies to that post

black people are dirty,they barely ever take showers


does that mean she can wash her arms just fine?

if so, just let the soap run down your body and also clean your legs, problem solved.

what's the pic you cropped out, that might help

I think she's talking about feeling like she has to shave because white people decided to shave girl legs

what does white parts per liter even mean?

How did white people decide that?

hey man I'm just the interpreter

the shaving of female legs is a fairly common evolutionary response - people naturally want to underscore their masculinity or femininity to signal how genetically fit they are - hence men feel the urge to act manly and women get the urge to look womanly.

hence, girls - people who naturally have much less body hair - shave their bodies to seem even 'more' girly

why do you think men who 'manscape' are seen as gay? or men with long hair? we subconsciously realize they are more of a symbol of femininity

take hair as a whole. who has longer hair in almost every society in ALL of recorded history? women - not just women, but LITTLE GIRLS opposed to LITTLE BOYS. Why is this?

who goes bald? men, not women. hence 'male-pattern baldness'. exposure to testosterone causes hair to fall out and hairlines to recede. It is uniquely a male problem - meaning, baldness signals that you have testosterone, and thus long hair signals that you're feminine.

Put them together, and we have men with short hair and hairy chests, with women having long hair and waxed legs. things that are that consistent throughout the human record always, always, always come from evolutionary pressures. there is no other way for a certain trait, behavior, or belief to be so common in one sex and not the other. evolutionary psychology is an enormous body of explanation that explains a lot about us and why we do what we do.

when you see posts like this, report it as racially insensitive or outright racist. This is a clear attack against white people.

There's also female pattern baldness. Old women just wear wigs more.

yes, but it's seen as much more exceptional. more people will do a double take when they see a woman, even an older woman, with a disappearing hairline.

between a healthy male and a healthy woman, baldness is significantly more likely to affect the man

Nigger soles are white thats it I guess

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if showering is a problem, get a bathtub

maybe she means that the smell of clean skin reminds her of white people

It must be convenient to just believe things you decide to be true without any evidence.

do you honestly think i'm making this up? how many bald men vs women do you know? do you know enough world history and comparative cultures to know that it is true cultures tend to encourage short male hair and body hair, and long female hair and little-to-no body hair?

and, if for some reason, you think this is perhaps a conspiracy of some kind with an ulterior motive, why would some behavioral expression by so freakishly consistent throughout history, on different continents, different cultures, different religions, different time periods, etc.

whence cometh the answers when you cut yourself off from your own causal influences? this is what the disregard for evolutionary psychology results in. without genetic pressures, you must default to an omni-present, borderline-omnipotent puppetmaster composed of a secret cabal of straight while western males conspiring to keep women down for the sake of satisfying their sadistic misogyny. nothing is the fault of the oppressed, because how can you expect to win against such effective propagandists that have had society at large eating out of the palm of their hand for, literally, thousands of years without question?

This is just a bot, trying to rile your jimmies. Your choice.

what if this message is from an AI encouraging apathy towards a real revolution happening before us, ensuring that the modern radical changes society completely unchallenged?

at the end of the day, "bot" vs. "npc" is not a meaningful distinction.

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donnie darko was made by white people and had white actors. she’s taking up the name up a white man!!1!

Youre mistaken africa with india, in india they took the cows shit and use them for building, cooking and any stuff they can think of. That is why cows are holy and where the word holy shit comes from.

and if you ever wonder why indians shit on the street is because the cows shit on the street, and as a worshiped creature they follow the same teaching of the cows to shit on the street.

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This, pretty much.

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I'm reading the Twitter thread, and it seems like the consensus is that these people think white people don't wash their legs...? I'm not sure where that idea came from, but I can assure you, white people do, in fact, wash their legs

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Can you post pics of the thread?

And your requests will be ignored.

This. There is no difference between a bot and an NPC

This. I gotta see some of the replies that post got

Maybe this sheboon should move to fucking Africa if white people trigger her so much

The tribe mindset has taken over and she has lost almost all individual thought. It's the cry of someone hoping they will be rescued and brought back to reality.

Uh no we don't? The soap travels down your body when you rinse, unnecessary to wash unless they're like crusted with dirt.

It's like the unseasoned chicken and the not liking spicy food myths. They make up little facts about us because they can't attack us with real facts like crime stats and national IQ averages.

I wonder if she's ever tweeted about being a white man's whore.

so let me get this straight
women are attracted to masculinity
balding men = high testosterone which = masculinity
but women arent attracted to balding men
what did he mean by this

niqqa you lazy and dirty

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Nah man, I shower twice a day, more if i've done something sweaty or dirty recently that day.

Balding men isn't high test, it's a negative reaction to test like an allergy

black people literally obsess over white people all day every day