Come home

>come home
>you find your girlfriend fucking this muscly tattooed negro

What do you do?

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id probably fap.

open up the niggertricking cotton smell snare and trick it off

I'd punch Tenda Spencer in his ugly Asian fag mouth

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OP has a tiny Asian dick

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>My GF is as racist as I am.
Kek nigga not gonna get to nog.
>Tattoos and blacks
Kek even more.

lick his ass and thank him

Get a new gf


why do you fags respond to this bait and make white men look like cuck faggots
are you fucking stupid?

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Get a job, Tenda

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take out my12 gauge

I’d probably just record it or go make them something to eat tbh

Probably watch. We're swingers and aren't racist.

ask my wife for a turn

Kiss my girl's foot, slap that nigger in the ass and ask if he's enjoy himself. Then, I'll just sit near and proceed to fap.

>Kick them both out
>throw away the furniture they were fucking on
> Move in with my life because i don’t define myself based on the my relationships with others

Call up Dirty Work Inc. They'll deal with the nigger from there.

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she must explain

why black men are superior?

stop responding you gay fucks

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you wish they were Asian bitch boi

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one your white guilt is getting in the way of you thinking a nigger can out do a white on anything. Two fuck an explanation she wants to mix blood let her go find out what being a race traitor means. stop being a pathetic white guilt beta cuck you fucking sissy and get proud and man the fuck up

>stop responding you gay fucks
I'm not gay... unless you mean "gay" in a "gay" way and not "gay" as "gay"

If she can, why not?

double homicide

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Leave the house. Call the non emergency police to schedule a supervised eviction. Call a moving company. Contact my lawyer. Take a trip to Walmart grab some toiletries and extra clothes. Book a nice hotel and take tomorrow off work.

Next day arrive with the cops and moving company and have her get her shit out of my house.

From there it'd be dedicating my time to the gym and my work, aka more of the same.

The guys appearance would have basically zero factor in my state of mind.

stop replying to this gay ass thread you nigger loving faggot

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Why are you replying then

I told my wife that if I ever caught her cheating, I could promise her two of the three of us would end up dead. But I wouldn’t know which two until I’m in the moment.

I live in Texas so shoot him.

And then go to prison where you end up having sex with black men instead?


That guy wears a fake dick.

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In Texas, it is perfectly legal to shoot spouse who is fucking someone else.

Temporary insanity, heat of the moment shit

Seen and heard it done because of sympathetic jury