Still Your President

Still Your President

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Until 2024. The meltdowns on the evening of November 3rd 2020 are going to be absolutely epic

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Probably won't know results til the 4th.

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yep, until his 2nd term is up, MAGA!

Your goddamn right he is.

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And still a worthless piece of shit as a human!


Can't wait to see him win in 2020.

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Aw, a femicrat. Ain't she cute.


Get your laughs in, boy. I find it hilarious that you support politics that run counter to your own best interests.

Not my president, I'm not from the US thank god

He's in the headlines every day as his senility becomes more and more obvious, so we know. We don't need a reminder.

Lucky for his supporters, his mental decline is putting him closer and closer into their mental state, so they're having a ball.

Too bad he didn't want to be.

and he caters to the democrats,probably because he was one for most of his life

I'm from the US and he's not my President

i always love how the crowd who has cried about the news media,mexicans,muslims and sports players for almost 4 years straight are the ones posting about feelings

Do you know how bad you have to be to make me long for the days of Bush Jr.?

implying that you thought bush was'd probably bitch just as much about bush as your doing donald trump

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Probably, but at least there'd be a semblance of someone who knows what he's doing, or understands that there are other countries. This motherfucker is so incompetent, which at least that's comforting. Aside from stacking the courts he's been clueless and impotent.

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got em

I know, right? All responses are considered moot after this stale pic.

Don't blame me.
I voted for Deez Nutz in 2016.
Next year I'm voting for Elizabeth Warren.
Deal with it!


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