Why are Republicans all trailer trash, low IQ, cousinfucking retards?

Why are Republicans all trailer trash, low IQ, cousinfucking retards?

Attached: votesharebyiq2.gif (443x316, 12K)

They're not.

Well, MOST of them are. But there are also a small percentage of very wealthy and genuinely evil ones that know what's actually going on and yet still vote Republican. I know a few of them, they're really "snakey'

It’s a Sunday. You could be hanging out with your family. Enjoying the day. Instead you’re a sad lonely loser shitposting about politics on Yea Forums. Think about what got you here. I hope you’re happy with your life.

Attached: GOPDestruc_6582835_28123218.jpg (1000x922, 250K)

You mean republican voters. Republicans are the ones taking advantage of their retardation.

Why are all Democrats black bandana wearing thugs that beat up innocent people?

Ain’t nobody innocent son

The smartest man in the world voted trump newfag. Yea Forums helped put him in there with 1 of the biggest trolls in internet history. Had you been here you would know

So fuckoff back to re.dd.it

Liberals: Teachers, scientists, professors, researchers, intelligent people

Conservatives: trailer trash, grade-school dropouts, TV-glued, lowbrow

i love stereotypes too!

Check out captain bizarro world lol

People who work for a living don't want free shit

>free shit
Welp, better stop using things that were taxpayer funded like telephones, GPS satellites, toilets, water, and crops.
Oh wait, you're just a drooling moron who parrots whatever Big Daddy Fox trends you to

>free shit

nothing is free, someone has to pay for it somewhere, or it's "included in the price"

Ohhh. I'm so glad we're finally seeing the results of our nationwide IQ tests we administer in tandem with ballots.....

We can't even get a decent census. Don't pretend this is based on any actual data.

I'm a republican and I watch Rick and Morty so that can't be true

Cherry picked graph.
There is no reference to the poll pool or democrats

The graph is absolute garbage, the axes aren't even labelled, and no source.
Makes me wonder about the IQ and the gullibility of OP.

You just described democrats.

>no u
The level of retardedness has peaked. No wonder you vote republican.

Attached: white-election.png (617x513, 232K)

You must be one of the people that user was describing.

Attached: Cousin Fuckers.jpg (823x924, 124K)


Because the indoctrination done by the left requires a high IQ to follow. The republican answer is more intuitive, and more in sync with human nature, but most people are in public schools, so only low-iq people who aren't able to follow the indoctrination are left with the correct answer.

Fuck off DEMONcrats

Attached: 1481197286851.jpg (559x500, 23K)

Did you know that 72% of statistics are made up

I wish.

Go ahead, keep posting your shit. Keep spamming your cuck and blacked threads. Go on your rants, and throw your "Cletus" insults around as much as you can.
Makes it taste even sweeter when we win again.