Best way to get back at piece of shit neighbor who keeps threatening to sue me over nothing

best way to get back at piece of shit neighbor who keeps threatening to sue me over nothing

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Fuck his wife

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Fuck his dad.

fuck his dog

Gonna need more context than this, retard. I've dealt with as hole neighbors before.

fling shit at his house

Spray paint progressive slogans on his house, like "Black Lives Matter" or "Never forget the Holocaust". When he goes to clean them off, the neighbors will think he supports the opposite causes

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sue him first over nothing

Simple and perfect

I highly doubt OP is going to give us the actual true story without leaving out some critical details.

Do nothing because nothing is ever going to happen. If you're enough of a petty asshole to consider some kind of revenge then clearly you're living in a neighborhood tailor-made for your kind.

>threatening to sue me over nothing

Let him sue you, and countersue for legal fees and defamation.

Since this is over nothing, that should be easy for you.

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Move to a non shit country without frivolous law suits

Sue him.

Sue him first to establish your dominance

then go on with your life

Where there's smoke, there's fire
there is a very good chance that you're actually a pile of dogshit and he's in the right

Fuckin lost so hard
This a ylyl thread now?

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kys and write a note stating the stress of their constant threats made you do it. that'll show em.

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Install cameras. Make them be obvious.

let their dog fuck you in their front yard and stare at them the whole time

A couple of knife edge chops followed up with a shot to his balls. While he's doubled over deliver a chop block to one of his legs and finish it with the Figure Four leglock.

This. We need more details, OP
