Cuck thread

Cuck thread
Nothing kills me more inside than looking in the mirror and seeing that I wasn't born with that chocolate skin tone. I'm suffering from the same disease as Michael Jackson, but in reverse.

Attached: DWWyogdW4AE-vTJ.jpg (500x639, 86K)

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Even if you change color your dick stays small.
We cant compete with them.

You are a sickening waste of oxygen pls KYS

What a sad fetish, I hope you can grow out of it someday


Attached: 1566005489036.png (720x701, 111K)

Attached: cuck.jpg (650x401, 130K)


Attached: 147856468786.jpg (638x412, 101K)

How obvious can you fags be?

Attached: 1568442204273.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

same here user
