Damn Where is the s/fur?
Attached: 1568449778952.png (1100x1200, 518K)
Why bother with s/fur when there's g/fur?
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I have a different tastes, faggotry isn't one of them
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Keep it going my guys
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a gypsy is answering any questions here
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Why am I jerking to this and liking it?
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Op, this is a good example of what I like. Petite And doe.
You now have my respect
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Wrong thread faggot
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this dude started e-dating a female Yea Forums drawfag, goes by matz. she hasn't come around in like 2 years though
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Best sfur thread I've seen in a long time keep up the good work
thanks mate, my personnal collection
Attached: j91.jpg (1234x1633, 465K)
Op here, keep this up cause this is good
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Holy shit this thread has been amaizing so far!
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> "sometimes dead is better"