Please convince me not to kill myself

please convince me not to kill myself

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you'll miss out on a shitload. Probably some suffering but you also give up the chance of having three asians fighting over your dick like the last dumpling,

Because I love u and I care about u


This. If you don’t kill yourself you have a better chance to fuck Daisy Ridley.

honestly try meditating. A big part of life is mastering the art of blocking out bullshit, and meditating properly can train you to do that. I've had a few epiphanies this way, and have made huge improvements in my life.

Doesn't make a difference whether you kill yourself or not. You'll die either way. If there is anything you want to do or experience, then maybe do that shit. Once there isn't anything you want to do you experience anymore there is really no reason not to kill yourself. You shouldn't even view suicide as negative. Once you complete the story of GTA you can choose to run around and do random shit, or you can stop playing. Life is a big LARP.

all frogposters should kill themselves

if you dont, you'll never get to see joe die.

user, If you're gonna off yourself, atleast put on a good show first..

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Imagine all the porn you will miss, including new advances in AI and robotics that would produce affordable robo-waifus

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Don't mind me, just posting a picture

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>this is what I look like

phew kys


you should go to an asian wanking massage shop, shit will change your life.

Knowing that the simple fact that I still live brings almost unbearable pain to mine enemies. Gotta see the positive in life

There is no reason not to if you want to. There is no point or meaning to life. If I wasn't such a coward I'd kill myself.

The odds are about the same either way

We are all going to die anyway, so why hurry the process.

I'm convinced that I cannot convince you to not kill yourself, the only one who can convince you not to die is you, but don't convince yourself to not kill yourself, convince yourself to live.

Why suffer when you dont have to

No. I do wish you'd make up your mind instead of posting this depressing garbage daily though. Either figure life out, cut your dick off and dilate, or an hero. But please find something else to talk about.

Platitude bullshit. also not op


Do you have HIV or cancer? Are you a trashy tranny?

why do you have the belief that you don't deserve to be happy?


Then you're not suffering. You're just bored. Stop looking for reasons to feel and grow up. I've known quadriplegics with a sunnier disposition.

No one deserves happiness its earned or doesnt exist the way I imagined it.

Then just fuck some prostitutes, drink, take drugs, actually enjoy life, get off this fucking website.

Happiness comes from orgasms and marijuana. Go get a job.

Someone has it worse so you should feel good is fucking stupid. I've been depressed for years and nothing helps.

Seriously I come here to fap and giggle at rekt threads.

I do have a job

Think about it. If God is real, you can't go to Heaven, and if he's not that is it. No more, close your eyes for a second in a dark quiet place. That is what happens to you for the rest of the Universes existence, you didn't stick around fifty years to see how the world will develop and to see how much we'll know about this Universe we're in. It isn't worth wasting this one shot you have at everything. You will have no memories, an absolute nothing will absorb you. I dunno about you but that's scary shit. At least ride out the rest of your natural life until you do die man, see how it happens.

>Dumb frog poster

As ever, dumbest mother fuckers alive.

Nothing helps because you won't let it.

stfu newfag

you can watch my stream and feel better

I'm not even op just a dude who saw the thread and has wanted to die for a long time. I'm sick of trying to survive its exhausting

are you satisfied with your journey?
>journey to the end

Get stronger. Slap yourself in the face until you stop crying. Bury that shit deep inside and starve it the attention it craves. Take the bull by the fucking horns. You're just a weak willed pussy with no drive. Go join the military.

I've tried everything I dont know what to tell you man. Besides killing someone I've done it

Well assuming you're an atheist and believe there's nothing but dark, basically you're sending yourself in an eternal time out. Void of existence. You're living in this moment right now. There's a whole lotta sperm that never got the chance to live as you do. Grab the bull by the horns and make the best of the shit storms that come ahead, and live for those who never got the chance.

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Advice still applies, asian massage shop. Get wanked.

No you haven't. You saying that proves my point. It's impossible to try everything. I know you didn't try because if you did you would have overcame this by now.

I cant join the military because I take antidepressants. All I do is try and fail so whatever.

you'll miss the next industrial revolution

Those places dont exist near me

Call your local power company and have them replace your smart meter. Look up 900mhz effect on the brain. Go camping, after a week you'll feel better.

I guarantee you they do, look for any 'massage' shop that has closed blinds or blacked out windows. They wank you.

Wow ok my mind is changed yippee thanks mister. Now leave this thread

Don't do it man.
-Your going to miss all the new Rick and Morty.
-There is still a star wars film to watch
-Great Thunbergs sextape
-If you're dead, you can't have a mcdonalds
-Don't let the Jews win
-have white children.

I live in a van and go kayaking 3 times a week

Did you try this ???
Seriously have them replace it with a 5ghz model. 900mhz slows your cerebellum down. You're welcome asshole.

You're homeless and you wonder why you're depressed?

>If you don't leave i'll REEE

No. Stop being retarded. Change your shit up, you can. You need to leave your comfort zone, young guys are not supposed to hide inside and get fat. You need to get outside.

All the feminists bullshit in Star wars just depressed me and I'm not op lol

Like I said I live in a van and go kayaking 3 times a week

So much this.

Only gay jewish niggers kill themselves. Do it if you’d like to be one OP.

I have a job I just cant justify spending 900 dollars a month just for a place to sleep. I make good money also

I just heard you say "oh for the love of God" with a British accent. You're fried because you lack faith in Jesus Christ and all you do is run from your problems and responsibilities. Listen to your dad and stop being homeless. He's really wise. "Stop being a useless cunt." I'm going to bed Nathan. I want you to think on what I just said.

I live in a van and kayak 3 times a week

If you're posting this on Yea Forums right now foreal just do it


Doesn't mean you have purpose. You live in a van, great that I assume was one goal you achieved, but you need a new one because you lack purpose again.

OP suicide won't fix anything. Whatever is going on, it gets better. Trust me, I tried three times in one year. Crazy EX shit and all. Now I am dealing with my GF, her dad walked outside yesterday and popped one into his dome. Go talk to someone, I went to the local VA and told them that I just dont want to live anymore. Best thing I ever did. Sure it was embarrassing but, I am alive and shit got way better. Just took a lot of effort on my part. But you owe it to yourself.