Gfs sleeping. Dubs decides what do. No videos

Gfs sleeping. Dubs decides what do. No videos.

Pic unrelated

Attached: jahAOqA3KOIcUoDQxTJLCxn4ImRU_aWPrvv9Ash5BTg.png (600x498, 417K)

pic of her sleeping, or it didn't happen.

with timestamp of course

Cum on her feet


Start shrieking next to her

You don’t have a girlfriend. Time stamp and tits

Best fuckin kek in a while


Naww that's fucking dumb and would wake up everyone else in the house

Strip her, pics


Titties :)

Yeah. She's my beard. Problem?

Put your finger up your ass and give her a mustache

What about them...?

Pull the hand in warm water trick and make her wet the bed. when she wakes up tease her about it.

Attached: xulYUiP.jpg (460x439, 34K)

Smack her as hat as you can across the face

Dubs win

why bother then? fuck outa here faggot

Show us her panties