poopboi thread
pic related it's tomposter, poopboi and me on the [s4s] meetup last week
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
poopboi thread
pic related it's tomposter, poopboi and me on the [s4s] meetup last week
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Other urls found in this thread:
good thread op i friggin lobe it when it says poopboi in the titlel
noice luck too
listen i was there for the pastas and drawshitting
also checkem
nice that's the sex number
thonk bb
so this spide just came by to watch me shower and lemme tell u hoe it was meaty enough for me to see it without the glasses
id take a pig but it buried itself in my clothes and you know what let it do what it do
taking sera and the bull to the palace
how fucked am i
que sera sera?
my thoughts exactly
what ever happened to poop girl, pretty boy, and pretty girl?
life fixing mostly i hope she popped in the other day
meme rehab and life fixing
>pretty girl
im here silly
>the other day
u mean here on my [s4]s?
killed the spider
yes he was like a brother to me
he knows what he did
motherfucker stop t_____g me
wow I never seens her posting, welp
anyway good job rember to kill as many spidres as possible in irl
also if someone wakes me up at 4 again i am going to SNAP a spine
>kill as many spidres as possible in irl
y doe
no time 2 explain kill em all kill em all
i was feeling rlly cute in that pic nice comments only pls :))))))))))))))
I'd berry my face so deep in ur ass that I'm king arthur
i wasnt invited d*mn
wew that was quick
goodnight bois
ur invited to my chambers kelly
ah yes the tolet cleenin time
mother ive been bad but only by the church standards
shes like i take the one with the colorful after rain thingy
and im like bitch i may not exist but i feel so accepted right now
excuse me nature
maybe its the iron pills maybe its maybelline
wew I always thot u were a black guy or somethin lole lole
nice dubs yo
thanks bby tell my wife im home
i did very well at the store
sure was a lot of spacing out and almost relief crying but bought me some dead bird and even managed to find the weird battery for the thingy
Who told you about my iron pills how do you know about my immune booster
oh and dont tell sparkles im not black
Imagine being black but having white skin that sounds like quite the sticky situation
you did
youre awfully talkative in ur slep
you just described a hypetuber
I'm pretty sure if I talked in my sleep someone would have told me because that would just be the most deplorable situation in the world now wouldn't it
i can think of worse things to do while unconscious
oh forgot to tell you this is what were listening to today youtube.com
chest pain again now this is something ill gladly embrace as my cause of death
I think I got that idea from a conversation between the two of you in the first place
nice 47
well it wasn't that much worse than all the other conversations happening on the autism board
i wouldnt know i only read my own posts
see I read everything except my own posts
poor fucking thing you
two same numbers!
thanks for noticing
that's what she said
>hate to be the creep but i didnt want to whip out s4s in its state in public and i had a good angle
found it
trying to reach me so hard it would really look like a thing of movies if i didnt know better
i dont know if its sad or adorable and i will never know
and of course i made the right decision cause my superpower is justifying those but have i really made a decision at all
fredome of choice is an illulsion
not entirely
im more or less a person and definitely not a legendary hidden level for a shallow chucklefuck i dont even respect
FUN UNRELATED FACT ppl who have to order others around at work sometimes really really really really really really really really really really really really really really like to be someones female dog in the darkroom
i mean good fucking job reminding me you exist bud but what exactly do you imagine this to look like if i let you win
im not a hidden level im SCRAPPEd from the release version
and now the weather
fucking thanks sally
switching to muse was your best idea since iron pills
No one has any idea what you're talking about schizo
>another message on fb
>have to dig up old last.fm account to remember this song
>theres a message there AS WELL i dont remember giving that fucking shit out but last time i used it was in 2013
this is hell isnt it
great post i printed it out
evewn my dog looks better with minimal beard
uhhhhh are you the female's dog or are the people ordering other people around at work the female's dog
and what does it have to do with femdom of choice
do you really wanna know cause i wouldnt
What the fuck are you talking about
at least trips
another great post im kekkin
i cleaned the goddamn bathroom
it changed nothing
also i thought i made it obvious that authority people = dogs of the female variety
did i stutter when i said it was unrelated
no i didnt stutter i lied whAT do yyou want me to say
Ok Artyom
I'm starting to feel concerned that it was Yuji Sakai's most feared gay bomb
You didn't read the text did you?
I don't know bro it was kind of confusing
i can do confusing sometimes
you need not be alarmed
its just ive been stalked for 6 years and id like it to stop
You should just report it to the police
I hope it's by a girl not by a sex offender
i dont feel threatened though and i dont think the police would be able to do anything
its neither
nice dubs shitman
it was a good day and dont let anyone tell you otherwise
any1 got 10 silk scarves 2 spare?
askinj 4 a frie
I don't need anyone to tell me otherwise
was it bad 4u
holy fuog couldnt this be a normal diplomacy quest why the fuck do i have to gather things what am i a nintendo fan
goblin diplomacy
dog took me for a walk and i did NOT buy more juice YOU BETTER FUCKING UPVOTE THIS
also theres a lady with a black
female dog
and she (the lady) always asks my doggo questions instead of talking to me
its bizarre i feel like i have to answer at least some of them and they just keep coming
shes nice
there is no such thing as a good time
you might be doing life wrong
I never do things right as a matter of principle
I'm growing extra teeth
are they in your bagina
no but they have banginers
suddenly not much more wisdom aye
on earth 3 it is
what are you on earth 3
what am i
unemployed and homeless is wat we iz
ive slept on a bench b4
met morrigan woop woop
she was always my favorite but the son killed it
https discord
gg nqfa8WW
dubs confirm no
that quest was pretty cool imo
well-written perhaps but poorly designed
doesnt matter im here to clap some vint cheeks anyway
I liked how different from average rpg quests it is
what's so bad about the design
needs more decision making and less funkopop collecting
all this running aroud and scanning really took me out of the show
why do these lawns need mowing every 3 days
if you hate mother nature why wont you just fill it all up with concrete
dont yell
quick reminder I predicted this downfall a mere 2 days ago
is the thing unfucked
this is the end, my only friend, the end
I'll never look unto your posts again
wow 4chin is back?????
honey i finally signed the contract and id like to die asap pls i have a life insurance dont worry bby we just have to get creative
just a prank bro in real irl reality youre here forever
dint letm e post this last night
im sure i had some clever meme to go with it now all you get is this pic
ass full of cracks
best thing is
RIGHT after i signed it i missed 3 calls (cause meeting) from another place wanting me to work for them
wanna know why best thing? two years ago same exact thing happened same place as well xd
You didn't tell me that you got a job in retard town
the fuck did you think i live
ah yes they let u customize the throne and shit that was kinda neat
initially i got my guy the qunari one but the statues completely obstructed the view during cutscenes lole
warning spoilers youtube.com
honestly i dont even remember how to put out uranium fires i know i can google it but you know i wont
got my bag of crack in my backpack got my ball of sack stuck in my knapsack
p o t t e r y
>wen u play chess with cullen
I found him a little annoying like too stereotypical gay in some way
u sure youre not thinking of dorian
had to visit old work today
one woman is like i dreamed bout u n i drinking on the job
woman 2 is like yooo lets meet
woman 3 is all hugs come visit us more shit we werent even that close theyre all adorablel
meanwhile at the new werkplaes they had to hire a subboss from super outside to avoid drama and backstabbin
dubs agen
no I'm pretty sure it was Cullen he even tried to flirt with me even though I'm obviously a real pussy slayer
so do u have a horse cock or how do u do this shit
its not like that i just get along with most people and they were some decent fucking people
boy cullen rejected me so hard my adopted grandkids will feel the blueball
shame hed be a GREAT brokeback mountain story
i wasnt planning on drinking this much again but here we are
on monday shit will get painfully real so i think i can have a couple more unreal moments
my dog enjoys eetin eyes
dorians character on paper is far from good representation but the voice actor elevated him to best girl level and hes a memer too and i want him to sign my tshirt at the very least
anyway how are your nights
he growled at me tahts a first
i dont want another wicked dog what the heck
>what did you see
i saw a num
nice dubs me
when i was leaving they gave me flowers and a cool gift card and cried and told me to run as far as possible from there i hope well get to work together somewhere better in the future
feels man
>i just get along with most people
lol I guess that makes u a real weirdo in terms of Yea Forums standards
but it doesn't by s4s standards
right s4s posters are known for being really successful and popular in irl
i work really hard on my autism and i highly recommend it
i can now sit on chairs regardless of their placement
You need to be careful that's extremely dangerous I heard about someone who died trying to do that
some more and ill listen to cher
at the store there was george michael on the radio
suddenly remembering all the stickies
so i rickrolled the maintenance mane today
he deserved it doe
oh shit there were quads to get
wiith i had someone to tell me there things
so all the honey I'm homo posts weren't just memery
don't worry I won't tell the sparkling
i can still go to the store ya know WINK WINK its going to be vodka tomorrow isnt it
i have no idea why youd think that because of my dorianposts and not the 2k+ ciassposts but just to be clear and never say this again i swing various ways holy shit i already regret this post and dont say things that matter in front of the princess anyway tbh
ahaha oh lol youtube.com
>i swing various ways
hehehehehe I hear ya
no one can love but one can trick one's self into believing to be in love
my mom is good at that i should probably ask for lessons
those are sum fine digits
well the question is, is it really desirable to experience this great deception
for I do not know the answer
id like to experience
not sure bout the deception part
Yes it is, imagine the power that will come from this experience
me i want no more power
i need to be forced to care as much as they care
will never tho
fucking onion cuttin ninjas am i rite wheres poopgirl when i need her
it's but a self-delusion that must crumble sooner or later, but it can feel very real
and when it breaks, when it shatters to pieces, the reality looks more grey than ever before, the hideous dropping off of the veil
so im gifted is what youre trying to tell me
cause it doesnt ALWAYS feel like a gift
no that's not what I'm trying to say
I said I don't know if it's better to experience or not to
honestly there probably isn't a gift at all
livin the catfish lifestyle
and by better I mean marginally less shitty
the ones who experience seem superior but i know some of them would like to try the iciclel lifestyle
agent jackson git outta my head
I dunno
many a poor souls have perished because of love
there's a VERY fine line between being charming and being a serial rapist and u just crossed that line
im sure i have more hot opinions
tonight i just want
a different hug ya know
ahhh that's one o' those posts I don't understand againe
Yuji Sakai is my're friend
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
anakin ffs you were the chosen one xd
or is he
or were I
i blame the burger everyones a winner system
Spend a little time over seas and now your a facist, typical amerimutts
i feel like id be an amazing heroin addict
it's never to late to follow your dreams
its not too late but it definitely is too far away
disregard all my posts i suck cocks
forgot justin was in there shit
how far is heroin from where you live
for me it's only 200km
they say a hanging man hears glorious music
I wonder what it sounds like
bars a grandma and a rugby career god bless him
id tell you but it would make my mom throw a fit
i really dont wanna go to sleep ever
the thoughts of a hanged man coalesce with the living on an isle of lost dreams
>an isle
member when i gave birth to johnny depp
i should move back to /x/ shouldnt i
u should stop taking so many amphetamemes
dear diary
today op was a faggot again
thanks asshole -____-
donut measure me by ur own yardsticc
i just hate tomorrows
thats exactly what them gays say
hey dubsman I hate tomorrows too it's just that I hate todays just as much so it don't really matters
todays episode is sponsored by the letter i
and so will be every episode ever created
weve been through this
you should find a hobby
I have hobbies bro but it just ain't worth it
a noose is fine too
I really really wanna comfort a crying girl but I also wanna make a girl cry oh lawd
i really like salmon
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
glorious probably
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
salmon is best eaten raw. True story
Your fortune: Good Luck
just like pussy or every other fish for that matter
yeah I can imagine
that's terrifying, what if you go to grab a clothes and suddenyly you get a giant spider instead!!!]\
ahhhhh just thinking about it
mistakes were made
im all wet
i cant sleep
what u doin agent jackson
The hilda ponies
all three at once? almost impressive
thanks for the 4 glasses of water past me u may be extremely embarassing but youre trying to be a kind soul
timedubs perhaps
oh hell yeah
all from a phone.BE AMAZED
this board gets less than four posts per minute dude
wow someones jello :^] cant you just congratulate me on this epic succ ess
good job poopboi u r a kawaii qt :))))
ew lad ew
china begone
fug poopboi is fugging based
dubs nice
haha yeah i especially like the impressionist babble and health related complaints
raw fish just tastes like corpse vagina i mean you can but why not fried with pasta and garlic qnd mascarpone instead
me a second ago just wen i was ready to dreeem the meeem
poop doesnt real
checkem nerds
ur mom a nerd get fucked
i had one millon dreams
one of them
i went to yujis hotell room n he was hidden behind the curtains pretending he wasnt there
trrribs n111ce
i poped
what a beautiful not quite morning lets turn on the news
(nice trips)
i just watched the movie "1408" yesterday
dubs checking trips WOW
ah its all good now i was confused for a second there
i wonder if the dolphins wearing a muzzle
captain were gonna need a new school of thought
captain were gonna need a new dubs of thought
good eye my little spy
>Judaism believes that the world was created to serve God, and in order to do so properly, God in turn gives mankind the opportunity to experience pleasure in the process of serving Him.
dat y they cut off their dongles??
Yes, ...thats why
got some blood in the toilet bowl guess my hemorrhoid's getting a lil brother isn't that sweet :]
this is the cool guys' club losers not allowed
I want a girl to poop on me but I also want to poop on a girl
oh my god wish you good luck with ur new addition to the fam!! ur such a trooper man
dubleronis now thats what i call music
thanks I think I'm gonna name him christian
what I've been thinking about is how weird it would be if you're name was christian but you were also athiest
you could say "hi I'm christian I'm not a christian in bed tho" as a pickup line
first thing I'll do is scribble out the sun
hardbass n hump
>junkie cullen
listen i have healing...hands
just ask anons mom
so are you going to get with the cute girl from work or what?
i told you mom shes just a friend
and i never called her cute
but you called her one of your favorite people
yes out of the ones i studied with
we have some common interests thats all
go for it bro but lose some weight before you make the first move
nothing wrong with me
now you have me kekkin for many diff reasons
oh i get it now she's a fatso.
nice dubs dont be rude now
im pretty sure were equally not attracted to each other just drop it you can like people without wanting to fucc them you know
your mom and i have talked about it and we think it's about time you found a nice girl and settled down maybe get some kids
Maybe some kids if you have any left over at the end
what am i tevinter aristocracy or something
what do you want for dinner we got fucken.... chochitos and fucking whatsitcalled uhh spagaragus and boogerpukes what you want
You sound like my dog. It's food for dinner just like alwats
THIS DUDE HAS A DOOOOGGGGGGGGGG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dubs ive already had a spaghett thanks
Why is that funny
dear lord maybe its in the sims or somethin
jesus solas is worse than alenko
that sounds pretty good
damn dis plaes huge
my blackwall is now invinciblel
hi piioboi
im bookmarking this thread 4 later to share with all my extended family and friends
good idea
better plug it b4 i lose my mind
i cant in2 sleepings
battery was fully charged last night now its at 22% (dubs) agent jackson what is the meaning of this
The same thing has been happening to my phone I wonder if it has something to do with the hurricane hitting the Eastern Seaboard affecting satellite Communications
Perhaps a stronger signal is required to penetrate the gravitational effect of the hurricane so that it uses more power from the phone
or the agency is bitcoining again
That's none of your business and they are allowed to do that if they want to so you better just shut up before you end up on a slab just like I did
apparently im in love with judas AGAIN baby
a slab is fine too
its always judas or franknfurter
its a type i guess
now i will never sleep again
i shouldve joined the theater group when i could huh
at least i would know now
or id be getting paid for all these emotions lole
the bong accents tho remember the bong accents
i mean
cool this is my second thread ever to hit bump limit
we did it reddit