Imagine having a nerdy gf that is honest with her feelings and is just so... cUTE

Imagine having a nerdy gf that is honest with her feelings and is just so... cUTE.
absolutely feels bad man, lonely life til death.

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Gfs are overrated, their nice when you need to cuddle or fuck but nothing will bring you true happiness in this life like being the best man you can

ive moved past the horny phase of my life (am beta anyway) i want true companionship, someone who is nerdy and into the culture, whatever that is. Not even want fuck want frend. asian is huge plus.

i dont wanna lose who i am and become chad. life is working its just im lonely and never connected with anyone, even since birth, always felt distant from everyone.

Theres some apps, or better yet join clubs man trust me. You meet some awesome people who are have genuinely good personalities and are nerdy. What nerdy subculture specifically are u talking abt so I can help.

just general nerdy gf, doesnt even have to be too particular, just that type of asian gf in general. I want them to not be fake and actually give a shit.
everyone in my life has always been fake to appeal to me or whatever and never been honest and says how they think. It makes me want to die.

die is stupid

My best advice is still go to your nearest city and find some clubs that are into anime or manga, more than likely you will find a nerdy qt. Bonus points if you live near a koreatown/ asian spot

Good luck my man

I fucked your mom

they all extremely unhealthy fat and mental sjw. no asia spot near.

Then just fuck yourself you horrible cunt

i mean they are 300-400 lb and usually mentally handicapped, im not being picky even thats all i could find around my area. i looked past weight but then found out why they got that way, usually extremely corrupt and really mental in general.

Anime is fake, girls irl aren't like that

still.... it’s the best you’re going to get with your CV buddy

My gf is the most intelligent girl ive ever met and i mean that, most girls are fucking slow as shit. She loves playing video games and watching anime. Shes skinny bus has an ass and tits. She is actually really pretty in the face and she has a high sex drive. We truly enjoy each others presence and love watching movies together, talking, reading and shit. Just being together 24/7 she is the perfect companion. All i will ever need. Check M8 losers

Larp de darp darp

Lmao not even.
Shes literally perfect. I know you couldn't understand what having someone truly love you for you feels like. Not all girls are animated and have no personality user. Maybe stop fantasizing and jacking off to anime girls and go out and meet someone maybe you will find someone as miserable as you. Make them happy

Larpety doo daa

Sure buddy, whatever keeps you from shooting up a Walmart

One day youll find her user. Til then keep on tryna bring others down because you despise women because they never choose you

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Imagine having a gf in general.

I feel bad for not having a gf but at the same time I just have only myself to worry about.

Fucking kek

Thats understandable, don't feel bad about not having a girlfriend, being independent is actually a good skill to develop before getting into a relationship. Plus you will meet the right girl one day and the companionship is great, instead of you having to worry about them you worry about each-other. The independence skills you developed become very useful because you take care of them and they take car of you. So you know what a person needs and you know how you would feel if you were neglected. Its so much easier than being alone because on the bad days where you normally couldn't survive the day, you have someone there to pick you up. Its better, and it will get better user.

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Its gonna be okay user, this is a safe place be nice i understand you are lonely

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I have one.

She is really perfect for me. The issue is she isnt white so we cant have kids


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