What is up with Bernie Sanders’ voice at the recent debate? He sounds extremely raspy...

What is up with Bernie Sanders’ voice at the recent debate? He sounds extremely raspy, as though he had nothing to drink for two days, plus a medical problem. It’s more noticeable lately than in 2015-2016 campaigning. Could he win and become President?

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It's called being "hoarse." Not like "horse."

He's literally almost dead, and he spends most of his days talking. Not much you can do about it.

And no, I doubt he'll ever get near the white house. He almost certainly won't get the nomination, but if he does, Trump will run roughshod over him. Same with Warren. They'll both be prime motivators for Trump voters to go out in droves. Sleepy Joe is the only one who has a shot.

Thank you.

Is he currently considered too far left, or not left enough, compared to other candidates?

Too far left. That's why Joe Biden has the best chance. He's considered the "centrist" candidate for the democrats right now. Sanders and Warren are pushing socialism, which is insanely unpopular in the states.

Hey, for those reading this. Notice how all this talk seems too coherent for Yea Forums? Notice how... artificial these posts look? Remember that these same threads were coming up during the 2016 election, saying Hillary Clinton had dementia?

kys shill

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kek, half the thread is me, and I'm no paid shill. I just don't like discussing politics with my name attached because people won't fucking leave you alone once you put an opinion out there.

but hey, if the kike overlords are watching, I'll do this shit all day if you pay me.

>Yang gang
>Secure the bag
TL;DR that's why I'm voting for Trump, MAGA

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He just caught a cold on the campaign trail. this was reported on like a week ago

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You believe that shit? Didn't you hear him on Rogan? He sounded awful on there too.

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Succubus Shillary cast a spell of minus 2 charisma on him. His HP is bleeding too
I assume this will go away, ol Bill usually fucks kids and she sucks that from him. Her mana should run out any time now

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>do you believe he caught a cold
yeah I do. people catch colds, especially when you're on the move constantly and talking to tons of people constantly.
>he sounded awful on there too
dude's fuckin old. he's gonna sound raspy. who cares

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>x happens because I said so
>only an intelligent person would not understand
Really makes you think

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Jeez I hope he gets the nomination. Only because he will never win the presidency under any circumstances.

Obviously it is because he doesn't hydrate properly

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You're right colds are a giant conspiracy, no way they affect the respiratory system
>people on tv don't get sick
So brave of you to bring this up user

who's the boomer posting facebook-tier propaganda recently?
do you think people really read that shit?

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So he's raspy because he's old, but that's not why he's raspy.

You're fucking retarded. He doesn't sound all that much worse than he usually does.

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And I hope Ivan doesn't use lube the next time he fucks you up the ass you perogi eating faggot

I'm not saying he couldn't also be sick, but that's not why he sounds like a frog. That's just his voice.


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>extremely unpopular


>So he's raspy because he's old, but that's not why he's raspy.
he was especially raspy during the debate. he sounded fine during the Cardi B interview.
But yeah, I'm also saying that his voice is *generally* going to sound raspy cuz he's one old boy. chill out

Well that make a lot of sense. You need to be gassed

>Yea Forums meme arrows
>thinks he's making a point

kill yourself commiefag

>people who worked in their career field succeeded
>they're worried the six generation of x family name that havs no work experience and makes 10000x times what they do is buying elections
>retarded 12 year old basing his political beliefs around memes finds this very hard to comprehend
wew lad

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>Cardi B interview

Christ alive, why is Cardi B doing interviews?

No, wait. I'd rather just not know.

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What kind of facebook shit is this. You can do a quick google search and see that that is blatantly untrue. Is the new tab button too far away? Are you just too retarded to use google

Bernie doesn’t stand a chance. It will be Trump in 2020. Republicans actually show up to vote.

Warren has never pushed socialism. She's a self described capitalist, and her record backs that up. She's anti-corruption, which makes a lot of rich corporate types real nervous.

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He's old as shit. I mean, Trump's old, but Bernie's ancient. Campaigning takes its toll and it wouldn't surprise me if his body's just wearing thin. He won't get the nomination. Nothing has changed with regards to what the DNC wants or how they operate since the last time around. Hell, his fan base seemed more enthusiastic back then and he ended up bending the knee.

Implying that simply working hard will make you successful in the USA.

He's doing it the wrong way too. he needs to insulate the handle.

This. There's no reaching some people. They see what's posted on Facebook, and take it at face value. They have no ability to see the bigger picture.

He's right though, millennials and zoomers don't piss themselves when the word socialism is brought up
Boomer burgers are too retarded to understand all of their allies are socialist

t h e

s o c i a l i s t

d i e t

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comparing a president to a first term representative? hmmmm

cuz she's sick and supports bernie hard, so bernie reached out and they did some vids together.

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>support the same policies that are described as democratic socialism
>say I'm not
>therefore I'm not

Not convinced.

Anti-corruption? She lied about her ethnicity to get into Harvard you retard

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>Too far left.
If you're a fascist. If you go lin-by-line on every single one of Sander's platform planks, he gets 50+% on every single one, many being 60+%. If anything, this means most everyone else in the Dem primary is too far right and Sanders is the "centrist" in the race.

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what you're telling me someone who went to college and succeded decades later isn't exactly the same thing as a Johnson and Johnson great-great-great-grandkid being born a multi-millionaire? next you'll tell me capitalism only works when people work for their capital

kek, gen Z is more conservative than the previous 3 generations. I was born '94, so gen Y or the very tail end of millennial, and most of my friends are not stupid enough to buy into the socialist utopia myth.

look into my eyes

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you're getting sleepy....

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Huh. Well, I guess that's not terrible. Honestly, I don't know shit about her besides the whole drugging and robbing dudes thing.

my eyes

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The fact you think any American candidate is a socialist is the real joke here.

Quotation: "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

Earliest known appearance in print: 1986

Earliest known appearance in print, attributed to Jefferson: See above.

Other attributions: None known.

Status: This exact quotation has not been found in any of the writings of Thomas Jefferson. It bears a very vague resemblance to Jefferson's comment in a prospectus for his translation of Destutt de Tracy's Treatise on Political Economy: "To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, — the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it."3

- Anna Berkes 3/6/08

Further Sources
Foley, John P., ed. The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1900. See "Taxation..."

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>if you're a fascist who wants small government, and deregulation

wew lad

>Political discussion starts
>Some drone with a single-digit IQ recognizes Sanders and starts spamming political memes without saying anything because that's the only thing they know how to do

I said democratic socialism. Nobody is advocating for old school socialism.


It's a fake quote. Republitards run on 100% confirmation bias so it's incredibly easy to trick them with memes like this.

she's just a normal pop star, and frankly (robbing dudes aside) is known for being kinda straight ethics wise

What an insightful contribution. Feel free to resume your decline into suicide now.

>Why does an old ass man sound like he's fucking old

Gee I dunno

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which policies?

>gen Z is more conservative than the previous 3 generations.
A generation of eco friendly, gender confused trannies is most conservative? Okay user
> I was born '94, so gen Y or the very tail end of millennial
You honestly think Gen Y is in the 90s? If you have no idea what the fuck you're saying why bother posting?

>Has a house in Vermont, the state he represents in Congress, something several Senators and Representatives can't claim
>Has a house in D.C., the place he works while representing the people of Vermont, just like every other Senator and Representative.
>Has a vacation home, purchased from the sale of a house his wife inherited several years ago
>His net worth is around $2 million, primarily from the sale of several books and he did not crack the millionaire status until post-2016 and even then he fights harder than any other Senator demanding increases in taxes for the wealthy like himself
>In fiscal year 2018 the Senator made $519K and paid in taxes $145K, an effective tax rate of 28%, double the listed 13% given in the picture

So not a total SJW? No pushing the wage gap myth or BLM lies?

this hurt to read. is it b8?

>gender bender atheists are basically the bible belt

>Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with 1981 to 1996 a widely accepted definition.

Kill yourself, you uneducated cunt. You couldn't even do a simple Google search before rattling off bullshit?

Keep listening to MSNBC, they would never lie to you.

Seems like you're the confused one. Bruce Jenner is a boomer, and the press is run by boomers and gen X. Zoomers are just getting out of college.

Old-school socialism seems as dead as old school capitalism to be honest, if either ever truly existed. China and Russia have billionaires and democratic socialism is more popular in the US than it has been. Every nation just seems to pick and choose what it likes

>BLM lies
like what my dude

>Zoomers are just getting out of college.
zoomers are just entering college. Gen Y's youngest are getting out of college

>an effective tax rate of 28%, double the listed 13% given in the picture

Yes, that's probably because 2014 isn't 2018.

>...the [2014] tax return reveals that the Sanders family also paid only $27,653 in federal taxes, which as a percentage of gross unadjusted income ($205,617) is around just 13.4%.

>...Sanders, a member of the top 10% by income, pays a lower effective tax rate than Mitt Romney thanks to various tax deductions.

>...Ironically, the Sanders tax return is a great example of some of the public policy flaws underlying causes of growing wealth inequality in America from special interest tax deductions to crony capitalism.


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I watch BBC and Fox. Great rebuttal. You really proved trannies are conservative with your shitposting

For instance, "Hands up, don't shoot."
That never happened. Yet it was their slogan for ages.

Or that the circumstances around black people being shot by the police are unusual at all, or are much rarer among white people.

I think a minimally regulated free market is the ideal situation. Notice I said minimally regulated, not unregulated. Some laws are necessary. We should just always be careful about the laws we introduce, and there should be no other alternative if they are to be introduced.

I agree


Worth reading. There are several other articles detailing the trends of conservatism in the younger generations. A simple google search will bring them up for you.

More gems from Bernie's 2014 taxes:

>The Sanders were able to reduce their taxable income to $140,994 through $56,377 of a variety of tax deductions, a notorious part of the tax code known for benefiting special interests.

>For Sanders, a sizable chunk of deductions comes from deducting $22,946 in mortgage interest. New research from Trulia suggests that the mortgage interest tax deduction may be a key driver of racial and gender inequality.

>Ironically, while Sanders repeatedly chastises "Wall Street" for the distributional consequences of the Great Recession, the mortgage interest tax deduction has also been viewed as one of the key contributors to the growth in home ownership prior to the subprime mortgage meltdown.

>Despite being a member of the top 10%, Sanders still receives significant social security payments, underscoring the case for means-tested entitlement spending ... Despite the fact that Sanders rests comfortably in the top 10%, the return also shows that the couple earned nearly $46,000 in Social Security benefits (in addition to an annual $5,000 pension).

>Does a couple in the top 10%, earning about $161,000 before benefits, really need to be receiving $46,000 in social security benefits from a government entitlement program that is nearly bankrupt?

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Right on.

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Most reputable statisticians show them as socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and underage/unable to vote. I wouldn't believe everything you read in media considering journalists don't take statistics

it was because of his book. and unlike jeff bezos and trump, he actually paid taxes

I think it depends how you define socially liberal. I think they're for more personal freedoms. Especially regarding drugs. But I don't think they're as into cultural relativism, or post-modern interpretations of society.

You think Joe has a shot against Trump on the debate stage over Warren or Sanders? LOL

I would happily work hard and keep half. I did the math one year and I get about 2% of the money I bring in for my company.

He sounded like that because he got off his ass and campaigned while you complain from the safety of a basement faggot.

I don't think any of them will win, but I think Joe would run the tightest race. I think centrist democrats are just as disgusted with the SJW, self-flagellating, white guilt lefties as they are with Trump and his shit.

You keep more than half now you braindead frogposter.

Hey hey, let's not bring the frog into this.

The Centrists are all boomers anyways.

got em

They made it about the frog user. We're laughing at them.


user you're trying to deliver the truth to a thread full of frogposters

YEAH!!! That's right!

Taxing them disproportionately is though.

I bill the customer as I go, I know exactly what I bring in and what I take home. What does that even mean? Are you a brainwashed leftist or something?

Boomers and older folks tend to vote more than young people, man. That's what I'm saying.

Nice try Sergei

>durr taxes are theft
you're a brainwashed Teatard

>I did the math one year and I get about 2% of the money I bring in for my company.
It's called convenience. You're getting paid to take care of one part of the train that someone else built and already got moving. If you don't like it, start your own company. I'm sorry this is such a difficult concept for you to understand.

If I don't have 200 comments
Putin will send thugs to rape my sexy wife and daughter
he might still do it

I only drink the finest Earl Gray.


Will they be black? Because you can sell the video to cucks then

It's actually "Earl Grey," Picard.

There are no black people in Russia. Executive action.

If I'm "brainwashed" to want the world George Soros is trying to build, I'm ok with that Trumptard.

I never said I wasn't retarded, thank you very much.

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Does Trump know about this? Is this the secret plan?

>If I'm "brainwashed" to want the world George Soros is trying to build
Absolutely 100%, you are. To the point that you must be trolling.

It has nothing to do with taxes, are all you faggots drunk or something?

Well... maybe socialism isn't all bad...

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ummm..... the Nazis where democratic socialists..... you really what that again?

Read the rest of the thread, I'm not in favor of it. I said it's wildly unpopular in the states, and it will be the undoing of candidates like Sanders.

Biden is riding off of Obama's popularity and is tanking fast. Next behind him is Sanders, who is gaining momentum. Hillary literally took over the DNC and still had a hard time beating Bernie. Sanders is going to steam roll Biden.

Trump is going to have a difficult time defending against Sanders, different plays need different tactics. The Trump team played populism to get elected and now a ton of people have buyer's remorse.

If anyone other than Sanders wins there is no doubt in my mind that they will lose to Trump. I like Yang but I don't see anyone giving him a chance before the election. Regardless I would imagine by probably the third round of primaries we will be down to Warren, Sanders and Biden. Biden will stay in because he is getting the centrist vote.

nigga he been like this

tl;dr lol but most people think nazis were far right wingers when they were actually more like Stalinist in practice. "you are all nazis now". "no were not" takes grandpa out back and shoots him. "you are all nazis now!" "yes we are. heil!

I think that centrist vote is key though. Centrist democrats are as disgusted with the far left, SJW crap as they are with Trump. They might choose to be a party loyalist, or they might just see that things aren't actually falling apart like people are claiming, so four more years of Trump won't actually be the nightmare people are also claiming.

Natsocs are very much their own thing. They take pages from the farthest extreme left, and the farthest extreme right, and then fuck off into their own fairy-tale land where they somehow make sense.

Are you deliberately telling bullshit or just dumb?

Doubt it. The leftist SJW garbage isn't as intrusive in real life as it is online. Sanders has no problem being straight with how he feels or letting out the occasionally curse word. I feel as though the faggoty persona Buttgieg has tanked him, but I think as long as a candidate doesn't exude the cock swallowing aura of the lgbtq bullshit theyll be fine

Perhaps, but I sincerely hope you're wrong. I'd like to see a true libertarian in office. Or at the very least, a small government pres.

God forbid they allow hate speech laws in the US. That will be the first step past the point of no return.

so went back and did read and yeah i agree, as few laws as possible please. actual Libertarian here. hey Government stay out of my wallet, stay out of my bedroom, stay out of my life!

Disingenous asshole.

explain please. bullshit? they actually called themselves democratic socialists.

Exactly. Some are necessary. But unless there's no other option, giving power to the government is just risking freedom for the sake of being too lazy to make things better ourselves.

Amen! (not religious, but still :) )

Maybe, not sure how its going to go. All I know is that Sanders is the only person I align with enough to give a shit about, and both sides of the aisle are doing everything they can to keep him away which is enough proof for me that he is doing something right. I would imagine it would be a much harder time for a libertarian to get in because of how broad libertarianism reaches. Rand Paul has done a lot of amazing across the aisle moves and he's done a lot of really stupid bullshit.

I think the one thing we can agree on is that the White House is no place for any sort of social justice fucking anything. Left or right, as soon as I see a cock mutilating Trans/Demi queer fem candidate I'm going to pray for a nuke to go off.

as a libertarian im wondering how the right has moved left of me.... they all, left and right (almost all), seem like socialist to me.

>they actually called themselves democratic socialists.
This is the line that lying bullshitters use all the time. Doesn't matter what the fuck they called themselves, they made a point out of murdering lefties and banning unions. Their economic policy was straight-up state capitalism. The few idiots in their own party that took the "socialism" even somewhat serious were sidelined quickly, and their leader was executed on fabricated pretense. But I guess you're going to pretend you never heard of Ernst Röhm.

Yeah, I'm not totally opposed to some of Bernie's plans. I like the concept of helping the less fortunate. It's taxing the super wealthy that I find distasteful. Maybe you've got some thoughts on this. Nobody else has argued this point with me before.

This country was founded on fair representation for taxation. It's the primary stated reason for our revolution. If we tax specific people disproportionately, it would be logical that they would then receive additional representation in the government. I'm certainly not in favor of that. That would just be a plutocracy.

But I also don't support taxing them at a disproportionate rate. Especially not if the primary goal to strip them of their wealth to create artificial equality.

I do support removing tax loopholes. Make them pay, but just pay the same rates as everyone else. They'll still be contributing more, because they make more. But it won't be disproportionate to the representation they're receiving in our democracy.

English is not OP's first language.

>If anyone other than Sanders wins there is no doubt in my mind that they will lose to Trump.

Its like people don't ever read the polls. Sanders' left-wing populism is actually that - popular; especially when asked for specific policies and not general labels. You're just rehearsing the same detached boomerspeak that we've been fed for the last 30 years.

Nice thorough research user! Sounds pretty thoroughly debunked. Also teaches you to not accept these “quotes” at face value.

Donny the Dumpster-Fire still hasn't released his taxes.

lol and please tell me how this is different from the far left version of socialism (know as Communism to most) or any other version of oppression? they did kill lefties, and righties and gays, and mentally and physically disabled (or at the very least chemically neutered them). that doesn't make the commies any better. nor does it make the monarchs of old (or new depending on where in the world you look), nor the current right or left in the us or any country the good guys. most politicians are in it for Power.

The difference is that millenials and boomers are generally more politicised and radical, on all sides.

I can only speak for Germany here, but the overall trend among voters under 30 is firmly center-left. Conservatives and centrists can have a very hard time here. The turnout of first-time voters in the last EU election was particularly impressive: 36% for the Greens, 11% for CDU (Conservative), followed by 9% for "what if Yea Forums was actually socialist, the Party". Granted, this was a one-time event in quite special circumstances, but the general direction is consistent.

>mfw the only candidate that could beat trump (as shown in poll after poll in 2016) is joked about like republican-lite candidates, a nobody, and Pocahontas have any chance in hell.

Democrats are so fucked if we still didn't learn our lesson from 3 fucking years ago

Also, its a retarded appeal to authority.

He's been talking a lot, obviously. Still, even the combined living brain mass of Trump and Biden wouldn't account for half of what's left in Sanders.

"taking the super wealthy that I find distasteful" our tax rate for the super wealthy was far higher during the 50s, ya know, when the U.S. was the #1 economic super power in the world by all accounts. You do understand the richest people make upwards of 300 times more than their grunts do now right? Less than 60 years ago it was unheard of them to make than 30 times more. They're taking a bigger slice of the pie every year.

I never said that Sanders populism wasn't working. I said that if anyone who isn't Sanders wins the primary they will probably lose to Trump, mainly because they are mostly cooperate dems who won't be able to combat Trump's populism.

Are you fucking retarded or something?

how? it seems like a condemnation of the welfare state to me

umm I don't know so this isn't an attack. but aren't most demtards (and repubtards) corporate?

Looks like "the welfare state" opted out of your education.

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Which would be a problem if it was making life worse for most people. But it's not. The poor people of today have it better than the average middle class family of the 50s. Cell phone, Cable, Internet, One or more cars.

If the pie is getting bigger, and your slice keeps growing, you have no room to complain. Especially in an economy that gives you the freedom to grow your slice through hard work.

Yes. Dems are in the middle of civil war between left wing populism and essentially centrist corporatism and right have their own petty squabbles between far right retards and libertarians.

Trump pretty much used populism to get him self elected.

wow I must be too old to understand the nonsensical version of rebuttal you used. so I'll make my confusion clear.... what?!?!?!? (however you are probably right. the welfare state really didn't get it start till i got out of school)

You do realize that the Nazi's were like super efficient? I'm confused as to if you are against genocide or Nazi's in general because Adolf Hitler was a fantastic leader and led Germany out of the dark ages, he just also enjoyed some genocide.

But most far right retards aren't being represented. Unless you mean people who want our laws to be enforced, including immigration laws. Or people who want our second amendment rights to be protected.

Not sure what "far-right" views are being pushed by politicians. Even by Trump.

Do I need to explain to you the difference between a Planned Economy and State Capitalism? The Nazis also very clearly positioned themselves on the right of the political spectrum and in explicit opposition to actual socialist parties and organized labour.

As a little aside, the Bolsheviks were actually a minority within the broader socialist spectrum, despite their name kinda suggesting the opposite. The difference was that they got weapons from Karensky and could enforce their will through the control over Petrograd and parts of the army, allowing them to take away the political and personal rights they originally introduced one by one. And things would again have turned out differently if Trotzki had won the power struggle after Lenin's death (hint: he wasn't a paranoid sociopath).

Sorry, its late, I did a confuse.

Retarded talking points. Republicans have been spouting the same shit about guns and immigration for the last 40 years. I'm confused as to how there is no representation when it is such a highly debated set of topics.

>Warren has never pushed socialism. She's a self described capitalist, and her record backs that up.
Complete bullshit.

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You are very much out of touch with... reality in general.

>Yahoo finance.
>6 points
>literally the middle number
>Warren is totally a socialist!

God have mercy with this soul.

He пepeбивaй мeня

populism isn't actually a thing (is it?) seems like social engineering to me (or is that what it means?). and what do libertarians have to do with the dems? (sorry for asking but as a libertarian i try to ignore all the politicians, especially the ones that claim to be libertarian lol)

Still didn't actually explain which far right views are being pushed by politicians.

Not an argument. Good job contributing nothing.

wait what? you trolling me? cause if you actually believe genocide is a good thing you can fuck off.

>Notice how all this talk seems too coherent for Yea Forums?

Yeah, OP was awfully civil in his "question". That aside, its pretty obvious that both Trump and Biden have completely lost it. Julian Castro even called the latter out during the last debate.

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You're trying way too hard. If you want go krypto and move the overton window to the right, you souldn't flat out deny reality. People who buy this shit already vote for Trump.

That statement you replyed to is.. a bit unclear. Best ignore it.

"go krypto"
Sorry, not sure what that means.

But I'm not trying to do anything except have a discussion. I asked a simple question. What are you defining as "far right"?

so they killed off all the jews because they were not capitalist? really?! what the hell are you smoking and can I have some? oh and planned economy has worked where? when you decide what people will do with there life and decide how they are going to do it you do not have a free people. but then again i have already said that nazis were socialists. I don't want to be a slave of the politicians, reguardless of weather you claim that killing people is on the right side of the political spectrum (granting that the right doesn't have a problem with capital punishment, just as the left doesn't have a problem with abortion no matter how late term it may be) as to organized labor it was the Nazi party. im pretty sure they were organized as hell. As to commie politics. they just like all other politics were garbage. in it for power. do I really need to quote Churchill here?

Americans deserve trump I swear, can't wait for the 2020 recession to make this shit finally collapse. Keep paying 4 grand to get an asprin and blame it on fucking Mexicans

Nuanced and informed. Clearly a scholar.

you sir are correct! and I do apologize I have had a few rum and cokes (ok... captains and Pepsi) lol

....I'll let it slide

>so he is raspy because he is old, but thats not why he is raspy

what allows people to keep stupidly arguing even after someone points out in laymans terms how stupid it is?

lol!!! thank you! seriously best post of the day!

Who care about his voice. Policy positions, and honesty are the only things that matter in a poltical candidate.

He probably wont win the election. Most Americans are too stupid to realize they are voting against their own interests. The right wing propaganda is strong, and appeals to the dumbest people, which happen to be the average voter.

>everyone who disagrees with me is too stupid to realize why I'm so brilliant

Undefeatable 12 year old logic.

At least it's not shasta cola.

or god forbid...


Socialist policies are working well in China, Cuba, all of Europe. Basically every other 1st world nation has socialized health care that works just fine. Only an idiot would think that one system or another is just bad by default. Every kind of political system can work, given the population is enthusiastic about it, and policy is implemented logically.

Rich people who support system x or system y will put all their money into convincing you one way or the other though. Really its all just a game. Every political system can work fine. They are just different, not better or worse than eachother.

in the words or Ron White and no doubt countless others ...... bbbwwwaaaaa (with a shiver) lol

Daily reminder Bernie cucks

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It works until it doesn't. Why do the "successful socialist countries" that people point to keep changing? Because they're only successful until they run out of other people's money.

Perhaps you're right, and it can work if everyone just goes with it. In that case, I'll err on the side of personal liberties, and go with a minimally regulated free-market system.

Healthcare is a right. Kill yourself capitalist subhuman.

Even RC would be better..

no u

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Centrally managed supply-side economies work. Amazon, ironically, with it's de facto monoply is just that, and it's able to deliver product quite well.

>implying he wont pay the increased tax rate he proposes for high income earners
>implying Bernie is anti-rich, when he is really anti-poverty
>implying he cannot be rich and at the same time advocate that low income earners should be given free healthcare, and free college to help increase upward economic mobility
>implying someone is greedy because they have made money
>implying he pays 13% taxes without evidence

This is the type of person who reads the titles of articles without reading the article, and then the cited source before believing something.

Any society that would adopt this policy is not long for this world.

PEOPLE are worth far more than bullshit currency as a resource. People take time and fulfill necessary jobs within the society. Their health is of paramount concern to a healthy, proper society.

RC is decent! I remember when I was a kid and we had to have my uncle ship it to us because they didn't sell it on the west coast. It was kind of cool because it was rare.

Now you can get it at any BevMo, so it's just another "not as good as coke" cola. lol

>implying someone cannot be rich and at the same time concerned with income inequality
>brainlet who probably thinks they should give away all their stuff to prove they believe in what they say, as if that would even begin to dent such a massive problem

Right? FDR, for example.

Republicans before 1900: "Free the slaves"
Republicans after 2000: "Windmill noises cause cancer!"

Sure, but that's not the economy of a country. That's a singular entity within a free-market system. If they didn't have the risk of losing business, they would have no incentive to keep prices low or continue offering good deals on shipping.

Then you're just relying on the good will of the people in charge, and if that doesn't send a shiver down your spine, nothing will.

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.... not extended life at the cost of others liberty and pursuit of happiness. (oh and that's the preamble to the constitution not actually the constitution)

No you're not, you're relying on your elected representatives.

Relying on the good will of an unaccountable, increasingly unregulated corporation is what should send a shiver down your spine.

Do you not believe taxes? Public roads? Fire departments? A military? That's at the "cost" of the people.

Who cares...his politics are shit!

It certainly does. I'm in favor of anti-trust laws for that exact reason.

And the good will of your elected officials can't be guaranteed any more than that of a corporation. So their control must be limited similarly.

>implying he pays 13% taxes without evidence
this is from bernie's own tax returns and was widely reported gg

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Roads, bridges, military ans thats about it. Its not the job of the us govt to be a charity for degenerates

It's called "elections."

Let me tell you something... Real leftists aren't lazy whatsoever. There are a couple things that make someone a real leftist to me.

Hard Working
Gun Owning
Self Sufficient

If you don't fill at least 6 of these, then you aren't a real leftist. Being a leftist isn't just about talking about how everyone should get food stamps. Its about working hard every day to make your life, and the life of everyone else in society better. Whether that means just smiling and being kind to people, filling in pot holes in the road, growing food and sharing it with neighbors, or helping friends build a shed. Being a leftist isn't just a mindset. People who don't practice leftism in their lives aren't just leftists cause they say they are. They are just LARPing.

Oh look, some shill faggot for hire is trying to establish a narrative. Can we get a few more peanuts and pieces of candy before we start dancing to this expert organ grinders tune?

That's not a limit on power, nor a confirmation of their good will. Only their ability to convince you of their good will.

Friendly daily reminder- Bernie Sanders is not a Vermonter. He's a New York carpetbagging commie faggot who won the job of Burlington mayor by 10 votes and then the flatlander Marxist cunts from elsewhere hoisted his filthy ass over their shoulders and took him to washington.
Fuck him

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Why should the government be a charity for your city infrastructure? Build your own damn roads.

considering i pay more in taxes then most politicians? yeah i believe taxes. however public roads, and fire departments; that's a states/city/county issue. as for the military.... what can I say? defend our borders. I don't have a problem with the military nor the mail.

It's literally a control mechanism.


Alot of commies in this thread

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That doesn't refute anything I said, but okay.

Because a lot of interstate commerce flows through these junctions, for the betterment of the entire country.

>for the betterment of the entire country.

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There’s a few staunchly retarded conservatards too.

Are you illiterate? Control mechanisms are limitations.

The private sector has no interest in your road trip to mount rushmore... even most libertarians would agree infrastructure should be govt funded

I see you have no grasp of capitalistic economics.

It doesn't limit their power once they're in office, dingus.

should clarify-> more as a percentage not actually more(i hope)... (truck driver here) and believe as in OUCH! it hurts to see so much go to things I DONT believe in....

No no no user. Thats not how it works. If you work, the government takes some of your money as your way to contribute to society. The fact that you are complaining shows you wouldn't do it if it were optional.

In the US the lowest tax bracket is 16%. Thats not a lot of money. Its the least you can do if you are going to drive the roads, call the cops, or fire dept. If you ever fall into poverty those things will be there to get you back on your feet. Some people take advantage, but the vast majority of people are on welfare for less than 6 months.

My family went on welfare for a harder period of time and it helped my parents keep us off the streets while they looked for work. Now we live in a middle class neighborhood. Haven't been on any form of assistance for over 10 years.

The mature position is that the benefit of helping society is superior to keeping whatever that tiny amount of tax would be. If you are concerned that taxes are too high, maybe you should work harder to gain a skill worth more money you lazy fag.

It does. Are you not aware of term limits?

Apparently we need to spend more of our tax dollars on our education system, because it clearly failed you.

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Does any of this matter if he plans to make it illegal? Are you implying he will be somehow above the law at that point? While these loopholes exist it would be dumb not to take advantage of them. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed.

No one gives a squirt of piss about your faggy infographs. Step up or fuck of.

im sorry what term limits.... the president yes but congress?

We need to spend our money, tax or otherwise, executing retards like you.

Term limits don't change the scope of their power while in office. The only way to do that is to not give them the power in the first place.

Also, I'll say it again since you seem to be intentionally ignoring it


He's been smoking weed. Nothing to worry about

When you think Medicare for all, college for all, pre k for all, no more for profit prisons, lowering income inequality you think of Nazis. Consider therapy, you have Stockholm syndrome.

There always has and always will be separate classes. Got so tired if hearing this leftist nonsense that everyone is equal. Some people are dumber than dog shit...others are brilliant. And should be compensated accordingly...

There aren't many successful Capitalist countries. Can you name one other than the United States, without vast socialist policies? The list of successful socialist countries is actually growing with time. The list of Capitalist countries is shrinking in general. Especially among the 1st world economies.

Okay link the tax return then. I don't give a shit about "reporting".

Name a socialist country doing better economically than the US...

Ill wait...

It does. The periodicity of elections acts as incentive for the politician, and gives the people the ability to kick them out.

This control mechanism does not exist for a company's CEO.

Your thinking is shallow and stupid. It's a valid concern to put checks and balances on elected officials while they're in office. But that doesn't mean that the elections themselves aren't an important check on their power.

As if it needed to be proven.

Attached: GDP1.webm (640x360, 1.99M)

How the fuck is some guy going to build a road? They just have access to trucks, ashfault, all the tools? What are they supposed to do? Have a fucking neighborhood fund raiser to repave their street? Are you a retard? Oh sorry guys, we didn't raise enough money to fill the pot holes this year!

Maybe in percentage lmao

That's the point, faggot. We already have forms of socialism, pooling together our resources for the common good.

If you'll recall, my original point was that their good will can't be confirmed by an election, and simply having a term limit won't prevent them from doing harm if the scope of their power in office is too great.

>others are brilliant. And should be compensated accordingly

So the brilliant people find the dumb scientist, let them create awesome stuff, take all the profit, and then fire most of the workers and move companies to countries with cheaper labor where they can become more rich. I think you are confusing brilliance with corporate greed. A libertarian world, where you screw everyone so you can become as rich as possible is not brilliance.

Youre an idiot...talk to me when you turn 30

NO! I'm not medicare for all, college for all, pre k for all, for profit prisons, etc. I'm anti left anti right. I'm a libertarian. I don't have Stockholm syndrome. I hate most politicians. maybe you should reread my posts in context without injecting your own ideals into them? as to Therapy? seriously? most therapists are so left wing you might as well talk to the Clintons, or Sanders, or hell AOC herself.

Haha.. you think 30 is old

yeah I did clarify in a second post. lol

Capitalism is responsible for the worst failures and crimes of this society, not socialism. We need to curb it down.

When did i say 30 was old?

Holy shit... do some research buddy

That was never a point of contention. If you recall, you also said that elections did not limit a politician's power.

No Communist state has ever paid every job equally actually. Its just less out of proportion. The whole idea is that everyone has the right to enough food and water, shelter, and healthcare. The right to life actually being implemented. Anything beyond that is up to you. If you want to be a hard working successful person you can be, just like under Capitalism. Just ask the shit tons of millionare business people from China.

This makes you right... how?

How many times does this need to be explained? Taxation is not socialism, it's not a form of socialism. Feel free to educate yourself.


Taxing to provide one service (roads) is not socialism, but taxing to provide another service (healthcare) is?

Then I misinterpreted what you said. You said, "It's called elections"

I thought that was implying that elections were enough of a control to ensure the things I mentioned.

I disagree...if you contribute nothing to society, you aren’t entitled to shit.

Yes... we all use the road. We dont all use your healthcare

Someone sets a bar but doesnt understand that when they have set the bar that they have given away how high they can jump.

The United States has the highest GDP. Thats not under debate. Name a country without vast socialist policies in the top ten GDP earners other than the United States. I'l wait.

We all need to go to the doctor. What makes roads ok as a tax-funded service but not doctor visits?

He’s five years older than the oldest president in office was at the beginning of his term

Soooo...whats your point? The US should go more socialist, or the rest of the world should go more capitalist?

Because we have so much money consolidated into the hands of the few. Isn't that awesome?

Bernie Sanders sounded twenty years older than his age. He sounded like coughing up a fit if he spoke one more word.

Looking at the aggregate is not very meaningful. Iceland has a much higher wealth per capita than the USA.

directing people to a very left wing website/channel isn't going to help you prove your point.... just saying (not saying your wrong or right... just saying)

We dont all need to go to the doctor now do we...

So someone in a wheelchair, who can't do any job reasonably well should just be thrown in a ditch? The VAST majority of people using social services like welfare or food stamps are on them for less than 6 months.

It’s almost like you’re describing one of the mass shooting threads

He's old stupid. He's gonna die

I chose a left-wing website so they wouldn't claim it's right-wing propaganda. The point was that taxes aren't the same as socialism.

Define few....i work my balls of to make 100 k a year. Am i the few?


Aaaaand that's the end of anyone with a brain listening to a word your retarded ass says.

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This person has no family... was he/she dropped to earth from a ufo?

I can turn it the other way around. Not everyone needs to drive do they?

But roads perform an important function that benefit society. Healthcare is just the same.

Besides, what you say really isn't true. Everyone gets sick.

>Daddy what's economics?

DERP! Its easy, son! We just give ALL the money to the billionaires and maybe a little bit of it trickles back down to us! HURR DURR !!!!

So it works for them. But our system is clearly working much better for us. What's your point?

Bullshit... people abuse the fuck out of the welfare system

Yeah, and they pay for healthcare

ok.... but most right wingers don't like taxes.... no offense but you are fighting from the wrong direction.... you need to give both or a true centrist source..... (not that they exist.. cause we hate taxes too....) as to taxes not being socialism you are correct. (but I for one still hate taxes).

So a healthy guy that eats right and and has no health issues should have to pay for cancer treatment for a life long smoker?

>Implying we don't all make use of medical services at some point
>Impying that people should have to pay each time they need to be treated for medical conditions that are out of their control
>Implying that sending people into debt for the rest of their lives because they get cancer makes any sense
>Implying that just because YOU don't need the doctor right at this moment means you shouldn't contribute to help other members of society

But everyone is entitled to drive on the same roads. I'm not entitled to your healthcare. I can't arbitrarily decide to take the medication that you're on.

I can arbitrarily decide to drive down the same roads that you travel.

Show the numbers. Don't make a baseless claim with no evidence.

You do you, man. I made my point.

For fucks sake

Really... you dont think people take advantage of govt handouts?

What if the persons family cannot afford the economic burden? Not everyone can rely on their Dad's credit card to fix all the problems in their life. You think we should just trace the family tree to the nearest person with enough money to pay for the medical expenses and blame them? Thats retarded.

No, only a small piece. Unless you're a billionaire, then yes. Society would be sharing the burden.

And eating healthy and exercising will not magically ward off all health crises anyway.

You actually are a member of the few, speaking globally. But in this country you are middle class.

I have. This country would be SO much better if it wasn't for Republicans post-1970 and laissez faire Capitalist bullshit. Capitalism and its cronies have fucked this country almost beyond repair.

>People who live healthy lifestyles never get sick

You must be stupid.

No it isnt...if your grandfather was a fuck up, and your father was a fuck up, and now youre a fuck up...thats not my problem and i dint owe you shit. Learn a skill, get off drugs, get your shit together...thats what america is all about. Tired of this victim mentality bullshit

It's called having a sore throat. Politicians are human beings; they get sick sometimes.

How is this relevant at all? How does this point make the two services existentially different?

Some people get more use out of roads than others, but society benefits as a whole.

With healthcare, some people will use it more than others. It will benefit society as a whole. Make it more productive, and higher quality in general.

Trump needs to go to fucking Hell.

You think thats true? I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of low income people. Most just don't get treated because they cannot afford the bills, and their jobs don't provide insurance that covers what they need. You must have never experienced what it is like to be poor. Poor people aren't just poor because they are lazy. I genuinely hope you don't believe that.

implying that middle-class doesn't have to delcare bankrupcy because their insurance from work wont cover what they need to pay (even on obama-care) and have to sell their house because they blew a disk shoveling snow. but if they were paying for just themselves and not having to pay for people that refuse to work, they would be just fine(because the insurance companies would then be able to afford it, without the govt enforced free loaders).

You are in the top 5 percent. The top 1 percent makes on average a million a year.

So if you’re successful, you’re obligated to pay for healthcare of people that dont give a shit? Every American is is free to donate as much ad they want to charity. Its just my position that the govt shouldnt force you to

Youre lost buddy...

You really think the extra couple bucks would have prevented all that? According to Capitalists you should have just worked harder and you wouldn't have been shoveling your own snow in the first place.

Think of what this evil capitalist country has given the world since 1970

Never said that dipshit

But people who live healthy lifestyle tend to pay for their own healthcare

Define successful. Because if you're not a millionaire you're going to directly benefit.

And if you are a millionaire? Yes. You get to still be rich, but slightly less so. And society will be healthier and more productive. And a more productive society even benefits billionaires.

If you are successful you should want to contribute to people regardless of who they are. Its called being generous. Its not like you are taking the money out of your pocket and just putting it in theirs. Its a tiny fraction of your income than goes in a pool to help people who need help. Doesn't matter why people need help. Some people are too stupid to make good choices. I view it like helping the mentally retarded if I am completely honest.

Lazy or just plain dumb

which side of the debate are you even on

Well if that isn't what you are implying, then you should be okay with a socialized healthcare plan. It would be cheaper for you than paying for private insurance, promise full coverage, and you'd get the same or superior care. As well as contributing somewhat to society.

I mean, that's where your line of logic takes you. As if a healthy person won't also benefit.


Feel free to read up. Healthcare does not apply under that definition.

Also, read up on non-excludable and non-rivalrous, as those terms are important.

I don't give a shit about a random definition you send me. That doesn't refute my argument.

Thats simply incorrect. Those are cases that exist, but most people in low income areas have full time jobs. Jobs that require a lot of physical labor. Thats not lazy. These jobs don't pay much but society wouldn't function without people performing those jobs. So either value their labor more, and increase the minimum wage or pitch in to provide what their income alone simply cannot. If one of these isn't done then you are just supporting the idea that a certain class of people are just less and just inherently deserve a shitty life because they are born into a poor family, or aren't smart enough to do something more valuable.

>healthy guy pays for sick
Yeah that is how insurance works. The healthy subsidize the sick, until they become sick. Life is unpredictable.

Now imagine you lost your job and then your healthcare and you have diabetes. In a libertarian world you die because of no government programs.

Someone provides you with the precise reason that healthcare isn't a public good, and why public goods aren't socialism, and you don't want to hear it.

Enjoy life in your bubble. Please don't vote.

third world outsourcing, hedge funding, tax evasion, corporate grouping, capital gains, the destruction of lifesaving regulations and 3 massive economic recessions.

FUCK Republicans and unchecked Capitalism.