Even the chinese know that Israel and american Jews run the country and have an imbalanced degree of influence on world...

Even the chinese know that Israel and american Jews run the country and have an imbalanced degree of influence on world affairs. Why are so many americans conditioned to clench their butt cheeks when they even hear the word 'jews', let alone challenge the supremacy of their overlords?

Attached: 1567893840336.png (599x800, 407K)

>quoting the grand master of the KKK's propaganda
yes, it's always ze jewz!

Attached: kkk.jpg (2286x1778, 558K)

Yes, it literally always is.

Who financed both sides of every major world war up to and after ww2?

Which ethnic group controls media and hollywood?

Which ethnic group has BY FAR the most billionaires in both america and the world?

So if a KKK member admitted quantum physics were real, would you vow to never believe that? Great logic there.

.2 social credits have been added to your account

>yes, it's always ze jewz!

Attached: 4d01acfa6ef47dfd50a4646d3d4f205e.jpg (220x263, 15K)

I'm fairly anti-chinese but to be so blinded and brainwashed to not see steins and bergs THROUGHOUT media/news/entertainment, and think it's PURELY coincidence, means you're simply stupid.

Keep sucking that jew dick while they suck baby dicks.

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>everybody who questions me is part of ze jewish conzpirazy!!!
>zey are literally everywhere!!

Attached: denial.jpg (500x692, 42K)

How much does israel pay you?


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Ah yes, anyone who questions jewish control MUST be mentally ill!

Do you know what conditioning means you esl fag

>everybody who questions me is part of ze jewish conzpirazy!!!

Attached: autism level.gif (500x292, 58K)

Apparently you don't you inbred tranny cocksucker. Now get the fuck back to cnn.

i think someone dropped a quarter in another thread "user"

>ze jewz, zey ah everywhere!!!
>must destroy ze jewz!!

Attached: chris.gif (280x220, 487K)

Attached: jew326.jpg (674x672, 342K)

the process of training or accustoming a person or animal to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances.
"social conditioning"

How the fuck does that imply being mentally ill you fucking chink

Attached: jewsuk.jpg (567x595, 61K)

>distrust the jews
>trust the chinese
how about you go fuck yourselves, all three of ya

Attached: jewz838.png (1455x1173, 1.99M)

>ze jewz, zey ah everywhere!!!
>everyone who criticizes me muzt be paht of ze jewz!

Attached: tinfoil.gif (360x480, 396K)

Attached: mojews.jpg (785x590, 28K)

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You're willfully ignorant

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Attached: jew298.jpg (960x960, 204K)