So I decided to stop persuing my bachelors and am now taking a semester long welding certificate at my community...

So I decided to stop persuing my bachelors and am now taking a semester long welding certificate at my community college. Half way in and I can already say I love this.
Just wondering if I made the right decision? Should I have finished my bachelors or is welding a good career choice?

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Learn underwater welding and scuba and you can make a fucking shitload of money.

As long as you are willing to travel, continue getting certs to be able to weld at places like nuclear power plants, or start your own business you'll be great. If you just weld at some shop you'll never really make a lot of money

Just look up videos of rich retards doing rich retard things. Chances are those guys are welders.

You can always get a degree if you change your mind. Student loans are a millstone around too many people.

both of these are true
to get real money, travel with the oil fields

You'll do fine; welders are always in demand and the nation's infrastructure is due for a massive revamp pretty soon. Oil rig/scuba certified welders make obscene amounts but are also doing an inherently risky job, keep that in mind.

A bachelor's degree is not even close to what it was 50 years ago; hell i know guys who are waiting tables with MBA's. Welding, air conditioning repair, and plumbing will literally never let you down.

fucking rich people

Ahem you forgot the God-King of the worksite, the Electrician.

The US average welder makes 45k a year... Get a bachlors if you already started it and bullshit your way into a job you're not qualified for.

True, but I'd say 80% plus of the Electricians I've worked with (I'm an irrigation engineer) have had bachelor's or higher in terms of education.

That being said if you tough it out for your master electrician's certification you're set for life.

90% of Electricians don't have a college education, what kind of horse shit are you spewing. Getting your Master's doesn't set you for life, fuckface, it just lets you open your own business. Leave it to a faggot ass engineer to say this kind of dumb, misinformed bullshit so matter-of-factly.

My uncle was told the opposite. That the Navy discharges so many SUBA cert welders there's no demand.
Depends on your degree. Philosophy major? You made the right call. PoliSci? Ditto.
Better to be a tradesman in my opinion.

Continue to get certs. I'm ACIS certified and weld food grade stainless on government contracts. I'm 21 about to be 22 and I made $106k after taxes last year. I only work 35 hours a week as well. Keep that in mind with the dollar amount you're shooting for.

Pressure welding
X-ray tested

Big money

potential death on your back rolling off of a 4ft high surface and
breaking your neck and chocking on your own blood or vomit or both

^ this is how many die

Others die from High Voltage not the welder but lines running on or near and shit comes loose.

Or you could get some certificate that qualifies you as another useless and disposable office worker, These jobs will dry up with software and automation.


I'd say you made the right decision. Firstly, you say you love it. Didn't sound like you cared much for uni.

Welding is a good, portable skill. Pays well and it's needed everywhere. Automated welding is still quite a way from being able to do high steel and other tasks. Small manufacturers need men because they can't afford machines and that's the most common work in the US.

Yeah, you did.

Maybe your dumbfuck friends in Eastern Fagistan are wrapping wires around their dicks and hooking into a 240 then calling themselves "electricians" but virtually ALL of the serious business owners who are making real money are master certified with higher education; any less and serious construction supers will just laugh at you. Good luck working on something more complicated than an outlet install fucktard.

Yeah, that way you can be stressed out every day that you might lose your job. Hours of paranoid ideation about increasingly SJW-filled workplace politics and how they might reveal you as an imposter. I'm not OP but I'd rather be a welder between the two. I don't think there's a lot of feminist non-binary LGBTQRSOPBRAAP goblins running around doing welding, dude could probably make actual work friends without getting sued for manspreading or sneezing too aggressively or whatever.

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I have an associates degree in welding and I hate it.

Nah bud, me and my wealthy friends in Eastern Mass are wrapping whores mouths around our dicks and hooking in to a pussy then calling ourselves Electrical Gods, and virtually ALL of us are making real money with our Masters Licenses and no higher education. Any more and serious construction supers would laugh at us for being faggot engineers. Good luck working on something more complicated than your drag outfits

Op im a mobile welder i went to school for 6 months got certifided and got myself a rig well im doing my own thing and making about 60k a year with just a high school diploma and im only 23