Im not bumping my thread. If it dies it dies. Here to give perspective and general advice to those who want it

Im not bumping my thread. If it dies it dies. Here to give perspective and general advice to those who want it.

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Got an intermittent misfire on a VAG 1.8T. Obviously I suspect it’s a coil pack so I’m going to replace them, as well as the spark plugs. If that doesn’t solve it what should I do next?

How would I go about getting a social security card? I lost my old one and everybody I ask says it's easy to get a new one but doesn't go into details about what I need to actually do

Where the fuck did I put my keys.

Wires are probably worn

Is making a girl cum worth the effort and is the g spot real and reachable?

Who are you and what qualification do you have to give advice?

Get out of bed.

What's the code?

They have a website where you can apply.

Lol. How can women orgasm without a penis? You’ve been tricked.

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The last place you had them.

Depends on the girl. But in my experience they generally are more generous if you take care of them first.

Just a guy who's half way through life and pretty bored.

Codes P0300/P0303/P0304

Which president do you feel is the most responsible for the current economic and political climate in the United States?

Your cylinder is misfiring.

Lincoln, because he fucked up by not sending all the niggers home, and now our entire socio-economic structure is based around them.

Are you asking candidates or which previous president do I think could handle our current situation?

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Our socio-economic structure was built around them when they were slaves too.

Should I or shouldn't I not?

No. I think you read it wrong. I mean which is the most responsible.

I lost my cellphone and haven't found it yet. Help!

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That's what he said the initial problem was, he's trying to find the reason for the misfire, new coil should fix it most likely tho

as in, who caused it?

I know. That was the first thing I said.

I found out my girl was cheating. I'm going to leave her, but should I do it immediately, or keep her around to fuck until something better pops up?

Her orgasm is her business. Worry about your own, tear her up, and she'll be fine.

Why do I deep down care what people think about me, even though on the surface I don't.

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Told the girl which i am occasionally sleeping with that i fell in love with her. She said that she just wants to fuck. Should i go on sleeping with her?

This hit me deep.

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Same girl?

Keep her around as long as she'll fuck you. Don't do her any favors, loan money, take her anywhere. Just fuck her until she moves on. I've got one hanging around for 13 years. She's looking for a guy to "settle down", but still puts out for me. Women love being cunts.

I hate my body. How to not hate myself about parts of me I can't change without massive surgery?

I have the same problem, it's always on the back on my mind after all my conversations

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I disagree; they were seen as farm equipment, which when freed we then replaced with other farm equipment, which the dependency was past on to.

Work on parts of yourself that you can make better

unironically this.

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Fuck yes. Just quit with the love shit. Women hate nice guys. They have no respect for them. They like bad boys and to be treated like shit.

Keep her until she says "no" and then have nothing to do with her until she's putting out again. Cut her off from all of your resources like favors and cash. Don't be the beta paying for Chad's good time. Be Chad.

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How do you know?

You worry about your appearance more than anyone you meet does.

Yeah, im working out already, I know there are some things I can change easily. I've done it before. But some things don't look like they can. Not a control freak about happenings around me. But man I feel like I shouldn't have to be stuck in my body im unhappy with.

They can't see what in talking about. >_>

Keep fucking her, but be less available. Don't answer her texts immediately or otherwise be a needy cunt.

Find some more women so you aren't dependent on her for pussy.

This might help to put things into perspective.

Is family or friends more important.

Holy crap that hit hard thank you.