Is she right? Is it time to ban racist language online?

Is she right? Is it time to ban racist language online?

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She should just die already


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Why do republicans think this lady is running is for President?

It's about time she choke to death on progressive migrant cock and stop pretending she has a fraction of the authority she thinks she does.

ah yes, the venerable New York Thinker!

They just want to paint her as the face of the democrats.

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Lol @ the fact that all they have left is propaganda to push

I like how this is a big concern for someone who reads the Daily Caller.

It's not issues like healthcare, education, or worker protection like maternity leave or vacation. Or social issues like drug addiction and mental illness.

No, they want to make sure they can post racist hateful junk on the Internet. Only degenerates with no real responsibilities would care about something like that.

noone should be prevented from saying what they want by the government.
this is what free speech is all about.
there are consequences for racist speech already, just not from the government
it can get you banned, fired, sued, etc.
the constitution forbids the government from restricting speech.
its pretty simple.

good i hope they fucking bury Yea Forums forever

She won't be 40 for a few election cycles

HOPE NOT HATE FB fucking banned me from posting on their god damn Facebook page for posting and debating well mannered convincing arguments against their leftist hateful fascists articles. Even their own fanclub often liked my posts that pinpointed the flaws in their articles. My replies were so clean that even Facebook unbanned my account one time when sjw rolls reported my post for debunking HNH's fake propaganda article. I fucking hate these left extremist pages. Everybody is entitled to their opinion and is free to share and debate the opinions of others but just excluding and banning people for not sharing your views is just pure fascism.

Her proposal hast nothing to do with banning racism and hate speech. The only and only reason for a ban like this is to abuse it to silence people with different opinions.

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>and yet I still post

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it an 8

hate speech bans are always used to silence dissent. AOC defines anything she disagrees with as hate speech. strict gun laws, bans on types of speech, and government-controlled heatlh care are how the National Socialists got started, and the DNC is using the same playbook

problem lad?

Thank you! For being "conservatives" that don't want their "rights" taken away, you are all awfully nosey ass little bitches. Keep your guns, say racist shit, but don't fucking tell anyone else what to think or do. If everyone would just fucking mind their goddamn business stop being that scum bag neighbor nobody likes, if someone is gay, black, mexican, muslim, christian, Jewish, is pro gun, pro abortion, etc its none of your MOTHERFUCKING BUSINESS BITCH. LET PEOPLE BE WHO THEY ARE AND YOU LIVE YOUR SORRY PATHETIC LITTLE RACIST LIFE. Instead you idiots sit on Yea Forums when mommy and daddy arent home and spread racist shit while you play with your little penis. Mind your FUCKING business you dumb cunts

So your concern is not what the person in congress is saying, but that the random people on the internet that might read the story are worried about?

Talk about sticking to your aisle and being blind. How about you chastise the ELECTED OFFICIAL for (not) worrying about those other issues?

Is that really their top concern? Lets waste time regulating speech instead of dealing with all our other issues?

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I couldn't help but notice how backward your logic is. I even had trouble understanding your post because you turned it around so backward.

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If the left didn't have double standards they'd have no standards.
>in4 copypasta

Bullshit. You can't threaten people or property. Your speech is already limited.

Keep your guns, say racist shit, but don't fucking tell anyone else what to think or do

words so delicious I had to repeat them.
anti-socialism at it's best.

do not let society decide what is best for you.
be an individual, responsible for what YOU do, and what YOU say.
let others also be individuals, and hold them individually responsible for their actions and words.
do not infringe on each others inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, unless in doing so it infringes upon others' rights.
let your morals guide your own actions and words, but do not impose it on others.

JESUS there IS someone on Yea Forums that fucking understands

No. We should, however, ban congresspeople.

Jesus, i could fling some man-yoke on those big brown eyes.

the speech restricted by the government is done so because it directly infringes on the rights of others.
the right of offensive speech however, must be protected.
I believe everyone is at least a little racist. And I don't hold it against people by default.
I am much more concerned with the racist things people do than just the racist things they say.

You don't realize racist speech infringes on others?? Seriously?

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Why So Seriously?

So you're retarded. Cool. Good for you, figuring out the whole posting online thing.

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There's no law that says you have to listen.

Free Speech is either free, or it isn't. If you want to shut people up who say shit you don't like or agree with, don't talk out of your ass and say you also support Free Speech - you support ideological fascism.

Great Keks!

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All speech is hate speech to someone.

That's not what she said. She said you idiot incels need to grow the fuck up.

You're trying way to hard.

>implying she supports racism

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When you cut off someone's tongue, you're not proving them wrong, you're showing that you fear what they have to say.

False your rights end when they cause harm to others, trumptard

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Your time is coming.

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Define "harm," nigger. Fuck your feelings.

words alone do not cause harm to others you snowflake bitch

She's actually attacking the Internet?

Welp, she just dug her own grave.


Post F to pay your respects.

Why would you not see that this is the future?This is the end of a savage civilisation.It it a start of a brand new world you chunky monkey nigger twat.

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Dude this is ancient news and basically pasta at this point.

Don't care what she's talking about but I really, really, really wanna suckle on her tits like I'm a newborn baby.

Nigger kike

Perhaps it's time to admit that many Democrats are crypto-fascists who would like nothing better than to stifle dissent and ensure permanent single-party rule. It started with "hate speech". Now it's "racism". And guess who determines what these terms mean and when they apply? For all his faults at least Trump is not trying to undermine the fucking first amendment.

>Words harm me

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Let's ban everyone who has a problem with racist speech online.

>no one had a problem till they showed up.

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Shuddup ya nigger spook jigaboo Sandy spic wetback slantyeyed yellow gook tojo piece of shit


We need many more prisons to get ready for this. If we open enough 're-education centers' we can show these people that democrats are never wrong.

One of the biggest problems in the 1920s in germany was that the peaceful left didn't fully get the dangers of the nationalist movement.
The fierce belief in some imagined "other" that is to be defeated, and the imagery of a cultural war between our pure, unchanging culture vs the imagined "other"'s culture lends itself only to strife, confrontation and violence.

So no, i'm not for silencing racists online. I'm for using racists posts that promote violence to hunt down right wing scum and end them.

AOC is correct. AOC is always correct. AOC is never wrong. You are wrong for questioning AOC. It is wrong to question AOC.

This is AOC and I approve of this ad.

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AOC can be plenty wrong.
Question AOC.

Now, use just as much energy in questioning and researching whatever bullshit FOX or Breitbart is spreading this time. Because man, o man is it usually easily disproved bullshit.

>Why are you all on Acid

>It's the only way we can deal with your parents loving the smell of their own farts all the time.

Trey and Matt tried to warn us about so many, many things.

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Some of the biggest racists are bikers. Why don't you go down to your local Hell's Angels clubhouse and start some shit.

This guy is smarter then AOC

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End yourself faggot

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Round where I live the bikers aren't racists. They're pot dealers who like to ride bikes.

I save the Hitler comparisons for when it's apt. Hitler and his ilk wasn't some mythical super evil that nothing is comparable to. He was a straight forward populist nationalist who used the scare of "the other" to create an internal enemy that allowed him and his cronies to get power through the use of violence.

If you can't see the ghost of that on /pol/ you're blind, an idiot or both.

Guys, I just completed the reCAPTCHA, and I'm a robot. For real! Pic related, it's me!!!

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They sound more like faggots!

Hitler was a Leftist, you know. Racism is not exclusive to the political Right. Many Leftists employ racism to excuse bad behaviors of people of color, or to explain why certain demographics reside in tough circumstances.

But back to Hitler: The NAZI party was Socialist by nature, and employed Fascism to achieve its means. It's similar to how ANTIFA is using Fascist tactics in an attempt to push their agenda. The exclusion to the Right of Fascism is only a recent change in the definition of the word.

It is simply authoritarianism, and an abuse of power. In stead of trying to push power to one political side or the other, remove power from government to keep this sort of shit from happening again.

Fuck authoritarianism.
Fuck Statism.

not with the current leftists definition of "racism".. you know the one where "minorities cant be racist because they have no power behind their words."
Who gets to be the arbiter of what is and isnt racism? since a clean dictionary definition isnt enough for fruits that wanna control every aspect of your life.

Fuck you AOC!

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AOC has a smelly pussy

>False your rights end when they cause harm to others, trumptard

degeneracy harms all of society

fags and trannies and thots will be rounded up and sent to camps

I would have spiritually agreed with this five years ago, but fuck no. Room temperature IQs in America have literally tried to redefine racism to something that boils down to "only when whitey does it".

You want to make it illegal for me to type "nigger"? Fine, tell every black comedian to find some new material, and kiss all forms of lyrics in black music goodbye.

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Every slur is back at full power now. They couldn't just let edgy teens say fag and nigger, and now those words are as strong as they've ever been, because people have chosen to let those words hurt them.

>inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness, unless in doing so it infringes upon others' right
Like a snake eating its own tail, this statement and any other wording, fails to define where the mouth ends and the tail begins... It's the equivalent of going "Muh Freedoms" and not being able to list, let alone describe the bill of rights and the Amendments to it.

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It’s scary how accurate Idiocracy was, even for its time. Crazy how we’re headed in that direction.

You literally said you want to kill everyone on the right because they disagree with you, fucking retard.

>NY Congresswoman: I am unable to understand that the internet is not centralized in the USA, and that the rest of the world does not share my views

>fags and trannies and thots will be rounded up and sent to camps
if by "camps" you mean rope and tree, then yes.

1st amendment bitch
free speach

she is one of the many faces of the party

are you brain dead, or lack common sense? it’s literally telling you word for have these rights and are free to do as you please, so long as what you do or whatever it is you do does not take away from the rights of others. So i can call you whatever the fuck i want, because you also have the same right as i do to say whatever it is you have say.

there is no such thing as hate speech
only free speech - the us supreme court

its 35 for pres. the whore could run in 2024

You should be banned from the internet if you're republican.

How the fuck was Hitler a leftist? He privatized everything, including the every facet of military production. He was also, at least outwardly, extremely conservative both in a religious sense and in a cultural sense.
Not that he was neccesarily to the "right" either; it wasn't exactly a "free market" economy.

I don't think the Nazi brand of fascism can really say to belong to the right or the left, or to any moral ideology at all.

It's power for powers sake, through selling fear and a sense of empowerment by defeating that thing to be feared to the masses. Aim at some weak minority that your majority can be sure to "defeat" and then convince them that they should try to defeat them. In their success they'll adore you.

Hitler new that a certain amount of the down trodden populous had more anger than wit. That is still true.

they do to them their so weak and so emotional

I didn't. Since you literally can read my words, I know you know to.
You fucking retard.

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This is only true i you posit that I disagree with every member of the right, and they all are racists that propose to use violence to end people based on race.

nationalist SOCIALIST party
its right in the name

check a history book on what hitler actually did retard


Look at damn near every post in this thread you fucking troglodyte, and you'll see what I mean, there is no clear cut "line in the sand". Which is what I'm saying, our founding fathers had no idea what this world would come to, or that their off spring would peak in early 1900's and grow gradually more retarded each generation thereafter.

TL;DR: We need another flood.

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Yeah. Just like how North Korea is a democratic nation, alongside Congo.
He used the name that would draw the destitute working class Germans to his side.

Meanings change over time, the Republican party for instance has pretty much done a 180° from where it started, same with the Democrats.

There's no longer any free speech except on Yea Forums. No matter what you say you're going to offend someone. I was going to start walking around with duct tape on my mouth but then that would offend someone. Now I just shut the fuck up and don't talk to anyone. Yea Forums is the only place I know of where free speech exists.

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Thats what I did.
Thats how we know he privatised every piece of manufacture for the Wermacht. Sold the right to create weapons, sold the rights to sew uniforms.
He sold the right to run hospitals, to run universities. He was no more socialist than he was a free market liberalist. Right/Left doesn't really mean anything in this political context.

Free speech is not the right to say whatever without people being offended. It's the right to say anything and not be prosecuted by the government.
You can still piss your boss off, or your neighbour.
The problem now is that with the internet it kinda sometimes works as if everyone is your neighbour.

Please just ban actual Nazi shit and not super-hot raceplay making fun of how stupid it is. Also please don't assume someone's a Nazi just because they like jerking it to spic teens getting raped by border guards while their cuck husbands and kids look on slut shaming, and don't assume they're a pedo just because they get off on loli. Porn keeps guys from acting out, which is why rape is way down from pre-internet days.

[citation needed]

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Not even racist. Just factual

(cont'd) If this was a real problem there would be a hell of a lot better Rule 34 on Candace Owens and Condi Rice out there

She is... indirectly. She is a shill for the Trump campaign. Her job is to scare sane people into voting for a populist despite a multibillion dollar propaganda blitz against orange man. She's doing a hell of a job.

Surprise, surprise. The socialist is starting to sound like a dictator.

Looks way fucking fake. Source plx.

if you’re referring to a gray area, you’re right, there is no clear definition. BUT, the constitution makes it VERY clear that government will NOT infringe on those listed rights. So while the government can’t outright ban hate speech or anything they don’t want to hear, that doesn’t prevent them from influencing non-governmental entities into creating some kind of law that would prohibit speech. It’s already happening around you....if you say something racism, you’re seemed a social pariah. Worse than insulting Jesus Christ himself. So yes, the gray area you’re referring to is very blurred, and if the government had the people’s interest first, there wouldn’t be any confusion as to what or why or how laws are to be interpreted

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Why the fuck are you even asking this, no, we shouldn't ban racist language you tard.

Everyone is racist. EV-RY-ONE! It is NATURAL!!!! It is the DEFAULT FACTORY SETTING. The question for the Femicrats is:

1. Should we see Americans as one tribe.


2. Should we be divided as oppressor/oppressed peoples of a majority race v. minority race. Or sex. Or religion (basically the entire femicratic platform).

Most people choose option 1. And they will be voting trump or independent.


>haha nice try pulling up these numbers derived from federal budget data showing the net impact of each demographic to the american taxpayer but it wasnt on cnn doesnt count

Literal liberal definition of hate speech:
Anything we don't agree with.

>perhaps it is time we admit racist hate speech has no place on the internet
Except for racist hate speech against whites, I assume

>You should be banned from the internet if you're republican.

in opposite land


not really
the bitch switch was debunked

There isn't even any, just a bunch of white idiots complaining about a secret plot to exterminate them.

except 4 chan, amirite

Both of the two major political parties find common ground on Yea Forums dot org

Go on Twitter and search for "white people"

My cousin met her at a party in Brooklyn last year. They ended up fucking. He said it was totally sub-par. She got shit all over his dick, and violently queefed at the end.

>the "it's not racist to hate whites" card

Gooba,gobble. She's one of us.

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Fucking retard

Lol, the hate speech against whites! Hahaha, the only whites people hate are the stupid ones.

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>haven't fled every time a community integrates
"White flight" is bad to these people but so is "gentrification"

If you can't see the plan to slowly chisel away at your rights and freedoms, you are a part of the problem

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If i call someone a nigger, what am i hurting? Feelings? No one cares about your feelings or mine unless they know either one of us personally. What harm is done?

based. the governments sole existence is to UPHOLD with good faith and carry out these rights on behalf of the people. I can swing my arms around all i want, so long as it doesn’t interfere with your ability to do so as well. If you tried to regulate the space in which i’m allowed to swing my arms, but do not apply that same standard to yourself then you’d be infringing on my rights, cuz you’d be allowing yourself to swing your arms around freely while i am confined to a fínate space. eventually your swinging around will take up the fínate space im in which will not allow me to continue to swing

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I'm for option 1, and that's why I wouldn't vote for Trump

"Perhaps it's time (((we))) burn the Constitution and ban free speech and the right to bear arms because we hate white conservatives."


Lemme see the clip of her saying what you quoted