Free medicare

>Free medicare
>Love your private coverage? Too bad
>I know what's best for you
>Youre a fucking idiot
>I will decide for you
>You have to pay into the (((system)))
>As well as Tyrones'
>By the way my cabinet is only jewish
>Please don't fill out the application if you are not jewish
>Taxes are raising next year, across the board
>Thank you, no questions please
>Comment section closed
>Vote for dementia 2024

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Other urls found in this thread:

The fact that anti-bernie stuffs being posted on Yea Forums, essentially means he's the right choice. Yea Forums is nothing but a troll farm for those who love to see the world live through shitstorm after shitstorm.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll
Found the kike

>Love your private coverage?
Literally no one does.

Do you use the same logic when people post anti-Trump stuff, anti-Hillary stuff, anti-Yang stuff, or anti-anything else stuff? No? Then you're using selective reasoning, and it's a fallacy. You can make your decisions for better reasons than that.

"kike" who cares about the opinions of a racist?

You really think the banking kikes that would get him elected would just let him take their money away?


And government run health-care is so much better?

I hope he wins

samefuck, also probably op

Insurance is a massive scam.

>Do you use the same logic when people post anti-Trump stuff, anti-Hillary stuff, anti-Yang stuff, or anti-anything else stuff?
Of course he doesn't. The whole catalog could be anti-trump bullshit and he wouldn't say a word about it. It's only a problem when it's bad things said about his team.

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>worried about Jews
>votes for Trump



You faggots cant ger enough of trump's opinions.

Why the fuck are you even on Yea Forums then, you dumbass kike? Stick to fagbook from now on

Guis free medical care is awesome just look at:

The VA
Any county hospital, aka 90% homeless people and drug addicts.

Look forward to sitting in a waiting room for 12 hours next to your local AIDs ridden meth head who is faking chest pain to get a free sandwich


>>Love your private coverage?
NOBODY loves their private coverage. they love their doctor. And ALL doctors are in medicaid for all.

Dumb shit

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>And ALL doctors are in medicaid for all
No they aren't you fucking dipshit. Try waiting until you're fucking 18 before posting.

>Taxes raising next year

Uh, thats happening with Trumps tax policy from last year, with or without Bernie. Didn't you read the policy?

>Didn't you read the policy?
Uh huh, you "read" the policy did you? Point out WHERE EXACTLY it says taxes are going up

page 52 of the ACTUAL bill,

Nothing on that page says taxes are increasing you fucking kike. Anymore fake news you're being paid to spread while you're at it?

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>pay 1500 dollars a month for health insurance
>go to doctor
>That will be 1500 dollars, please


That makes no sense

"Free Medicare" you mean in the same way that general infrastructure is free? Cause tax money is just another word for donation

>pay 3000 dollars more a month in taxes
>go to doctor
>extra fees when you go
>3 month wait for a specialist


>"Free Medicare" you mean in the same way that general infrastructure is free?
That's literally how fucking stupid these people are, that support it. They actually believe it will be "free", same as college. Then again, for Tyrone and Juan it WILL literally be free since they don't have jobs or pay taxes anyway.

Hey, it works so well in Denmark where the population is smaller and more homogeneous, and the drugs are generic versions of those created by private industry, primarily in America. :-|

Well, those evil rich white men SHOULD pay for everything!
After all, even though slavery ended over 150 years ago, there still benefiting from it... somehow.

Yeah that's another thing I forgot, on top of this ridiculous bullshit we have to pay niggers for "reparations". Notice of course the slave masters in the DNC never say how much or how long. Which basically means it's a blank check for every fucking nigger in this country, who may or may not even have decedents from slavery.

No, that's not the argument. With a single payer system, they can negotiate prices on everything. There won't be a price for someone with insurance and for those without. Too fucking bad for the private insurance companies. They are thieving, parasitic assholes, anyway.

>they can negotiate prices on everything
They honesty think the government is going to do that?

Kiwi here. Great public system, but mental health is fucked, although 1.9b dollars just committed to it. Nice not to have American style kleptocracy health system in place. Enjoy all that freedom fags.

The government already does with medicare/Medicaid. Cheaper costs vs priv. insurance

>The government already does with medicare/Medicaid
Except it doesn't

Isn't Yea Forums banned in your country? Nice "freedom" you fags got over there, not.

But the govt option is worse.
My coverage was so much better before the ACA was enacted.

So are you going to admit you just know nothing and all of your political beliefs stem from what other people tell you and memes?

Don't cut yourself on that edge, kiddo.

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Oh no not Yea Forums omg they must be living in a totalitarian hell hole if Yea Forums is banned. You dipshits don't want anything to actually get better if it inconveniences you. Like the dipshits in California bitching that they can't water their lawns and that it's so tyrannical to make them stop doing it even though it's better for the environment. We'll kill the planet but hey at least we got to water our lawns and have Coca-Cola.

by that logic shouldn’t we be voting a loli into the white house?

dude's an atheist which is better than offering your aryan princess to the Temple Mount for money

Don’t get offended by a word kiddo

>You dipshits don't want anything to actually get better if it inconveniences you
Yeah, because that's what happening. Just a small "inconvenince". Fucking dumbbass. This is why I don't take opinions from 3rd worlders like you seriously. Your all fucking retarded. You're all use to living under oppressive government and you want everyone else to be as weak and miserable as you.

Wtf? Then how am I on Yea Forums fuckhead? No vpn or shit. Ignorant fuck.

Bernie was cucked by Hillary Clinton years ago.

I'm not voting for a cuck.

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>Then how am I on Yea Forums fuckhead?
Fuck if I know, you probably sucked somebody's dick to get back on this website

I agree with a lot of bernout's policies if they were for white americans and didn't include all of central and south america and half of africa on the white man's dime

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HA HA! Bernout! Fucking classic! You fucking nailed him with that awesome insult!


Are you triggered kiddo? You need a safespace?

why does the govt option suck?

Sure, if you're offering. Is there enough room in yours?

Long post short, shit quality of doctors and ridiculously long waiting periods to see specialists

>By the way my cabinet is only jewish
So you hate jews now? OK Donnie. You want muslims instead? Try not to trip on your own hypocrisy

>Taxes are raising next year, across the board
No democrat will be in office, shitforbrains

>Love your private coverage? Too bad
People love their doctor's not their insurance company.
Do you love your car insurance company?
What if another gave the exact same coverage but was $100 cheaper per year? Would you l-l-love your insurance company? No, you want the best deal.

>Youre a fucking idiot
Yes people are idiots, case in point

>So you hate jews now? OK Donnie
Your right, we need to vote for Sanders instead. who is a literal kike. I'm guessing they skipped over that little detail in your weekly demoshit shilling class?

Hey guy...

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Don't worry, though. Cronies will destroy competition while single-payer advocates will push legislation which collapses the market until the government believes it's the only option, and you get to go you your local monopoly for healthcare. If you don't like the wait time or quality of treatment, you can ask permission to visit another office in the same company's chain.


We are already paying more for health care than Bernie's universal program. Imagine how much money stays in your pocket without insurance premiums, co-pays, overpriced drugs...

Vote Bernie!

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>>Love your private coverage? Too bad

I love how us making your shit private coverage *obsolete* is treated like we're taking something from people.

Sorry we're taking away some third party's ability to decide whether or not you deserve healthcare by taking away the bills at the point of use.

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This is a free country you fucking retard. Are you going to decide what people can and cannot eat next? We all know that's what the democrats are going to push for after this.

The reason Yea Forums is flooded with Trump threads every day is the same reason it's flooded with BBC porn and other weird agenda driven stuff- barely disguised political shilling

However it's also slightly successful AND there are a lot of retards on Yea Forums, so some of it is genuinely just trump supporters

Rest of the world here. You're retarded.

Incidentally every one of these countries has better health providence and cheaper healthcare than the US.
We also have private healthcare here in the UK which is considered one of the best in the world

Anyone who argues against universal care in america in 2019 is frankly retarded or selling an agenda

I don't get it, why are you suggesting Bernie Sanders is somehow deviously plotting against private healthcare? He's offering a model towards universal care, not somehow magically plotting against select private healthcare providers, (which, incidentally, would hurt his public image and damage his campaign), for reasons nobody but you can imagine
Genuinely confused about what the fuck you're talking about

>Love your private coverage?
At $1500 a month, I'm not fucking wild about it

>I don't get it, why are you suggesting Bernie Sanders is somehow deviously plotting against private healthcare?
He literally said it himself he would abolish private healthcare. Half of this fucking country is on private healthcare right now. He's basically going to force over 100 million people to get onto medicaid. Let me guess though, you didn't know this because you were watching SpongeBob when he said it in the debate.

>Let me guess though, you didn't know this because you were watching SpongeBob when he said it in the debate.
I didn't know this because I don't follow american politics but what you're suggesting makes absolutely zero sense and frankly sounds retarded. Stop projecting and being butthurt and engage in actual conversation and you'll have a better time mate
A quick google can't find what you're talking about but shows that he's pushing to abolish private insurance, not cover or providers.

Again, since almost every first world country on the planet offers universal healthcare AND private healthcare, I can't see why this would make sense and you sound like you're talking out of your shitter

>I didn't know this because I don't follow american politics
Why are you giving your worthless opinion then? Are you a fucking spic or what?

The only person happy with their private medical insurance is the person who never got sick to find out how shitty it is. I have never even heard of a person who was happy with their insurance company.

>Why are you giving your worthless opinion then?
Same reason you're making up nonsense on an imageboard- nothing better to do. That and it's hard not to respond to absolute idiocy when you see it
>Are you a fucking spic or what?
Not even close but whatever projection helps you feel comfortable with making up retarded nonsense on image boards all night mate

Again, he said it himself multiple times. You didn't watch the debate, hence you don't know that. I'll stop wasting my time on a dumbass monkey like you now.

Actually yes. I have medicare and I don't pay to see a doctor ever, I don't pay for prescription drugs or lenses or dental at all. There's never a copay, there's no deductible, it's fucking great.

You don't pay for that because people with jobs are paying for you, Tyrone. Was your daddy not around to explain to you how this stuff works?

They actually are, you don't even know what a deductible is without looking it up do you...kek

Every fucking doctor does NOT accept medicaid you fucking idiot. Reason being they don't want to deal with fucking retarded niggers like yourself.

>Implying there aren't long waits for everything in the rest of the world


>Pay 0 cause unemployed due to disability
>Gov health insurance
>pay 0 for doctors visits, ophthalmologists, dentists, lenses, script drugs, dental work.

I genuinely love gov health insurance, imagine if they made it better, I honestly don't know if it could be any better than it already is.

I know how it works Juan... It's working exactly how it's supposed to and how it could be for everyone.

Prove it.

Everyone plays into the system so that the healthcare so that your private coverage is not needed. Who cares that the "Tyrones" pay into it, everyone pays into you cretin. Who cares that they are Jews, would you like to continue to pay for millions of people paying a fuckton of money for shit healthcare, or become bankrubt for paying medical bills. Trump raised taxes for the lower and middle class, not the rich thou, their taxcut is forever, your are only temporary. Since you Americatards do not understand jackshit, raising the taxes will give you a net benifite since you do not have to pay a fuckton in medical care and insurence. You are the reason America is shit, keeping the status quoe and sucking corporate Americas dick. I hope missery and suffering is all that you know OP. End your miserable life.

Obviously your stupid ass doesn't know how it works.

Serious question, how fucking old are you? Because it is obvious as FUCK you are not old enough to be here

Coming from a 12year old spic that means nothing tard.

>Who cares that the "Tyrones" pay into it, everyone pays into you cretin
Not if they're on welfare, food stamp and public housing they fucking don't. And yes I do fucking care because it is bullshit. Why the fuck would I pay into a system that millions of people and their disgusting offspring, as well as illegals, don't pay into? Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

> OP may be right

> brb lose your insurance because either the premiums are too high or you lose your job for saying non-PC things

> end up w/o insurance

> have fun paying $1,000 for some cough medicine

> tHe jeWz r evil and are behind it all

> hope your kids or wife don't get sick because you'll go bankrupt if that happens

> enjoy having no healthcare and being told to just get off your ass and pull yourself up by your bootstraps

> this all started because just LOVED your private coverage and there were other Whites who you didn't think were White enough, running the country.... let that sink in

> brb no comments or ?s

> brb posting to the public

> brb the Ameri-Dream is still alive

> brb rich parents helped me because rich myself

> brb brb

>Again, he said it himself multiple times. You didn't watch the debate, hence you don't know that. I'll stop wasting my time on a dumbass monkey like you now.
>My retarded radical claim is right and the entire internet and reality are wrong
No worries, seems like neither of us is going to change each others mind

Thats bullshit

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2 hours for non-emergencies isn't long
At least by my standards

Uh huh, thanks for confirming youre underaged. Does you mom look her little shit-stain is looking at dicks on the internet? She knows youre gay right?

And cripplingly high taxes to pay for it all. His buddies in those industries will act like a vacuum, sucking wealth from the middle class at a record pace. Fuck trying to control costs, just give those industries a blank check and make white america pay for it.

Yeah keep on claiming it's fake even though he said it himself multiple times and anyone who isn't a dumbass monkey like you can find it on youtube. What third world country do you even live in? It's obvious as fuck I'm talking to a subhuman.

>2+2 = 3!

You literally know nothing about the healthcare system, do you?

I do IT support for a number of doctors and it's true, not all of them accept it. I thought this was common knowledge?

It is. He's gotta be a troll. Or someone who knows nothing.

id rather have high taxes then go bankrupt every time i have something that needs a specialist.

Besides, deductibles are a medical expense that would go away. Thats easily going to turn out to me paying less.

He's a fucking dumbass kid, of course he thinks every doctor in this country takes his nigger health-care plan. Anyone older than 18 years old knows that not every doctor takes medicaid, for exactly this reason. They don't want to deal with retarded chimps like that guy.

This right here folks is a regard trying to spread false information even as the FACTS are being shown right in his dumb sheep face. Heres your average /pol/trump retard.

You're paying MUCH more in the long run. How high do you think those costs will run knowing they have a blank government check? You think costs are high NOW? My taxes would go up about 20k under his plan. I have NOWHERE NEAR that in medical costs. Fuck that. If that happens I'm leaving the country.

I have one client, an eye dr, who takes it, and says it's fucking shit and they barely make money since so much more processing and paperwork is required by a big bloated government agency, and it takes months to get paid. I wouldn't take it either.

I read that entire fucking page. Where does it say taxes are going to go up? You don't even understand basic english do you? I'm probably talking to a fucking jew right now.

Racist, based, selfish and a fucking moron to boot. You are truly an American.
Well then get them of welfare then. Maybe a better school system, more police in the area and a minimun of 15 dollars per hour will help solve that and about a million of other shit to help the country as a whole. Maybe shitting on them is not the right idea, maybe helping them just a little is. Im not saying paying for everything and just let them do nothing, fuck that, they gotta work to.
AND BTW! Are you not already doing that? Your money goes to all those things are they not?

You're right about Yea Forums user, about Bernie ... I don't know

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>Well then get them of welfare then
How you fucking retard? They REFUSE to get off of it. You could open a fucking plant right next door and hand deliver them a fucking application, and they would still refuse to work. With people like you defending it and making bullshit excuses for it.

Snowflake, you don't love America.

I'm srs.

Anyone who'd leave their country like that is a fucking coward fuck who'd probably dodge the draft too if he could save money.

Your taxes would go up. Boo hoo. It's about time rich fuckers start paying their fair share.

If Bernie had common sense on gun laws (pro gun), i'd protest for him.

Oh no, muh $20k.

Who gives a shit how much it'd cost you, there are people in much worse situations rn who don't have Internet or a house and who could really benefit.

But because you only donate to charity for tax purposes, we're gonna force you to be generous.

You will be cucked, we're gonna donkeyfuck you on taxes and make you and your family watch.

In the cities that went to 15 an hour, who didn't already have inflated wages, the costs of living simply rose.

>You have to pay into the (((system)))
>As well as Tyrones'

How the fuck you think insurance works, nigger?

And more police? You gotta be fucking joking. Those fucking monkeys would bitch about that. Corey "fuck the police" Booker gutted the police department of Newark right before he left. The democrats don't want law and order. They want literal lawlessness and for everyone to be defenseless against their slave class.

> 3000 a month,
what in the flying fuck are you talking about moron? The bottom class is going to pay like 35 dollars more a YEAR than what they already pay at most.
> pay 0 in visits
> no more getting ripped off on meds like how it is now
> wait time is bullshit. Its even bs in Canada where they pulled this load of horse shit from
People are tired of paying for greedy evil ass insurance companies retard. You're not going to trick Americans into voting for this fat fuck draft Dodger anymore faggot.

There is literally not a single argument for private health insurance. Name me one, and i will dunk it into a trash can.
I'm waiting.

Economics always works on paper.

We should get rid of the min. wage, after all, tHe FreE mArKeT wIlL TaKe cArE oF iT.

I don't love everyone in america, you're right. Plenty of pieces of shit. I don't love politicians - you're right. They do what they do so they or their group can benefit.

And yeah 20k a year is a LOT to go up you dumb fuck. MY MONEY that I EARN does not belong to SOMEONE ELSE.

I'd fucking kill you if you said this shit to my face. Would literally grind your face into hamburger.

>(((FREE)))) healthcare
>Literally what are taxes

This thread is for adults kid

Then take away their welfare then. Make them work, 100%. If they do not get a job within a certain amount of time they lose all their welfare and have to live on the fucking street. Im not making excuses for them and you fucking know im not.

Why don't you tell the fucking democrats that then. They're the ones giving niggers welfare. Great idea though, "hehe just take it away". As if niggers wouldn't riot in the fucking street if you tried that. Go ahead and try it though, tell those niggers they need to fucking work and stop collecting welfare. Watch what happens to you.

Am a registered Republican.

We don't need more police, you've got to be shitting me.

All they do is hand out meter maid tickets, idle their cars and talk to their friends and hassle black people.

We don't need police.

Ironically, we also don't need more gang members and thugs... but then again, cops don't ever solve that issue.

They don't. They're too stupid from all the donuts they eat.

The police are a fucking joke.

Muh thin blue line, get a tan and watch how they stop you 20 times a month instead of the usual 10.

The elites use police to keep the slaves down, just like slave patrol.

But keeping gagging on the elites' cock. You love it. You love getting screwed by the system so much you'll die to protect it.

Fucking idiot. Poison yourself, hanging is too quick.

Show me one democrat that want "lawlessness" you fucking liar. Well fucking force the cops in there then, make your fucking streets clean, no fucking half masures!

because there aren't many doctors that take medicare, and the ones who do are horribly overloaded just with existing patients. Putting the whole country on Medicare won't improve that situation. Doctors will just start taking cash/credit card payments only.

Fuck yeah take it away from them, let them squel like a bounch of pigs.

Your medical care is only affordable because drug and medical equipment suppliers can make all their money in the US. Without that ability they will raise prices everywhere and now your little island country will go bankrupt.



YOUR money that YOU earn is earned by using OUR roads, OUR infrastructure, living in OUR country being supported by OUR laws.

You use roads, you use bridges. Stop being a freeloader and pay your god damned taxes. You owe society for that debt.

Want to stop paying taxes? Then stop driving on our roads, using our bridges and going to our schools.

It ain't too much to spare you rich piece of shit. You can afford it. The average American can't, but you can though because you were born into favorable circumstances.

You wouldn't kill me because, ironically, i'd end your life for such an act of aggression. Self defense would prevail.

I may be in prison, I may lose everything and everyone I love.. but it won't be something that's entirely new or foreign/alien to me.

Want my address? I'll give it to you as long as I don't get banned for it, then we can see if you've got the balls.

What i hear from you is lets keep the status quo and do nothing. Like a real corporate loving republican.

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Are you fucking blind? How do they NOT want lawlessness when they openly tell people to break our immigration laws, riot when one of their chimps gets killed because they're too fucking stupid to follow basic instructions from the police, demand ICE(who is police btw) be abolished, demand cops be imprisoned when they shot someone, armed or not, the list goes on and on. The democrats are openly asking for lawlessness, hence why they want to take guns away so badly. Next they will demand the police be disarmed. Then their chimp pets can rob and kill all they want and nobody can defend themselves anymore.

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You live in a society that lets you do that, how much has society done for you dumb fucking cretin. Pay it back to society. Oh no some money goes to something i do not like, well stop paying taxes then. If you just knew how much money went to shit insted of something useful. Like the military complex, overbloated and fucking useless. Do not give me that "they keep us safe" shit, no one belives you!

Socialists, democratic socialism, communism, all of you are a bunch of faggots if you support the aforementioned. Fucking faggot millennials.

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Cuck baby boomer

Democrats are faggots too, Republicans are as well but to a much less degree. At least they don't try to encourage unchecked mental illness.

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Remember kids: Bernie was throw out of a commune for being too fucking lazy.

>I don't pay federal taxes but you need to pay even more

You sound like a typical NEET liberal. Give me your money so I don't have to work.

You can still defend yourself w/o a gun.

Someone who NEEDS a gun is a weakling who would die anyways, police being around or not. Guns being legal or not.

What money?

I spent all of it listening to Republicans' advice.

Spent it all on school that I was promptly expelled from, now I have no job, and nothing in the bank.

I don't have to work even though I want to work.. but people like you claim to love America so much while you turn around and only hire illegal aliens or your buddies to do comfy jobs that they'll get paid 6 figures for.

How many of those people in the riots got arrested, the fucking majority. ICE being abolished is a tiny minority that wants that, you fucking liar. Cops should have cameras at all times so that we can se what happens case by case. So then we would not have that conversation. Again, a tiny minority wants to take your guns you fucking liar, and it is gun control, not taking all of your guns. The wast majority of Americans want gun control, not taking all the guns away. Again, i tiny tiny tiny minority wants to take guns away from cops, it is not a positions that is liked by the vast fucking majority.

Lel, I'm not even a boomer faggot. Get a fucking job and move out of your parents, quit trying to get everyone else to pay for your shit. Fuckin' loser.

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So basically OP made up a bunch of shit, then raged at his own fantasy.

Kinda stupid, really.

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Bernie ain a commie, socialist democrat. You cretin. There is a huge diffrence.

My feelings are hurt, user.

I think i'll go cry on your girlfriend's shoulder and make her go into mommy mode so I can be pounding her before the night's over with.

Wait, what girlfriend lmao?

Based and a liar. Democrats and Republicans both want to control what is being said.

I hate Niggers and Kikes
Bernie Sanders has never worked an honest day in his life

Did you not read the fucking post? Goddamn you're brain dead.
Kek, spoken like a true incel, faggot confirmed.

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I can show you a fat pathetic redneck saying vote republican and i will make any fucking diffrence. Those ugly faggots are such an insignificant minorty that they are not noteworthy.

>Someone who NEEDS a gun is a weakling who would die anyways
So you're saying niggers and spics are weak? Because those are the people committing most of the gun violence in this country. Funny though, I always love how dumbasses like this say this, even though every war fought in the last 200 years were with guns, and it's your pet chimps who buy and use them every fucking day. Real "tough" guy huh? The same type who would shit his fucking pants if one of the niggers you love so much pointed one right at your faggot face in the street.

>no job and nothing in the bank
>I don't have to work

Such a typical liberal millennial. Telling others to suck it up, work more and pay more taxes so you don't have to.

I don't see Republicans making safe spaces, or censoring their media. Dems do that.

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>Calls me a liar
>While at the same time admitting what I said is true

Kid, just stop posting. This thread is clearly too much for you to handle.

I did read it and so what, it does not matter. It is not an argument. Useless,

I would work and get a job if there were any jobs left.

But you guys just shipped them all to China and Brazil to give your shareholders 2% more profit.

I don't have to work even though I WANT to work, you left that part out. I'd love to get a job.

My superiors call me a hard worker etc but now i'm fucked and it's all the fault of Republicans... people I fucking voted for and helped get elected.

I'm not a dem, i'm a registered rep. that just got fucking screwed by the system

T_D on Reddit is a Republican safe space..... pol is damn near a safe space.

No im good. Im making and argument, i am conceding that sure you are right about there are some people that want to take the guns away and abolish ICE, those are about a insignificant number, they will never matter, regardless of how much you want them to matter. Im saying that you are overblowing things to a ridicules proportion, making them lies. Hence making you a liar.

Dems want that sure but so does republicans. Safe spaces, sure that millenial faggots.
And if you are saying that republicans are not censuring the media im gonna laugh in your fucking face.

You're not making ANY argument. You're just making yourself look like a fucking retard. Feel free to keep going if you want, I could use the laugh.

We know you just learned to curse, but tone it down there edgelord.

No, i'm not saying Latinos and Blacks are weak. I'm saying ANY person regardless of race who needs a gun is a fucking pussy.

You can use a knife, a bat, a hammer, your car, your fists etc.. but no, you just need a gun!

I'm very pro-gun, i'm not w/ the gun grabbers but come on now.. if you NEED a gun, you're a weak pussy.

You could use a bow and arrow or sword. It was used for 1000's of years...

This fascination w/ guns is understandable but if they take it all away, you can still fight them.

> Kek, spoken like a true incel, faggot confirmed.

This incel faggot is gonna be inside your girlfriend tonight. So if that's gay, then call me Barbera.

Can't wait to see what was done to health insurance be done to college tuition. I wonder what new historic height the administrators will decide on once they are guaranteed their sale at taxpayer's expense.

Should communists even be treated as human?

Nice plebbit spacing fag. And yes, you are saying they are weak. Since they are the ones who use guns illegally the most.

>I'm very pro-gun, i'm not w/ the gun grabbers but come on now.. if you NEED a gun, you're a weak pussy.
Sure, you're a real TOUGH GUY. Man, can't nobody fucks with you! Anyone who isn't a monkey ass chimp like you is a "pussy". But if a nigger pointed one in your face you would shit your pants right then and there. You know what, keep on believing that kiddo. Keep on thinking you're a "tough guy" and watch what happens to you. And it'll be from one of your nigger pets you love so much.

I am,i have given a bounch of arguments. You are not adressed a single thing.
Smug chuckling makes you looks very bad.
Ok by giving you arguments it it makes me look like a retard. Just stop dude. You are overblowing everything, just a fearmongerer that want to keep the status quo and complain about liberals, dems, niggers, spics and the media. You are why nothing changes in America.

What will happen is tuition will triple and everyone's salaries will be doubled, with professors making like $500K a year and the dean making $30 million a year, all at the expense of the tax payer.

Tuition is already shit.
Btw, the goverment will force them, not let them decide what the costs should be. If they do not accept well then no one will go to the school.
Typical America fag. Lets keep the status quo.

That's what I came here to say. The fact that these threads are being made is a good sign for Bernie. Full damage control is in effect

No, Democrats opened up the borders to millions of low-skilled immigrants who promptly took and squatted on all the manufacturing and retail jobs. Then Obama and the Democrats opened up the H1B program to millions of Chinese and Indian immigrants to take up all the technology and professional jobs.

It will only get worse under the Democrats. How can you not see that?

>How can you not see that?
He's a blind faggot, that's how

Sounds accurate.

Every federal dollar pumped into the college industrial complex has not resulted in this alleged government forcing down of tuition cost but rather has inflated it. Administrator salaries have inflated along with it. It's a giant racket that must be broken up and not subsidized, the communist 'solution' to everything.

Which is what you are, a moron communist and not equipped to weigh in on this. Thankfully you can't vote on it.

That is what is happening already with America's shit tier private insurance. The only down side to Medicare for all is living with the knowledge that fat retards like you are getting medical aide, but I think I can move past it.

So edgy saying nigger every 5 minutes.

I didn't say blacks and hispanics are weak. Get over yourself.

I do see that, which is why I don't fucking vote.

But I also don't pretend corporate America gives a shit about me because they don't.

They see green, no other color.

Fuck politicians.

You stupid fucking idiot. My girlfriend is on government health insurance while I'm still on my parents' insurance by law. I pay way, way fucking less then her anytime I do anything medically related. I never have to pay out of pocket for most of my prescriptions and doctor's visits don't cost more more than 10 to 15, including ER visits. You can shut the fuck up with that dumbass argument and if that's the liberal shill's new angle to try and convince dumb idiots of their stupid fucking Medicare for all, need I not remind you that Obama already proved that when this system is implemented and you're forced to go on it, you will not keep your doctor. Fuck you you lying sack of shit. Get AIDS faggot

but you ARE a fucking idiot

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there is something very beautifully ironic about accusing a man who has been preaching exactly the same story for his entire life of having dementia and probably believing every word from a man who has never had a consistent story in his life

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What's even more ironic is that you take the word of a fucking jew

Shit tier private insurance? I paid $10 for an 45-minute long physical with my doctor and discussion about healthy living. I paid $5 for a month's supply of antibiotics. I broke my finger once, went to an urgent care clinic two blocks from my house (there are about 5 in a 3 mile radius), was seen immediately with no appointment, and insurance paid everything except $40 copay.

Compare to 6 month wait times to see a doctor in the liberal utopias of Canada or UK.

The republican party spent the better latter half of the 20th century trying to censor radio and televsion of obscenities and anything they felt was "unamerican" or "un christian." Now the shit's flipped and you cry babby tears as if you're not repeating the same fucking cycle all over agayn

>By the way my cabinet is only jewish
>Please don't fill out the application if you are not jewish

Meanwhile all of Trump's cabinet are zionists and he's so pro-Israel that he's been named by Jews as the first Jewish president. Also whatever president you get your tax money will still be spent sending $3 billion a year to Israel

What in the fuck are you even talking about, you motherfucking kike? Who the fuck calls Trump a "Jewish President"?

>I'm making up bullshit I heard from CNN

donald trump is, by every logical measure aside from literal genetic lineage, so much more of a "jew" than any presidential candidate in the history of the country. A scheming, lying, cheating, under-paying, self-serving, victim-playing jew. He fits the stereotype far better than most actual practitioners of Judaism.
You can't see past your own fucking nose. You just rely on what everyone tells you. Jews bad. Commies bad. Merica good. man say merica good must be good too. man say socialism must be devil. Just fucking kill yourself already.

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You must be over the age of 18 to post on this website.

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>Trump is a jew
>Therefore you should vote for Bernie
>The biggest fucking jew on planet earth

It's almost like you leftists fags aren't even trying

>the king of israel
from the man himself, on his favorite communication platform

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Because insurance companies intentionally tanked their own services to make voters hate ACA, in hopes they would vote against further regulations. And it worked. Congrats, you cucked yourself.

I don't think you know what that word means. I think you understand that it's a "meme" to insult people by calling them jews and that's about it.

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How about Singaporean model of healthcare and taxes?

Hear me out, its a mostly capitalist solution to universal healthcare, retirement, college tuition costs and housing costs. It also solves the issue of social security with the option of having a retirement account and dig this, no capital gains or estate tax.....i think this is more appealing in the interest of finding a middle ground
Link helps explain:

>become government official
>fuck up royally
>run next election on the idea that government doesn't work and promise to cut down on services
>sit in an office and give yourself less work to do and get praised for it

Spoiler alert: ???? translates to "sell the power your position gives you to corporations at the expense of the people who elected you"

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I am unironically voting for bernard sanders in 2020

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So Bernie Sanders is not a jew? Is that your argument kid?

arguing would imply I thought I was speaking to a Person

>what works in a tiny city-nation of super-wealthy will easily work in a massive country of 350 million heavily filled with recent third-world immigrants

>Love paying drastically more taxes

Literally no one does.

Irony also he uses Singapore as an example, a country with air tight immigration laws

like 4 hours for emergencies
fucking people dying waiting for healthcare in CA

thats why we pay off a congressman or two for a couple million instead of paying ten billion in taxes, all while taking in a few hundred million of government subsidies. Thanks, suckers!

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This but unironically


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-Burnme Sanders

Actually, the exact opposite is true.

That's a depreciation schedule

you're right but for the wrong reason

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>Offers full coverage insurance plan for a small amount of taxes
>Can still choose which healthcare providers to use
>Get the same or better coverage in all cases
>Healthcare costs will go down more than taxes will go up, saving the average person money
>Still have access to private insurance plans for things like aesthetic-related procedures
>No one will go without their medications due to not having enough money
>People will actually go to the doctor, thus preventing many medical problems from becoming serious
>Stress will be taken off of emergency rooms because people will be able to afford making doctors appointments for things that aren't emergencies, thus making service to people with medical emergencies more prompt and focused
>We can finally join all the other 1st world countries in having a healthcare plan that isn't autistic

You'd have to be a literal retard not to support this.

>Drastically more taxes

The healthcare costs will go down more than taxes will go up, therefore saving money overall.

Wont be very drastic at all. If you think that, then substantiate that claim.

>for a small amount of taxes
Yeah fucking right, as if anybody really believes this bullshit

The healthcare cost will go down more than taxes will go up, thus saving the average person money.

Ok. Are you assuming that, or have you actually looked at the proposals, and done the math yourself? I have.

They said the same thing about Obamacare. Didn't work. California has the most tax revenue and couldn't make state-level universal healthcare work. You're literally retarded.

Have you? So how is the government going to pay for it without taxes? With fucking wizard spells?

They are going to pay for it with taxes. Obviously. The amount that taxes will increase will be less than the amount that the average person currently spends on healthcare costs. Therefore, you will have more money left over than if you had paid for medical care, as opposed to paying the extra taxes.

Yes. I've done the math. I literally said that in my post.

I don't understand how /pol/ can fervently hate Jews, while also sucking Trumps dick every chance they get

>Implying Obamacare was ever a single payer health insurance program
>Implying its impossible to set up a universal health care system that works when literally EVERY other 1st world country has one, and they all work

>They are going to pay for it with taxes
Exactly, and when the cost goes up what do you think they're gonna do?

The cost of what? Healthcare? You have to be specific if you are going to have a serious discussion of a serious issue.

>arguing would imply I thought I was speaking to a Person
You're talking to an NPC. The heavy use of "Jew" is a dead-giveaway of that.

Yes healthcare you moron, that's what we are talking about.

And being offended when someone calls you a jew, is a sure sign you are a fucking jew

>Yes healthcare
The cost of healthcare doesn't just "go up" all the sudden. Thats not how things work. That happens over decades, and so does the cost of everything else. Another thing that goes up over time is the minimum wage.

>being offended when someone calls you a jew, is a sure sign you are a fucking jew

Could also be that you aren't a brainlet who relies on retard-level thinking to make sense of the world.

Sure, kid, keeping believing their lies.

Socialized medicine is a joke. Just ask all the zillions of Canadians who come to America for medical care.

You think it's going to cost the same after 100+ million people are put on medicare? You really believe this?

the right can't meme

No offense, but you really do sound like a fucking idiot. It's like you have no idea how health insurance works. (You're paying for tyrone now, you're just getting jack shit for coverage)

the doc has knowledge

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>zillions of Canadians who come to America for medical care
Canadians come to the United States so they don't have to wait for elective (unnecessary) medical procedures like plastic surgery. Canadians have perfectly adequate medical service for emergency and medically necissary services.
www healthaffairs org/doi/pdf/10.1377/hlthaff.21.3.19

See this is why you need to be more specific. You were referring to government's healthcare costs, not the cost of the healthcare for each individual.

The healthcare cost will go up for the government. You are right. Healthcare costs will increase for the government by quite a lot. But since healthcare costs will be essentially spread among everyone, and the economic burden of paying for health insurance directly wont exist, the only people who will pay more in taxes than they do on healthcare now are those who don't ever see a doctor, don't have any medications, and things like that. People who are in perfect health are a VERY small minority, and those who never go to the doctor would be able to do so, so they would benefit from the slight increase in their taxes.


you like your doctor, which you would keep, who wants to pay plans to be able to only get this or that covered, instead of it all?

>which you would keep
You mean like with Obamacare?

No. Not like Obamacare. The ability to keep your healthcare provider was impossible because it wasn't a single payer system. This health plan is a solution to people not being able to see the healthcare providers they like because of being on private insurance. Sanders healthcare plan makes it illegal for a provider to refuse the public option.

I have great coverage. Get an actual career nigger.

found the dog

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>never accomplished anything
>successful senator

choose one.

Thanks for confirming my accusation. Throw another programmed come-back at me

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In my state yes. Private companies can also shift coverage and, in the case of one in my town, forget to renew their employees' insurance coverage since HR workers are retards apparently

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Trump's political advisor's a fucking jew you chud

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My private coverage was good compared to most. It was still expensive as shit and a pain in the ass to deal with. And then our employer decided to save some money and told us all to fuck off and pay for our own fucking insurance. Then it would have cost 3k a month.

So, enjoy it while it lasts, but nothing good lasts. Private insurance is a luxury, bankrupting the country so a few people can have it.

>being anti-Sanders
lol. as if there's any other option

>Vote for dementia 2024

Anything would be better than fucknothing at all, which is what you'll get as soon as you actually need it.

Every conquered nation throughout history. Nigger.

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