When is Yea Forums getting shut down?

When is Yea Forums getting shut down?

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5 seconds before you post this thread.

I meant we're all still here, so.
Anyways, I would really like to see Yea Forums get shut down or nerfed. I think it would do a lot of good for the world if this place place didn't exist anymore.

I've been Yea Forumsrowsing for 12 years or so now and have come to the realization that Yea Forums is really fucking this world up. I feel like there would be less mass shootings if Yea Forums never existed in the first place.

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Pretty soon I'd say. İ give it 8 years max

8 years is a long fucking time.
Yea Forums needs to shut down like right now

Not soon enough

fake and gay

İ said max and 8 years isn't that much.

Right after the next 4th mass shooter posts his manifesto here

When then is now.

Yea Forums brings nothing of value to the world.
There's nothing but fools running around here spreading hate speech and convincing the weak minded to commit crimes. Yea Forums negates the positive mentality of any average human being. Yea Forums strips individuals of their morality and replaces that with pure hatred.

In Yea Forums time yes 8 years a long time

not as long we have atfu

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No idea user

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Yeah this site has got to go tbh. Ppl here are messed up, which then messes up anyone who visits. Strange environment for sure

Yea for real.
It's just a breeding ground for toxicity.
I feel real bad for the younger ones that frequent this site, it changes their mentality and their views on the world very negatively, and I mean that's our future right there.
Imagine a whole world that was raised by Yea Forums.

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Hopefully soon.

Newfags areq upset that they didn’t get treated with rEsPeCt

You don't have to come here. There's other websites.

Never because /pol/ is an FBI honeypot
>rick and morty

>Ppl here are messed up
Yeah, that's sort of the origin story of Yea Forums. Marginalized often unhealthy people with extreme views came together and created a community and culture that gave their lives meaning.

Even if Yea Forums disappears those people won't, and new ones will continue being born. They will always find a place to go, it will never stay hidden, this problem will continue to repeat.

Been here for 12 years dude, the community here lately is just garbage.
Old Yea Forums was alright. New Yea Forums is just a bunch of sweaty tryhards tbh.

Yea Forums is on tv shows and the fucking news dude.
Everybody fucking knows about it.
Idc if there were splinter groups of Yea Forums that were made.
The fact that Yea Forums is so popularized is what makes this site ao disgusting these days.

The old rules of Yea Forums were straight to the point.

1. Dont talk about Yea Forums
2. DONT talk about Yea Forums

I miss the old days when this was more of a secret/unknown society. But now everybody who has mental issues uses this site as an after school hangout so that they can say nigger without any worry, hell 20 more people will jump in there with you and start typing nigger like its a fucking bird call or something. It's truly awful what has happened to Yea Forums.

This could only pass as weak bait

No. Cry harder.

Kill yourself

>Yea Forums needs to shut down like right now
Heard that line 15 years ago.


>It's just a breeding ground for toxicity.
Check out Twitter.

whenever the jew stop funding it

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Whenever some other forum board of degeneracy becomes mainstream, or something to that extent.

Yea Forums was good primarily due to the fact that it was niche enough that it didn't gather retards, edgy twelve year olds and thirty year old neckbears preaching for a white Ethnostate around it.

The moment the next hotspot of degenarcy gets media coverage, this place will die.

I have it penciled in for a week after next Tuesday.

Never gets shut down due to outside forces.
More like asian moot goes bankrupt.