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Other urls found in this thread:


"I told you not to drop my beer when you bring it !"

Jesus fuck. What happened?

Haha that is really epic user. Epic win for you.

That’s a Palestinian man and the remains of his child killed in an Israeli attack on Gaza in 2014

This is like when you're 12 and draw svastikas and penises on school property for the first time because you think it's funny and edgy but years later you realise you were just sad and lonely and looking for attention
I hope you're not lonely for long OP, good luck


That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

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Nice pasta

Edge master

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The child is keeping an open mind while his dad tells him about some deep shit, but I'm probably wrong so nerve gas

Don't judge the guy.

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Joke on you stupid fuck, I'm a phoneposter.

clearly a brain transplant

>Hey look at me
>I'm laughing at a dead kid haha this is so funny
>im so edgy

brah, you're totally doing internet wrong

Nerve gas.

Attached: gasser.jpg (1000x712, 84K)

Dude, replying to edgy people inevitably makes you their plaything. Chill out.

I'm an amerifag and asked a Palestinian friend why he migrated to the US. He had a catalog of these pix.

As an aside, he and his brother ran a great deli and were the *only* people in "the hills" that hated Israel. First Muslims I ever met and it's still hard for me to hate them.

fucking kikes, death to Israel

More rekt than ylyl. Oh, BTW, OP's a faggot.

Attached: faggotville op.png (200x174, 26K)


fifth post best post

Yeah, there is no way OP is old enough to be here.

Death to all sandniggers.

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Haha. I'm actually eating cheetos rn

The terms phonefag zoomer

were you trying to screenshot something but failed?

Attached: 1562317201874.jpg (680x695, 55K)

I eat them with chopsticks so I don't get orange on my dick when I fap.

Nope, just a random image for sand nigger thread.

this isnt Yea Forums until some user tributes OP

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go back to 9gag moralfag retard

why are you so hateful?

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Served tours in afganistan and Iran. They're mongs nothing special.

>this faggot actually believes in crying fucking paintings LMFAO

This is the kind of shit I'd see boomers sharing on my Facebook feed back then, holy shit. You Christfags can die together with mudslimes, that's a way better idea.

I was laughing also. But imagine actually searching a fox news add to make an argument. You're the biggest faggot here.


Attached: Screenshot_20190914-155629_Clover.jpg (1080x2220, 246K)

Truly living on your own edge there buddy.

do you go to foreign lands to kill strangers?

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Terrorist kids kept throwing rocks at Israeli tanks and scratching the paint, so the jews starting setting rubber tanks in the streets.

Do you want to find out?

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yeah, why do you think I asked?

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Dumbfuck Palestinians should stop launching rockets at Israel

At least he didn't use MS Paint and a child with down's syndrome

Funny. Think of it as I'll send your soul to god early and get a reward for it.


what a fucking duel

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Super shame

Don’t work too hard boys let’s not forget it’s Shabbos

shane wayne

Kek nice copy paste, honestly surprised I remembered this shit.

good luck, you'll need it

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I don't believe in luck, it's all attraction. If you want me to come, I will. Simple as that.

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Even funnier now

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thats what you get for 9/11

>you have been awarded a silver medal for your comment

This isn't Reddit you autistic cunt, you speak like people actually give a fuck about your opinion

I want to fuck you up, not fuck you.

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Really not cool. When you have your own kid you'll understand. Very sad..

Well, I found the scope of your intelligence. You couldn't hurt a fly.

eugh trying 2 hard to be Yea Forums.

Clearly top tier folk.

>Believes in the law of attraction
>threatening people on the internet because he's butthurt
>plays the condesending psuedo-intellectual card which is hypocritical as you come across like a glue eating tard with internet access

what are you gonna do to user? Unbalance his chakras with your mood-rocks? bet you belive in Wicca shit to ya cock smoker

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lets fuck


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at least files are useful, you are gonna get it I assure you

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If I could dodge a bullet, I'm sure I could dodge a fag like you.

Nah I'm not gay my parents raised me properly

>dodge a bullet
Whoever shot at you probably felt sorry and "missed". Also, why are murder machines like you obsessed with men?

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This image always makes me think of the film Pariah

Gimme your dick.

Whatever you say. Because men change the world, women don't. Men are the higher priced targets. It's not obsession, more like when wolves see a target, you get tunnel vision.

Human Centipede

Hilariously, though, that retarded child understands climate change is occurring which makes her smarter than your average conservatard.

The climate is always changing who cares :^)

Edgecallibur. He's gonna brag to his stuffed animals that he riled up them faggots at Yea Forums now.

Fuck off yeah

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Funyuns niggers!

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>the mother of orcs

>He dropped his clip
You'll be scrubbing the floors of hell til satan can drag his ass across the floor, without a speck of dirt defiling his glorious red ass.

I must be getting old. Pics like this never used to disturb me, but kind of fucks me up now. And, it's not even the first time I've seen this pic, either.

Yes, as you get older you realize your own mortality and how death can just pop at you. So seeing these images scare you of you own fate.


>Germanic word
>service term
You're all kinds of confused.

Do you believe in Santa and the tooth fairy as well?

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I don't believe in either, just an expression of words. But the reading level here is low, so I'd imagine it russled you.

>regular, completely faceless attacks that practically almost never hit anyone
Noggin' joggin'

You’re right tho, I don’t read gud

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It's an act of aggression. I mean it someone throws shit at your house but never hits you, you're okay with that?

Tom Petty?

What's the joke?

You're not alone, the FBI has a whole statistical analysis of this place. Y'all aren't the dumbest but not bright.

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This pic is for you and the fbi

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You people are real sick fucks.

I love it

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You know if Iran there was this boy, who was joking he had a bomb and was going to hug us soldiers. I shot him once in the chest and he exploded. Looked like this.

Like this?

Attached: 721C532A-EBF1-4AF1-A82F-5E8F6E1CFC6E.jpg (254x139, 14K)

Exactly, except his jaw flew 20m east.

You first.

And while you're at it, live stream your sewerside, because we all know you're thinking about it, might as well go ahead.

Fucking degenerate kike

Attached: yeetdabb.jpg (665x627, 80K)


> im an aMeRiCan, blaBlABla

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Don't fuck with bees.

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most of my experience gaming online reminds me of this picture.


Would that justify shooting his child in the head?

He is keeping an open mind

Two wrongs don't make a right. But sandniggers have been attacking Israel since the 60's I'd be fed up too.

TFW no big tiddy neo nazi gf

Attached: sh.jpg (1280x720, 45K)

wtf are they doing?


Attached: dafmix.jpg (1706x1440, 1.46M)

Making pork, very Asian-insect like.

omg ur so funny and edgy i bet you get all the girls

>Being a Nazi while also being the kind of person Hitler would have personally gassed

Attached: (Horse laughter).gif (455x356, 896K)

My thoughts. True nazi wear hugo boss suits and are well maintained.

Stale joke from June. Get over it and delete this from your hd. It's embarrassing.

Yeah, they were slick-looking mother fuckers, aside from all the genocidal stuff

Rate me.

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Where's the gif of the dad carrying his ded little girl out of her room to the ambalance

Exactly, it was about being a social model all whites would love to join in.

>Hey look at me
>I'm shaming user for having personal taste on Yea Forums
>I'm better than everyone else

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Canadian boot camp?

This just proves that you guys are assholes without children and that you'll never get laid.

Powdered Toast Woman?

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War happened user

Prolonged nerve gas exposure caused the brain to explode.

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Honestly looking, doesn't seem like a bullet. More like shrapnel.

As much as people from western countries slag each other problems off. We got it fucking good. No doubt we are lucky to be born where we were born.


Impossible to tell. Probably shrapnel. Could have been his fucking toy that flew across the room at 300mph while he was a foot away.

If the face was shown you'd know. But seeing that face from what you can tell is still intact. So impact came from the back for sure. I'm thinking a brick flew and just gutted the kid.

You know more than me mate. Sad either way. These lot can be edgy as they want but poor fucking kid. He knows nothing of the world. Luckily for us we were lucky enough to be born in the country we were born in.

looks fake, story?

Was meant for

It's fake. If someone skinned you, you wouldn't remain conscious.

Haunted house prop

Was meant for
God I’m drunk

That's funny and all but does anybody have that gif where a group of naked anime chicks is running like idiots where one of them is running with her tits?

Attached: oldfag.png (960x459, 73K)

Yeah but sometimes you do remain conscious. Is this your first rodeo?

yea i know, no corpse would keep arms in that position

People don’t find this funny. When you live in a decent country this is the only thing that can make people realise how bad it can be.

Here here

He isn’t dead.

kike spotted

My #1 contention for radical left and rights. I've seen women treated like cattle, boy trained to be militants since the age of 5. I know I've shot at young children, and did miss on purpose. Except bomb kid, I'm not making a Vietnam tier mistake. You're more than lucky to be born in a western setting.

I know. What a thing to say about a kid. We can all pretend we couldn’t give a fuck. But fuck me it’s awful let’s be real. It’s bad that a kid had to die. Imagine his fathers pain. Awful.

Fox News... What a good sheeple

I doubt the body would allow it, remember you skin goes all the way behind you eyes and into your mouth. Doing so would force the eye to dislodge. The pain would incredibe.

Oh definitely. I wouldn’t ever expect anything different than that. Fair play on the misses user. You got to go to bed at night and answer to yourself. You did the right thing user.

Sometimes it does unfortunately. Seen many a man cut in half pulling their guts together for ten minutes. I hope everyone would go into shock and die. But it doesn’t happen like that.

All the people laughing at OPs image

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that's fair, you're right. Every edge bait is a chance to shed light on Israel murdering children

touche user

I think the father's face says it all

Spot the newfags, pic related.

Attached: ILoveCopyPastaBecauseItsANewfagDetector.jpg (750x600, 91K)

Ain’t that the truth. These try hard edge lord faggits are the worst

Depend on the swiftness. If done quick you're right, like those cartel video. But skinning a human would be long and arduous the person will likely die, before you're done.
There's no wrong nor right, just do or don't. Die or live. I choose to live

Yeah to be fair user it isn’t murder it’s war. It’s fucking shit. Let’s hope there is a heaven and hell. Because the troops that launched the weapon that killed the kid shouldn’t answer for it. They are just troops the people who order this shit and know the risks should answer for it. Wish I could be so faithful.

Attached: She-man.jpg (647x651, 81K)

Clearly nerve gas

Yeah man fucking hell if that was my kid. What can he do invade the country that done it solo? So much pain. Proper fucked up.

These aren't funny at all...


There is a wrong and right lol. Die or live is completely different to wrong and right.

Not in war there isn't, nor do I believe there is. If there was wrong. They wouldn't strap bombs to kids, and I wouldn't need to make the call to shoot or not. And if there was right I would've been able to stop some the honour killings I witnessed. But that was our objective.

damn bro, you're cool as shit

I thought you were the user that missed on purpose for moral reasons? I think you are telling lies bro.

Lol fucking Mikes lemonade. Jesus christ.

No, I like I said earlier I have 1 confirmed kill of a child. I was just in the right. Cause after he hit the floor he exploded.

bee suits don't protect against nerve gas

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Well then you were in the right if you genuinely thought he could harm you. The people who strapped the bomb to him were in the wrong. So there is right and wrong in war. You are conflicted. You didn’t do anything wrong user. But they did.

Attached: op wheel.jpg (640x447, 89K)

Two wrongs don't make a right. That's why I don't believe there is. To the child he was doing his duty as was I. If there was right it would've been his father that I gunned down, not his legacy.

Why do edgelords think gore instantly equals haha funny

No one aimed at the child. But the Paleoswinians MO is to go to a crowded area, set up mortars/rockets, and fire away. People come TO the area where this is happening, part to see the cool rockets take off, part because being killed while attacking an enemy is instant Paradise. So while normal people shield their innocents, Paleo's shield *behind* their innocents.
Then Israel responds. And innocents get killed, and it was 100% the fault of the Paleos, not Israel.
So fuck off with your gay shit.

It's the common core of humanity, violence and war. Death is laughable until it happens to you.


They forced you to do that. Poor kid but fuck are you dying for someone else. That’s just survival. Not being right

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what are those?

Exactly, do or don't. Live to go back to your bunk and laugh. Or be remembered as they ship your body back home.

Was he doing his duty or was he forced to do that? Live or die is very different to right and wrong. If I know this. God does. Don’t worry man.


Mate. You didn’t do anything wrong. I feel like I’m responding to two people who claim to have made the same post.

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kek you believe anything you're told on this fucking bored? you're doing the internet wrong bruh

I wonder how it devolved from that into the trash people that uphold the ideals these days

I didn't know kid so I can't say, but he was joking in his language of it, so I can say he knew what he was doing.

Time and loss of leadership.

Bullshit. You were doing so well.

I have a bro who's afghan. his big sister and her daughter got killed by muslims here in germany... they fled afghanistan because of their father who is strong in his muslim believe and demanded the death of her for leaving this god forsaken religion. his hatred followed them into europe. this afghan bro is the most /pol/ person I know, because of this.

Attached: Pepe Bier.gif (384x288, 2M)

Wow OP. funny pic. you must be 13 and caught a cold in the beginning of the school year.

> op is a faggot
> op is probably 13


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rolling for based boomer

are humans the only creatures, capable of cruelty? animals who kill without mercy usually don't really understand the reach of their doing, right?

Anyone who has half a brain would be happy in Europe. He clearly has at least half a brain.

hey, kid

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sorry user, but i cant tell if pic related or you are just retarded

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Well I don’t know. Foxes get in a chicken coop and kill all the chickens but only take 1 or 2 to eat. Chimpanzees fight other clans TIL the death. Chimpanzees are vile. Hope they go extinct to be honest. They kill each other out of malice without the intellect we are burdened with.

aah, zanger bob

Surprisingly no, a lot of the people I was sent to defend joked about killing us. The only reason it came to my attention is that an older woman told me to watch out for him.

Mate you fucking lie. There are real people that have done the things you claim to have done and are cut up about it. Bullshit. You fucking lie. A fucking older woman told you. What a cunt.

Bro I'm on fucking Yea Forums, you don't think that shit eats me. It fucking does. I've been on every medication since I got. Back to the states. But I'm not trying to provoke my PTSD. I'm trying to remain calm and not divulge the entirety of my fucking issues. Jesus. You want reality go to the fucking VA, and talk it's always cryptic it's the way we are now.

As a fellow freedom fighter I have a request of you.
Educate people on PTSD. The amount of females who use that condition as a childish way to get what they want is positively despicable.



Mate. You didn’t do anything wrong. Move on.

Hahaha good one, op.

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his big sister did aswell. it was her idea to flee to europe in the thought, that in "the free world" they would be save of the degenerate islam. she didn't know how deep the roots of this cancer had already spread in this continent.

he is a good guy and lives by the principles, his big sister taught him. he really is a change to the fucking turkish/muslim asshats that roam my country and the rest of europe.

I don't care enough, it comes out in the end. And by that if you really have PTSD the episodes are so common, nobody will doubt it anyway. Example I heard a coffee kettle in fucking dennys, shouted to get down. Threw my mother literally 2 booth over, knocked the table over and took cover. It took 4 police officers to take me down. And in my eyes they were there to take me to my shallow grave.

I'd like to finish the puzzle...


but that's what I meant. we are much more intelligent than any animal and despite that we still possess such cruelty and in some cases even joy in these actions.

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Dumbfuck doesn't know the history behind and assumes palestine is at fault. No wonder zionists/jews are hunted here.

Nigga believes israhell is a real country

Top kek

Darude sandstorms

user, just shut up.

i had a big tiddie gf whose family was all aryan brotherhood. the sex was awesome, people would fuck loudly in the house all the time nobody cared, really trashy, ignorant drunks.

they were really nice to me, but never let me initiate into the brotherhood because i never was incarcerated and im not totally white, im part spic.

she had severe mental health problems, self harm, drug use, we cheated on each other. it was a fucked up 4 years.

but the tiddies. i miss those tiddies so much.

They're a international sanction state. The same thing really. In reality, NATO protects the Jews, we Americans want your oil.


Did you forget this is Yea Forums?

Wtf is this?

What’s the story????

How's the milk toast, you weak, bland, dead inside, domesticated, edgeless, bore? Oh, mommy hasn't pumped her titties yet.

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They still can't meme

About 1:20, this hits me, HARD.

ayyy it's the truth, at least for most countries. If the Japanese are jelly...I honestly don't know why.

This comment has MAGA written all over it

I have my own kids. I am not a weak crybaby about it. I get the ugly humour in it. Grab half an edge you self righteous PC joke cop loser.

Gas nerve

>still trying this hard

Look at you, picking on the sad and lonely. You're a real virtuous hero aren't you. Years from now you'll recognize you post insightless comments like these for the same reasons. Hypocrite. Grab an edge. Soft cry baby. The world is full of horrors. This is how some people deal with it. Grow up.

>if I ran
>probably could even reach Persia
>recently shot child, was spectacular

Balls so heavy you're going to ruin your back. Will include you in my prayers.

Bianca fag

Pray for the innocent, not a numb nuts, with a gun.

Yeah and they lack it but still do it. Maybe the mass extinction is us bro. Nature works in strange ways.


Damnit Pantera this beer is warm

mudslimes being mudslimes

That is one ugly ass kid lol
Holy shit

>she can't get physical attention
>goes political

>ITT OP makes shitty b8, then nazis and soyboys fight

When did Republitards jump on the Jewish train? I thought white supremes hated Jewish. Whatever, the Jew is lighter than the Hajj = white enough to go to war for.

The jews fear the unusable humor

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ooo so scary, big internet tough guy
why don't you chill out, little boy

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"You right"
-A woman

>It's good to go to war for Israel
Ok, rabbi

hahaha what fucking faggots

You missed the sarcasm, but allow me to explain it to death.
Going to war for these "whites" is suddenly the Republican thing to do? I thought bleeding hearts were a liberal attribute.

Noted and recycled.

the evangelical bible belt of u.s. voters are Zionist, and they believe jesus won't come back unless israel is jewish and if the u.s. supports that israel then it's auto-rapture. soo republicans know how to get the rapture votes.

this was funny, where's the left version

Well explained & thanks user. I have been trying to wrap this concept around my feeble goyim brain for days now.

My personal opinion is that the hill they're fighting over is worthless and they should be left to their hellish existence while we develop and prosper.
The West are the chosen ones, not these scrambling desert nomads squabbling over dust. Allow them to fight for the next thousand years and by the time Zion finds a master, we will have conquered the stars.

Quads of truth.


suck dick

Killer whales are capable of cruelty

Lol for sure

Attached: Screenshot_20190914-200042_Mimi.jpg (1440x2960, 433K)

this is why I'm vegan. Every farm does horrific stuff like this or worse

When you're redneck uncle learns to use paint.net

i bet it's bait

Kill yourself, faggot.


>Life cereal
Good choice

Attached: Screenshot_20190914-212706_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 374K)

95% of pubs arent white supremacists. It's just the boomers who support the jews

Attached: Screenshot_20190914-223217.png (1080x1920, 398K)

this is so true. I used to eat meat that I thought was ethical because it came from a "family farm." Then I visited the farm and saw how they ACTUALLY treated the animals


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it makes the meat more tender

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Nerve gas

Post boipucci

>Red shoelaces
The only thing these little shits have ever killed is a six pack of cheap beer

It's speltd nurv gass you idiot. read the internet!

Yea i guess soldiers that blow kids heads off in brown people countries arent accountable either because "they were ordered to". Please. Anyone who DOES IT is accountable.

Dont enlist, and furthermore educate yourself, if you're in the military, you're part of the problem. You ever wonder why acts of terrorism happen? It's just because of western idealism, it's because they're recreating what they go through right over here. But dont blame the bomber, they're just following orders.

I go on Yea Forums to feel good by comparing myself to all of you. Silly harmless virgins.

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