How come America wasn't destroyed by the world for nuking Japan? How evil can a country possibly be...

How come America wasn't destroyed by the world for nuking Japan? How evil can a country possibly be? Americans should feel ashamed they were born.

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Let me guess, you also feel bad for slavery and the genocide of native americans. Well snowflake, its a free world and we'll burn it to shit if it means y'all get democratized!

Pearl Harbor is why we feel absolutely no remorse for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Mess with the bull you get the horns.

Japan didn't attack women and children.

Because most of the world was on our side during the war and the side who would have claimed it as a war crime fucking lost. Now take you weeb ass back to the basement.

Less chinks the better.

the nature of violence is unpredictable when you choose to engage it. anything can happen. any outcome is possible. unfortunate though it was, Japan forgot that truth.

America remains the only country that nuked someone. Even Stalin didn't do that. Pure. Evil.


Right we were also the first to create it. So obviously we were the first to use it, after that we realised it was fucked up and decided not to do that again.

One bomb or multiple from constant air raids, what is the difference. You declare war, your cities get bombed.

The worlds superpowers were bombing each others civilians to shit, no different when america does it.

Two quick bombs, job done, war over, no more lives lost.

>pure evil
Can you even begin to imagine how many more Japanese civilians and servicemen of both countries would have died if there had been a physical invasion of Japan? The Japs, young and old, had been brainwash by propaganda that they will fight until the last Japanese person is dead. Can you understand how much longer and the potential for even more death would have come of that instead of dropping the bombs? No? Cool, go complain about evil America somewhere else. Bet you think Eastern Culture is superior to others don't ya? Weeaboo

What difference does it make how you kill someone? With a hammer or a nuke? Besides as secretary of war Stimson noted, those 2 bombs saved 2 million lives-- both sides

made up chinese bullshit

i laugh at the idiots who effort reply to a bait thread lmfao

To he fair..there was the whole pearl harbor thing.
And besides,, someone had to test it somewhere...

Military vs civilian target. Try again amerifat.

Hiroshima was the HQ of the army defending southern Japan. Try again ignorant asshole.

They destroyed homes, schools, hospitals, day cares, etc. So you're fine with burning babies alive?

You have to remember that, at the time, no one else had a working atom bomb. And while there was collaboration between most of the Allies during the war, the United States of America was the only country capable of fielding them at the time.

And they still made the decision to drop 2 of them.

Would you turn on the only country who now had the power to completely obliterate population centers, and the industries required to continue that effort?

>How come America wasn't destroyed by the world for nuking Japan?
Because that would imply there is a world power that can match America in war lol. Expect bombs if you want to make the USA accountable for anything that has happened in wars lol.

Tell that to China.

China is destined to overcome america. America is controlled by israel, china is only beholden to itself. It spies on all countries so it has their technology and state secrets. It has a huge population. Tons of resources. Control over africa. Worlds first quantum satellite. America sells its west coast to china so china can artificially create a housing crisis to destabilize the west. Etc etc.

I suppose they could have been bayoneted like the babies in Nanking.

lol I think the Germans were the prime evil

Why do babies get special protection? They are people too.


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What an astonishingly uninformed statement.

Because the rest of the world feared that they could be next. Fear is a very powerful deterrent.

Damn right, user. That moron has finally never heard of the invasion of manchuria and the rape of nanking.

>Japan didn't attack women and children.
Holy fuck I've seen people say retarded shit on this site but that's one of the top 5 right there

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Does no one read history?

Go look up the rape of Nanking, also Battaan

there are no moral superiors in the real world, we are all corrupt

the victors should never apologize for winning....

fucking shill cancer

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Because during that point the US were the only ones with the nukes. It was advantageous for everyone to make nice prior to the Cold War. Why do you think Japan became our friends?

The US had a monopoly on nuclear weapons from 1945 to 1949.

What the fuck were they gonna do, besides glow in the dark?

Because they didn't want to end up like Japan.

Feel ashamed for the actions of a few people I'm not related to... Why? I didn't decide it.

Rape of naan king

Unit 731

I knew Nan King and his brother Berger.
They enjoyed being rapped

Because war crimes are only committed by the losing side.

Pearl Harbor.....The Bull

Hiroshima and Nagasaki.....The receiving end of the Horns.

This is the single most historically ignorant statement I've ever read. Please read a book if you are capable you fucking chimp.

I had nothing to do with that. But how could Japan keep raping the eastern hemisphere? Somebody had to stop them..

>Japan didn't attack women and children.
I suggest you look up "the rape of nanking"

"The massacre occurred over a period of six weeks starting on December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing. During this period, soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army murdered Chinese civilians and disarmed combatants who numbered an estimated 40,000 to over 300,000,[7][8] and perpetrated widespread rape and looting".

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We didn't really know what nukes were and the Internet didn't exist people probably just thought of it as another bomb

Always struck me as the most astonishing hypocrisy for America to try to say that Iraq Iran etc can't be allowed to have nukes.
Seeing as the good ole USA is the only country ever to have used nuclear weapons in an act of war.

So the rape of women and murder of babies is much better than a big bomb for you guys?

Japan was ready to surrender. Negotiations were well underway. The Americans wanted to demonstrate their new weapon to the world, especially the Russians, in order to establish their military world dominance in the postwar world. 200,000 Japanese Civilians died needlessly for that cause.

In wartime, after multiple published and dropped warnings, and onto centers for military production and a garrison defending the S. China sea. It's very easy to look back and wax moralistic from your comfy armchair.

They were given an ultimatum in July, surrender was not declared until Sept. You're talking from your ass.

Do you realize where you're asking this question? That's the kind of shit most of us fap to daily.

What the fuck are you on about?
Bombing Japan was wrong. See here
That doesn't mean I'm "ok with rape and killing women and kids"
You complete fucking drooling retard

I've be been to Hiroshima mate, the city centre was not a military base. Look it up.

That's the official version, behind the scenes negotiations for surrender were almost completed.

Easy, we were the first. When we stopped and thought about it..we were horrified. We have never used them again.

It was 74 years ago