Step 1

Step 1.
Take everything off the floor and put it onto bed.
Step 2. Tell yourself you're capable of doing this
Step 3. Cry and go on Yea Forums instead.

Why is depression so shit Yea Forumsros

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Why is depression so shit Yea Forumsros
fucking yarn op. FUCKING YARN!!!!!!!!!!!!1

have fun sleep/crying in the floor, faggot.

Step 4. Put everything into a closet or different, unused room
Step 5. As needed, retrieve items one at a time from closet/room
Step 6. Instead of putting them back into the closet, put each retrieved item into a "proper" place to keep it indefinitely
Step 7. After several months, if there are unused items remaining in the closet, throw them away or put into a permanent storage area such as a basement or attic

Put on your favorite media and start cleaning feg. Do something simple and work your way up. If you do it in increments, you'll achieve your goal.

Sincerely a faggot who hated cleaning and has bad ADHD.

I have 3 bags full of the stuff.

Already got my yoga bat and sleeping bag out

This is the only room in the house I'm allowed to have personal items. I am boxing things up to move out too

Thanks ADHD fag

>This is the only room in the house I'm allowed to have personal items.
sounds like a situation some child or idiot who cannot resolve problems would be in

substitute "large boxes" for "closet" you fucking moron. actually, dont do any of that. continue being a failure

whats in the jars? are those little pickled onions?
i love those damn things

hmmm could this be the room of a thot

are you speaking from a personal experience?

Most of my trash and clutter is actually on my bed in the first place, takes up about 3/4 of it and I sleep in the corner

ironically my room is the cleanest place in my house i have trash and useless shit lying around everywhere from my living room to my kitchen
i just cannot find the motivation to start cleaning it up i have 3 stacks of pizza boxes in my kitchen that are like pillars holding up the ceiling

I'm probably a little child like when it comes to common sense. I can't have personal items in other rooms as my dad is neurotically today. He has Parkinson's and levadopa makes it difficult.

Hence I'm moving out.

Please don't be mean

Sorry, no pickled onions (they're in my closet - I have a stockpile of pickles herbs and spices for my future kitchen), it's actually non-recyclable plastic. I wanted to make eco-bricks but I don't have any large 2L bottles.

Pic or didn't happen.

Not a thot but I am a femanon

Start it today, I believe in you

>I have 3 bags full of the stuff.
you should stop buying yarn.

I could absolutely, but I feel at peace when surrounded by my trash

>I am a femanon
tits or gtfo

you don't want to see them because i'm fucking ugly and hairy and sweaty, uneven sloppy tits and i have genital warts

Stop being a fucking baby and clean up after yourself.

tits or gtfo

Don't you tell me what I don't want to see, post them hairy tits babydoll

ok give me a few minutes and find my camera in this pile of garbage

There are much bigger messes than that

dont forget timestamp

Not me, some weird user trying to roleplay lol. He's got my down to a t though. I'm sweaty right now, hairy/unshaved and I've got uneven small tits (not sloppy)
I posted my tits a lot time ago, I'm not doing them just for this thread ffs. It will be under Hetaera/Bambi.
I'm aware, it's my first time though

tits or gtfo

youre not depressed, youre just a faggot

you know the rules

you would dare break disregard kek's commandements so easily

Imagine being such a fucking degenerate that you can't keep your own faggoty room clean, then have to blame it on a vague notion of "muh depression".

The absolute state of the world right there.

You think you have it bad...
I'm moving to a new house
Can't do it
Moving is fucked.
Paying people to do it for me

Attached: cleanyourroomfaggot.png (1688x885, 810K)

I do know the rules.
I just hate my tits. Hope you're happy Yea Forumsros.

It's relatively clean. No piss jugs at least. My depression is more emotional hoarding

I am moving. This is why I'm doing this

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Just take breaks.
20 minutes of progress 20 minutes of relax.
Keep hydrated.
I'm doing the same thing in my living room with 2 toddlers destroying it daily.
Just be glad you know the origin of the substances you are cleaning up.

I take 100 mg of both sertraline and trazodone.
works pretty good.

well Im happy now.
Doing a depression bout right now. you can handle anything. Start with the easiest task. A mountain is tough to move but a couple of rocks is easy.

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they are pretty nice tits
i dont see why you would hate them

Your tits are fine, the thing in your head is problematic.
I want to throw up, when I see woman who aren't able of keeping clean. And it's not just your room you can't keep clean, it's your body too. Your hair is dry and the haircolor is pathetically screaming "I am stupid whore, give me attention". You didn't pick the same hairties, because you think that makes you special, just like your ugly necklaces. Unshaved armpits, because your body hygiene sucks. NOBODY with a room like that has good body hygiene, you're disgusting as fuck and your pussy is probably ridden with STDs, even though you haven't reached your 20s yet.

Classless, tasteless and repulsive

Nice tits, what happened to the other piercing?

I'd slurp her dirty clit anytime.

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tits or gtfo doesn't mean hur dur ur a gerl send bobs or vegene, it's supposed to be used as a response to attention begging on the internet by bragging about being a girl, which doesn't mean anything because you can't fuck somebody over the internet and thus their gender is irrelevant and a degrading sexual photo must be provided in lieu of a sexual opportunity. dumb 9gagger.

Yeah I think that's the tactic. I'll take progress pictures as it goes on but I'm sure the thread will probably 404 before I get the chance to show the final result.

I used to take sertraline. Tempted to go back on it. I've had problems with pills in the past though. Would rather try to do the whole "mind over matter" thing and correct diet/exercise before needing to supplement with pharma. I'm glad they're working out for you.

Thanks user

Years of hating my entire body, not just tits.

I think you're a little far into it being an incel mate. My hair isn't dry, it is actually wet. I just had a bath and then plaited it. My hair ties are mismatched because that's all I could find in my washbag. My priority was cleaning my room, not looking for matching hair ties. Unshaved armpits admittedly but why are you so angry about that? I have good body hygiene and bathe every night. I just don't shave at the moment. It's a semi-religious thing. Never had an STD or STI. Again, this might seem to anger you.
Also, I have reached my 20s. I'm 25.
I'm sorry that you're so angry with life to make all these assumptions about another individual, especially because they're a woman.

Only ever had the one boob pierced. That boob is my smaller one so gave it extra love.

I feel you in depression hoarding. I have a load of stuff I want to purge out of my life. I have a spreadsheet with all the details about the items to sell them on ebay. I just wish I was happy with my life

>a response to attention begging
it's used if you break anonymity.
gtfo whiteknight cancer faggot.

He's right, you know.

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Can relate. Fuck laborious tasks. This is good advice I'm sure a depressed loser could follow too.

>Put on your favorite media and start cleaning feg.
How can I clean while playing videogames

if you'd rather something natural saint john's wort is an ssri.
I've read it is best to drink it as a tea before bed.
Don't take it with other meds because it is itself an fda approved medication.

>attention beggars don't open with tits.

Attached: I'm Retarded.gif (218x228, 1024K)

What kind of 25 y/o has a room of a fucking child? And "my hair is actually wet", bitch I can see the split ends without my fucking glasses.

Oh and talking about assumptions, you think a man on Yea Forums would say this to you? The men here are all pussy slaves.

"especially because they're a woman." get out of the fucking victim role. women like you are degraded because you degrade yourself.

tits or gtfo

How long ago did you start the hormone therapy bro?

It could be liberating showing tits. Whitknight sandnigger

>jealous of nice tits

Depression actually doesn't exist.

Thinking about how depressed you are, is a waste of time.

>Never had an STD or STI.
>has genital warts

Just show us your penis already femanon

looking for trouble gaslighter faggot.

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I've read about it and taken it in the past. I couldn't take it at the time due to meds but I've got some capsules around somewhere, I'm sure. it hadn't crossed my mind to be honest, so thanks.

Post room user. I actually feel sorry for you because you're so hateful and immature. If you're a woman, prove it.


I actually laughed at this. I stunted my natural hormones through an ED from the age of 13 and didn't have periods until I was 16/17 when I was back at a healthy weight. I've got trans friends and their tits are bigger than mine...

Anons what can I do with this? Don't have a basement or usable attic.

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not op but I had warts when I was a kid.
on my genitals.
kinda sucks.

I don't have genital warts or a penis.
Sorry to disappoint you user

Put all the smaller boxes into the big box. Only keep the boxes for items which could be broken during moving

>I actually laughed at this.
Yes but you're crying inside which fills me with pleasure. Anyway I'm this guy Difference between you and me is I don't cry about being depressed and look for attention on Yea Forums. Now, about those warts....

throw all the cardboard boxes away. Buy a closing plastic storage locker or 2 from walmart.

cockroaches feast on cardboard glue

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tits or gtfo

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Wow dude, I think you've been on the computer a little too much. Might want to take a break for a bit. Has kinda turned you into a piece of shit.

whiteknight/10. He may actually fuck you user keep up the fight for m'trappy

You have great tits, seriously. As other anons have said, do 10-15 minutes of clearing, 10-15 minutes relax. It does make it easier to get through it all.

Looks like you need to read my response I don't look for attention, I do look for support though. It's okay to cry because you're depressed. Life is stressful and difficult. You've no idea what the last three months of my life have been like, and nor I aware of how your life has been. If people weren't meant to cry, we would have evolved without tear ducts. I'm not full robot yet, I've got some humanity still.

Going back to it


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You can't fix a problem that doesn't exist. Stop wasting time on something that doesn't exist.

tits or gtfo and post bedroom.

tits or gtfo
alice is obvious alice.

Legit cleaned my entire fucking house and threw out my old couches and bed and bought new shit. You can do this to a room I'm sure lol

You made a post about being overwhelmed by cleaning a room, while having stuffed animals on your cheap IKEA bed. Who are you calling immature?

You know I am a woman, I don't need to prove anything to you.

>You've no idea what the last three months of my life have been like,
Wash your penis kek

If you're a female I am seriously concerned but not surprised. Often, women can be a lot more hateful, spiteful and bitchy towards other women/femanons.

bitch is mentally retarded. You expect too much


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>Life is stressful and difficult

Move to Syria for a month then report back

Get a load of this faggot

You knitting son of a bitch.

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people like OP are singlehandedly keeping big pharma alive with their insanity

what a manly man you must get all the pussy

most weebs crochet

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everything is generic.


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i think your first mistake was coming to Yea Forums for advice.

Currently doing it with a broken foot. It sjust a lot that's all. Not looking to make it a competition

Taking comfort in having stuffed animals makes me immature. Fine cool. At least it means I have a good judge of what immaturity means. Focus your energy into growing into being a kinder person instead of this. It's not me you're proving anything to, it's the other Yea Forumsros here too.

Nice quads
No penis to wash, sorry.

I'm on no pharmaceutical drugs, thank you

Do you have trouble walking?

I think my first mistake was being born, everything was just a degenerative spiral from there

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I have a disability and currently have a broken foot.

yeah that sharps box is just there for show. Go be an insane attention whore on reddit

whats the sharps container for? not usual bedroom decor

Hell yea, at least your pussy works I hope.

don't look at that lol

Insulin or something. Unless she shoots up in her spare time.

very very high possibility he does drugs


yeah a dude with tits isn't a female

done. what now. i put everything on my bed, even my pc

you are responding to either a fat feminist or an angry incel.
they are surprisingly difficult to differentiate.

phoneposting now, i pushed all the furniture onto bed and told myself i could do it, then when shitposting on 4chans..

Do i get an epic gamer medal?

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I have a blood condition. I have to inject with blood thinners.

Lol you got me, so thirsty for the attention. It was deep under my bed so one of the last things to get chucked on top. You're right though, it was totally posed

Not that hardcore, see earlier response.

I can assure you I'm a female, I just have small boobs. I never developed properly

those tits check out.
i see a lot of boxes and bags there and that used to be a problem of mine. instead of staring at all those bags PICK ONE for the important shit and roll up all the other bags and toss them to the side.
use a box for all the useless shit you can't decide on keeping and another box for all the tools and supplies you need to hold on to.
and for the love of god if something looks old or beyond repair THROW IT THE FUCK OUT.
a clean room leads to a healthy mind. if you spend your day surrounded by clutter your mind becomes cluttered.

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i don't give a fuck if your an extra terrestrial you fucking water head. Go get h elp

I want to plow you.

Thanks user. I appreciate the advice.
Yeah I'm usually clean but these last few months have really got to mem I didn't realise how many books and how much wool I had/was buying.
Just looking to fill that hole I guess. I kept a lot of stuff broken because I thought I could fix it/repurpose it. Thanks for the reminder :)

I'm helping myself. I'm not going to ask others to help me. I'm taking responsibility for my problems.

That's good to know. Glad people find hoarding/general degeneracy a fuckable trait in a person. There's still hope for me it seems

>not a thot
>posts tits on the internet for morons for no real reason

>I'm taking responsibility for my problems.
fucking doubt.jpg 16k UHD

>For morons, yourself included
>It's moronic to think that being topless is thot behaviour.

Doubt all you want user. I hope you take responsibility for your life too.

I approve of those tits, you are now my waifu for the day. Thank you for your contribution.

my life isn't a messy bedroom through tear filled eyes there crazy face

I can fix my bedroom. You can't fix being a mean person for "fun". I'd rather be able to cry and be crazy for feeling things than appear robotic, rude, emotionless and bitter.

I guess that's the difference between a social and an antisocial personality disorder.

>You can't fix being a mean person for "fun".
The fuck i can't. I'm nice to people that deserve to be nice to. Your trainwreck of a "life" and "personality" deserve no praise. quintillions of humans have come and gone with worse problems than you. Go figure your shit out before you start criticizing others

Man that is selfish af.
Now you expect your wife to take care of that mess? Where is she going to sleep user?
You need to get your shit together before it ruins your relationship.

All I can do is laugh at you right now.

>I'm nice to people
I haven't done anything to you that's not been nice.

>Come and gone with worse problems
I'm aware, there are also individuals who have had easier lives than myself. I think managing poor physical, mental and emotional health on a daily basis can put me there with having a few problems. I've not once tried to say my problems are the worst. They're not by any stretch of the imagination.

Get well soon user. If you take what I've said as a critism, I'm clearly hitting some kind of nerve.

>All I can do is laugh at you right now.
we know crazy nigga

hope the cleaning is going well. that mess should take roughly 2 hours at worst.

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I'm nice to PEOPLE you wobbly fuck. You aren't people. Youre a sack of stress for others that they force themselves to lug around, place to place all the while wishing you would just grow the fuck up

Why haven't you killed yourself you disgusting slob? You're just a waste of the oxygen you're breathing and the food you waste keeping your worthless ass alive. I seriously hate you OP

I completely agree user, the OP just wants attention and doesn't want to change. They're worthless.

You sound like a fucking idiot.

hard agree

Seriously, if you're even as much as a 4/10, 80% of guys will find you attractive.
And from the little I've seen you're at least a 6/10.

call more BMO's to your rescue

All the white knights have dispersed. He hasn't rewarded them with more tits or vagine

OP you sound like my mother, she's sitting at the hospital on a 5 day hold for behavioral health. She's spent her whole life running from her problems or trying to ignore them. She never figured out any form of healthy coping mechanisms. She's the most selfish individual I know, all she cares about us how she fucking feels and couldn't give a fuck about the people around her she hurts.

So I will say this one thing, get your shit together OP and stop hurting those who love you with your selfish ass behavior. Go see a fucking psychologist and stop making God damned excuses

stop trying to make sense. Youre scaring the reddits

Oh woah is me, everyone feel bad for me. Boo hoo, poor me. Me me me me.

Sorry this thread and OP struck a chord with me and it fucking pissed me off

What am I even looking a..

Dude, wtf.

Not sure why you did that but you REALLY messed up here man. That's never the answer.

This thread is gonna blow up and be on the news when people see this shit.

Take it down, it's already far too late but at least by doing so you limit yourself to further liability.

pretty normal response to anyone that's had to deal with others that suffer from mental problems. My wife spent almost 30 years trying to keep her mother from wallowing in self pity and eventually just gave up. Spent over 300k dealing with a woman who betrayed her father as well as anyone else that loved her.

I had to force her to go to her funeral shit sucked.

Why have you got so much yarn? Are you Super Bubsy?

Nice quads. It's going well thank you. I'm working inbetween caring for my dad and doing this so progress is slow but steady. A lot of it I can't just chuck it away without sorting out what it is. Lots of paperwork!

It's a shame you can't be nice and encouraging

I'm not running from my problems. I can't run. I'm sorting through this myself and I'm actually taking responsibility. I'm not getting any of my family members to help despite probably needing some help. I am trying to get my shit together. I am not hurting those around me. If anything, I'm keeping them together. This is why my room has been neglected. I care, sometimes to a detriment. I'm sure my depression has effected my parents but they don't know the extent of it at the moment. I have very good coping mechanisms. I don't see my room being something selfish...
I want to say it must be hard for you user that your mum isn't well. You sound resentful unfortunately.

What do.those of us that have suffered through others mental illness do to our own help? Is there coming like al-user for people like me? Because I know my apathy towards my mother is hurting her too and I just can't magically rewpawn my empathy. I feel drained and completely alone in this struggle.

admit that some people can never be made whole and destroying yourself in the process only damages the ones that depend on you.

It helps to be honest when you talk about it. Not like OP's bat shit insane attention whore ass.

You don't understand how you hurt those around you. I guarantee your parents know more than you think. You're so fucking stuck in your own narrative that you can't possibly see how your behavior effects others.

If I give up , she dies and everyone else in my family has died between summer of 2014 and now..I don't think I'm prepared to find my mother post suicide

>I'm not running from my problems.

yeah keep telling yourself that. Gas stations in the middle of nowhere will always need that crazy crack headed prostitute who will give a blow job for 5 bucks and a ride to the next lot

You can only let someone drag you underwater so far before they drown you as well. If you love your mother then you'll make her get some mental help. If she still doesn't snap out of it and start moving on her own then youre only causing more damage by "protecting" her.

The harsh reality of life is that you can't fight for someone who isn't willing to fight for themselves.

if you actually NEED any paperwork i suggest getting a folder or two. personally if there's anything laying around with my name on it i burn it in my backyard or throw it in a shredder. problem solved.
sounds like you could use alone time. i help my family out a bit too much sometimes to the point where i will literally yell at them "I'M CHECKING OUT FOR THE DAY".
if she keeps playing the lead role in an opera "me, me, me, me!" remind her ass she's an adult and needs to shut up and help herself or move on but don't drag the people around her down. my mother was suicidal at a few points so i told her to shove it or check herself into a hospital. lo and behold she still won't go to a hospital and is back to normally depressed.

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Brittany Venti?

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Both my grandmothers passed away in very quick succession. I got given all of their wool. I haven't had an opportunity to sort through what I would use and what needs to go. I am currently doing that though. I'm keeping the IKEA bag closest to me. There's easily 50+ balls of wool in the other two bags.

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I had a friend like that; cut her out of my life, and don't regret it for a second.
Must suck if it's your mother though.

most people know someone like that. Removing them if you can is always the best option. Watching people suffer from the sidelines sucks but it sucks worse when you hold their hand showing them how to fix something only for them to kick it back over in a fit of attention whoring

thats right user include your feet in the picture. God forbid you don't put yourself somewhere in your dead grandmothers's things. Gotta have you in it

Thank you. A lot of it is health paperwork. I'm moving so prefer to keep paper copies rather than expect them to have it on system. When I moved to Wales, they didn't have my records. It's lucky that I am so meticulous otherwise it's difficult to prove some of the things. I do need some alone time for sure. I feel like I'm managing right now though and that I can hold out on my alone time until I move into my new place. Yeah, I need to assert better boundaries. I come from a household though where I am expected to cook, clean and look after my younger brother, Mum and Dad. My younger brother is capable of looking after himself so it's just my Dad and my Mum. My mum has her own problems too which I'm keen to get away from. They're not the healthiest for me to be around whilst trying to manage my own. I'm not suicidal and I don't cut myself. I'm not doing as bad as some people. I appreciate the encouragement user rather than telling me I'm unless and unhinged.

I'm aware I have some mental, emotional and physical problems. I am genuinely trying to work on them.

Lol, just when I thought this thread couldn't get anymore ridiculous

I don't know why, but in my experience in 90%+ of the cases it's always women.
It's not necessarily the case with everyone, but it's like they don't want to try to solve their problems in a practical way, but just want temporary emotional support.

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>autistic screeching intensifies.

Nigga probably took a selfie during the funeral saying "How could this happen to me?"

Pretty much the way men were raised in the past. man the fuck up. Some men never reach a point in their life where they learn how to deal with their actual problems emotionally and just gronk through it all.

females on the other hand. People naturally coddle little girls for years until that little girl is an adult woman who thinks a few tears or a sad face is all they need to get by. In a way though its a double edged sword when they dont get it. My wifes entire family had to deal with her attention whoring mother which left very little emotional outlet time for her. She grew up pretty stunted in that department and it reminds me of being around another guy sometimes. I like when she's a bit more fragile from time to time but can definitely appreciate how mature she is MOST of the time.

as tupac once said: Thats just the way it is

Tits or gtfo

Make a rope and...

Can you please just grow up and make some white babies instead of crying like a fucking child?

This looks retarded but its the best way i can describe the way society differentiates expectations of mental and emotional maturity in males and females

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Hah, can relate somewhat. We've got a couple of female programmers at work, and there's definitely something different with them.
It's like they're slightly autistic, but not in a detrimental way.

I don't store things on my floor...

Yo you got a dirty ass room and prolly a stanky ass pussi


Yea, I get what you're saying, that makes sense.

In a way I'm somewhat jealous. I'm extremely middle of the road about things and can be a bit anal with how serious I am about everything.

same. just how i was raised. 16 years in the muhreens didn't help things. though now days i know how to get things out of my head in a healthy way.

>Mark Cocker

OP stop attention whoring and get your shit together. If this is how/where you sleep then i can only imagine what everything else looks like.

wash your fuckin penis and clean your room you nasty thing

I bet it was some one else that responded about having warts.

Hey, as wholesomely as possible, wanted to tell you your tits are on point, don't worry about it anymore.

As for cleaning your room, I think what might be hindering you is a lack of storage space and a strategy. The strategy I use for organizing is to pick up something that isn't in the right place and find it a place, then I repeat that. It works really well when you're depressed because it doesn't feel like a lot of work but it gets it all done in a timely fashion. If you want it to be more enjoyable, force yourself to play some music while you work. If you ever take anti-anxiety drugs, switch to ativan, it seems to help depression in addition to anxiety, only one that works for me. Other benzos tend to be downers.

Just pick up one thing and put it where you think it belongs or jam it in a box somewhere, do that until you run out of things. It'll probably take you like an hour but feel like 10 minutes or so.

You talking to yourself buddy? Seems like you are projecting.

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ITT: an attention seeking thot that is also a lazy cunt.

What happened to your foot?

Being a degenerate crossdresser does not spark joy. Throw it in the garbage.

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Don't be sad, this is now

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Thanks for the wholesomeness user.

Yeah, I think strategy and space are definitely factors in this I could have handled better. I'm very limited on both. I generally do the pile onto bed tactic to force myself to do it otherwise I sleep on the floor. I can see how you tact I would work and I will try it in the future :)

Not a thot but seeking support and advice rather than attention.

I broke it. I mentioned it earlier in thread

Not a crossdresser but definitely a degenerate. I'm throwing a fair amount in the garbage. Tbh, majority can be recycled

Just clean up the room, OP.

Don't worry about cleaning up OP
Just let your masterpiece grow

>Pic related is next step for OP

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You're better than that user

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when you expect others to help you youre just spiraling back to your shitty life again
you can only help yourself, i'm not going to help you play the victim card, if i was able to quit heavy drugs and pass most of my army service then a little crying girly would be able to clean her shit up
>inb4 depression
i almost blew my brains out when i got my rifle in boot camp

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I'm not expecting others to help me. I can only help myself. I am aware of this. I am trying to help myself. I came to Yea Forums to look for advice on how best to manage these things so it doesn't happen again in the future.

It's quite simple
Just start
Don't focus on the mountain you have left to do
It's not going to be fun
It's not going to be easy
Just fucking do it
Say it over and over in your head
Just fucking do it
Just fucking do it
Just fucking do it

Now get up and clean your room young lady

Set it on fire you idiot. What the fuck else are you supposed to do with wool?

just get the fuck up and do them without whininig
real depressed people that broke the barrier work the hardest because they dont mind the pain or cleaning up
life is just a spiral of shit, if others feel better when you arrange your "human toys" and silly possesions then clean them when you are at their mercy
if youre living alone and dont really need to arrange that shit a lot then dont, like, who gives a shit about the way you arrange your shit girl

life is a neverending toil and then we die, just enjoy the short moments between work, work will set you free

so said the chicken king

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OP is what happens when you give pity form

me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me meme me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me meme me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me

OP came in search of whiteknights. OP left empty handed and the remaining BMO's took their thirst elsewhere.

i am proud of you 4chins

Can we see your breast?
Note the bed frame

Step 4: Throw everything on the floor again.

>then take a picture and tell Yea Forums how horrible your first world problems are

I didn't come searching for white knights, just a better strategy at dealing with this.
I've got stuff on the floor but it's bags of stuff

>I didn't come searching for white knights, just a better strategy at dealing with this.

You are moving? So just ignore your shit, pack the most emotional things and walk away. Like every depressed person who has given up on life.

lol OP is still cleaning his room since 7 this morning. Fuck i'd kill myself if i was that useless. This nigga's gonna be a politician for sure when it grows up

Why is this bread sticky?

OP i literally get paid to clean up hoarder homes. My 5 year old complains less than you while cleaning for fuck snakes

This thread changed my mind about abortions. Totally for it now if theres any chance that kids won't grow up to be like OP

if youre reading this and can practice basic hygeine as well as basic organization skills well then congratulations. Youre a better person than the op

What's the worst shit you come across doing that job?

worst bar none was the furry sex dungeon trailer in arizona. It was full of bags of crusted shit filled diapers and piss/shit/semen/blood filled fursuits. I don't consider furries to be human anymore because of that. smell cut through a full tychem suit and i had to burn a pair of boots i had for almost 11 years.

Good one

Yeah I'm moving out from my family home. Not really an option to walk away

Lol I'm done now

I don't mean to come across as complaining. I laughed at this thought. That's pretty intense.

It's not even hygiene. I have good hygiene. It's just organisation and emotional hoarding.

Only thing on my floor is some unmatched socks from the laundry im doing


disgusting fuck

You got this OP, just Stop thinking about it. Get a trash bag and fill it with trash. repeat until you have no more trash bags or no more trash. recycling next. Then collect clothes and wash clothes. Tidy while waiting for clothes. Put clothes away, no need to fold that shit just put them in a drawer. crack a beer and browse Yea Forums. shit takes like 5 hours and if your depressed it is by far the best thing you can do. So just do it

My room is clean thank you

>shit and clutter fucking everywhere

Pick one.

Inb4 asking for pictures

The white bag in the left corner is laundry. I will be doing that tomorrow

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Same view

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Wasted triple doubs

Bags in the corner are for charity, everything else is packed and ready to leave.

Thank you to the Anons who were kind and encouraging. I am aware it's not a massive thing for some people. This felt a very positive and rewarding thing to have been able to do by myself.

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my room in pic

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Nice weird crutches Gimpy lady

The fuck are you on?

gross tranny room probably smells like anal fissures and gay

Are you transgender? Serious question.

Do you use the bottle on the right to dilate?

bruh he's posting his room on Yea Forums for attention.

Lol I've got a broken foot

Nothing, cannabis and caffeine. I should probably be on something. I don't know.

My room smells like pic related. Winter spice and juicy jay cookies incense sticks.

Nope. I'm a cis female. Just a bit of a shit.

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nice larp faggot

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>probably smells like anal fissures and gay

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I remember my first time on foruchan too

>My room smells like pic related. Winter spice and juicy jay cookies incense sticks.

yep now im back in afghanistan. People trying to cover the smell of death with mint oil or cheap perfume

thanks OP you tranny fuck

What kind of nigger doesn't keep his fucking bedroom clean and organized?

You need to get out into real life. Not trans. Not role-playing. Women do exist.
Genuine cis female lol. I've posted tits and I'm not posting anything else. Do I ask you all to prove you're men?

All this attention because youre a woman. Imagine being a guy. Wtf are you depressed about bitch

Maybe read the thread?
I'm disabled and I've not been managing my mental/emotional health well. I can't exercise and cook properly due to a broken foot.

You sound mad. I'm sure the thread would be the same.
You say attention but 70% of the replies here have been toxic. I didn't do this for attention. I was looking more so for advice/ideas on how to manage things a bit better.

those tits are generic and the timestamp is obviously photoshopped. there are no women on the internet and you are not a woman.

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>Women do exist.

welcome to Yea Forums where all women are men and all little girls are actually the FBI

its getting harder to dialate

Yea Forums. For advice? Are you retarded?

Wrong directive!
First collect all the obvious trash, put it into a bag and get that shit out of your dwelling instantly.
Collect dirty clothes to get them washed.
Collect clean clothes and put them into the drawers or cabinets or whatever your store it normally.
Make a pile with obvious usable stuff.
Make a pile with questionable stuff that you can't decide to keep or throw away.
Try this with one room after another.
Best start with the bathroom and/or the kitchen.
Having cleared one room gives you a motivational boost to continue to the next.


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Stop feeding the trolls.


my sides

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holy shit you actually finished. i'm glad i checked back. good on you the room looks great now.

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the thiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrsssst






4 da penis

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I just feel sorry that I can't be the qt Trap waifu that these fags so desperately crave


I will try this in the future. Thank you.

But then how will they grow into mummy's good boys? Someone's got to feed them.

Thanks user, I appreciate it.

Slurp slurp, come and get this girl dick

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>claims to be female
>has yet to post bobs and vagin

you can't explain this

Can you not read a thread..? It seems you missed this

>Slurp slurp, come and get this girl dick

ok satan

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can you not fucking read? bobs and vagin

not or but and!

prozak causes people to commit mass murder


The devil was still an angel so I'll take it

Lol as if I'll actually degrade myself to that extent. I've done enough of that with my room and just exposing myself. No one needs to see vagine thanks.

Maybe I should get on some Prozac. It might keep me a bit more organized.

tranny confirmed

we have the same bedframe OP

Troll confirmed.

>Come here, let mummy feed you.

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Aaargh! I'm on a diet, you MONSTERRRRRR!!

doesn't that kind of food effect your estrogen patch?

71 posters in this thread including the op and about 5 of them were encouraging. 8 hours later and she finally finished her room meanwhile about 60 people just tried to talk her down.
what's funny is she actually completed the task and you fucks aren't getting anymore pussy than the one you came out of at birth.
ya'll need hobbies.
based femanon supporter out.

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You'll be happy to know this is all vegan so probably not as bad if it was all meat.

All the soy for the best soy boy - am I right? I'm not on patches either, there's a national shortage. My gynae is actually considering starting me on E gel.

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a strong swing from the whitest knight. Lets see if OP fucks him.

i doubt but let us see

Actually it being vegan wouldn't do shit for me. I already lost 25 kg in 8 weeks just by reducing calories and eating more lean meat.

Oh no user, you can't say nice stuff about me. You're a white knight otherwise! Everyone in the thread knows I'm a trap on estrogen who's just looking to complain.

Thanks for being based and supportive. Sad that 60 people were hateful, rude or downright insulting.
Doesn't matter anymore. My room is clean and organized. I've got a lot of tips to be going away with so it doesn't get like this again.

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oh no tranny got a taste of attention.

Good for you. Are you far off your goal weight?

There are lots of trolls and incels here user, as you are well aware, but know that it is healthy and good that you are admitting your problems to at least someone, even internet losers like all of us.

It will get easier, and that is a fact. All that is required is that you don't give up. You're doing a good job! Just dont give up!

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OP is doing just fine.

But I need to see more sexy bod images.

Started with 170 kg, aim at 115 kg - which would be my normie weight at 193 cm with my build.

fuckin rich boy ova here

i just got a couch, a table and a laptop
i don't go outside so i dont need clothes

he's a mentally retarded transvestite. Dude spent the better part of the day crying on Yea Forums about how hard it was to clean his room

I think that's the thing. It's just admitting I needed to change and forcing myself to do that. It was humiliating to post that I was living this way. Everyone has problems. It's a lot easier to tear someone down than to reflect and look at your own issues and how your life is. I hope this might have inspired other Anons to make a change.

Sending you a genuine and heartfelt thank you.

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>It's a lot easier to tear someone down than to reflect and look at your own issues and how your life is

this nigga acting like he climbed mount fucking everest.

dude cleans his room and has a religious experience. WWIII can't start soon e-fucking-nough

Can I see vag shot please?

Found you again
he likes you but as a friend

>Lol, femanon cleans her room, it's comparible to climbing Everest because she's proud of herself.

It might be an easier task for some but things like this can be challenging. I have a blood condition and a genetic condition. I get very, very tired very easily. Physical exertion takes a lot out of me. Coupled with a broken foot and doing everything through either shuffling or hopping, I think I have every right to feel damn proud.
What's something you did today that made you feel proud Anons?

I don't take those kind of photos, let alone share them online. Sorry. Too religious to take yoni photos.

How about butthole then

flushed my power steering, radiator fluids, checked the wifes car for inclement weather, mowed the front and back yards, cleaned the fire pit, took the recycling to the center, oil to the autozone, cleaned and reassembled my rem 700, made some corn bread for monday breakfast snacks, cleaned the oven and stove, broke up a concrete patch and detailed my pickup.

bedroom stays clean throughout the day because i'm a fucking adult who doesn't rely on everyone else to do things for me. I also have a fucked up knee and a bad back boohoo

That sounds like a really productive day user. Good for you. I'm sure your wife appreciates you checking her car over too.

I don't rely on others to do things for me. I did this myself.

>Likes incense
Let's get married and burn incense all-day everyday

>it's comparible to climbing Everest because she's proud of herself.

Let me give you an honest piece of advice nasty room trap user. I like you as a complete stranger. I mean that in the sense that i'll be as honest as I can possibly be. Honesty means you'll hear things you don't want to hear because here on Yea Forums theres an avenue to do so. If you want to surround yourself with people who will lie to you and tell you that being so eclectic and unorganized is beautiful then go to reddit.

You want a good job and a thumbs up? come back in a few months and tell us how you progressed mentally without losing your bearing when the shitposters and insults show. There was an user with a horrible musculosceletal disease that left him fucking mangled. His mindset was deserving of praise. You need work. I say that with as much respect as i'll muster.

Favourite incense to burn?

I laughed at room trap user.

I wasn't looking for people to tell me my mess was beautiful or any attention seeking bs like that. The mess was disgusting. It was organised and excessive. I wanted to be shamed into doing it and to use the hate and doubt as motivation.
I understand where you're coming from user but unfortunately it takes a long time to get into that headspace. I'm in constant, daily chronic pain. I have been since 18. Some days are very difficult to manage. On those difficult days, I come to Yea Forums. Last year I was paralyzed and I spent 6 months in this room. I kept a lot of silly things that I didn't need because they held a memory. I had surgery and learnt to walk again with being back to "normal" earlier this year.
I feel like whatever I will say will just be taken as an excuse so I'm not going to go into my health issues further.
I appreciate what you've said. Thank you.

>I feel like whatever I will say will just be taken as an excuse
because everything is an excuse. You aren't saying it for us your saying it for you nigga

more tits and hairy armpits? I think hairy armpits look great on you