The potential to accidentally kill someone isn't part of the job description...

The potential to accidentally kill someone isn't part of the job description. No one working at a burger place should be held responsible for something like this even if it was negligence. If you can fucking die by eating a little dairy then you shouldn't eat meals that you haven't personally prepared. Natural selection if you ask me

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They should be haunted, and so should you.

Hmmm. Yeah, I guess I agree. Unless they put those items on his burger on purpose. Then that's pretty fucked.

There is nothing to argue about with this statement.
That's rare for this board.

>be me
>be part time teenager or adult or not so bright older adult working as waiting staff or whatever
>this kid comes in
>asks if there is dairy in milkbutter burger
>bro i don't know w/e YOLO

Natural selection at it's finest. Nobody should be at fault except the stupid fuck and his parents.

Major food establishments are required to put nutritional information on the wall or have it available on request. If it was that important to him, he should have asked to see the information and not relied on the word of an illegal immigrant. If anything, this is a problem about consumer education. If you have an allergy, you should be given materials by your doctor that tells you your rights and FDA requirements.

Just sue the business. You won't get shit out of the staff obviously.

If you have a food allergy so bad it can kill you why would you risk eating in some shitty burger joint? Dumb ass deserved to die.

nevermind, its in britbong land and they haven't caught up with us on allergen laws. Dumb anglos.

It's just fucked up that you can be flipping burgers and taking orders and accidentally kill somebody.

if I had an allergy that could fucking kill me quickly, eating food that I didn't prepare myself would be a really rare fucking occasion... like a birthday.

fuck lol.

If he told the staff about his allergy they should've prepared a safe meal for him. I feel bad for the kid. Rest in peace dude.

if a slice of cheese can kill you it is only a matter of time before you/someone does some dumb shit and you die
also britbong
noting of value lost

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It’s not up to the rest of society to make sure they don’t kill you, gotta look out for yourself. You’re gonna take some kitchen bitches word for it when your life may be on the line?

>It’s not up to the rest of society to make sure they don’t kill you

...that's... that's kind of what murder laws are about. Also, a bunch of other ones.

Can we deflect this on the immagrants?

Comparing a murder to an accidental death by allergies.

Pffft hehe. Good post, user.

Imagine being so stupid, you can't even read a second sentence.

>a bunch of other ones


hey thanks man

Regardless of what other laws you may be referencing, since you didn’t state them, it’s not other peoples responsibility to know which products may or may not trigger your allergy. Bottom line is, do you trust some fryer punk with your life or are you smart enough to avoid shit that might kill you?

Did it happen at dairy queen.

Of course it's not their responsibility to know your allergies.

It's definitely their responsibility to know what's in the food they're serving you though.

Ban cheese.


>Ban military style assault cheese.

No. The American people have the right to defend themselves from a tyrannical beef patty and two toasty sesame seed buns.

The retard ordered a fried chicken burger. Have you ever cooked before? You use batter before you fry anything in flour 90% of the time unless you wanna fuck it up. He had a dairy allergy; guess what makes up the majority of a batter?

>be me
>18 yo way back when
>working as waiter for steak house buffet
>big place, lots of tables to wait on, but buffet so work wasn't that bad
>get table with loud annoying woman
>asks questions about every single item on salad bar and steak seasoning
>answer as best I can
>she adds "are you sure?? Because my kid is allergic"
>lose my shit
>"no I'm not sure ma'am. Maybe the food does come in contact with things he's allergic to"
>bitch gets attitude: "well you tell me! I'm paying! What if you had a kid that had allergies?"
>i answer instantly
>"I wouldn't be retarded enough to go to a normal people's restaurant"
>complete silence
>oh shit
>bitch marches straight to general manager
>General manager calls me to office. Asks me to hand in my apron and order booklet. Tells me to wait 3 mins then leave via front entrance. Odd request but fuck it. I fucked up and I'm fired.
>3 mins up, I get up to leave. As I walk, bitch was eyeing me with the biggest shit eating grin. I shrug and head on out
>mfw general manager is outside waiting for me and says: "just cool it for today. You're on for tomorrow 6-1, don't forget. No you're not fired, customers are cunts all the time. See ya tomorrow"

Based boss.

If you know you've got an allergy / condition / etc. that could result in death? Why the motherfuck would you trust a chaotic fast-food outfit to get it right or wrong? Sorry dude died, but for fuck's sake, if you're not "normal" then don't pretend you can eat on the go and pack a lunch. We're living in a world where hospitals can (and do) make fatal mistakes. Don't roll the dice on your life with fast food.

This veggie is oppressing me!!!

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Sure. I never said he wasn't a retard.

I'm just saying that people who sell food ready to eat have a responsibility to not kill retards.

Precisely. Nobody working on the clock give as much of a fuck as you do about staying alive because milk can kill you.

>about his allergy to...

dot dot dot

yeah fuck off clickbait loser

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if you have such terrible allergies, why not have some epipen or whatever with you at all times? Or something stronger if possible? After contact is there no way to save a person? Are there such terrible allergies? If so why trust people outside? It is all on the side of the patient I think, restaurant has just basic order fuck up, not murder

Nobody is saying it should be murder. Criminal negligence is unquestionable though.

I just don’t think you can hold underpaid kitchen bitches responsible for your life when you should know better than too in the first place.

Cellmate: What are you in for?
Me: I accidentally battered this guys chicken and he died.

Add tree nuts to the ban. they will kill me but I eat out all the time. Peanuts are great, no ban on those. Lets add Jeeews to the ban list while we are doing it. Plus muuzzies cause they be fucking goats and shit.

I don't think so, staff wouldn't know it would've killed him, did he specifically said: "I might die if you fail to fuck up my order"


Assault and batteredry=life

No, the kid behind the counter isn't to blame at all. The company who put an unprepared worker on the register is.

Even if it's not going to kill him, it still could have done some harm. Negligence doesn't only apply to deaths.

Carry an epi pen.
Just a thought

Or is it not his responsibility to have one?

It is his responsibility. Which is why I never said they should be manslaughter.

Actually, the law in the UK is even more specifically that the onus is on the consumer, nutritional and allergen information must be available on request, in written form.

>If they did not provide it when it WAS asked for then the company (not the worker) is at fault for inadequately training their staff to properly respond to requests for written nutritional information.
>If they provided it but it was inaccurate, company's fault.
>If they did provide it and the consumer ordered it without properly reading then the consumer is at fault.
>If the consumer did not ask for it, or didn't ask for it in written form, consumer's fault.
>If they asked for it and recieved the information in non-written form, they should have demanded what was legally their right, or not ordered based on non-legally-bound information, thus consumer's fault.

Pretty clear lines of responsibility and fault here. This is why litigation reaching court isn't as common in the UK. Who is at fault is frequently so easy to determine that written litigation usually suffices.

Yea, you suggested it should be murder.
“It’s not up to the rest of society to make sure they don’t kill you

...that's... that's kind of what murder laws are about. Also, a bunch of other ones.”

That's a specific response to a dumb statement. It's absolutely society's responsibility to not fucking kill you.

But that's not what they did. They were negligent in their response to his food allergies. His death was a result of him not taking necessary precautions.

Which is why I said Stop being stupid please.

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no u

I keked heartily.
Bassed fucking boss indeed.
That bitch probably ended getting her kid fucking sick at some point.

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