Stories of IRL loli experiences
Stories of IRL loli experiences
Hows the shift going Mr. Agent? Boring?
Very. Can’t even get off
Thats alright, whats your assignment today?
Once, I kissed a 11yo. I was 13yo. Felt so good!
Current assignment: create database on the IPs of possible sex offenders and forward them to the bureau of investigations
Cool, I might do that in the future one day, i'm sure it's fun to catch some pedos. Maybe ill join the SWAT Team when the raid must be done.
Yeah, I’m really trying to meet a quota here, so if you guys could pic up the pace with the evidence, that’d be great.
Try to glow a little less next time.
My gf (15, I'm 28) told me that when she was 8 her neighbor made out with her on her birthday when he was 16. Does that count?
I once fap to a loli
Best experience ever
This database is coming together very slowly, more incriminating stories please
Hey it's not our fault Hillary killed Epstein
Pffft. Sure, they really killed him.
Wickr Mau5432 ;)
you sick fuck
real? unlikely but hot nonetheless
no thanks, officer
>Stories of IRL loli experiences
This is the best story from /b. It really gives me back my faith in humanity.
my ip address is
I'm so sorry user... but that story was made up
My IP is All things considered, I'm probably already on the list.
i have a dynamic ip.
suck the farts out of my ass FBI
This is more of a shotta expierence actually. hope it works but it was kinda loli ish i guess.
So anyhow. I was aroumd 8-9yrs of age. And my teen cousin (cheerleader at the time) super hot in my oppinion, or maybe i liked that at 9 i could say i was screwing around with a cheerleader. im not really sure. Regardless we would both visit a shared grandmothers house along with a list of other grandkids, but when it was just me her (and my sister technically was there but we hid EVERYTHING from her) she convinced me to play truth or dare with her. And this happened at at least 4 visits, but im not sure if it was more. being so young at the time there wasnt anything i could possibly think of due to my lack of expierence but she would make it easier by giving me ideas on how things went. somtimes she would drink my pee after sucking my penis, we would take turns licking eachother genitals/genitalia alot after a while. But it never went further. I think its because we would get to excited and accidentily wake up my sister, have to come up with a half asses lie she was garenteed to believe because how could she know better? But that was only when we first started because we got smart around the 3rd time of a close catch, and the furthest we went at that point was slowly spinning to see the others full nude body, or fondle eachother from croch to breast a little after. I even remember how lomg her bush was, and i dont think she knew how to shave at that time which i wouldnt be ok with now, but back than it's not like i knew much better.(About 2 inches long just for visual discription purposes. Also mexican/native/europeon/ in that order likly still not even 5ft in height for her black hair (like any of this matters right, or the details at the end for no good visual without a re-read XD. Sorry about that)
The most odd thing about this all. i remember enjoying it. my dick was hard but couldnt have been larger than my pinky finger at current. But it felt so good still.
This is my dick now. 14 years later gave me around 7.5-8 inches when im most horny... enjoy my dick pic
I had to help a 10yo girl bathe/shower several times, was honestly pretty fun
basado user de shelbyville
I had written a greentext a while back about a relationship I had with a neighbor in my hometown. I'll give y'all the short version.
I was 15, she was maybe like 9 or 10. We would play hide-and-seek in our condo complex with the other neighbor kids, and her and I would always sneak off to our secret spots to make out. We were good at it, and most of the time it would take the other kids up to an hour to find us.
I had her up in my bedroom alone several times, but we never really did much past cuddling in bed for a while. She seemed to really like being close to me, and any chance she got, she sat in my lap and would sometimes grind her butt into my crotch.
She had anger issues. Not as serious as her older sisters, but it was obvious to all of us that the parents didn't know how to care for them very well.
One day, I had her up in my bedroom, and I got a bit handsy. I remember her making up some excuse as to why she didn't want me to put my hands in her bra, and when I offered to give her oral, she got a bit scared and left in a bit of a hurry.
The whole family moved away soon after that, and we never heard from them again. Shame, really. All the sisters were cute gingers and I would not have minded getting in bed with any one of the 3.
she was most likely molested by her dad.
If that was the case, I think she would've been more open to trying things with me. Oh well. I just hope she's doing well for herself.
why do these fucking stories ALWAYS end with moving away
Life happens man. Nothing gold can stay.
yeah but literally every fucking story ends with the other person or the storyteller moving away
>it was best sex of my life
>then she moved away
>we were best friends and then he blew me
>then his family moved away
literally every time dude
I feel this
Anyone got a wickr group?
Mine is pretty bad honestly, I sometimes look back on it and feel terrible. Fuck it, here goes.
My family moves to SC because my stepdad is military. I'm like 13, my sister was 9. One weekend she has a sleepover with like three of her friends. My sister is the 'pretty one' her friends are kind of chubby. One, her name starts with a B, was kind of crushing on me. I could tell, so later that night we played a game of manhunt (hide and seek) the first round I was 'it' so I tried to find her first. When I found her she was like, behind a bush. So I acted I didn't really know she was there, and just stuck my hand and felt around for her. I wound up rubbing all over her small, just growing boobs. She giggled sort of and followed me out and that round ended. Next round she was it, she found me eventually but nothing really happened. Third round my sister is 'it." I go to hide in the covered bed of my stepdads truck, she comes up and asks to come in. I let her in and for a while we just kind of sit. Eventually though we start whispering about getting found and she says something like "i'm scared" but in a laughing giggling way. She scoots over to me and I wrap my arms around her and press into her, she rubs her small ass against my now hard cock. The moon was out, so we could see out of the tinted windows alright enough and we see my sister. She's looking for us, but has no idea we're in the truck. To be safe I had locked the hard cover's little window door. She came up and tried the door once or twice and when she did, B grinded up on me again. I basically pulled her into my lap, in a sitting position with her back against my chest and her ass on my dick. I wrapped both my hands around and just cupped her tits, groping and kneading, and I had my face against her neck. I was whispering to be quiet, and i could see she had her eyes closed, kind of leaning her head back into me and breathing hard.
Ok catch the pedos but your ass can’t join the swat team
She takes my and shoves it down near her crotch and I rub around the outside over her pants for a second and I literally cum in my pants. After five or so minutes we kind of pull apart, I made sure she didn't know. As we climb out of the truck I tell her if she wants to come to my room when her friends fall asleep to knock soft twice and come in.
Fast forward a few hours. I'm laying in bed playing KOTOR on my Xbox. Two soft knocks. I let her in and she's in like booty shorts and tee shirt. We sit on my bed, clumsily kiss and I feel her up. The kissing sucked, no joke. It was terrible. Basically after a while we just had our mouths open and our tongues in each others mouths. She asks to see my 'thing' so I tell her fair is fail. We both get naked and she's looking at my cock, she doesn't really know what to do. So I take her hand and make her grab it. Her hand fits around it but barely, and her hand is so small and warm and soft. She kind of jerks me off a little, kind of? She lets it go and I suck on her nipples a little. The most that happened after that was I got down on my knees and tried to lick her young pussy while she was standing. She was just starting to get hair down there and they prickled my lips and tongue. But she tasted amazing. She moved pretty soon after and I never heard from her again.
Glowing intensifies