How long would you wait to get in the pants of a girl you're dating that you really like...

How long would you wait to get in the pants of a girl you're dating that you really like? No "waiting for marriage" or virgi, religious kinda deal or anything, she just wants to take it slow.

Is a month excessively a long time?

Had 2 previous gfs and it pretty much went down the night we met. Like this girl a lot but it 's frustrating I guess.

How long would you wait? What's the lonest you waited?

>pic unrelated

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At most the second date.

How do you know you want to be with them if you dont know if the sex is good?

Waited 6 months before having sex with my current gf. She was a virgin so I knew it would take a while. Sometimes it's better to wait if you really like them

Just sex her now

Three date rule, bro.

she is drop dead gorgeous, sweet, share my sense of humor, like spending time with her. She is down to fool around and what not, but that only leaves you blue balled time and time again...

>How long would you wait? What's the lonest you waited?
Well, I waited about 4 months before doing the deep with my current lady. She was a virgin when we met tho, so I made damn sure not to make her feel pressured

if they don't blow you on date #1 and fuck by date #2 you move on to the next girl. it is a numbers game girls definitely know this and if they want you to want them, they know they have to suck and fuck on the first two dates. if they aren't doing that, then they don't care and are just using you. the time table of sexual intimacy has definitely been moved way up from even 20 years ago. don't stick to old standards demand sex by the second meeting.

he knows
yeah these are beta losers that have no other options obviously. the girls just played them to get attention. meals, emotinal/financial support and other perks from the dudes. they are just desperate guys, don't listen to them at all lol

Virgin seems a common cause. Think she might lie about that? I don't KNOW she is not one, going by her word. and like like said, down to fool around, hand action, but "sealing the deal" - nope.

Jesus, that was a huge projection. Everything okay, user?

Longest I went was about 3-4 months. She was very conservative Chinese though, and a virgin. She would make out but wouldn't let it go too far. Turning point was when she finally let me give her a full fingering. That got her off. She was up for giving sex a shot after that. It was good stuff. I broke up with her about 6 months later because reasons, but the sex was good.

I'd do it again for the right person. But yeah, usually it's more like date #1-3.

probably. a month is a pretty long time for someone sexuality active to withhold if they are into you. she might be embarressed to admit she is a virgin, but if you are as into her as you claim why bother? dont push her and just one another.

>enjoy one another*

How about thinking of her needs, wants, and satisfaction instead of thinking about your dick like a nigger? If she wanted a nigger, she would be with a nigger. The fact that you are posting this and not raping her tells me that you aren't a nigger. SO STOP ACTING AND THINKING LIKE A NIGGER.

>went down the night we met

This or the first "official"date, otherwise you risk the "friend-zone"

If I really liked her I would wait as long as she wants and find other things to do with her to satisfy my libido that don't involve my penis in her vagina.


>I would wait as long as she wants

So you will be friend-zones while she "fins herself" at chad filled fraternity parties. Once she "accidentally" get knocked up you can step in an be the super amazing step-dad.

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Second date for kissing. Fourth or fifth date for fucking. I find this is a solid playbook in terms of building anticipation and chemistry.

This is terrible advice, you sound like a fucking virgin.

Depends how old you are. Once you're in your late 20s to 30s women will pretty consistently fuck you in the first week

Not how it works. It's obvious if she is cucking you vs. just going slow. If she is just slow that's a good thing. Hopefully she will cage your cock and only let you out when she wants some dick. Her allowing you to cum even if you fuck her is another thing. The cuck thing is for fools who don't know STD's.

>This is terrible advice

Are you saying that getting advice on a Mongolian hentai image sharing website is not a good idea?!

Attached: This_Is_the_Bottom.png (700x1003, 406K)

>hands only (or less)
two dates
>with oral
Couple months prob
Might be willing to give it a good while, depending on the situation, girl, reasons, etc

I'm dying. Great comic.

Usually within the first 15 minutes of meeting

Jesus....I have the panties off in no more than 3 dates. But...I do like easy, slutty, bitches.


>I do like easy, slutty, bitches.
You're on your own there. Take all of 'em

If yall fool around just try to go farther than you would usually go, get HER horny for you

if she is "drop dead" gorgeous, she's not a virgin. Especially if she's over 18 lol. The vast majority of girls will lose their virginity before high school.

It's not dating when you pick up a street whore in a slum

This. Oldfag here (51) my (ex wife after 20 years) was a virgin when I met her while I was sleeping around like, well like a young man. It took her 8 months to be ready but the 'sex' we did have before then:hand jobs, blow jobs, Titty fucks, she would get on all fours and I would rim her and she would play with herself until she came. We had incredible sex. It pretty much stopped after we got married. We averaged once every 19 days (yes, I would count) if anything having sex too soon can ruin a relationship. Take your time OP.

She will own you. She's trying to make you think her pussy is special. She has given it away so many times before but you have something to offer. RUN MOTHER FUCKER!!