I can't believe the cowardly judge is trying to sentence them as adults. We will protest if this happens...

I can't believe the cowardly judge is trying to sentence them as adults. We will protest if this happens. They have now withdrawn their guilty pleas.

Attached: teensthrowrocks.jpg (960x720, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Didn't they already plea a long time ago?

The threw rocks off an overpass and one rock killed a man.

I just looked it up, and all I see is a bunch of shitty kids that dropped a rock off an overpass and it hit a passenger in a car and killed him, I mean I'm sure that they weren't intending to kill someone, but if they get hit with a charge like manslaughter it wouldn't matter because you don't need intent to kill, and I'm a fucking leaf so I'm not fully up on murrican law but I'm pretty sure there's at least one variant of second-degree murder that doesn't require intent to kill but rather criminal negligence while engaging in conduct likely to lead to non-trivial bodily harm.

They're probably just a bunch of dumb kids but I still don't entirely get why you're so upset, you related to them?

Who is "we"?
And why should "we" care

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

They killed a completely innocent person for no reason other than a bit of fun. Are we meant to be upset they're going to be punished severely?

>We will protest if this happens. They have now withdrawn their guilty pleas.

because you'll be in school the day 12 people show up outside of a protest friendly zone.

try not posting this on Yea Forums faggot

>we will protest

go figure,the deadbeat leftist protests instead of being a decent contributing member of society

>We will protest if this happens
>We will protest

a young kid is now fatherless because of these fucks

fuck them


the life robbed from not only the father
but from the son who will grow up without him

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No he's a poltard who thinks every white guy is getting fucked over by the law

see their intent really matters fuck all, they were indiscriminately throwing rocks into cars on the freeway, and this is what happens when you do that, you kill people. it's like saying they were indiscriminately firing a gun with people around but didn't intend to kill anyone. it's not a defense.

fuck them, charge them as adults, hope they're down for a long time.

and fuck you op.


Doesn't matter, they're minors so it's immoral to put them on trial as adults

>see their intent really matters fuck all, they were indiscriminately throwing rocks into cars on the freeway, and this is what happens when you do that

Exactly, the law has allowances for people engaging in conduct that is extremely likely to cause severe bodily harm without specific intent, for exactly these kinds of scenarios. The only thing they could really raise is that they're not criminally responsible for reason of mental illness or something like that, but that rarely works because the vast majority of the mentally impaired still understand the causal relationship between falling rocks and fragile human bodies

I never said the morality of it could or couldn't be questioned, but you should bear in mind that the distinction between minor/adult blurs a lot in court when you're in your late teens unless there's some specific relevant statutory provision/specific criminal charge that explicitly defines an age.

I think there's an argument to be made that it's inappropriate to charge them as adults, but you haven't offered that argument, you've just asserted "it's immoral". Why exactly? Is the argument that they're not emotionally/mentally mature enough to appreciate the consequences of their actions or something to that effect?

As a side note - any potential rules of the court/statutes/etc. that might enforce only charging minors as minors can also be viewed in light of the fact that the distinction between minor/adult can vary by jurisdiction and is itself a creature of statute

Throw them off a overpass.

>Why exactly?
It's literally in the phrase "AS ADULTS". Vote to change the law if you think teenagers should be put on trial the same way as an adult. Until then, NO ONE should be able to put someone on trial as an adult if they're NOT AN ADULT.

Or are you just upset because of their stupid and sad past? Like, this is their story, it sucks, I get that but I still want to feel bad for them. And it really pisses me off to see so many people like you who are going to take an "every person is stupid and sad and should just get over it" stance

Can you point me to the law that says you can't ever try minors as adults? Like I said before, I'm a canuck so I'm unfamiliar with what exactly you guys can/can't do and would be legitimately curious to find out. I don't have a horse in this race, I don't really care either way - but so far as I know minors get tried as adults in loads of situations in loads of states, so my assumption was that it wasn't explicitly illegal to do so.

My only other point was that the line between minor/adult is drawn by statute and is by nature somewhat arbitrary, which is probably why they're able to do this. If the court was bound by bright line rules around the age of majority in criminal law all the time you'd have absurd situations where one offender is 1 day older than the age of majority and is tried as an adult for the same crime as his buddies who are tried as minors since they might be a couple days younger than him - that seems like an absurd outcome and probably why the courts function in this way

They must be real punks if the judge saw fit to do that.

Leniency is not a given, I don't see anything wrong in this case. Not your personal army faggot. Had we followed this rule and rules 1&2 b would not be cancer right now because of scientology. So fuck off with your protests

>And it really pisses me off to see so many people like you who are going to take an "every person is stupid and sad and should just get over it" stance

Where did I say that? It's shitty that a bunch of kids that made a dumb choice are going to have their lives fucked up by one stupid choice, and it's also shitty that a guy died as a result - it's a bad situation and I feel bad for everyone involved and I'm not saying anyone should get over it, shit sucks man

Also, what does it mean that that sentence was a mandatory life sentence if the defendant doesn't want to be a child molester? It seems a little unfair that a child molester has to be punished for a crime he committed before they can commit that crime again. That seems like a fairly arbitrary choice, but why not let him serve his time in prison for a time that the other guys won't serve?

People who have "issues" should "grow up", as they make it more difficult to figure out what they should be doing in life

I mean, people have their problems and need support, why can't people just find a friend that wants to help them overcome those problems?

I have no problem with "emotional support", but the fact that people who struggle with depression are expected to be so empathetic is really weird to me

I'm a fucking adult. You know that. You have more adult responsibilities than I do

I honestly hope they get a good 10 years, pref without being around other inmates so that they might actually recover and become decent people.

If they killed someone, they should be locked up for life and be grateful to be alive. Fucking idiots. Should be gassed or fried so we don't have to pay for them living.

Are you talking about a different case/hypothetical scenario now? I'm not saying every law/court decision/every aspect of criminal law is just/moral or fair, I just wanted to discuss why the court does or doesn't make the choices it does, maybe expand on that hypothetical you brought up a bit more and I can respond in more detail

Let them rot.

Want Porn? Hentai? Gore? Politics? Music and Art disc?
It’s all right here:

Exactly this. Why should I care that they got in trouble!? Common sense should have told them that they would get into trouble tossing rocks at cars as they drive by. They did something really stupid, which ended up killing a totally innocent person.

Eye for an eye

Protests to be met with dogs and fire hoses

I also didn't think of this until I saw your post. Thank you.

I'm sure I'll get some flack, but this is one thing I can look forward to dealing with in the future: how things play out with non-criminal court related problems/problems.

Do you know many folks in your situation that have experienced some really shitty consequences or were treated poorly by courts on all kinds of issues?

Oh I don't think the law in and of itself really cares if you're empathetic, or if you have depression - in sentencing the judge may ABSOLUTELY take that into account. You can be tried as an adult, get charged with manslaughter and get a fairly lenient sentence if you make a successful argument that your actions were strongly modified by a mental condition

On the other hand, while having depression might lessen your sentence in some cases, you might not want to highlight a lack of empathy, most judges probably don't want to put someone out into society who has proven they can hurt people with their actions and professes that they don't really care about other people. That's totally fair though and you can definitely feel that way, I'm just saying that if I was representing you in court, I'd probably advise you to not stress that whole thing too much.

>when you think legal statutes are the same thing as moral guidelines

They wuz good boyz they din du nuffin wrong

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guys, plz stop
OP is a cuck and wants all "we" to riot for a cuck cause
don't be a cuck Yea Forums

Even if they're charged as adults they'll be convicted of manslaughter and get out on time served and probation. Why the fuck do you care about some shitty ass young adults getting what's coming to them?

He's just being pedantic and doesn't understand the way the judicial system works. He things every law is black and white because he's probably a kid himself.

> we
you're so fucking stupid

>implying anyone in this thread even knows who these cats are
page 10 inbound

The truth is I'm pretty sure that if you're a person that would be really hurt and upset if you were thrown into the community, you're someone to stay out of, but at the same time, there is no good evidence to suggest that someone with depression is inherently more bad than someone who doesn't have it, no evidence to suggest that having depression isn't more of a threat to them, and you're pretty open to any other possible explanation. That said, I would recommend to any other potential judge or lawyer reading what I said above that in any trial, you really must be open.

Absolutely, my whole boss got fucking SHAFTED in court on a family law issue regarding his ex, and since I'm a law student I help out at the court with free duty counsel services for civil claims, and NO ONE shows up there having a good day, I've had everything from young couples getting charged $10k for tree removal on their property by the city and not knowing what to do, to people getting thrown in remand and getting forgotten about and wanting to sue the city. The courts are bullshit in a lot of ways, they're like democracy, it's a load of garbage but it's the best system we've got with us so we just need to try to plug the leaks where we can.

Regardless of your education there are loads of ways to get involved in lobbying/advocating for criminal/civil law reform in whatever jurisdiction you live in, and I'd always recommend it.

I always get a strange boner when I see vids of cars just slamming through protestors. God it's the most cathartic thing in the world. It's like people think they have a right to protest like that.

i'm the only person who cares about this thread. im writing this to make a post. i never read a comment or even bothered to search information.
try harder FAGOOT

you're reading this just so you have to read what i wrote.
go to bed

>doesnt use the catalog
Fuck off you tourist

> We
Oh OK. Well let's all meet tonight and do something together. Oh wait it doesn't work that way? Then where are you getting "we" from, dumbfuck? There is no "we" on this board you mentally stunted cheeto dust covered autistic anti-social incel faggot.

>there is no good evidence to suggest that someone with depression is inherently more bad than someone who doesn't have it, no evidence to suggest that having depression isn't more of a threat to them

Totally, hell, like I mentioned above, having depression might actually make you a more sympathetic defendant, it would be an inquiry that's pretty fact specific to the case.

But I'm not really interested in any formal lobbying or lobbying the government, or lobbying for a specific cause. I'm interested in getting involved in an existing group that has a legitimate and demonstrable interest, that is interested in changing this particular law. In this case I want to lobby the legislature to change the legislation (and to not make it any longer applied to all types of cannabis-based products).

So how?

you support alt right protests though, correct? they are important. so your objection to protests is just another way for you to want to have everything your way i suppose. good to know you'll never get it.

I'm all for giving them 45 to 20 years in prison. With parole.

>and to not make it any longer applied to all types of cannabis-based products
As a canadian, I have great sympathy for this. You probably have local/state specific duty counsel/pro-bono legal services, or even if you have a local law school they almost certainly run student legal services and those would absolutely be the groups that would know/have pamphlets or contacts on any existing groups in your state.

Anyways I'm gonna have a beer and go smoke a joint, best of luck to you amigo

>As a canadian, I have great sympathy for this. You probably have local/state specific duty counsel/pro-bono legal services, or even if you have a local law school they almost certainly run student legal services and those would absolutely be the groups that would know/have pamphlets or contacts on any existing groups in your state.
A lot of these people are really busy and don't have time to even get a list of people, no matter how many they were in touch with.

I personally would not get involved with the FRC if the goal was to destroy the LGBT community (as the organization's name and name of its president implies).

I fucking love cunts like you. If an adolescent plays chess like a grand master, or plays the Piano as good as Liszt, then they're held in the highest regard elevated to 'Genius' level, but if they do anything stupid 'oh they're only kids'. Do fuck off. I wonder if you would have the same attitude if the poor fucker who got killed was related to you. You fucking shit

"Ach! Why is this fucking happening? Why are you fucking pissing on this guy's coffin? No matter what happens to the man who took his life, it's only a matter of time before he kills someone else and you see them crying for justice!


Fucking this. 1000% this.

Fuck these faggots.
I hope they all get 10 years.

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Especially if it's a big fat protester that gets knocked on his/her ass. I have a very low opinion of most protesters so I understand your enjoyment.

They were throwing logs off the overpass and clogged a guy's throat

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Let them sit under a bridge and throw a rock at them, if you hit them in the head and they survive give them probation. Killers!!

I've told you a hundred times, you're not funny.

thanks for standing up for all of us

I was on jury duty for a 17 yr old that murdered two teenagers. He was tried as an adult and got 20 years in prison.

>We will protest if this happens.



They should castrate these fucking morons by throwing large rocks at their testicles.

What the hell are you talking about and why do you assume you know what I support? I don't support any protestors that block traffic, fuck them. It makes me happy when they get run over. If they were "alt right" or whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean and they were blocking traffic and got ran over that would make me happy too.

Also what do you mean not getting what I want? I've already plainly stated that I like watching those videos, so clearly they exist. Did you reply to the wrong person or something?

Anyone got a link to a news article about this? I hadn't heard about it

This might sound mean, but I love it when the hot ones get hit. Something about the dumb "omg did he just hit ME" look they get is just hilarious. Plus if a pretty girl gets maimed I'd argue that she's losing a lot more of her assets than a fat or ugly girl.

Fuck you, it would be immoral to not try them as adults.
See? You're not the only one that can just make assertions and pretend it's automatically the right answer.

Good. Thank you for civic service.

Not really the right context, but D for effort.

>Fucking this. 1000% this.
>this! so much this!
Try reading the image next time dipshit

like he shakes, shudders and pisses himself? sleeps with the light on?

>implying libtards would be agreeing with someone advocating legal justice.
not my fault you don't understand the fucking meme, dipshit

The lesson is, throw something soft, like turds


It's arbitrary for a reason, they knew what they were doing. Dumbass.

Because treating minors like adults is wrong. Remember my Ashlee Martinson thread?

What was his name? Link?


No showing of cowardice.
OP is a semen-guzzling faggot.

You're right I should've posted this

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What should their punishment be? This isn't just, "Oh well, boys will be boys."

>withdrawn their guilty pleas.
kinda pointless if they've already admitted it

What the fuck is a minor? anyone under the arbitrary age of 18? Teenagers know what they are doing, they,know right from wrong.
People saying they weren't trying to kill any one are idiots. They knew exactly what they were doing. If the rock didn't kill, the car crash certainly could have. They were trying to cause a car accident. They deserve decades of prison and I hope they get raped.

fuck those bitch ass murderers Not only do they deserve to fry I hope they get raped every day in prison until they're fried.

I hope you die a slow and painful death. Kys.

Don't kill people, 10 years hard labor. Case closed.

They had done this on multiple occasions, it was not a one time deal.

They aren't black, so they are intelligent enough to know how dangerous an act it was.

Are you retarded?


Play stupid games, win stupid fucking prizes. They took a mans life, they lose theirs. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?

How sad man. Fuck those kids. Stick them in jail forever. Fucking shitbrains.

I'm black.

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Sup Jamal

Prove your claim.
Also, I thought the ebil nazis were the fascists who would punish kids as adults?

Ah, that makes sense. You're a dumb nigger.


They should be held until age 21 in juvie.

They did big boy crime, now they can do big boy time.

No idiot, fuck them.

I think you will be singing a completely different tune IF it was your loved on e that wa skilled in the car...

But since its someone else that you don't know, what the hell...

What an idiot.. you should be staying together with those murderers on the stand.

I can believe it. No-one can be so stupid as to think throwing rocks into traffic wouldn't cause great harm, even death. They knew what they were doing. They just didn't think they'd get caught. They're evil, and need to be put away.

Go cry at this:

I once had a couple of shit monkeys throw a bottle of soda from a bridge into traffic below. Hit my car. Broke off the shitty car insignia.
If I could've, I would've run over the pieces of shit.

Hey faggot. Why not post a link or some actual information in your post. Oh that’s right, you were too busy...

Being a cock sucking faggot lazy dick sucking zoomer faggot.


Not funny.

Dude some guy is in fucking jail for criticizing a judge who gave his kid to his junkie mom who killed him. All he did was fucking criticize the judge and he's in fucking jail and this happened years ago and there's like 2 articles on the entire internet about it. Face it our system is fucked and there's nothing you or anyone else will do about it.

Death to America.

Sauce on claim?

and here's a video on it youtube.com/watch?v=RYDUMi6xvQY

Wow... I was hoping you were full of shit.

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>We will protest if this happens.



Give em the fucking death sentence. I ain't ever thrown rocks off a bridge and I'm a stupid piece of shit lol. Fucking stupid retards now days getting treated like normal peoples making all us real retards have to adapt or something I dunno. Weed

>They're probably just a bunch of dumb kids but I still don't entirely get why you're so upset, you related to them?
It's called empathy.

Those who support trying and sentencing juveniles as adults, as well as those who support the disgusting mess we call a justice system, should "disappear."

>I think you will be singing a completely different tune IF it was your loved on e that wa skilled in the car...
Not likely. There's a shitton of death penalty opponents who are related to murder victims.

Anyone have the pics of the crime scene?

This thread is full of butthurt Americans and authoritards

Do you think they were body cavity searched?

really? one stupid mistake and they're gonna fry lol. make an example of them maybe other teens won't act so stupid

t. Ahmed al-Saladin Muhammad

bunch of fucknuggets killed a young father whose baby boy now needs to grow up without one. screw them i hope the book gets thrown at them like they threw those rocks. they should not get out until their hair is gray if ever. hope they get anally punished in prison every single day

So we lost a meth addict either? No big loss.

stay mad

I'll protest. A minor is a minor. Everyone makes mistakes, they just need counselling and probation. If they can't do that then jail. I say this for all minors younger then 15. Yes I don't know how old they are.

>female not being able to get a new meal ticket

You clearly don't value human life as much as you claim to.

>Everyone makes mistakes
if your mistake takes a life be prepared to have yours taken in retaliation. i could understand if the circumstances were so convoluted nobody could expect someone to die because of your actions but this was a stupid thing to do with obvious potential consequences. i personally hope for pentobarbital and potassium chloride.

i do not value the lives of dumb people whose dumb actions cost a young father his life

>if your mistake takes a life be prepared to have yours taken in retaliation
t. Ahmed

Then you don't value lives at all.

All fun and games until you can relate.

They look old enough to know better. If they are dumb enough to not realize that throwing rocks at cars going 60-70mph might result in deadly accidents then they should be tried as mentally ill and their parents should be charged with negligence due to a lock of supervision.

it's manslaughter but only for the thrower of the rock, the rest are accessories, but somehow I could see liberals going for murder 1 or 2 on all of them anyway because white kids

if it was california they'd all get murder 2 and normal lawyers would laugh at the state of CA

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>Yes I don't know how old they are.
5 teens 15 to 17 at the time of the incident which itself happened back in 2017

That seems like a very sane response

Fucking prison is going to have some new girls to play with.
Do you think it would be better to be white n owned by blacks or by the Aryan Brotherhood i mean both are raping you on regular lol

any more of the hottie red head cop?


That's really bad then. Like said test their psyche then kill the whole family line of the stupidest and smartest.


You're handicapped, aren't you?

Kids like this are a societal disease and the only way to cure it is to remove them. Make an example.

Two regards throwing rocks off of an overpass into traffic weren't exactly going to grow into intelligent, contributing members of society. They weren't going to become lawyers or doctors or engineers. If this didn't happen they were going to become fry cooks, or gas station attendants, and then they were going to wind up going to jail anyway, because they wouldn't have learned in their teenage years not to throw fucking rocks off of overpasses into fucking traffic.

Which, by the way, is something most kids never have to learn, cause they know that it's a bad fucking idea.

Are you American?

Well, he will grow up knowing what it is to be a nigger, so...

What was done was despicable, but ruining more lives is despicable as well.

Most Americans are stupid like that. So he probably is.

Give me a break ok.
no I'm not

nope it's 2 degree for the thrower and manslaughter for the rest. fucking example should be made give them all 1st degree keep the fuckers on death row for a decade and every year make a story reminding other potential dumbasses what could happen to you and fry the bastards

ok Ahmed

Just have noticed that most people making jokes about prison rape are American. It's not quite so acceptable to do that in other civilized countries.

>to do that in other civilized countries.
to do that in civilized countries

But the lives you're talking of ruining are the lives of those that did the despicable act. Sounds like justice to me.

Nice ism perspective you got fag

Ruining lives itself is unacceptable.

>fry cooks, or gas station attendants
i'd bet my money on crackhead and creepy weed dealer lurking around local high schools

Oh the kid with a dead dad and
Widowed mother is fine

So what should be done? Telling them strongly that what they did was bad. Very very bad. Don't do it again. And that's it?

What's a one man protest called?
Not a joke. I seriously want to know.

I never said that.

I never said that either.

Its called a start retard

So what should be done?

When your feet are at the gallows should we show you the same mercy you showed these kids? Hang you by the neck until dead?

Should be given the maximum sentence.
What fucking retards throw rocks at cars from an overpass?

Well i did bitch

This. The early 20's are when most westerners figure out how to fucking live. They should spend theirs appreciating the gravity of what they've done.

I'd protest if they get anything less than 25 years a piece, 40 for the idiot who actually threw that rock tho I'd prefer they get the syringe.

Ok, just kill them then. Problem solved.

You 1st

It's called getting ostracized from those around you.
Better hide your face, mother fucker.
You're going to end up like the man in the car.

>Make an example.
I agree with you up until this point.
The issue with kids is examples mean nothing to them, it's not just kids but it's more pronounced with them
They're impulsive and stupid and crucially, don't know as much as adults. I was once stoned by another kid (he missed 3 times with what could have been much more dangerous rocks before hitting me with a slower more controlled throw) and neither he nor I had any idea stoning was somehting that could kill someone. I thought heads were harder than rocks because i'd seen dragonball.
A defining feature of kids is they don't know shit. Go long enough without one of these things happening and while you or me may remember, some dick ass teen that was 3 or 4 when it happened wont.

Find some way of confronting them with the results of what was done while providing an opportunity for redemption and reconciliation. You know, what civilized beings would do.

I know you are /s right now but unironically this. Make. An. Example. Of. Those. Idiots.

>defending murderers up to the point of threatening other people with violence
You should join these teens in a cell fuckwad

/s? That redditspeak?

And without being so general, how would you do that?

yeah I'm sure that worked perfectly, like when we disemboweled people for stealing bread.

What makes you think I'll end up at the gallows?
I'm smart enough to know activities like throwing rocks from an overpass are really, really, REALLY stupid.
I hope you get hit by a car.

I'm not a lawyer or psychologist. And don't pull that conservashit garbage where you imply that anything without a Phd level blueprint isn't valid.

lol bullshit they all signed on to nuke a car, having been in sketchy situations trust me when I say the bad kid went overboard and social pressure kicked in, identifying and going after the thrower is key here and it's something which whites would cooperate with not having a uniculture of "shut out the cops about everything or you get knifed later"

and if that has developed in them they are niggers now and good riddance

not when your life gets ruined by Yea Forums raiding tumblr for a day, if you've ever wondered why moot died it's because a billionaire's niece cut one wrist for attention during our raid of tumblr, he freaked out and tried to legally destroy moot. the result is this is a japanese website protected by the uncooperative and anti-western japanese legal system. this site would have been shut down a year or two ago if that wasn't the case.

and of course the attempt was BS, she's fine and making 180k a year like all new york intelligentsia traitor fuckheads

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that's because there is a difference between an actual kid and a teen. while the latter are likely still emotionally immature and fairly inexperienced in world affairs they still should not believe rocks cannot really hurt people and throwing them at cars going at considerable speeds could not end in disaster. if they actually think like that then it's settled loony bin it is for the bunch otherwise have fun thinking about your actions for the rest of your hopefully very long life

Are they going to disembowel them?
So stop saying stupid shit that makes zero sense.

Rub their noses in it? I think litigation is doing that just fine.

>the point
>your head

You will not compare apples to oranges. Stealing and outright murder are totally different crimes, never would I agree on giving the death penalty to a thief but a murderer, fucking hang these kids

I'm just saying that getting charged with murder is fair for what they did. You can't justifiably use the "young and dumb" defense with throwing 6 lb stones off of an interstate overpass and killing a person.

Not quite in that way. Bring them face to face with the families and make them see the damage they caused.

Not even in the batshit insane US system are all of them being charged with murder IIRC. It's probably manslaughter.

You and your underage friends are going to throw rocks at me on the freeway? I'm going to register your comment as you being stupid and high. So GOOD LUCK YOU FUCKING CRACK HEAD!

Fuck you cunt.
You're the worst type of person.
Like these kids, you should be removed from society.
Anyone here can tell.
Especially after the, "awww let's make sure we slap their wrist and give them a big hug".
And when someone asks how to do that, you reply with some sort of left handed handshake of a comment that shows your ineptitude for logical arguments?
Fuck you.
I seriously hope whoever and wherever you are, you die in the worst way imaginable.

"We will protest"
There is no we, stay mad you cocksucking edgy virgin loser.

I was 14 when I didn't know stones were dangerous, and i was a high distinction chemistry and maths student (at the time, i dropped the ball in my senior years, lol).
We learn by experiences, you can't underestimate how patchy someone experiences can be when they're that god damn young.
Now I agree with you that there is a certain responsibility to know and these kids should be punished according tot he severity of their crime, I am simply arguing it is wrong to add to that punishment in an attempt to prevent further cases because it's useless.
Kids are premade ignorant, while you'll certainly set an example for one generation, any amount of jail time would do that. The next generation will be along in 10 or so years just as stupid as the last and we'll be back where we started.

stay mad bro

I'd definitely stone you to death like they did people in the bible.
I wouldn't even ask what your crime was.

Stay retarded cunt

Uhm... I'm pretty sure that they were charged with murder, and they took a plea deal to reduce it to manslaughter. So yes, even in the country that it took place in, they would.

okay Ahmed

>I was 14 when I didn't know stones were dangerous, and i was a high distinction chemistry and maths student
either homeschooled/sheltered or lying about that distinction part, no way in hell won't a normal 14 year old not know throwing a rock at someone fucking hurts

then that would make sense, knowing how notoriously vindictive US justice is

They didnt just throw "rocks"

That rock they threw that killed the guy was a small boulder. A giant ass rock. And they had been throwing shit over the overpass for a long time. Shitheels like that get no pity from me. Maybe you faggots, but not me.

Yeah, how terrible a system. It isn't like they senselessly killed a person...

>a small boulder
A teenage boy probably wouldn't have been able to lift and throw a small boulder.

Any system that ruins lives without absolute necessity (e.g. you're dealing with Ted Bundy 2.0) is an unjust one.

>knowing how notoriously vindictive US justice is
>fuck up in the US and potentially pay your whole life even for a small transgression
I do not see anything wrong with that tbh keeps people in line

If anyone says there were in a high distinction class at 14, they probably weren't.
Especially if they didn't know dense objects can be dangerous. Like when they're dropped from high elevations onto objects traveling at high speeds on 4 tires.
Why you gotta lie about being a smart person?
No one believes you anyway...

Lmao normally you fuckers want stupid people to get punished all the time, but since those kids are white it doesn't count I guess?

I'm 100% telling the truth, also I said I didn't know it was deadly. Like i wasn't afraid for my life at the time but looking back i was in serious danger.


Yeah people like you would do better in Saudi Arabia or Brazil. They love your mindset there.


Sup troll?

Well Jesus isn't God just a prophet like moses according too the Quran. They stone people with rock's in that book as well. What confuses me is how you twisted your cocaine addiction into this?

Maybe according to Ahmed al-Saladin al-Nusra Muhammad al-Somali, or his white equivalents.

Boulder is an exaggeration but it was a hefty stone. 6lbs can kill a man if you throw it at him. They threw it at an oncoming car.

>Why you gotta lie about being a smart person?
I didn't.
It was easy to get high marks for me back then, when I actually needed to start studying and shit in the higher grades I fell into the mediocrity I deserve.

My friend’s fiancé was killed while she was pregnant. Her daughter is the best person I’ve ever met, and she’ll never get to meet her father. Sadly she also has siblings from the father’s previous marriage who she’s never met and may never meet.

Sometimes I think about killing the guy who did it. He got manslaughter and barely served any time.

I have no sympathy for these kids.

14 year olds who think rocks don't have the potential to be dangerous should be sterilized.
And I'm not just saying that because it's, you.
Well, sorta. But anyone like you needs to get snipped too.

Why throw rocks on the road? These kids obviously had a malicious intent and they have to pay the price and learn to become better citizens

>Sometimes I think about killing the guy who did it.
Understandable but not excusable.

>geschlagen schliegen schlagen volkswagen sieg heil der fuhrer!

Wouldn't it be easier to just teach them?
Why you so edgy?

If their rocks killed a nigger would you still hate them?

>Hur dur I'm with Her

>ameritard politics

I don’t care about being excused. I just want justice

That would be super hard to restrain from doing so.
Just be sure that if you do. Be smart about it.
But I agree, these kids should be locked in a room and not let out until their in their mid to late 30s.

Why are you so obsessed with muslims, did you get your anal cavity violated by one when you were 11 or what?

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>puhleese sirs we wuzan't trying to kill anyone just cause massive damage XDDD

I know that barbarian mentalities are prevalent among them.

Cause if your 10 years old and don't know that rocks are dangerous, you're already like 5 years behind.
Why you so stupid?

A life is a life. What they choose to do with it is their business. Taking it from them unjustly is reprehensible.

What if the kids that did this were black?

Teenage boys do some pretty stupid ass shit

If they are 14 and haven’t figured that out yet, then no. Might as well try to teach your goldfish calculus.

Even if you teach them this, they’ll probably try to bathe their babies in a boiling pot of water on the stove. They are either guilty or morons (or both).

It's okay man, he just repeats what TV says.

that's not even a name you idiot


>not getting the point

Do stupid shit, get stupid punishments

And then they get in trouble.
Imagine that!

Do you know how stupid teenage boys can be?

My friends and I did this as 9 year olds after school but luckily we didnt kill anyone , at 14 you should definitely know better. They deserve 10 years minimum.

Stupid enough to commit crimes carrying serious penalties

You sorry-ass chucklefucks are just looking for excuses to justify wanting teenage boys to get killed or tortured.

honestly no there is a distinction between humans and niggers

They killed an innocent person. They should get the death penalty tbh.

Do you know how stupid repeating the same thing over and over can be?

Taking someone else's in the way they did is incomparable.


Oh yeah, they killed someone, but that’s irrelevant. I’m looking for excuses.

Clearly you don't.

Yeah that's not a reason to kill or torture.

they should deserve even worse obviously, this is a rightful and legal way to exterminate the nigger plague locking them up for the smallest things. here they'd get capital

Good job at putting words in people's mouths.
What other shitty things do you do as a person?

Nah I don't think they're that malicious.
I think they just have a very reductive view of people and the justice system and this is a place where they can speak their mind about it without it being tied to some account their friends or family might see.

Legality has fuck all to do with morality. Learn that.

torture no, kill absolutely

It's surprisingly acceptable to say this sort of thing in public.

Where do you get kill or torture from? The penalty for 2nd degree murder is life. No death penalty. Besides, 4/5 pleaded down to manslaughter.

Locking them up isn't torture. Next.

Not outside of absolute necessity, or perhaps if you're literally dealing with Nazi war criminals. Killing outside of such situations indicates bloodlust.

You deserve jail. Tell the police you nigger

What I was getting at was murder is murder. Doesn't matter if the murderee is black.

^thats how life works....

US prisons are notorious for torture. Don't pretend like you don't know this.

>muh grandiose figures of speech

Have sex

Then the law should be changed. Learn that.

Wait, so you think I would think otherwise if the driver was black?

I've never even been in trouble with the law myself, and I do whatever I can to help those who are in need.

Yeah it really is incel.

Why does it matter? Criminals should have no rights at all

They killed someone. They are old enough to know what could happen. They didn't do it intentionally but they knew it could happen. Jail for life is fine by me. Who throws rocks down a passage?

Lol I would, a nigger less is a nigger less no matter how

Then you have no right to claim any moral high ground over them.

Oh they pretend and vote democrat or republican

Almost feels like this person is trying to make Yea Forums lash out at these kids by defending them.
The person knows people will get indignant and scream for blood.
This person is a sick individual.
God have mercy on your soul.

For some people, but that doesn't mean it's a right fit for their public image.
Most people a different way they talk with their friends than with their family.
It's a similar thing except with even more personal freedom

Cite where the code supports your faggotry, faggot.

I'm fully aware of our laws concerning cruel and unusual punishment.
Try again!

He doesnt know, the situation just bruises his feefees.

>They didn't do it intentionally but they knew it could happen
it's like shooting into a crowd. i just wanted to shoot into that crowd, i didn't want to kill anyone. why is everyone so mad at me for doing this. it's just a prank, bro.

If you have a legal avenue for removing the rights of people, it's a weakness in your country a despot could exploit.
Clever people have thought this through a little more than you, fortunately.

t. Plebbit

Yes. Absolutely. If I end up facing charges for throwing rocks into traffic resulting in someones death, you should absolutely kill me. But guess what? Anyone with a brainstem would never be in that situation because they understand that throwing rocks off an overpass makes corpses. This wasn't an accident, they knew what they were doing, and what they were doing kills people. Full stop.

The point of trying anyone as a child versus and adult is about reasonable expectation of responsibility.

A 5 year old kid probably won't understand that throwing a rock off an overpass could kill someone. They did a bad thing, but there is room to say they were being a dumb kid

A teen? They knew what they were doing could cause someone harm, maybe they thought it wasn't likely, but they knew better than to do it and did it anyway.

Throw the book at them.

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the law must be flexible enough to allow us to legally rape people like these morons

murder these fucking pieces of shit. they do not deserve to exist.


I wish I could confidently have a opinion on things I really didn't know about.

ITT: crypto-fascists

be a retarded fucking nigger elsewhere

What's it like to never have an original thought?

yes it is. murder that human trash!

Well, their lives are hopefully ruined so thats good.

If they get executed they will no longer suffer.

Best option is they go to prison for life, hopefully get tortured regularly.

Have a cry about it, OP.

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crypto? bruh i'm an actual, open nazi, i hate niggers and degenerates and criminals and i'm damn proud of it

The police did come to the school and we promised never to do it again but this was the mid 2000s before the country was full of pussies , we learned our lesson no need to take us to jail.

okay Muhammad

What if it wasn't them?

Well I suppose that's the difference between a conviction and charges, huh, bud?

>I can't believe the cowardly judge is trying to sentence them as adults.
Good. I'm tired of "teens" being able to commit felony level crime and basically receive no real punishment.
>We will protest if this happens.
No, "we" won't. White people don't chimp out like niggers when another of their skin color does something completely fucking stupid/criminal and is punished.


Don't talk about my race.

Actually it's not. When it comes to the death penalty the justice system is extremely cognizant of the possibility of a false positive guilty verdict.
That's why a lot of countries have completely done away with it and the (decent) ones that still have it use it very sparingly. Because the justice system knows that it's flawed.

Also the other first year law theory thing to ask is:
"So how do we punish more severe criminals?"

Child, please begone. There is productive conversation here.

anytime Jamal, you fucking mistake

Pretty funny tbh

Evil is unforgivable.

>(decent) ones that still have it use it very sparingly.
wanna tell me japan and the us use it sparingly bitch please
i'd be happy with the death penalty only for premeditated murder ant with the added clause that should an innocent get sentenced to death the prosecutor and judge will also hang


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That doesn't fit my rhetoric fuck face

who cares if someone died? they're fucking kids and kids do stupid shit all the time. besides driving a vehicle is dangerous so they knew they could die

I never said Japan had a decent justice system.
All I'm trying to do is explain to you how crime and punishment is considered in america, you just seem to really like killing people for some reason.
Well at least your heart is in the right place. I hope you can focus more on the "fixing the broken" thing part of your desires than the "killing the bad guys" part, but either way, I wish you well.