I have a low resolution screenshot of some text that is not exactly readable...

I have a low resolution screenshot of some text that is not exactly readable, which I would really like to be able to read. Is there any website/software I can use to enhance it to a more readable level? I can just barely make out some of the letters. Can't post it here, so that makes it harder probably.

Inb4 "this isn't NCIS" or something

Attached: 67595950_368699613795492_1420186019377971200_n.jpg (613x593, 31K)

I think dithering helps that. That may be the way to start with google

Thanks, I will look into that.

Would appreciate any help if anyone else has any ideas.

If this is a thing, it's probably witchcraft.

There's software out there that uses machine leaning to upscale pictures. Forget what it's called but there's a demo version you can get. Worth a shot.

Can you post the text? Maybe we can take a crack at it.

Can't risk it.


OP, please post it!

Even just a small snippet? Could be okay if we don't have the full context.

exactly! Post it OP!