How do you stop jacking off so much?

How do you stop jacking off so much?

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don't know. i just finished.

Sharpie in pooper?

I just take a shit ton of oxy and suddenly I’m too tired to wank!

Two words: Grow older.

Be busy have other things to do, do sports be too tried to ...

you'll grow out of it. hopefully later than i did. i had a few existential crisis moments and the urge kind of just died with my dreams.
honestly i think sexual gratification is a joke. your brain rewards you for pretending you just let out a nut inside a woman to reproduce. when you look at it that way you're just slapping around wet meat to feel happy. the only downside is realizing sex is the same damn thing and you can do it better yourself.

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You need to talk about it with your wife user.
But if its not getting in the way of your sex life or your relationship then I dont see the problem.

... or your work...

How much? Why do you want to cut down?

do it while you can, I am 49 and barely bust 2 nuts a week, my friends, who are married, I think they must only get it once every few months.

stop looking at porn

For me it's drugs.

i'm 30 and i'm already down to like once every 3 days

enjoy it while you can
don't suffer from the urge

Cut off the peepee

Maybe you can find a way to make fapping your work. Nowadays even 6 inches is considered big, so literally anyone than can have a natural erection can be a pornstar.

get a job. you don't have time to fap when you have to work

Anti-depressants help A LOT.
Also having some fucking self-control works wonders.

Why stop?!?

Be 33
Have girlfriend
Have full time job

Still jerk off at least 2x a day

Why stop something you enjoy?

>Also having some fucking self-control works wonders.

This thread to a T. Stop being fat, get a day job, get a hobby that isn't gaming. Stop eating so much fucking food and stop being a gormless shut in.

Not a sigle one of you sinners mentioned the one answer.
Pray to Jesus user. Get on your knees, play for forgivness and suck your own cock.

>talk about it with your wife

Dude, I’m 51 & get off at least once a day, if not twice. Age has nothing to do with it.

same but 36

Do something that keeps you away from easy porn access.

Same age here. It isn't age. The more I continued to jerk off and watch porn the more I wanted to do it. It was like some weird organic drug only the drug was my penis and to take a hit I had to stroke it until I wanted to cum. My balls being the supplier. Every time I make a serious attempt at nofap and go long with it, say maybe 2+ weeks, I usually lose the urge big time until maybe the month is up or even a bit afterwards. My best nofap streak was 6 months.

Basically you don't want to fap because its addictive doing it. At least I know for myself. Maybe this would apply for others or maybe not idk how others are wired.

How to stop? Just rub your hands thru some chopped jalapenos every time you have the urge...

you think OP doesnt like girls?

>How do you stop jacking off so much?

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