He's right you know

he's right you know


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Other urls found in this thread:


Who new such a chad could look like an absolute virgin. He has a 9/10 wife 4 kids and just triggered 1,000,000 disgusting leftists. Hats off for not backing down either.

>promising to defend oneself from tyranny is a threat
yeah that's the point you fucking rightscuck

ye what about it?

that's fake boobs

Come and take them beto, you have no clue what gun violence is until you try to forcefully remove someone's firearms. If veto go.through with his retarded idea there will be half a million dead federal agents.

You should read the tuner diaries, it lays out a pretty good guesstimate for what will happen when (not if, when) a gun confiscation law is eventually passed. All those loud mouthed cuck conservatives will be the first ones to hand them over.

I'm telling you that this hollar is already set with traps and fuck blinds, if one federal agent tries to .com up this toad they will never return. I will ok fuck up some fbi mother fuckers before they take me down. If they want my guns they will have to.murder me

Having a wife does not support any argument shitface

You liberals do not have any idea what will happen. Stay in your fanciful little world RETARD

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>Hurrrrr duuuuurrrrrrher

I shouldn't do anything according to you libtard.

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Have you heard of The Troubles?

Wow the retardation of this post. The U.S government cannot just start carpet bombing it's populace, as that is an automatic invite for other nations to intervene.

Read a fucking book for once in your wasted life.

If citizens' firearms are no threat, why do you want to take them so badly?

they can just fake a terrorist attack like 9/11

they're a threat to people in walmarts and country music concerts, not the government

Oh yeah push a fucking conspiracy theory that is a valid response. Let's just assume it was fake...that in no way addresses my point.

Honestly we need a form of eugenics that, as a rule, if you buy into conspiracy theories you lose the right to reproduce.

More than 99% will absolutely give up their military-looking weapons, whatever the standard for confiscation ends up being. Those living the dream will not want to wake up in prison, especially when they still have 20 varieties of shotgun and handgun that are still legal. Those who refuse, nothing will happen to them either. Cops will get warrants, wait till they aren't home and just enter and take them.


If that is true then you have to explain why the U.S government has contingency plans in place for dealing with armed revolt. Like for example the sheer number of desertions from the military when your commander and chief tells you to kill your fellow citizens.

U.S soldiers are not just a going to start blindly killing the general population...and the Government knows this.

Hurr Durr a conspiracy website will prove my conspiracy.
Neck yourself retard.

no he isnt, you cant threaten to take away american guns and expect them to not want to defend themselves. its literally inscribed in our constitution to give the public the ability to defend themselves from people who want to take away our rights

why is that so hard for liberals to grasp? do they really want a world where the government can do shit like what china is doing literally right now?

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There is a contingency for every conceived-of existential threat. The existence of this one is no particular cause if concern.

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If you think your AR is defending you from the government you are fucking stupid. Public opinion is the only thing that prevents the government from taking them at their leisure. When public opinion demands that they be confiscated, they will be. When the public accepts some blood will be spilled to do it, the AR-lovers can kiss their ARs goodbye, and their lives too, if they really wanna go out like that.

>foot soldiers fighting foot soldiers in a jungle 50 years ago

And I say this as a guy who made his own AR-15 with an 80% lower and parts from PSA. I love my gun but I'm not getting killed or going to prison for it. I still have other guns and 2A does not protect the right to own particular kinds of projectile weapons, just the general category.

Only one side had “muh babby killing salt rifles” and helicopters and military training and they still got thoroughly routed by gooks with cheap Soviet era rifles and literal caveman technology. You are ignorant. Read a book.

People have lives to live. Sure if you want to run out into the wilderness to protect your AR, you'll probably get to keep it longer. But that's kind of a crappy life.

if the US government with the greatest military might on the planet cant beat a bunch of rag headed goat fuckers in the middle east armed with essentially the same level of weaponry i think we here in america that the government does not even want to have to fire upon will be just fine

>Public opinion is the only thing that prevents the government from taking them at their leisure.
And you know..... me with my guns. I wish a nigga would come and try and take my guns one day. There would be a mountain of dead on my lawn before they got to me.


That's the best fucking defense of your own sanity and case for owning a gun if I've ever heard one. These people are nuts.

strawman, no one will do anything until the government tries to infringe on the constitutional rights of the american people

Strawman my ass. I'm almost directly quoting a large swath of people on the right that masturbate using the barrel of a rifle as a cocksleeve.

Except they have endless records on you and every other American. They had little or nothing on the goatfuckers. They know you or they know how to find you. Groups that are stupid enough to organize into a fighting force will be slightly harder to neutralize, but they will. People who know you but are ideologically opposed, even within your own family will rat you out. You are known to the government if you are in America as an American. Public opinion is the only thing that saves you. Once Public opinion decides certain things should be illegal, there's no stopping it because no one will care of you die fighting for your supposed rights.

>I'm almost directly quoting a large swath of people on the right
except you are not, you are misrepresenting what they are saying and adding massive hyperbole to make you seem like you are in the right. its the very definition of strawmanning

Have your records all you want, come try and take them and see how much it does. Records don't stop bullets little lib.

It won't be like that. They will wait till you aren't home and take them with a warrant. If you're a barricade wait em out kind of dude they will wait you out. As much as you fantasize about a pile of dead nigger bodies on your front lawn it would never go like that.

He's a faggot. Just like most millennials. In another generation the population of faggots and cucks will at least be 4x what it is now.
Instead of fighting this modern retardation we should just split the country. One half for fags and cucks and the other for sensible mfs. When the cucks are overthrown by Islam we can bomb them to hell and take it back.
Better than losing everything at once.

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Who would intervene? We all hate your shitty third world country.

It's pretty hard to misrepresent the millionth repost of this shitty meme that litters the walls of every single ammosexual. Yes, they are that crazy.

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You have to sleep, you have to work (presumably) they will shut off your utilities and wait till you either starve or surrender. You won't last long.

No. But the police will, they already do

David "I helped bully the guy that shot up my school" Hogg thinks nobody should have a gun anyway, pretending to bother with distinctions is just an intellectually dishonest deployment of hot air.

Wow, imagine believing this.

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>>If Daddy Government decides to slaughter us there's nothing we can do so we might as well just give up our weapons
You deserve to be slaves

Nah. Only corpse would be yours. Your call of duty training won't protect you while you get headshot through a wall by a sniper with thermal vision.

the second word gets out that something like that is happening people would raise up and start a war. i think you severely underestimate the amount of guns and gun owners in the country compared to law enforcement. nice try though

Anyone who posts that meme unironically has absolutely sodomized themselves with their gun. Probably more than once.

Not to mention that carpet bombing your own country isn't exactly a win

>little lib
You're such a faggot, lol. You're going to die.

imagine actually believing this

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If you think I have not been stocking food you are retarded. Also home alarm systems exist and can be made on the fly with string and cans.


>call of duty training

Son I am an ex marine and have been shooting since I was 5. I think I will be fine.

Until the mind control chips implanted in your emergency food kick in and you willingly emerge from your fallout shelter to a hail of government gunfire.

Pleasant dreams!

And then the people will rise up and overthrow the government

this bait


And the amount of veterans that know the Military's tactics and would use them against the government.

No one on your side has an IQ high enough to retain any information from their training.

I smell the boogaloo

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And this attitude is exactly why your side would lose in a civil war.

We were just talking about how mentally unstable gun nuts fantasize about civil war, and here you've gone and given us a perfect example. Kudos!


You're both equally retarded, and apart of the problem at large.

There is literally no chance of that.
Don't you remember what happened last time you guys tried this? The rest of the world stepped in and we fucked you.

Also, I don't live in your shitty third world country. I live in the first world :)

Fuck USA.

As opposed to the alternative of proposing absolutely no ideas and sitting back with a smug sense of superiority?

There won't be some big gun confiscation in the US. Only cucks and idiots will give them up

Truth us people will just hide guns. Sell some for cash and to look good while keeping weapons hidden in safes or buried or "misplaced "

Also the police and military alone would have inner fights. You also need to factor what gangs would do, antifa, the cartel, militia groups, so on.

It wouldn't be as easy as A vs B you would have pockets and inner fights and Mexico and Canada and the world looking at it as a doorway.

History is never simple. Idiots think it is. So don't think the future is simple

so many glowies in this thread scared of the people raising up

One of the main reasons for the 2nd amendment is to retain the right to have weapons to defend your rights, including the right to have weapons, from a government trying to take away those rights.

It is an appropriate response to someone threatening to take away your rights.

And before anyone with 50 iq goes HUR DUR but the government has bombs and drones, what are you going to do with a few guns. Go ask Afghanistan.

The only scared people are you retards.

>Attempting advice on Yea Forums
It's like fighting Alzheimer's.
>what is futility

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You glowies would not be jumping through so many hoops to try and convince us we can't win if you were not scared.

>You should assume this piece of fiction is totally how the real world operates. No bigots allowed at MY hogwarts castle for wizards and faggots.

Oh yes, the second amendment which definitely states "right to bear any and all arms." I want to casually carry nuclear warheads in public. You know, for protection.

Surely you can see that the logic here is retarded; you know damn well what the second amendment actually protects, and taking your big boom boom toys away doesn't violate it when you still have options.

>I'm going to force you to sell your property at a loss and if you refuse then I will send armed people to arrest or kill you
>"I'm ready for you to try."
>OMG death threat! FBI arrest this man! This is why nobody should have guns!
Fuck Beta O'retard, fuck David Hogg, and fuck everyone who agrees with them.

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Beto isnt going to win the primary anyways.He knows this so hes acting tough and talking about shit he cant and will never have a chance to do. Its like little kids flipping off people in cars when theyre on the schoolbus, they know theyre totally safe.


Come and take them then

People were allowed to own cannons and private warships, the most powerful weapons of their day. Nuclear weapons are very different in that I don't see how anyone could argue why a single person should have a weapon with such a blast radius and lingering effects.
However semi-automatic firearms are still firearms. Musket, bolt action rifle, semi-auto, full-auto, they all shoot a solid projectile and have a valid use for defense, hunting, or sport. The government should not be telling anyone what they can/cannot have in that way, especially when the leaders pushing for restrictions would be exempt from them.

It melts steel beams.

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The food in question

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You'll notice the second amendment doesn't even specify "firearms." Just "arms."

So technically we should be fine if you can still use boomerangs. You can arm yourself with that.

Basically it's time to rewrite the fucking thing so people stop arguing about the structure of the sentence.

omfg you can't fucking target shoot and you call that tyranny? fucking pussy you don't know shit about oppression.

>having a wife doesn't support your argument
>being an incel means your argument is invalid

that doesn't explain building 7

So why do you fags always go with the most ridiculous made up shit "haha gun fags lol you want open nukes Haha. You dumb"

Nigger first off stop using Nukes as if anyone could afford one anyway. an Ar15 or 50.cal rifle is not a nuke. Also there is reports of people owning cannons in those old times. Which were pretty heavy artillery. If you had money you had the right.

Also why are you so afraid of people with guns yet never afraid of the ones doing the most killing. Why arent you afraid of cops with guns who also have badges and armor?

You're legitimately mad at some hillbillies and people just having a few guns yet not at gangs. Illegals. Antifa. The cops. Etc

Seems this is not about guns yet about trying to weaken specific people.

I'll rewrite it

"Aye fags own whatever guns you want long as you dont kill people for no reason. Also fuck the (((goverment)))"

Explain why we never eradicated Islamic extremists in the Middle East then if the only thing you need to succeed in a military campaign is drones you utter retard.

There are a total of 1.3 million people in the military. All branches combined. In the world. If they called everyone home to fight against their own families, it would be a 325:1 fight between citizens and the military.
You have zero concept of the amount of military vehicles we have and what their overall capability would be.
Without citizens to resupply those vehicles, the military would also screech to a halt.

Maybe you just better let the grownups discuss this....

Many of the cops' ranks are also unstable fucks that didn't get enough bullying out of their system in high school.

I don't give a fuck if you have guns, but I am a firm believer that you don't need high powered weaponry to "protect yourself and your family." A fucking handgun should be more than enough in the unlikely scenario you would actually need to use it.

These insane fucks are the type to provoke a situation in which they "stand their ground" so they can murder someone and try to weasel their way out of jail time for it. They need counseling, not ammo.

>what is guerilla warfare

Except he didn't just threaten to kill a presidential candidate. He let a petulant, emotional, deep state shill know very clearly that he's prepared to defend against violations of his unassailable constitutional rights, by any means necessary.

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>im going to violate your constitutional rights
>come and take it

So if the government has better weapons why would they be afraid of a weapon equivalent to a board with a nail?

So a presidential candidate threatens to seize someone's personal property and they respond by saying they'll defend themselves.

I'm not sure how anyone is threatening to kill anyone. There is a response to an original threat though.

I'm thinking he isn't right. You know.

Arms = a weapon (melee or ranged) and the things required to operate it (ammunition, parts, etc.)
That's why things like "Just make every bullet cost $5,000" are illegal. It is trying to make the weapon ineffective, so to would be limiting the definition of weapon to something that likely won't work in the role.
Technically banning explosives is an infringement but it is one most people accept and agree with because an explosive is very different from a firearm. They fall into the category of destructive device and can still be owned, but that requires tax stamps and paperwork.

There is no need to rewrite the 2nd Amendment (because it would be impossible to get an amendment through Congress and the states), there is only a need to stop fucking trampling all over it based on the words of idiots who think an AR-15 and other semi-auto rifles are weapons of mass destruction.

There wasn't even a threat of defense....just basically telling him to go try and confiscate the firearm

waste of resources. unless oil is involved

We've been fighting the Taliban for almost 20 years now and still can't beat the fuckers.

On 9/11 the jet fuel was gone in seconds. It burned up outside the building in the explosion or shot down the elevator shafts. The real problem was the fires started on the floors. Big office buildings, lightweight structures, a lot of stuff to burn inside, and the structures were already damaged from the impact. No more fireproofing and no water meant it was fire burning on unprotected steel, which loses strength quickly.

The North Tower collapsed into it. Damaging it and starting fires across multiple floors. No water applied because the water mains were destroyed in the collapses of the two towers. No effort made to save it, evacuated area around it, fires eventually caused weakened structure to collapse.

You were never in the army were you? 3 deployments here we had all Saddam's records and took all those haijis DNA and prints non stop the entire time we were there. Doesn't matter.

1. Wtf are you talking about
2. We define first world. Our homeless live better than most people in the world. Stfu

That's kind of the problem, isn't it? The conservative mantra of interpreting the constitution and our laws as written shouldn't require adding further explanation and definition to get the intent of the amendment through. That's not interpreting it as written. You say yourself that it's common sense that explosives wouldn't apply here. Others say anything above a pistol wouldn't apply either.

Rewrite the damn thing and there won't be any confusion.

Gun buybacks and confiscation doesn't work. Most Australians kept their rifles.

The 2nd amendment has nothing to do with protecting your family, or hunting, or needs. It has to do with the Government controlling it's people instead of the other way around. I will not stand for anyone trying to give my government power that they shouldn't have. The costs are irrelevant.

2/3s of police and military are conservative

No one will do anything until we're being starved.

I just wish people would be consistent with that mindset.

The same people that say what you say would often have no problems with the government enforcing your conduct during the national anthem or codifying into law which bathroom you should be using, telling someone who they're allowed to marry or which country they're allowed to immigrate from. Forcing private companies to allow "muh freezepeach" or pay exorbitant tariffs on imports.

This is really quite thought provoking. Good post user.

You can sit during anything. Why does a man need to be in a women's bathroom when its legit for piss and shit?

The fucking dumb "do whatever you want" is so dumb yet having laws doeant mean no rights. it's never white and black or this or that.

You need laws for sure yet adding more and more is as bad as having zero. You know why pedophilia is illegal ? It isnt just because it's a written law, its because of you saw your 7 year old being groped by some old creep you wouldn't just say it's his right to.

Yet if that disgust for pedos is put on gun owners then congrats on being cucked.

>having laws doesnt mean no rights

And yet any talk of reasonable gun control provokes an immediate MUH RIGHTS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

imagine using a fucking stitchit program cause you're too lazy to open MSpaint.

>Complaining about reposts and shitposts
Welcome to the internet, people like to joke around, and you are the punchline. I know trannies that would protect their 2nd amendment rights, because they understand no government is perfect, and things can and have gone wrong. You must first and foremost be able to rely on yourself.

So ol Beto is finding out people aren't fucking around about their guns. He thought he come in and just say GUN BAD and everyone would eat it up. And like most Mexicans, reality bitch slapped him in the face and now he's upset.

Why are you talking in such extremist terms? You sound pretty angry. Can you try to describe in what ways a confiscation of your firearms would hurt you? Don't tell me you're willing to put your life on the line for something "just because"

You are definitely the last person who should have a gun with that kind of childish view. But it is not my place as a fellow human being to say you are not allowed to have such a tool.

You can still own a cannon. With the right paperwork, you can privately own a tank and drive it to mcdonalds.

Cain's an incel, right? He looks just like the kind of guys who talk tough on /b, but have to tell their mom what they want for dinner.

Because fuck the liberals. I'm not him nor do I have a gun (should get one though). Its the trampling of our rights and the first step before they really start fucking us over

Lol, I wonder how many leftist mouth breathers, that threaten Trump, he conveniently ignores?

>Its the trampling of our rights
I understand that; what I'm asking of you is why that right is so unalienable to you. I want to understand your position, but to do that, I need to understand your motivations first. Surely you can't offended by a mere suggestion to perhaps express tangibly WHY something is so important you?

I mean, I could go on and on explaining why something is precious to me if it really was. Could you do a bit of that for me?

Is "it's a slippery slope dude!" accurately capturing all your motivation?

Guns are power and just the first stop with eventually fucking over whites for all their "past crimes". Makes you more subservient to the government since any takeover is much easier without armed resistance. I don't like being told what to do either especially for dumb motives so they can fuck off. Also I like to be protected from niggers

>Guns are power...
>and just the first stop with eventually fucking over whites for all their "past crimes"
Not sure I can follow that train of thought. I know there are campaigns nowadays to hold whites responsible for the past, but I don't think that can roll out to mainstream center stage. We have a constitution in place to protect persecution based on race. Kind of sounds like a slippery slope fallacy, but I'm sure that's just me being a little cynical.

>Makes you more subservient to the government since any takeover is much easier without armed resistance.
What would the government overtake, and why? What does this even mean? The government already controls the armed forces, and if they wanted, they could roll tanks down every street, albeit with less resistance without guns. Although I can't for the life of me imagine why they would want to do this and what they would stand to gain from it.
>I don't like being told what to do either especially for dumb motives
I don't think anyone likes either, so we agree. Certainly, if you can demonstrate that it is guided by dumb motives, there would be no question here.

>Also I like to be protected from niggers
I agree, blacks are much more likely to commit violent crimes, and we have a violent crime problem. But I would also prefer an unarmed black mugger rather than an armed one.

>i want to come steal your personal property forcefully if i have to
>ok i mean if you do ill defend myself

its all so tiresome

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Constitution is just a piece of paper, doesn't help with shit. Numerous times blacks get away with hate crimes and racism can only be applied to whites.

You are retarded. Look at Vietnam. He had way more firepower but lost. They only thing stopping the gov is guns.

They think it will help with shooters. It won't, and I could kill 300 people with my car. Shootings aren't that big of issue, only inflated by media for views.

Niggers will always get guns from the street. It doesn't matter. I'd rather an armed one and I could be armed too

Exactly, he basically said "come and take it".

>Anyone who posts that meme unironically has absolutely sodomized themselves with their gun. Probably more than once.
>Not sticking your penis into an open rifle breach

Why even live?

It is high school tier arguments

the bongs might invade again. need to protect.

Not exactly a threat, though. Also this supposed candidate is implying that willingness to defend your rights is evidence that you shouldn't have those rights. That's a terrible precedent to set.

>been shooting since I was 5
>wild game is nice
>self defense is great
>see loudmouthed incel virgins terroristically threaten people on social media then get butthurt when others respond
>same people who add $1.2k worth of add-ons to their guns
>these people can't shoot even with laser sight
Half this thread are cringy as fuck. If you can't own a gun without bringing it up every five minute you're a faggot. If you can't own a gun without threatening others, you lose your right.
No I don't want to see your glow in the dark stock you fucking faggots. Just use the goddamn gun like any other tool
>ps: driving an untarnished truck that has never been used for work makes you a fucking pussy

nice strawman

Hi glowy.

Attached: straw2.jpg (564x789, 140K)

>Constitution is just a piece of paper, doesn't help with shit.
That's blatantly false. You sound like a braindead anarchist launching empty insults. Go spend some time in an African tribal village with no government and constitution, maybe they'll be kind enough to spear your brain into action.
>racism can only be applied to whites.
What the fuck does racism and white have anything to do with this? I don't give a fuck who the mugger is, I DON'T WANT THEM ARMED. You hear me? You wave a gun at me and and I'll chainsaw your skull too.
>Look at Vietnam. He had way more firepower but lost. They only thing stopping the gov is guns.
You forgot to look at a gigantic portion of the fucking west with NO GUNS and NO CRIME. Probably because they don't have retards like you
>Niggers will always get guns from the street.
Not if there aren't any guns on the street faggot, I don't see niggers in Madagascar running around with bump stocked AR15s

>I'd rather an armed one and I could be armed too
Do you know what kind of reaction time you need in situations where both parties are armed? Unless you walk around wearing military grade armor, it's always the one who shoots first who wins. And someone always dies. I'd rather punch a nigger out with my barefists anyway

You think you "right" to admire and have anal sex with your guns is more important than my right to a safe public environment? GO FUCK YOURSELF

>and I could kill 300 people with my car
No you can't you fucking pussy. I've worked on cars my whole life, none of them could cause that much damage and keep running. Bet you think you could drive through a herd of deer with a car too faggot

What strawman do you dumbasses see?

Didn't know there were actual real people who posted here anymore. Rats off to ya

you guys should probably learn what that means. i know you're just parroting what you see on /pol/ but stop shitposting

> If you can't own a gun without threatening others, you lose your right.
Cletus there actually summarized current law you underage faggots. You can't just post "strawman" as a rebuttal kiddos. Try putting real thought into replies

its almost like you forgot about the 500 000 strong NVA

newsflash the NVA weren't a bunch of ill armed rice farmers, they were a well equipped professional army with 20yrs experience fighting in their country, the north also had an airforce you conveniently forgot about that stood its ground against the US

Attached: not rice farmers.jpg (955x589, 132K)

>thoroughly routed
>read a book
Kids these days.
The United States never declared war on North Vietnam. We couldn't, for political reasons. If we had gone in full bore (we didn't) we would have not only flattened North Vietnam we would have caused every other country in southeast asia to run to the USSR for protection. We were trying to SLOW the spread of communism, destroying North Vietnam would have been counterproductive. Secondly, the war kept going for three years after we pulled out (read a book), it wasn't anything remotely resembling a decisive victory for the VC over the US troops. Finally, we pulled out because of the fucking hippies back home, not because of the VC. Our involvement in Vietnam was so unpopular that there were people all over the country not only marching in protest but suggesting open revolt against the government. The politicians decided that in order to get re-elected they needed to oppose the war so that's what happened.

Not knocking the VC, they were hardcore as fuck. Just saying that the Vietnam Conflict was definitely not the US going total war. We were just trying to make sure that all the support the USSR gave to North Vietnam went to waste, and that's why everyone back home got so upset about it: we were drafting people into the military to die over a foreign civil war we weren't even trying to win.

>samefag can't understand a point literally written out for him
he's right if you threaten people you face legal repercussions. and sperglords like you do make the rest of us gun-owning non-retards look bad

Well shit, tell that to the middle east. You could win the war for us.

>the same army that fought the french, japanese, french, americans, and chinese were just "farmers"
History is hard

Are you retarded?

use the correct pronoun bigot. you're a fucking trump supporter aren't you?

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Die off boomer

>>safe public environment
Crime has steadily gone down in America while gun ownership has gone up. An armed populace is a safe one.

>What the fuck does racism and white have anything to do with this? I don't give a fuck who the mugger is, I DON'T WANT THEM ARMED. You hear me? You wave a gun at me and and I'll chainsaw your skull too.
missing the point. fuck off and read it again retard.
>You forgot to look at a gigantic portion of the fucking west with NO GUNS and NO CRIME. Probably because they don't have retards like you
And they have no niggers. what's your point? Swiss have a ton of guns and no crime too.
>ot if there aren't any guns on the street faggot, I don't see niggers in Madagascar running around with bump stocked AR15s
Great meme phase from CNN user. go back you stupid redditor.
>it's always the one who shoots first who wins. And someone always dies. I'd rather punch a nigger out with my barefists anyway
why not both?
>guns is more important than my right to a safe public environment?
God you're a fucking cuck. Yes it does because the 2nd amendment retard. freedom over security anyday because I'm not a limp dick loser like you

dialate tranney

TRUMP 2020

If you threaten to take away a right, you should not be president.

>I'm not a limp dick loser like you
then why do you a need a gun to feel like a man? Say this to my face and I'll break your jaw

>then why do you a need a gun to feel like a man?
I don't own a gun though, lol
>Say this to my face and I'll break your jaw
Good luck faggot. probably some weak soyboy in his mom's basement haha. have sex

>freedom over security anyday
how about you get the fuck out then, we don't need double digit IQ dirt-poor peasants munching horseshit on their inbred family ranch and shitting up the economy

If you want security over freedom then move to the UK or some other big brother country you dickless faggot

sasuga retardo

Attached: Who+needs+a+knife_dc67a4_7171400.jpg (458x258, 36K)

So legally this is not a threat just for your information well not in texas anyways its all about verbiage and those words are not legally a threat

are you dumb? He's got a lawsuit coming his way and he's going to LOSE

This is why Trump won

I like that show. Don’t think anyone else watched it.

Notice how the weight on the beams fell as the beam gave way? Why didn't it freefall as if there was no beam?

threatening to confiscate your firearms is a death threat

if you're a retard maybe