Daily reminder that you're unwelcome everywhere. Ease up your pain sissies

Daily reminder that you're unwelcome everywhere. Ease up your pain sissies

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They can do whatever they want, i really don't care.
Why do you care, OP? Insecure about your own sexuality?

>They can do whatever they want

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>i really don't care

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Why should I give a fuck? I've been forcefed their bullshit since the start of the 2010s.

>Hurr durr muh equality
You do know a real life faggot, do you?

>Why do you care

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Your answered your own question user

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See you on your next psychotic/bipolar episode child molester

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i dont like kids

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You'll when you grow up. Trust me..

That's what they all say

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do you like them? oh no

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That's right. Stop being a faggot while you can

Where can I move to where none of this pro faggot and nigger shit doesn't exist?

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Well honestly I couldn't care less if the fags were ok or not, it doesn't really matter to me and honestly if people aren't gonna care about my daily struggles then why should i care about the daily struggles of a gay man or woman? I don't know and I don't care, having beliefs shoved down your throat is bullshit no matter the side.

but it is so fun
antartica, make a colony there, tough guy

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lol literally afraid of gay people

Heh, gays pretending to be hardcore and serious is just funny most of the time. There's only 1 gay guy I can think of that I could take seriously and he's not even that open about it.

>OP is massive self-hating fag, which is the only reason anybody would get so upset by other people's sexual preferences

You should run for office as a Republican. You can dismantle the Constitution along with your fellow closet fags

Have sex

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The constitution is being thoroughly dismantled already, I doubt help is necessary. Unless the gays are that incompetent.

That's why we must all unite to take back the means of production comrade.

Lol based... I like your plan except bigots fuck up everything and I hear Antarctica is beautiful.

I'm having a hard time taking you seriously lol

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>I'm edgy fagit
Sir Ian McKellen is cool though, great actor

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Lol no, besides it's not like anyone wants to have sex with me. My looks can make people question their sexuality, and not in a good way.

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Well I don't take the issue of gays very seriously so me being super serious about the "issue" is not gonna happen.

Lol is vanguard what that child molester called himself while he was starting a sex cult? You can keep your pedo propaganda maam

Only cool gay guy I can think of is probably rob halford and that's mostly because he's got a wicked voice that's held up through about 50 years of priest.

Haha it's cool man I feel the same way about things you care about. In this wacky world of ours, we're all just trying to get by. What's your struggle homie?

Oh hell yeah dude "British Steel" still holds up. My dad likes "Screaming for Vengence" more though

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nice shop skillz friend.
what was this thread about anyways?

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Not the only possibility, don't intellectualize - if you acted like normal humans with your "sexuality" and didn't act like glorified attention whores you'd be left alone. You all brought this to yourselves. Open your eyes

Well homelessness for one has been the big thing these last 2 years for me and my parents marriage is falling apart, other than that yeah it's great I totally have time to care about gay rights.

I'd have to say I'm with your dad on "Screaming for Vengeance" but "Painkiller" is easily #1 priest for me.

So instead of confronting this issue where you experience it, you come to Yea Forums to whine like a bitch to people that will support you.

You're a fucking coward and your persecution complex of gays "pushing their lifestyle onto you" is just pathetic. Quit being so fucking sensitive.

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The Patriot Act (George W Bush) is what dismantled the Constitution.

The only part Republicans haven't destroyed is the Second Amendment.

old testament/torah bullshit doesnt count, I'm going to jew purgatory and I'm ok with it

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Seeing this as whining is a wrong conclusion, that's what you want to see. Get a real accusation or get lost.
To not see the danger is just typical of your - holier-than-thou passive attitude. Argument like a man, by growing a pair and being active.

>I'm n-n-n-NOT whining, you just don't understand me
>EVERYONE needs to be as scared as I am, you just don't understand

Fuck off, whiny bitch

Show us your dick.

Oh look, trying to be all smart and serious, with passive aggression of course. So grown up...
Being a pacifist gets you nothing.

Daily reminder that you're worried about what other people do with their genitals. God damn you have a sad life.

No joining in on you fetish choices is not fear. Not wanting to suck your cock is not my fear IT's yours. Get over yourself.
You care more about what I do and like than you do on living you own fucking life

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What about black history month?

Implying niggers aren't a tragedy

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when you and your friend Alex get into some beef

It must be hard to be so easily triggered by things such as homosexuality.

“Say my pronouns or go to jail” LMFAOO

gay men and lesbians deserve respect and equal rights. "transgender" people and sissies deserve mental health to help cure their disorder. nobody should commit suicide, ever.

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I love artistic works of fiction & falsehoods.

Found the actual pedo

yeah that's why gay marriage is now national law. kek. Tell me more about how everyone agrees with you.

Get a gun, load it, and put it your mouth then pull the trigger.

Better than ever seeing another nigger?

That’s the only solution for people like yourself.

Found a faggot

they can always start shit and let someone else do it for them

Chill dude. I don't support that kind of shit. I was just making a rhyme jeez.


>I love artistic works of fiction
Me too

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ever stop to consider whether or not it was due to systematic persecution and prejudice by tribal chimpanzees like yourself?
Gay people are never going away. Cope, faggot.

they'd be sad if the gays went away because then they'd have to find a new scapegoat.

they think that killing and bullying people who aren't like them is a solution for the world's problems. they're too dumb to realize that straight men ruined the world... so..

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this is so stupid and I cant believe how many people on this website think this. Most gay people dont parade around about being gay. you just only see the ones who do parade around about it and think that they represent the entire category of people.
I am gay, there are WAY more gay people than you think, and actually most of the ones ive met are really normal and masculine. The flamboyant femme ones get all the attention but they are in no way a majority.

exactly. i mean, lets not use critical thinking to analyze why we hate people. that is hard, and these breeders are complacent. wouldn't want to put in the effort to understand an issue.

im sure theres a lot of personal reasons why someone may hate another group.
I tend to think it comes from middle school where you cant be sweet to your friends or else you are called gay and queer, and you know people take "no homo" much more seriously and theres a sort of nervousness to not come across as overly affectionate. And you just keep thinking thats the way things should be.
of course I dont know, I can only ever speculate

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have fun with your modern computers that a gay man invented.. along with everything else you take for granted that gay people made for you to enjoy.

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>w-we wuz
here we go...
>along with everything else you take for granted that gay people made for you to enjoy.
like peanut butter?

thread died, oh well, so much for: GAY BAD

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Have fun no propagating you species.
BTW - you're welcome

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>thread died, of AIDS

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people like you really chug that koolaid.
there are likely forces at work peddling divisiveness in the populace. gay people really aren't a problem for you.
like someone said earlier, its the over the top, flamboyant gays that you actually don't like, and many gay people don't like themselves, nor do they like the 'gay flag'. its a whole community of people. you dont like when people generalize you because you're (probably) a 'straight' white guy.

consider that not every issue is black and white.

Show us your boipussy.

both cases are bad, it is so hard to actually respect each other opinions?

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this guy metaphorically burns more US flags than a factory of flag-burning wage-slaves in China could.
btw, i support free speech. you assume that all gay and left-leaning people are the same because you're ignorant

95% sell it hard to anyone who will listen. My thought is if dick is so great then more for you if I don't, yet the selling continues. Great products don't have to be pushed.

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Not as long as one side keeps screaming for special treatment

>I assume that all gay and left-leaning people are the same because they're ignorant
Your words can not erase what the eyes have seen.

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you mean your anecdotally informed opinion of the outside world? please man. i own you.

Played chess with a pigeon.
It crapped all over the playfield, and struts around like it won.

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Are you insinuating that Hereros are incapable of being sexual deviants?

the country has always had liberal people.
they didn't just turn into some bogeyman magically.

you literally cant separate one group from another, which makes you ignorant.. and a bigot (sorry to say).

I'm a liberal and I don't want the radical left OR the radical right to prevail. I like offensive jokes and guns and I love my country.

and yeah, the term NAZI is weaponized too much by liberals AND by conservatives (who say 'im rubber, you're glue..'

use your brain

What’s special treatment? Asking not to be discriminated against?

No, I'm implying that faggots are mostly pedos.

the only reason that myth prevails is because in times passed a couple pedos were probably touching effeminate young boys.

thus, a permanent logical fallacy was born. almost nobody in any group is a pedo.

Most pedos are straight. Have you not been on here?

>when you spent 8 years calling democrats snowflakes for putting the kids on a pedistal,but then whine when some high school kid harasses an adult and gets shit for it

and they wonder why even republicans hate trump supporters

whats funny is these kinds of pictures are often made by trump supporters,maybe we should show em the picture of donny the new york fag lover holding up a gay pride flag

>you literally cant separate one group from another, which makes you ignorant.. and a bigot (sorry to say).
I agreed with everything you said except the above.
Groups self segregate, there is no need for me to separate them.

Poland. Italy. Russia.

never go full retard. The internet was invented by misfits. Go try to be a normie faggot somewhere your virtue signalling might actually do something for you.

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just a reminder that Hitler almost destroyed his own country and most of Europe.

talk about anti-white.

>What’s special treatment? Asking not to be discriminated against?
Asking me to let you groom children is just one of my sticking points a suppose.

>every gay person is a rainbow-colored pedophile
how wrong can you be?

If being gay was not a choice, then gay people would not be against experimentation on conversion therapy because they would be certain that it would not work. They simply want to live out their perverted fantasies. The truth does not fear investigation.

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>the only reason that myth prevails is
Because records were being kept

Fuck up diversifag. Nobody should need to live somewhere where niggers and faggots live.

Fake news for faggots

You mad you can't fuck kids user?

im sure.

but also, straight men are responsible for most of the incidences of rape. maybe we should kill all of them?

see how your argument has holes?

What do you do with "your mad" user?

This is 2019! You get your low resolution imagery out of my internet you dirty low-reser.

im not catching your drift, shitbeast

You spend too much time thinking about gay people. What are you trying to tell us from that closet of yours?

lots of people and groups.

Straight people.

Odds are that the larger collective with all those group letters has more pedos.

Child raping shit eater

Hits too close to home does it?

pretty certain that pedophilia and homosexuality are two different things.
often enough you have straight men diddling little girls. ever see a Loli thread pop up on here?
and anyway, how do you account for the gays that don't practice pedophilia?
meaningless words from a meaningless, anonymous edgelord


Speculation, you have zero evidence to back that up, you closet case.

>calling someone a faggot because he's stupid

>pedophilia and homosexuality are two different things.
That are common among people working with children.

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yeah. im not even clear on what that last statement means...

'the larger collective'?

the whole thing just doesn't really make sense. straight people are also a varied assortment of groups. not all straight people think or live the sameway.

its just that classic, tribal thinking. apes throwing shit around.

the worst thing is that people like this only get more enraged when you prove that you're smarter and right. they just want to be right no matter what.

>meaningless words from a meaningless, anonymous edgelord
So blame it all on the small minority group then?

i reckon that homosexuals work with children because they tend to be more gentle and understanding. doesn't make them a pedophile.

In order to help cure homosexuality, I'd like to offer my kik for you to purge all your dick pics.


i dont even know what you are saying lol

if i print out and send you my dick pic, will you eat it on stream?

Never used that word, you did. I don't spend much of my day thinking about what gay people do and you seem weirdly fixated on it for some reason. I assume it's because you want a hard cock in your ass. Really, as long as you find someone who loves you that you can love back that's all that really matters in the end.

Hey no homo but ur cute

uwu it's a fuckin' cutie

where can i find more of your stuffs?
also i wanna see that chest tattoo

I think it’s funny because it’s not true.
& making Trump gay isn’t funny because again it’s just making fun of gays.

Good, act like you don't know what's going on. That's what I'm going to do user

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So all the Loli threads here are fake news lol?

That’s why they should just kill themselves. Too weak to handle being around others.


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This is retarded. Even for you.

>So all the Loli threads here are
Yes, artwork

talk to me once your schizophrenic episode subsides

drawings made by and for pedophiles to indulge in and probably increase their desire for real little girl pussy.

that they are drawings isn't really an excuse.

lmfao “artwork”

>This is retarded. Even for you.
A member of the straight minority, that's being blamed for everything.


Nazi detected.

>iT's aRt
no it's cp. fuck off pedo

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Are you saying that art for pedos should be banned because you hate pedos?
Can they still have music user?

“Straight Minority” okay I’m sorry, this is even more retarded.

As long as it’s not children making lewd sounds.

In you opinion.
Which by the way means nothing to me

To you a straight pedo?

Gee I wonder why?

im saying we should work to understand the phenomenon of pedophilia in society, then find a way to properly treat the affected individuals in a humane way and NOT condone pedophilia's practice.

and the next time you put words in my mouth i want you to think about that time when I put my fat Brazilian cock in your mouth.

>“Straight Minority” okay I’m sorry, this is even more retarded.
No we like to be called the "s" community.and we are smaller than the multi-letter group, because they have more letters.

>hurr durr look at me i'm so cool your opinion means nothing to me
fuck off pedo, your peepee probably twitched through its cage at the image i posted.

take that cage and swallow it.

>children making lewd sounds
Not music, last time I checked

you cared enough to reply and defend your craven desire for children's holes. probably because you have failed to achieve sexual orgasm induced by a woman's sweet sweet vagina wrapped around your pathetic dicklet.

How does logic lead you into thinking he is the actual faggot?


Heteros are capable of keeping deviancy to themselves and not parading their fetishes down the fucking street

Well that’s not how being a minority works even though I’m sure you’re aware of that.
Weirdest “hahaha i only pretended to be retarded.” Moment I’ve seen on here.

>and the next time you put words in my mouth

& loli threads aren’t art last I did.

What? What the fuck?

what an interesting reply. i knew you had nothing to say even from the start.

Are you kidding? Y’all are having straight pride parades, usbing public funds just to get laid now.

Opinions are like was hole, and you got one

conversion therapy has already been done and is still done. just because someone is gay doesn't mean they want to volunteer to be exposed to pseudoscience.

another brainlet, folks.

>Opinions are like was hole, and you got one
i may have was hole, but at least i didn't have a fucking stroke typing this shit.

just an hero already

please just ignore them so they go away. they can't speak English. you're kicking down at this point lol.

What on earf are going on about?

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It’s still torture you absolute tool.

i'm not sure if this is your first day here, but trolls do not go away just because they're ignored.

but anyway are you the absolute fucking cutie from earlier who was posting her pics?

>Well that’s not how being a minority works even though I’m sure you’re aware of that.
We changed the rules as soon as you became a minority.

Kitchen, now!

i dont live under a rock. trolls get bored too.

& yeah that was me.

Aw, so cute

Don't worry about the wehraboo's, they're dying out, and the ones that are still around live in their moms house existing only on the internet

I'm an old fuck, least it feels like it. 45 years old. Wish I grew up as a kid today, it's amazing people can be out without most people assuming they're perverts, mentally ill, etc. Society advances, and some people choose to get left behind because the old and familiar is comfortable.

not sure what earf is

No, you’re just a retard.

>. i knew you had nothing to say even from the start.
No you didn't. You are a triggered faggot that couldn't resist my bait.

You are truly pathetic.

>implying being heterosexual is a fetish and not the default of literally every mammal on earth
>coping this hard with not being normal

sounds like i just owned you with my better words, champ.
thanks for admitting that you never had a point either.

at least he's not bringing out the spambots tbh. the dickspam ones are annoying af

i'm in the same boat as you, but haven't hopped into the dating scene. hella rocking those piercings. looove it!

lol no there was literally a straight pride parade

>just an hero already
English mother Fucker, do you speak it!?

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and you just got trolled. im not that cute.

but anyway, good for you. here's a dick.

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Earf= nigger earth

insecure, uninformed people who have no idea what its actually like to be discriminated against.

imagine living in a bubble, away from the realities of the world. far away.


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which one is that, Pluto?

That's what somebody that just changed the rules would day

Fishing with pathetic bait, hey it works

Imagine if the majority of people presumed it was ok to have an opinion on you that they had to express. Imagine you couldnt get married until recently. Imagine millions of people thinking you're so disgusting they refuse to take your money when you want a legitimate service done, like baking a cake.

Private business, personal opinion, that's all ok. But why do we all have to insist on making life harder for ourselves? Just mind your own business and everything is fine... and yeah, as a gay man I understand it's annoying to hear about gay issues all the time as a straight guy. I really do get it, because it annoys even me sometimes... but when you're 3% of the population of the country you live in, I think some minor things needs to be done to ensure your "group" or whatever you want to call us don't feel so small and marginalized.

For every one hundred people you talk too, maybe 2-3 of them are gay. So honestly I get it, you are annoyed by us being in the news and on the tv all the time (I'm not particularly flattered with gay depictions on tv it's usually cringey) BUUUUUT in real life, we're not really an issue. Surely?

damn, i thought the summerfags were gone. holy fuck you're new

dear god i hope that's not yours, did a steamroller drive over your balls? i sure wouldn't flex with that if i were you

go google straight pride parade you retard.
I'm not even the fuck you were responding to.

White with a black dick? WUT.

A faggot that lacks reading comprehension? On my Yea Forums?

>my argument is that shoving pink dildos down your throat is abnormal. Being straight is normal. Straight people having a parade is normal because being straight is normal. Having fag parades where grown men dress in leather dog outfits on leashes is not normal.

Pluto isn't a planet any more. Everyone said so. That how we get things done around here

idk user, i just laugh at the little boy

dude i don't care about your argument, i'm not arguing with you because i couldn't care less about your views on gay shit. k? k.

sorry. i just woke up from a coma. i couldn't handle the shock of us electing a half black, half white man into office. its been a while.

You don't say....

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Trips of coma.

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I'm the one that posted those pics, I just got bored
>having this pic saved, totally "straight"

do you have any places i can follow u?
honestly fuckin' adorable and i need more of us girls to follow

Yeah. I have to see every girlcock and boipussy on the planet.

>damn, i thought the summerfags were gone. holy fuck you're new
Nah, been here for years. Just trolling the homos today

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why not go get laid instead

Old, married, and all 3 of my straight kids are grown and moved out. Now I go fishing.

Posting Twitter here is a bad idea

what made you think i was straight? i'd suck his cock.

This guys never been to a gay pride parade with that “shoving pink dildos shoved down their throats” bit.
Attend one & you may find it a lot different from what your fears conjure up.

ahh, a literal oldfag. i see.
question, do you only hate the ones who rub it in your face or are people like me who just act and look like everyone else in public ok.

like i just wanna go on with my life and be a bit happier than i otherwise would be alone.

>thanks for admitting that
I trolled you. Your bait was too tempting and it triggered me.


Well from your bigotry I assure you none of your kids would EVER come out to you.

The point of a pride is for queers to be openly queer & unafraid.

Straight pride is essentially the same response that “All Lives Matter.” was to black lives matter. It’s whole purpose is to imitate, & not in a good way. But again I’m sure you’re aware of this even when most of you just feign that you aren’t.

>everyone me no like is pedo

Everyday* come on let’s be honest here.

Pedophilia is not being pushed by the LGBT community. They hate it as much as everyone does.

>Look at my unsourced meme please believe me I need attention.

No I’m mean you’re pathetic. Your very existence is.

What's the problem?

at least you're a good sport. oh wait, I was trolling YOU the whole time!

hahaaaa what a reversal. alright. here's a dick.

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Those places wouldn't accept your mutt, degenerate ass either.

Oh I’m not the only one who calls you a retard.

and lets assume that even if they weren't straight, they would find their father too unloving and unattached to even come out.

what a beautiful thing.

This is trueZ

you know who actually practices more pedophilia than the fraction of gay people (and any population for that matter)?

the elite

Yea I’d say that’s accurate.

Pride is fucking degenerate. I'm all for gay rights but when you're having butt sex on main street, in public, after you've been given the same rights as everyone else, I wouldn't be sad if someone shot you faggots up.

>do you only hate the ones who rub it in your face
Well most are like this. However, I have friends that are gay. In fact I was best man at a gay wedding a few years ago. It was pretty amazing. I was a bit pissed when my friends new husband wouldn't kiss him at the reception because his mother was there. I figure he should leave his mother and join with his husband, but I guess gays are still figuring this marriage thing out. I actually give them advice because its such a new thing.

>or are people like me who just act and look like everyone else in public ok.

As long as you're not preaching and selling it to anyone and everyone that you can get to listen. I mean who does this. Even pimps don't sell sex like that. These types need help. I think these are the people that are gay by choice, and need confirmation and validation constantly because they are not comfortable with who they are.

In a way that's good thing. But they are all in their 30's. I think I would know something by now

Underated comeback

Ok well, when I see a thread, I pull it

Practiced maybe
Pushed maybe not

Just a couple points:

Civil war will ruin our country and produce an inferior one to what we have now. Plus your loved ones suffer. You likely get killed. Russia and China have free reign to rule the planet.

People who shit on gays and blacks and think women should be docile: These people are largely responsible for the response and galvanized of the radical left they hate so much. think about how US destroying the middle east helped spread radical Islam.

Your lack of empathy for your fellow human will only mean that they have an excuse to hate you. And if power shifts, they're not gonna be kind to you at all.

You played yourself.

You mad user?

>I was a bit pissed when my friends new husband wouldn't kiss him at the reception because his mother was there. I figure he should leave his mother and join with his husband,
he damn well should have. that's fucked. i'm disappointed in his mother for bringing him up in a way where that would happen.

i sure as hell wouldn't let my mom stop me.

>As long as you're not preaching and selling it to anyone and everyone that you can get to listen.

nah, i just want to wake up, go to work, make an honest living, come home, and snuggle up with my partner and our cats.

not a big ask, imo.

Your just mad because you didn't think of it first.


You’ve never been to a pride obviously.

You’re not really for gay rights then if you wouldn’t be upset if someone killed us in the street for simply existing. You can fuck outta here with that “I’m all for gay rights” when you’re not bullshit.

I highly doubt you were a best man at a gay wedding.

Kek wit respek my friend

The only thing I respect is the big, fertile cock of a black man.

and a fine soft cheese.

I bet because once again you’re pathetic.

>Oh I’m not the only one who calls you a retard
Of course not. The rules are universally changed.

Mad? lol

Well, if they are a stubborn as me, they don't give a fuck what I think. That's how I know I brungem' up rite

Sure buddy. As long as you know you are.


ugh, so many icky libtards... ew

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and yet you 'troll the gays'
anyway, you're still a chimp that likes to squeeze turds in his aging, dying hands. no matter what.

bro. lemme see your toy collection.

Libtards? That’s not a nice way to refer to libertarians.

>he damn well should have. that's fucked. i'm disappointed in his mother for bringing him up in a way where that would happen.
I was a little upset myself. She died a couple weeks ago. I think he was just trying to respect his mother. It was still fucked up though. But hey I'm not gay, and this may be something I won't be able to grasp.

ok liberal

nah, i sure as hell wouldn't let her stop me.

a lot of us have to deal with the potential of being ostracized from our family after coming out, so perhaps he didn't want to make her even more upset than she already was. idk, just throwing stones at this point.

As long as you aren't pressuring me to partake, you have your happiness, and I have mine

Not a liberal dipshit lol

>I bet because once again you’re pathetic
Because I have no self control, like a pedo?

no toys bro... dont r/woosh me I'm not cringe normie bro,... .,.,.,... :(

Kel, I think "lol" can get you banned. Might want to read the rules some time

Careful with those edges

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ok liberty prime

Consensus isn't fact

uwu source me mommy

fags are ok if they keep it to themselves unless they have a nice boypussy

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Ok then, if there's no compromise then I say kill all the faggots.

Kek should also get you banned in that case.

Okay gamer

the dank inevitable become the normies
especially when they seem to know so much about Reddit
also, Reddit is a great website for conversations on almost any topic.

Fact that you’re a retard? It’s pretty obvious.

I thought my kid not to give a fuck what anyone thinks.
You think I care what you think.
Who's retarded again?

>someone getting fucked in the ass is a national tragedy
Go outside

Do a better one. Kill yourself coward.


This guy gets it

I agree, but I managed to be respectful, and not lose respect for him. He's being good to my friend though. I think he was just trying to walk some imaginary line to make everyone happy. So I kinda get it.

welp, i'm heading off to work.

you have a good day, man.

Pretty sure I read it in the rules

Your opinion is also not facts.

user figured out he's gay and he's on denial

Not welcome? 2% of my countries population took part in pride one year.

Most people don't have opinions on LGBT people, because it would be like having opinions on a tree or the ground

Most fag-haters are the muslims that our newly elected socialist government is bringing in in droves.

Hell, the leader of our conservative party is gay and married to a black man.

>>someone getting fucked in the ass is a national tragedy
Trying to make me endorse it is a national mental health tragedy.

>who's retarded again?
that would be you. its sad that a man with adult children would ever go on Yea Forums just to troll a minority.

kudos, you stud. and you probably dont have kids, but hey.

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Dude. It is a fact because you are. It’s not opinion based.


i think we should all go back in time and stop man from existing, because from his inception he was fucking his fellow man in the ass. and probably always will.

there's your solution.

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Reminde that book burnings in Germany only included pornography, faggot and commie propaganda.

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You too. Nice chat

gay niggas be like *fart on penis* hhhhhoohhohhh hhyeahh bbabbbyyyy

I’m aware. But I wouldn’t say I’ve abused it.

>just to troll a minority.
Implying queers are a minority.
8 out of my 10 friends in High School (1980's) came out as gay. Please Google "minority" I'll wait

Reminder that you're a lying faggot and the reason so many art dealers have famous paintings and personal property is because Hitler was insecure and wanted to destroy history which is why he burned stuff he didn't like.

Well I didn't get a vote, that hardly seem fair then.

I would tell you to do the same, but statistically you probably already will, mentally ill tranny

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You hanging with a majority of queers doesn’t mean queers are a majority.

The only solution I'm looking for is the one that makes gays shut the fuck up about their lifestyle and just live it. Leaving everyone else to do the same in peace. Any ideas?

So my sample of my community doesn't count? I suppose only yours does.

You need a vote to determine if you’re a retard? Lmao

You’re the one incapable of coexisting with others over inane reasoning. You should kill yourself.

yeah. leave them alone and they wont have
to talk to you about it.

you can reject the over the top, flamboyant
ones. thats fine by me. but thats like.. 10%
of gays at best.

how often do you even talk to gay people in real life? not often i assume.

make sense?

>You hanging with a majority of whites does mean you are a racist though, and the general population has nothing to do with anything.

They don’t know who’s queer unless they’re overly flamboyant. But in their minds that’s every single one.0

i mean. if you know there is going to be a gay pride parade and you're not into that.. maybe keep the kids home and spend time with them?

or just ignore it?

This is irrelevant but go off.

Trying to move the goalposts only shows that you’re not capable of actual reasoning.

>yeah. leave them alone and they wont have
>to talk to you about it.
They can't talk about anything else for Christs sake
>you can reject the over the top, flamboyant
No, they are in your face bastards.
>but thats like.. 90%
>of gays at best.
Its all they ever talk about!

So a minority doesn't get a vote in your world?

Male pride parade, when is that again?

theyre people. they have lives and hobbies.
they dont talk about it constantly.
most want to be left alone and not killed
like you people love to do.

accept that people talk about issues/subjects important to them.

You said my community sample was no good. I mearly point out that if a town is predominanty white, then your friends are going to be white. It say nothing about if you're a racist. The sample is legit!

>accept that people talk about issues/subjects important to them.
Which they manage to steer the conversation into with in seconds

But I love cock and boi pussy so much. What's wrong with that?

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>theyre people. they have lives and hobbies.
>they dont talk about it constantly.
>most want to be left alone and not killed
>like you people love to do.
If this were true, we wouldn't even be aware of them. They'd be way easier to tolerate.

That’s what I’m saying.

bottom faggot here

If i was in that position I'd be dying to feel his hand grope my ass. Just saiyan.

Ignore the drag queen at the public library grooming the children, you fucking bigot

clearly you dont understand gay people

Same. My ass would be so perky. I'd want him to spread my asscheeks

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Everyone has an opinion. Just like how I think atheists are simple minded fools who go around degrading anyone who has a different opinion than them. Just like op is trying to impress his views of hatred towards trannies. Everyone has an opinion get over yourself Mr big bang world create itself.

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>clearly you dont understand gay people
Grooming children in a public library. Yes, I'm so out of touch user

Sounds like you need to learn to mind your own business. No one is forcing it in your face

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